Chapter 888

In the main hall of the Ministry of Rites, there was a commotion outside the yamen, the disciples roared and shouted angrily, and several hall officials were running around in a hurry (). ~~ After a while, Lu Zhen, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, rushed over with his left and right Shiro, and several court officials hurried up to greet him, talking about the matter in a hurry.

Zuo Shilang said angrily: "These candidates are not good in art and have not been in high school, so they want to provoke trouble? My lord, send someone to Yingtianfu and Wucheng Bingmasi to call the guards and blow them away! "


Lu Zhen twirled his beard, thought for a while, and said, "It's true that the Ministry of Rites is in charge of academic affairs and imperial examinations, but the chief examiner is appointed by the emperor, and the chief examiner of the undergraduate course is Mr. Xie , Mr. Xie Ge has a noble character, if you say that he follows the law and bends the law, and the selection of scholars is unfair, this official will not believe it."

The left and right Shiro nodded again and again, and Lu Zhen said again: "The examinees have been in the cold for ten years, and this imperial examination is their life's hope. If it is out of misunderstanding, or if they are deceived by others, and out of anger, they do something out of the ordinary Come on, it’s also human nature. You and I are both scholars, and we have all gone through the torment of this scientific examination, so we should be considerate of them.”

Left and right Shiro and other officials and principals felt that Master Shangshu's words were sincere and reasonable, so they couldn't help nodding frequently.

Lu Chen continued: "Furthermore, if we don't ask indiscriminately, but just beat them out, it will not only hurt the hearts of these disciples, but also make them misunderstand the court even more, and it will not be a good thing for Mr. Xie Ge either. Do you guys think that our Ministry of Rites, officials and officials also really understand that Ge Lao is self-defeating?"

Zuo Shilang said sincerely and sincerely: "What your lord said is true, so what should we do?"

Lu Zhen said: "True gold is not afraid of fire! Let's appease the disciples and tell the emperor about the matter. The court will investigate and find out, and announce the truth to the students all over the world. This matter will naturally subside. The students' resentment can be resolved and the court's prestige can be assured Hold on, the sewage on Mr. Xie Ge's body can also be washed away!"

Everyone praised it again and again, so Lu Zhen solemnly ordered You Shilang to go out to appease the sons, telling them to be calm and not to be impatient, so that they can go back and wait. The Ministry of Rites will report the matter to the court and give everyone an explanation ().He also asked Zuo Shilang to go to the palace immediately to explain the situation to the emperor. In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further and leading to an uncontrollable situation, the emperor asked the emperor to order a thorough investigation immediately.

As for himself, because he was worried that the anger of the disciples would turn into a riot, he personally sat in the Ministry of Rites, and at the same time contacted Ying Tianfu and Wucheng soldiers and horses to dispatch people to prevent the situation from further expanding.After receiving Lu Zhen's order, the left and right Shiro, the hall officials and the principals hurried away immediately, each busy. 4∴8065 For a while, only Lu Zhen was left in the lobby.

Lu Zhengao was sitting behind the official case, pressing a stack of files with his hands, and twirling the inside pages of the files with his thumbs. Thinking of Xie Jin's humiliation of throwing the official letter at him and scolding the junior official, he couldn't help smiling!

The disciples were appeased by the Ministry of Rites, and all the disciples gathered together to talk about it. They felt that the Ministry of Rites had already expressed its attitude, but it was inconvenient to insist on it, and they couldn't really attack the Ministry of Rites. clumsy?While everyone was discussing, someone in the crowd yelled: "Please ask the Imperial College to uphold justice for all the students!"

All the judges immediately had their direction, and they all headed towards the Imperial College at the foot of Jilong Mountain.

National Supervisor.

Guozi Jijiu gathered with doctors, teaching assistants, direct speakers, supervisors, masters and other officials of all sizes, blocking the gate of the Guozijian, and discussing the demands of the students who appealed for grievances.

Guozijian is not only the highest institution of learning in the Ming Dynasty, but also the highest management office of government schools. The supervision and learning are integrated, and it has administrative functions. Duty to Inquire.

Regarding the complaints and grievances of the students, everyone’s opinions are very different. Some people think that the Guozijian does not need to intervene in the matter, and the Ministry of Rites will solve it. Some people think that this is related to students all over the country. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just practice Tai Chi there.

The current Guozi Jijiu is called Chen Anzhi, and Chen Anzhi sits cross-legged and listens quietly to everyone's opinions.All the doctors, teaching assistants, and supervisors were at loggerheads, and finally cast their eyes on him. Chen Anzhi's eyes seemed to be closed, as if he was dozing off, but when the discussion stopped, his eyes suddenly opened () .

Chen Anzhi said excitedly: "The Guozijian is a place to cultivate talents for the imperial court. We have cultivated talents, and we have to take scientific examinations to recruit them to serve the country. If there is unfairness in the selection of scholars by the imperial court, will An Neng have no influence on our Zijian? This matter , take care of it! Fang Jiancheng, you go, ask the disciples to write down the statement, and I will submit it to the Holy Majesty on their behalf!"

Doctors, teaching assistants, direct lecturers, supervisors, directors and other officials of all sizes saw that Mr. Jijiu had made a decision and said nothing more.After a while, the students of the Guozijian who were waiting outside got the decision of Master Jijiu first, raised their arms and cheered, and responded loudly with praise.

Chen Anzhi, the son of the state, was the disciple of Yuan Tai, the former imperial envoy of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Yuan Tai was a Jinshi in the fourth year of Hongwu. He used to be the magistrate of Ling County and later changed to Luoshan County.He has served as the censor of the right capital.As an official, he is modest and rigorous, enforces the law impartially, and has a ruthless face. He is an official as clear as water and as bright as a mirror, and is loved by the people.But it doesn't mean that a good official is free from all maladies. Yuan Tai also has lameness.

In fact, the Metropolitan Procuratorate originally supervised the officials on behalf of the emperor, and it was his responsibility to make small reports on the officials, but Mr. Yuan made all kinds of small reports, even other people's sexual affairs, such as husband and wife quarrels, and son's unruly behavior. Such things, as long as he heard about them, he would report them to the emperor.

Xie Jin was working as Zhu Yuanzhang's personal secretary at the time, and he could often hear it, so he despised Yuan Tai extremely, and disdained this kind of small report behavior.

Later, Xie Jin impeached the staff members of the Ministry of War for dereliction of duty, offended Shen Qian, the Minister of the Ministry of War at the time, and was counter-sued by Shen Qian. As a result, he was demoted by Emperor Hongwu as the supervisory envoy of Jiangxi Province and became a member of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.However, factional struggles in the Metropolitan Procuratorate were very fierce at that time. Since Xie Jin looked down on Yuan Tai, he became Yuan Tai's opponent Wang Guoyong.

But soon, because Xie Jin was wild and unruly and offended people everywhere, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he was proud of his talents and did not cultivate himself. Went to delve into knowledge.At that time, Emperor Hongwu said that he would be appointed again after ten years.

As a result, Hong Wu passed away, Jianwen was in power, and Xie Jin was eager to become an official, so he couldn't wait to run back to the capital.After Jianwen came to power, Yuan Tai was reused. He immediately impeached Xie Jinwei after hearing the news. He returned to Beijing at the time stipulated by Taizu.Jianwen was the one who paid the most attention to etiquette and filial piety, so he demoted Xie Jin to the Lanzhou area as a company secretary.

When Zhu Dijing was difficult to succeed, Xie Jin turned to Zhu Di and reached the sky in one step. Naturally, Yuan Tai was suppressed by him again, so he had to resign and return home. Now he has died of illness.Because of the enmity between the two, Yuan Tai's protege, Chen Anzhi, was naturally quite hostile towards him. Now that there was an opportunity, how could he not take advantage of it?

After a while, the candidates wrote a bloody and tearful petition, which was transferred in by the students of the Imperial College. Chen Anzhi immediately took the petition and went straight to the palace to plead for the people.Juzi and Tai students surrounded the left and right, clamoring and cheering, and left all the way.

The Hanlin Academy is the place where imperial edicts, historical annals, and Han affairs are in charge, the examination system is detailed, and the emperor's advisors are prepared. There are also Shuji scholars who are qualified as the preparations for Hanlin officials, all of whom are talented people from all over the world, and it can be called a place where literature and music gather.

The gale in the capital quickly spread to every yamen, and the Hanlin Academy was no exception.

I heard that the scholars sued Xie Jin, and most of the Hanlin people gloated about their misfortune, and there was no other reason, because Xie Jin had a bad mouth, relied on his talents and learned, and was defiant.Hanlins are regarded as the group of people with the highest literary talents, but he doesn't like them, so they will be ridiculed by him whenever they have the opportunity.There are not one or two Hanlin who have been humiliated and ridiculed by Xie Jin when he usually composes poems and makes a pair.

The literati are different from the warriors. The warriors fight violently if they disagree with each other. The literati lose the wind, but they are polite to the face and hold a grudge behind their backs.Xie Jin has been a child prodigy since he was a child. He is extremely intelligent, excellent in poetry and prose, and masterful in calligraphy. However, his eyes are higher than the top, and he is proud of his talents. He has offended a large number of people without knowing it.

When he was proud, these people only pretended to be convincing, but now he was in trouble, these people not only saw him laugh, but also wished to throw a brick and compact him in the bottom of the well before they were willing.

The Hanlin Courtyard was just watching the excitement, and under Chen Ying's instruction, a group of pens in the Metropolitan Procuratorate had already written the impeachment memorial.The content of impeachment is not limited to the unfair selection of scholars, they have picked up all kinds of old sesame seeds and rotten millet ().Literati don't use knives to kill, and with a bald pen, they don't see blood when they kill, and the memorials are written very well.

Wenhuakou and Disciplinary Inspection Office were almost moved by the news, and they launched the "Reversal Movement" at the same time. Huang Zhen saw that this was not right, so he found an opportunity to leave the Metropolitan Procuratorate on the pretext, and flew to Xia Xun to report the news.

Jinyiwei even checks the price of vegetables in the market and whether there is enough food and rice, let alone such a major cultural and educational issue.

The news of the tens of thousands of students making a noise and complaining all over the city soon reached Ji Gang's ears.Because the scientific examination was over, Ji Gang was sitting with Eunuch Ye Duoge Ye to discuss the matter of drafting a girl in Yingtian Mansion. Jinchuan Jinqianhu, who had just been selected as the youngest of the Eight King Kong, hurried in and whispered to him some.

Ji Gang laughed loudly when he heard this. Xie Jin once used "the reeds on the wall are top-heavy and shallow-rooted; the bamboo shoots in the mountains have a sharp mouth, thick skin and a hollow belly."It's just that Xie Jin is not only the chief assistant of the dynasty, but also the backbone of the prince's faction. Ji Gang thought to himself that he did not have the power to overthrow him, so he has been forbearing.

Now that Xie Jin has become a rat crossing the street, Ji Gang is so unhappy, he whispered to Jin Chuan: "Go! Watch his every move, and don't let go of what he says or does!" Jin Chuan understood and immediately took orders to leave.

Eunuch Ye is getting old, his eyes are hazy and his ears are not working well, so he hurriedly asked, "Why is Lord Ji laughing?"

Ji Gang smiled and said: "Oh, just now Xiaojin reported the number of household registrations obtained from Yin Tianfu. Ying Tianfu now has more than 10 women of the right age. It is easy to select [-] outstanding women from them. If so, it will be possible. Selecting a beautiful woman who satisfies the emperor, I am happy in my heart, so I laugh! Hehehe..."

p: Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket!

Recommendation: "Choosing" ISBN: 2248406 Introduction: A story about a lonely ghost becoming a demon~~, it's too domineering, please enjoy!


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