Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 887 Aggressive feelings

Because what Xia Xun planned is very important to Ming Dynasty, and the political situation in Dongying may change at any time. The distance between the two places is far away, and communication is inconvenient. Sufficient funds were raised in the shortest possible time and handed over to the "maritime merchants" of Xia Xun's nature.At the same time, the ban on Donghai trade, which had just been depressed under Yu Shiji's attack, was also lifted, which opened the door for Xia Xun's actions.

During this period, the death of Duan Shitie Mu'er in prison also caused a commotion in Beijing.

Dumb Timur died on the day he was arrested in Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei reported to the emperor that he committed suicide in fear of crime, and the results of the autopsy proved that he committed suicide by chewing his tongue.At the same time, Jin Yiwei also submitted some relics found from Yashi Timur's house, including generous gifts received, letters sent, and several servants who could serve as witnesses.

As for whether these testimonials and witnesses are real or fake, whether they were tortured or really happened, there is no way to tell. The whole case was handled by Jin Yiwei from the beginning to the end, and no one else could intervene, so how can they question it?

Looking at the letters, gifts, and witnesses’ testimonies that he had communicated with the Tatars, Zhu Di could only blame Ji Gang’s caretaker for his lax behavior, causing him to commit suicide. - died.

Dumb Tie Mu'er is now walking very close to the King of Han Zhu Gaoxu. His death made the King of Han furious. People all regarded this incident as a storm in the dispute between the crown prince and the King of Han.In fact, this is also the case, regardless of whether Ji Gang's death, dumbness, and sticking to Mu'er is revenge, because the two people's positions in the officialdom will inevitably be regarded as the extension of a higher-level struggle.

Therefore, the officials of the prince's faction could only remain silent, they could not attack Ji Gang, and any difficulty to Ji Gang could only be seen by the civil and military officials as a sign of weakness to Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu.Many people focused their eyes on the king of Han, Ji Gang was domineering, and the king of Han was also an arrogant master, could he bear this bad breath?

But something unexpected happened, King Zhu Gaoxu of the Han Dynasty lost a general, and he really endured the anger. He just lost his temper, and the matter was over.When the news came out, the Prince's Faction naturally had a great reputation. In this way, what Ji Gang did was to stand up for the Prince, and it was even more impossible to criticize him harshly, and Ji Gang's personal reputation rose even higher.

It didn't take long before the stories about Ji Gang and Mu Shitie Mu'er fighting for the right way in the street and swearing at each other spread widely. Ji Gang's reputation was in full swing, and if he walked on the street again, not to mention people of his level, he would avoid it. In a flash, even many meritorious officials who are higher in rank than him will greet him with a pleasant face and take the initiative.In just a few days, Ji Gang killed a second-rank official of the imperial court with the snap of his fingers, but he was not injured. Ji Gang became the hottest big shot in Jinling City.

During this period of time, Xia Xun has been busy with Japan affairs. Since the two places are too far apart, every time they communicate, they need to fly across the sea. If they ask the imperial court for instructions on everything, nothing can be done.So Xia Xun went to the palace every day to make various speculations about the possible development direction of Japan's political situation and consult the emperor's attitude and corresponding policies, and then sorted out these policies and conveyed them to Japan.

In fact, Zhu Di's basic policy is the same as Xia Xun's: divide and rule.Xia Xun's planning was so detailed because he wanted to know how much the imperial court could help and support in various specific situations, so that people in Japan knew it well.At the same time, he would also use his own people to persuade Ashikaga Yoshimitsu to seek help from Daming regarding the establishment of an heir.

After the aid, Emperor Guishan’s first funds have already been transported away. The follow-up aid may not be in cash. There are also weapons and food. Food and grass are easy to handle. Weapons cannot be the official weapons of the Ming Dynasty, so they can only be purchased from private workshops. .The Ming Dynasty allowed folks to practice martial arts and forge weapons, so buying them was not a problem, but folk weapons did not include armor and large spears, which are commonly used in battle.

Fortunately, the main weapons of Japanese samurai are knives, bamboo spears and other things that they can use locally. Therefore, the whips, maces, hammers, axes, hooks, and even tiger tooth knives, big ring knives, lancets, cloud-head knives, etc. Two-handed single-handed swords and so on are all kinds of things, as long as they can be used to fight and kill the enemy, they are all loaded into the ship and quietly transported to the harbor in the inherent sphere of influence of the Southern Dynasty of Japan to hide.

The day when Xia Xun finished all this happened to be the end of the three nine-day, marathon-like scientific examinations. The city of Jinling was boiling. Just relax completely.

No matter if you feel that you have done well in the exam, or you feel that you have not displayed [-]% of your strength, you can enjoy yourself at this time, get drunk in a brothel, recruit with red sleeves, relieve your nervousness, and compensate yourself for not eating or sleeping well for many days Hard.On the Qinhuai River, it was three times more bustling than in the past, and it was full of exam candidates who were calling for friends and partying all night.

Exam candidates from other places rarely go to Beijing from their hometown just before the exam. In order to review their homework in Beijing and avoid missing the exam in a hurry, many candidates arrive in Beijing one to two months or even half a year in advance. Most of them couldn't afford to live in the inn all the time, so they all rented in the shanty town on the side of Dabaoen Temple in Changganli.

During the period of waiting for the results to be released, the shantytowns were full of drunken examinees who came in and out of the shantytowns every day.But no matter how crazy the candidates are and how they vent their anger, Gongyuan Street is a place they must go every day. Even though they know that it is not yet the day when the results will be released, they still have to walk there to feel at ease.

In addition, there are always some so-called well-informed people in that kind of place, spreading all kinds of specious gossip, regardless of whether what they say is true or not, listening to the surprise, at least it can relax their uneasy mood.It was during this process that more people, including many students, got to know the family member of the examinee whose family was said to be an official in the Ministry of Rites.

This person's surname is Mai, and his name is Mai Weiying. He often appeared here in the past because someone in his family was taking a scientific research, and he was worried... It was inevitable that he would wait for news nearby.Now that the exam is over, and someone in his family is an official in the Ministry of Rites, he is very well informed. After the exam, there is no need to linger in Gongyuan Street all day.However, it is said that Mai Fuzi's home is near Gongyuan Street, so he can sometimes be seen walking here leisurely with a birdcage.

At the beginning, the children didn't know who he was, or the family members of the children who knew him greeted him... Only then did they gradually know his identity.This person is not like some people who spread the news, but he will answer all the questions, and the answers will be accurate. A lot of news he disclosed was later proved to be accurate. Later, as soon as he appeared in the On Gongyuan Street, many scholars gathered around him... They couldn't wait to ask him about the progress of the examination papers.

Tomorrow is the day when the exam results will be published, and there are especially many exams on Gongyuan Street on this day.On this day, no one went to drink anymore, and no one went to find women anymore. Those juzi and their family members seemed to be suffering from anxiety, wandering aimlessly on Gongyuan Street, chatting here and there. …When you see a lot of people, you must squeeze in and listen.

The rankings will be announced tomorrow, and the high school will reach the sky in one step. Those who fail will have to go back and study hard for three years. Those whose family circumstances cannot afford to continue their studies will have to throw away their books and start farming. Who is not anxious?It seems that by tonight, no one will be able to fall asleep this night.Just at this moment, the Mai Weiying actor came again with a bird cage.

A sharp-eyed person in the crowd recognized him... and immediately greeted him politely: "Mr. Mai... Hello, it's a bit late for a walk today."

Mai Yuan let out an unfriendly "hum" and walked away, quite different from his usual amiable appearance.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone said: "What's wrong with Mai Yuanwai? I'm afraid he won the letter... The son of the family has never won?"

The Mai Yuanwai was about to walk away, but when he heard this, he was very annoyed, turned around suddenly, and said angrily: "If you rely on your real talents and learning, are you afraid that my son will not be able to go to high school? Humph! Then Xie Jin is the examiner, not only talented Only close relatives, but those who are related to him are all taken, and those who have nothing to do with him, or the sons of official families who have always been at odds with him, are not taken! Otherwise, how safe is it?"

As soon as everyone heard it, Mai Yuanwai really got the letter, everyone cheered up and gathered around, chattering and asking: "Mai Yuanwai, do you already know the news? Who won? Who won?"

Mai Yuan blew his beard and stared at him and said: "A total of 84 candidates were selected for the undergraduate degree. How can I remember the names and surnames one by one? I only remember that Xie Jin's fellow Shanxi surnamed Li was the first one, and Fengyang was the second. A royal relative named Lin, hmph! It's unfair to select a scholar!"

Mai Yuanwai only said this sentence, and then pushed away the crowd and walked away. Everyone was chattering, some people hurriedly counted the number of undergraduate candidates, 84 people passed the exam, how many people took one, they have some hope, some people Then ask around if there are any candidates from Jiangxi and Fengyang. I don't know who is so lucky to get into Xiejin's eyes.

The next day, the imperial list was posted, and the list was full of successful Jinshi, the ones ranked at the bottom were undoubtedly from the same Jinshi background, the ones ranked in the middle were inevitably from a Jinshi background, and the top ten were from the same family. Those who want to go to the palace for an interview will then go through the emperor's palace examination to determine the champion, second place, and Tanhua.Generally speaking, there will not be much difference between the ranks of the palace examination and the list made at this moment, and this change is limited to the top few, it depends on who can win the Jinshi and rank. For others, everything is finalized at this moment .

There were a lot of people in front of the imperial list, Xie Jin was looking for scholars, the No.1 champion was Jiangxi Li Luolu, the No.2 second place was Fengyang Lin Guanhai, and the No.3 Tanhua was Fujian Tang Zong.Among the crowd were those who heard from Mai Yuanwai yesterday morning that one or two of the native places and surnames of the scholars were selected at this moment. Just looking at the number of people on the list, they were all the same as what Mai Yuanwai said. The name immediately exploded.

If it's on the list, that's all. If it's not on the list, but also heard the rumors beforehand, who is willing to give up?Even if he disturbed others, he still failed. The candidate who failed the exam also hoped that someone would be unlucky. Sometimes people's psychology is really dark.All of a sudden, countless people started making noises, yelling that the selection of scholars was unfair, and the unknowingly failed candidates were depressed, and after hearing the news, they became energetic like fighting cocks.

The predecessors of the imperial list on Gongyuan Street gathered more and more, and the crowd was raging and clamoring endlessly. Later, the candidates who failed the list rushed forward like crazy, pushed away the poor officials who read the list, tore up the imperial list, and shouted, "It's unfair to select scholars." ", so he went to the Ministry of Rites to complain.

Chen Ying's counterattack against the Prince's faction has finally begun!

p Today's Dragon Boat Festival, I will spare no effort to write another chapter, I wish you all a happy family and a happy holiday! ! .

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