Xia Xun and Xu Jingchang went upstairs, and the boss personally led them and sent them into the private room. Everyone in the room immediately stood up and stepped forward to greet them.

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Sit, sit, sit down, please sit down, everyone is a good friend, there are no outsiders, during the banquet, don't talk about the old rules, don't you think the usual rules are not enough? Come on Come, sit down and talk!"

At this time, the beautifully dressed dancer had just entered the private room, and when she saw that the adults were making noise, she stood quietly aside.

Xia Xun said to invite everyone to take their seats, but everyone still couldn't help but come forward to salute and pay respects. After being busy all the time, they took their seats one after another.Xia Xun and Xu Jingchang had the highest status, and they were both state princes on equal terms. However, Xu Jingchang was Xia Xun's junior, and Xia Xun was his uncle, so naturally he was the chief.

Everyone sat down, Xia Xun glanced around, and said with a smile: "Our imperial envoy Huang Zhen, and Mr. Zhang Xitong from the Ministry of Rites have just returned to Beijing. We have worked hard in Liaodong for many years. The banquet today is to cleanse the dust for you." At the same time, I also congratulate you on your promotion. Master Xie, Master Hu, and our Dudu Xue are all very close friends, especially our suave Bachelor Jie, who is an elegant person at the banquet , please come and have fun!"

In fact, although Xie Jin is outstanding in talent and learning, his appearance is not amazing. He has a short figure and dark complexion. To say that he is suave and suave is really a bit of a compliment.However, the chief assistant of the cabinet is not an ordinary person. Everyone carries the bridal sedan chair, and they are polite to him, so of course he has to be polite to others.

Of course, this is also because of the cabinet in the early Ming Dynasty, because the emperor was extremely powerful, and the chief assistant of the cabinet was not so beautiful.If it were changed later, then the chief minister of the cabinet was the real prime minister of the country. Even Xia Xun, a figure in the ranks of the country, would at most be on an equal footing, and it was impossible to be superior to others.

Xia Xun gave the opening speech, then raised his glass and said, "Come on, let's have this drink first. This first glass of wine is to celebrate the promotion of Huang Yushi and Mr. Zhang!"

Huang Zhen and Zhang Xitong were promoted, and there were a lot of colleagues congratulating them, and they all agreed on a date for a banquet, but even if they were promoted, only their old colleagues and current officials would have a banquet together. How could there be a Shangguan to accompany them? It all depends on Xia Xia. Xun's face.Huang Zhen and Zhang Xitong were full of glory, full of emotion, they quickly toasted and toasted several adults one by one, and then they drank the full glass of wine, and when they sat down again, their faces were flushed, even their eyes were darkened. Some red.

It's not that they drink too little, but that both of them used to be unsuccessful officials, and the master who sat on the bench in his own yamen, now has the glory of today, looking back at the present and recalling the past, I am deeply moved, and I can't help being moved .Xia Xun saw the dancer standing in the corner, looking at him with her wonderful eyes, so she waved her hand and said with a smile: "This beauty is just right for wine. You are..."

He looked at the girl's dance clothes and knew that she was going to dance, so he laughed and said, "Please come in, the musician, and sit down at the side. Today is the joy of our Master Huang and Master Zhang being promoted, so please invite the girl to dance with you." Hey!"

Seeing that he spoke politely, the girl smiled at him, opened the door to call out, and the musicians who had been delayed outside because of Xia Xun and Xu Jingchang's arrival just filed in and sat down on one side of the private room. Set up the harp, and then opened a painting screen to block them.

This girl is performing a peacock dance, in which there are many movements imitating the peacock with her body, which is vivid and lively.In addition, this girl is tall and slender, with a dance dress made of peacock feathers on the back, Zhang Youhe, which cooperates very well. If she is matched with many modern stage skills, she will definitely be a national treasure-level entertainer.This kind of performance made everyone mesmerized, especially Huang Zhen and Zhang Xitong.With their former status, they couldn't enter such an elegant place and see such a performance by the top dancers of the Ming Dynasty.

Xia Xun was used to it, chatting and laughing with Xie Jin and Xu Jingchang on the left and right, just talking, then raised his glass, walked to Huang Zhen and Zhang Xitong's table, laughed and congratulated, and held a drink together.These high-end places are arranged according to the most upscale banquet standards of the upper class. Everyone sits at a table for one person, so several people sit in a semicircle. Huang Zhen and Zhang Xitong are the lowest among the crowd, sitting at both ends On the outermost side, Xia Xun took the initiative to toast and walked to the end of the table.

As soon as he left, Xie Jin and Xu Jingchang were separated by a table. In addition, they were not familiar with each other and had nothing to talk about, so they turned their heads and went to chat with his in-law Hu Guang. Just as he was talking, the girl was already dancing. Come on, the girl is dancing very hard, fine beads of sweat are dripping from her forehead, she is panting to give blessings to everyone, and then she is about to step down gracefully.

Hu Guang said with a smile: "Just now, the little girl in green clothes, Mr. Shoufu gave me a poem. How can I favor one over another now? For this peacock beauty, should you also give me a poem?"

Xie Jin glanced drunk, and glanced at the towering chest of the peacock beauty with a smile.Because this dancer is wearing a peacock feather coat, her wings spread out like a peacock, she is very beautiful, but in order to fix the feather coat, the chest is stretched tightly, and the two protruding breasts are very conspicuous, which is reflected in the toga It is very rare among Daming women who have big sleeves and Luo Chang Bijia covering their graceful figure. He is a man, so it is inevitable to take a second look.

"Do you make poetry..."

Xie Jin glanced at the beauty. The peacock beauty wore a deep-pocketed dress. From the neckline to the lower abdomen, there was a dense row of buttons, like centipede feet. This was to tie the feather coat so that it would not lose its shape. Because of the beautiful curves of her body, Following her slightly rapid breathing just after dancing, Xiongru's curves rise and fall, which is very charming.Xie Jin pondered for a while, and asked, "What's the name of this beauty?"

Seeing his questioning, the dancing girl blessed her body and said, "My slave Qingluo, I have seen the master!"


Xie Jin, a great talent, if he really wrote a poem from the Eight Classics, it would be a great honor to these artists, and he would really be regarded as a treasure and boasted everywhere.If Xie Jinhao wrote a poem as a gift, although the girl was not angry with him for humiliating the younger sister, they were originally lowly happy households, so they would not care too much for themselves.

However, Xie Jin was narrow-minded by nature, loved to tease people since he was a child, and became famous after he was an adult. His kung fu did not keep up, and he suddenly got a high position, which is a bit frivolous. How could he put his heart into writing poems as gifts?

He pondered for a while, and a smirk slightly floated on the corner of Xie Jin's mouth, and said: "Then I will recite a poem on the topic of Qingluo girl, listen up! A green shirt with a collar and a beautiful figure are better than Jiao'e "If Chunxin is willing to lock it firmly, why use so many buttons!"

"it is good!"

Xue Lu's mouth was full of food, and when he sneaked out to say hello, he slapped him with two slaps.This old man can't read a basket, and he doesn't know what Xie Jin is talking about. Anyway, it is a poem written by Xie Dashi, so it must be good, and he can't go wrong if he applauds.

Xie Jin's doggerel directly pokes at the girl's sore spot, mocking that she is in Lehu, so she will inevitably end up with Zhang Shuwei and Shi Feng's pillow mat. No matter how many buttons there are on the body, the skirt is easy to take off.A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of that green radish girl, and her face turned red instantly.

Hu Guangle couldn't help but said: "Miss Qingluo, haven't you thanked us for the gift of poetry?"

Girl Qingluo held back her anger and leaned back: "It's not indecent to come and go, and my family also has a poem titled Xie Dashi. I would like to give it back to Xie Dashi."

Women in brothels can read and write since they were young. Among them, there are many talented women, and it is not uncommon for them to be able to improvise poems. Hu Guang said happily: "Wonderful! Wonderful! It's a good story for bachelors and beauties to come and go, sing and sing together. What's wrong with the girl?" Great poem, please sing it quickly!"

Xie Jin was quite curious, so he stopped his glass and looked at her. Miss Qingluo tinged her proud suxiong, and chanted: "The jade belt and black yarn are Qiluo, and the charming attitude is better than Jiao'e. If it weren't for wagging your tail and begging Leftover bones, long live, why do you need to shout so much?"

"it is good!"

Xue Lu stretched out two big hands like cattail leaf fans, and continued to applaud enthusiastically. He still didn't understand what the girl was chanting. Anyway, he heard that there were black yarn and long live in it. It must be an excellent poem. Just follow along. Applause is, whoever said that our boss is not learned, we can also hear it!


Hu Guang and Zhang Xitong pulled their beards, wanted to laugh but didn't dare, looked at the embarrassed Xie Jin, and then at the Qingluo girl who looked sideways and looked like a fighting cock, they didn't know what to say.

Xu Jingchang suppressed a smile and lowered his head, covered his face with his sleeve and coughed twice, when he raised his head again, the sudden smile had disappeared completely.He has been the Duke of the State for several years, the young master of the Zhongshan Palace.Its face-changing skill has been practiced to a state of perfection.

Xie Jin was ashamed and annoyed, his mouth was too stinky, and he usually taunted people a lot, but few people he dared to taunt dared to talk back to him, but today he was taunted by a dancer.The girl taunted her, and she didn't give him the slightest face as the chief minister of the court. This embarrassment is really...

For a while, he was so embarrassed that his face turned red, and Xie Jin was ashamed and annoyed, but he insulted others first, and the girl just paid back respect with poems. She has already lost her face, so can she still compete with a dancing girl with the dignity of a prime minister? .Not knowing how to do a good job, Xia Xun, who was whispering to Huang Zhen, suddenly heard the silence in the room, couldn't help raising his head, and asked blankly, "Why did you stop?"

Seeing the girl standing there, Xia Xun smiled and said, "Oh, let's stop singing and dancing? Very good, very good, the girl's dancing skills are superb, and please go down and rest, and call some girls to sing some songs Let me help you enjoy the wine!"

With Xia Xun's interruption, the Qingluo girl took the opportunity to retreat, and after a while, several girls came, singing and dancing, and the private room suddenly became lively again.Hu Guang took the opportunity to say to Xie Jin, whose face was blushing black: "The prime minister can punt a boat in his belly, don't be as knowledgeable as his wife, come, come, let's drink, let's drink!"

Xia Xun spoke seriously over there, Huang Zhen listened carefully, nodded repeatedly, and chatted for a while, Xia Xun walked back with an empty cup and smiled, seeing that Jin Jin was already drunk, he couldn't help frowning secretly, he There is still something to discuss, how can Xie Jin discuss matters if he drinks too much?He gave Huang Zhen and Zhang Xitong a wink, and then glanced at Hu Guang. The two responded, and immediately toasted and left the table to toast Hu Guang's wine. Xia Xun took the opportunity to pull Xie Jin to his side...

p: Looking for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket! ! ! ! .

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