Chapter 909

The huitong hall is a long stretch of mansions, majestic and deep, with palaces and pavilions, magnificent and magnificent, and the palaces and pavilions everywhere are hidden in the rockery and pool water, which is beautiful and beautiful. "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name" (")

This is the place to receive foreign envoys, and it is the face of the imperial court. Naturally, it cannot be bad in these aspects.

Zhu Gaoxu from the Fifth Han Dynasty sat in a flower hall. He said it was a flower hall, but he occupied a single-story courtyard. The courtyard of the Jing House, the gazebo and the flower garden are all available, just like a Jing House.Lu Zhen, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, sat on his lower head and said, "Your Highness, Meng Fusheng, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, has gone out of the city to meet the two teams of envoys from the Timurid Empire. According to the ceremony, they should be received by Honglu Temple and sent to the same hall. Placement, and then the Ministry of Rites will grant him etiquette, and choose a day to ascend to the palace and face the king.

Now that the emperor is not in the capital, if they are asked to go to the Prince's Mansion to meet His Highness, it may cause gossip and is not in line with etiquette, so His Highness is invited to condescend and use the same hall as a place to meet.When they arrive, His Highness can welcome them to the porch without downgrading, and after they finish their salutes, invite them into the hall for a conversation! "

Zhu Gaoxu nodded, and Lu Zhen said again: "Because the emperor is not in the capital, there is no need to give a banquet, and it can only be entertained by the same hall. I transferred a translator from the Meng Guguan from the Siyi Pavilion to translate for His Highness !"

Zhu Gaoxu nodded again, but still did not speak. He was memorizing the etiquette process of receiving foreign envoys that he had seen before. For a prince, these things would not be used once in many years, so naturally he would not be familiar with them. in the heart.

Lu Zhen thought for a while, and then said: "Also, other countries have different etiquettes. If you come here for an envoy and it is not expensive, and follow the etiquette of that country, Your Highness doesn't have to insist too much on this place!"

In the Han, Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties, Chinese monarchs have never been too entangled in this issue.When the foreign envoys saw Tang Taizong standing upright but not kneeling, Tang Taizong just laughed it off. When the lame Timur was still alive, his envoys made a pilgrimage to Emperor Yongle standing upright but not kneeling. Emperor Yongle was not furious and sent him out.In essence, this is a kind of self-confidence, one will not deny one's own authority just because of kneeling or not kneeling, "meaning Yin" cannot strengthen a country, and diplomacy is more pragmatic.

Therefore, Zhu Di followed Xia Xun to perform the military parade, not because of the superficial matter of Timur's envoys standing up and not worshiping, but judging from their condescending attitude towards the Ming Dynasty diplomats and their behavior of detaining the Daming envoys. The purpose of showing off their ambitions is to show off Ming's strength in order to achieve a longer-term goal, otherwise why would they make such a big move. (")

Zhu Gaoxu focused on two things, while listening to his introduction, he memorized the etiquette. When he heard something here, he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked: "Oh! When they came here, there was a fight in ** and many people died?"

Lu Zhen smiled wryly and said: "No, it happened the day before yesterday. When they had a quarrel at bedtime, they had a big fight, and many people died on both sides. Book mi group 2"

With a bearded beard, Zhu Gaoxu smiled knowingly, and thought to himself: "It seems that the prince and grandson of the Timur Empire have reached a point where fire and water cannot be tolerated. If a country sends two envoy teams to our Ming Dynasty, the domestic government must There are many men, so you ask my Daming. It is wonderful, since you ask my Daming, you can make a big fuss. If I force him to obey and grow my Daming's majesty, my father will definitely be happy!"

Just as Zhu Gaoxu was thinking, he and the outsiders shouted horses and drove cars. Two envoy teams from the Timurid Empire, which belonged to the emperor's fourth son Shah Ru and the emperor's grandson Hari Sultan, arrived at the same time.

"Please, this way please!"

Minister of Rituals Meng Fusheng gave birth to his horse and gestured to the envoys of both sides. The two envoys of the Timurid Empire dismounted and walked to Meng Fusheng's side. He stared, and snorted heavily.With a helpless expression on his face, Meng Fusheng hurriedly stood between the two and separated them, and even gestured to invite them into the Huitong hall.

The hall is magnificent and full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, just like a garden.Zhu Gaoxu did not receive him in the main hall, but stayed in the hua hall. This was also to avoid suspicion. After all, Jian Guo is not the emperor. When foreign envoys arrive, Jian Guo can't ignore him, but he can't pretend to be the lord of the country.

Meng Fusheng led them through a hanging flower door and along the small stone path to the flower hall. In front of the hall, the guards on the left and right stood holding their knives, very solemn.Meng Fusheng hurriedly turned around, pressed his hands down, signaled for silence to stop, then lifted the skirt of his robe, and went in to report.Zhu Gaochi and Lu Zhen were sitting in the hall, wide open, why couldn't they see the two foreign envoys, when they stopped, Zhu Gaochi stood up and walked forward slowly.

"Your Highness, the envoy has arrived!"

Meng Fusheng quickly bowed to the King of Han, Zhu Gaochi nodded proudly, and floated out, Meng Fusheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Lu Zhen who was following behind, and complained angrily: "My lord, I have lost my embarrassment today. 7*"

Lu Zhen was stunned: "What?"

Just as Meng Fusheng was about to speak, the King of Han was already standing in the corridor and coughed heavily. Meng Fusheng hurriedly stepped out of the threshold, and introduced to the two of them: "This is His Highness King of Han. His Majesty is on a tour to the north. King of Han is now my Daming Prisoner." Country, don’t come forward to pay respects!”

Two foreigners with high noses, deep eyes, and curly beards stared at Meng Fusheng with a pair of deep sunken eyes, with question marks on their faces.

Zhu Gaoxu was expecting them to salute on one knee as if they were pampering their chests like meng ancients, so he immediately yelled at them and gave them a blow first.This matter is somewhat beautiful, and the crown prince can be overshadowed by the limelight. In addition, the prince's repeated self-assertion has provoked the anger of his father recently, and he has great hope of competing for the throne. He didn't even bend his waist, he couldn't help being surprised and angry, he turned his head and asked Meng Fusheng: "What do they mean?"

Meng Fusheng also panicked, and said loudly: "This is His Royal Highness King Han, the Supervisor of the Ming Dynasty, why don't you show respect?"

The two foreigners, Mimi, stared at Zhu Gaoxu, they were also wondering, they also felt that this tall and mighty young man should be a big shot, but they didn't know who he was.It is said that the emperor of Ming Dynasty was not so young, it was a matter of state affairs, how could they salute easily before they found out the other party's identity.

Seeing that the two were still still talking, Meng Fusheng couldn't help but turned to the interpreter of the Siyi Pavilion who was standing on the other side of the Han King Zhu Gaoxu, and said, "Turn it! Translate it for them!"

The interpreter rolled his eyes and thought to himself: "Isn't there an interpreter standing next to you? I am interpreting for the King of Han today. Why do you need me to interpret for him when you speak!" , Translated what Meng Fusheng said to the two envoys of the Timurid Empire, but the two foreign envoys still stood there dumbfounded like ducks listening to thunder.

The interpreter also panicked, and said it loudly again. The other party listened carefully with his ears sideways. After listening, he just spread his hands and looked helpless. The interpreter panicked and stammered: "They...are they deaf? ?”

At this time, the unlucky interpreter who was with Meng Fusheng sneaked over and whispered: "Brother Chen, they don't seem to understand the ancient Meng language."


The interpreter standing next to Zhu Gaoxu was taken aback, and said in a broken voice, "Don't understand the ancient Mongolian language? Why is that so? Are they trying to make things difficult for others?"

At this time, Zhu Gaoxu's face was already ashen, and he said in a deep voice: "What are you muttering about? Why don't they keep talking?"

The two interpreters stuttered and couldn't answer. At this time, one of the two bearded men seemed to understand something, and babbled a series of words. The two poor interpreters stared wide-eyed. They pricked up their ears, but they only understood a few words. The two of them muttered for a long time, but couldn't understand the meaning of the whole sentence, so they had to kneel down in front of Zhu Gaoxu, and said with a sad face: "Your Highness, their language... , I can't understand..."

During the Tang Dynasty, a Tibetan country in the Western Regions paid tribute.At that time, the contacts between the Tang Dynasty and the Western Regions were so close, but no one could fully understand the languages ​​of the Western Regions. No one in the Fan Kingdom handed over the national documents knew their characters. Fortunately, Li Bai was born in Suiye City, a place in the far west. , Know this kind of characters, otherwise Datang will lose face.Now, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu came here with great enthusiasm, and finally encountered such an embarrassing thing.

He couldn't understand the words, and to whom was this prestige directed, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't even tell which of the two bearded men in front of him belonged to Shahru and who belonged to Hari Sultan.Zhu Gaoxu's face turned red immediately, and he blushed and asked people to put the envoys of both sides in first. As soon as the two envoys left, Zhu Gaoxu became furious and scolded the two ministers, Lu Zhen and Meng Fusheng. Only then walked away.

After a long time, this joke spread throughout the city of Nanjing.

The official language of the Timurid Empire was Turkic, and Turkic and Meng ancient belonged to the Altaic language family. Some of their vocabulary was the same, but it was far from being able to understand Turkic as well as understanding Meng ancient.The folk languages ​​of the Timurid Empire are mainly Persian and Arabic. These languages ​​are currently not areas with frequent exchanges with Ming Dynasty, so Ming Dynasty has very few language talents in this area.

It was only five or six years ago in the Ming Dynasty that the Siyi Pavilion dedicated to translating foreign languages ​​and characters was established in the fifth year of Yongle, because few scholars were willing to engage in this industry. Among the translation halls, the one with the largest number of people has only four interpreters, and some countries that have not seen each other all year round have only one or two teachers, not even students.

Daming currently cultivates very few translators. Even for Tatar, Nvzhen, North Korea, Japan, Luzon, Annan... In these areas with close contacts, the main translators are sent to the imperial court by the locality.

However, it is very rare to encounter a situation like today, because the mission country also has an interpreter. Even if the two countries are too far apart to learn each other’s language, their interpreter can also understand a third language in the middle of the two countries. , can be used as a communication platform, the communication platform between Daming and the Timurid Empire has always been the ancient Meng language.

But coincidentally, the two envoy teams of the Timurid Empire fought violently when the army stopped, and many people died, including their interpreters, and the ancient Ming language resulted in the current embarrassing situation situation.

Mochou Lake, the island in the center of the lake, and the drizzle are picturesque.

Xia Xun draped coir raincoats and bamboo hats, sat on the bow of the boat, holding a fishing rod, and said to Xu Jiang, who was standing behind with an umbrella: "The prince is benevolent and filial. What about suing my brother? Let’s ignore it, someone will come to be this villain.”

He lifted the fishing rod, quickly changed the bait, flicked it leisurely, the fish floated up and down twice on the rippling lake surface, and stopped, Xia Xun said leisurely: "Prepare the car, I'm going to invite someone. Then go to Hanwang A dose of eye medicine, it's time for us to appear on stage."

Dear book friends, today, July [-]nd, I will continue to ask you for a guaranteed monthly ticket and today's recommendation ticket.The recommendation votes are voted out every day, and the system will send them to you at midnight the next day. If you don’t vote, it will be cleared to zero in the early morning of the next day, and then the new recommendation votes for the day will be sent to you.I always thought that the recommendation ticket is also a book friend who needs to subscribe and wait a month for the system to give it to you. I voted with everyone ^_^

Ha ha!I haven't dreamed for many years, but I actually had a dream last night.

In the dream, it is ancient times for a while, and modern times for a while, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, gun battles and spy battles, fighting wits and bravery, and the tossing is so lively.After dreaming, huh?Because of my outstanding performance, I actually won the heart of a beautiful woman, just like the common ending of 007, she very implicitly invited me to leave together, as if going to a very old-fashioned hotel, which is indeed very old-fashioned. Strings of red lanterns.

My heart is moving, my heart is moving, and I am distracted, and I suddenly thought of a very important question: What about tonight's update?I want codewords, but Zensheng is good if there are few updates.I was so tangled up, I was tangled up, when I suddenly opened my eyes, I woke up!

You said that if you don't wake up, the dream will continue, it should be very pleasant.

Alas, entanglement, continue to entangle...

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