Ushang, the envoy of the Shahru of the Timurid Empire, and Moro, the envoy of the Khali Sultan, respectively stayed in the Huitong Hall.

Harry Sultan sent people to Daming so urgently because of his last resort.When the three of them competed for the throne, he took the lead, and the emperor's grandson took the righteousness. The fourth emperor's uncle, Shaharu, was the least powerful. Jumping up, in the name of revenge for the emperor's grandson, he won over many of the emperor's grandson's former ministries.

Harry Sultan needs the support of Ming Dynasty, even if it is moral support, it is enough to generate great political power.Prince Shahru also had the same thought.In the east, Zhu Di, the uncle of the four emperors, successfully completed the battle of Jingnan, turning the impossible into possibility, and became the only emperor in Chinese history who successfully rebelled as a vassal.In the west, the same scene is repeating itself, and the emperor's uncle is also the fourth eldest.

The difference is that the Timur Empire did not have a long history of the unification of the Chinese Empire, so when Timur died, the royal family suffered civil wars, and the entire empire immediately fell apart. long and short.Therefore, Shah Ruh wisely chose to surrender to Daming.Therefore, missions from the same country, belonging to two political forces, came to Daming at the same time.

However, in terms of the country's military, Harry Sultan is slightly inferior to Shaharu, but in terms of winning Daming's support, Harry Sultan has a secret trump card: Xia Xun!

Although Harry Sultan's mission arrived today, his secret mission had already sneaked into the Central Plains and got in touch with Xia Xun.Otherwise, it would be such a coincidence that when they were about to enter the boundary of Yingtian Mansion, there was a sudden conflict, and their interpreter was included among the dead, all of this was at Xia Xun's instruction.

The Furnishings of the Huitong Hall are very luxurious, and the big rosewood-carved bed is very comfortable with the brocade embroidered quilt, but Lord Moro, the envoy of Harry Sultan, sits under the lamp and just drinks cups of tea without feeling sleepy.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the window lattice, once, two or three, three times, after a pause, three more times, Mo Luo's eagle eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice, "The door is open, come in!"

After a while, there was a "squeak", and a skinny, very smart-looking Hu man stepped in, wearing a blue suit, which would be very difficult to detect if it disappeared into the night.

"Sit! What does Yang Xu have to say?"

The young man sat down on the chair opposite the table, took out a letter from his pocket, and said: "This is from his people, and he told you to act according to your plan, but his people also said that the matter is confidential, so it can only be sent by someone else." You, my lord, read it alone."

Mo Luo and Xia Xun exchanged news a few times before, all through the man in front of him. Today, the other party actually wrote a letter, and Mo Luo couldn't help being moved by it. He quickly snatched the letter, checked the wax seal carefully, and then turned the lamp Moving closer, he unfolded the letter under the lamp.As soon as the letter was opened, Mo Luo was stunned, the letter was blank, nothing.

The young man said: "Oh, the man said that after a little baking on the fire, the handwriting will appear."

When Mo Luo heard this, he quickly took off the lampshade, unfolded the letter paper, and baked it with a candle, and the handwriting really appeared on the letter.Mo Luo was amazed, but he had no time to inquire about the reason, and hurriedly looked down at the letter.After reading a letter, Moro narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cloudy expression on his face.

The young man hurriedly asked: "My lord, what did Yang Xu say in the letter?"

With a strange look on his face, Mo Luo shook his head slightly, then looked down at the letter again, this time he only read halfway through it, when the letter suddenly burst into flames, Mo Luo was startled, and quickly let go , the letter floated onto the table with flames, and burned to ashes in an instant.The young man stood up in shock, and was also amazed at this miraculous scene.

Mo Luo stood up slowly, paced the room slowly with a sullen expression, the two curly mustaches on his lips trembled with his steps.

After walking around for a long time, as if he had made up his mind, Mo Luo waved and said, "Hei Qi, come here!"

Hei Qi hurried to his side, respectfully said: "My lord, please give me instructions!"

Mo Luo embraced his shoulders and said in a low voice, "Hei Qi, in a moment, you go..."

Hei Qi was listening attentively, when he suddenly felt a huge pain in his ribs, and hurriedly turned around, he saw Master Mo Luo holding a sharp machete about a foot long in his hand, the machete was like a crescent moon, and drops of bright red blood were dripping on the blade Circulating up and down, Hei Qi's ribs were already filled with blood.

"My lord, you... what are you doing?"

Hei Qi covered his ribs, the blood gushed out like a spring, he couldn't hold it, he only felt that his physical strength was connected with his life, and was passing away rapidly.

Mo Luo smiled coldly, jumped forward, and stabbed him hard in the heart, the knife went all the way to the handle!

Heiqi looked surprised, angry, and puzzled, but he couldn't wait for the answer. As soon as Moro let go, he fell down slowly.

Mo Luo stood quietly for a while, picked up the unfinished cup of tea and drank it slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Come on!"

Two warriors flashed in from outside the door. Seeing the situation in the room, they were slightly taken aback, but did not speak.

Mo Luo ordered: "Clean the room, change his clothes, and throw him at the gate of Wushang's courtyard!"

It was deep at night, and the lights in the backyard of Hanwang Mansion were still on.

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu paced back and forth in the room angrily, the scene during the day hurt him too much, and now thinking about it, his face is still hot.How embarrassing!Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, has there been such an embarrassing thing?Has there been such an embarrassing thing since ancient times?This was supposed to be an excellent opportunity for me to make a public appearance in the temple, but now I have become the laughing stock of others!

Sitting under the lamp, Chen Ying looked like an old monk in meditation, his body did not move, his eyes did not move, only the hand that stroked his beard occasionally brought him a little vitality.

"Master Chen, what do you mean by this, is it because the Ministry of Rites collaborated with the prince to deliberately humiliate the king?"

Chen Ying shook her head slightly: "No! Your Highness, don't be suspicious. Although His Highness is humiliated by this matter, it is the Ministry of Rites who is ineffective. Lu Zhen is good at flattery and loves power, and he will definitely not smear his performance appraisal Stain, when Xie Jin was the chief assistant of the cabinet, he once ridiculed Lu Zhen for being unlearned and incompetent. It is not surprising that such confused things happen. Furthermore, I have learned that in the Mongolian Pavilion in the Siyi Pavilion, there are indeed only these two interpreters who know the languages ​​​​of Mongolia and Jurchen. Going further west to the languages ​​​​of the Western Regions, they will It's not clear anymore."

Zhu Gaoxu took a deep breath, sat down resentfully, and said, "He is ignorant, but what he lost is this king's face. Only half a day's work, this king has become the laughing stock of Nine Cities!"

Chen Yingdao: "Your Highness is brave enough to win the three armies. This is something that the crown prince can't match anyway. This matter has indeed become a joke, but even if the crown prince comes forward, it will have the same ending. Could it be that the crown prince is proficient in the language of the Timurid Empire? Rural people, But if you get one thing, you must be complacent and ridiculed, Your Highness don't need to take it to heart. Chaowen, Chinese and martial arts are all sensible, even if you think it's funny, you won't look down on Your Highness because of it."

Chen Ying smiled and said: "The Ministry of Rites has become more nervous, looking for people who are proficient in the language of the Western Regions, and asked their envoys to live in the same hall first, and when the Ministry of Rites finds someone who understands their language, His Highness will receive them. "

Zhu Gaoxu nodded angrily, and sighed: "It has to be like this!"

Chen Ying stood up, cupped her hands and said: "If that's the case, please rest earlier, Your Highness, and the old minister will leave!"

Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly stood up, and said: "It's getting late, sir, don't go back to the house, come here, clean up the guest room, and wait for Master Chen to rest."

Chen Ying hurriedly said: "It's not right, what's the matter with the old minister..."

Zhu Gaoxu said: "Hey, what do you care about such a trivial matter. Father is not in Beijing, and he doesn't need to go to court early, so he rests here."

Chen Ying thanked her again and again, and was led to the guest room in the west wing by the servants of the palace.Chen Ying undressed and took off her belt, wearing only a small white coat. After washing her face, she took off her cloth socks, scalded her feet with hot water, and asked the little servant to dry them. Then she lay down on the bed and pulled a quilt across her waist. Go to sleep.I don't know how long I slept, but I heard someone shouting in my sleep: "Master Chen, get up! Master Chen, get up!"

Chen Ying woke up suddenly after hearing a few sounds, and when she opened her eyes, she heard the anxious voice, as if it was right next to her ear, she couldn't help but sat up in surprise, and asked loudly, "Who is it? What is it?"

Someone shouted outside the door: "Master, get dressed quickly, Your Highness is in a hurry!"

Chen Ying hastily lit the lamp, put on socks, put on boots, put on clothes, hat, and leather belt around her waist. After finally getting dressed, she asked a little servant with a lantern to lead her, and ran forward stumbling.

When they arrived at the front living room, they saw the king of Han, with disheveled clothes, no hat on his head, and a loose bun, walking around in the hall.Chen Ying quickly went up to him and asked, "Your Highness, what happened?"

Zhu Gaoxu was waiting for him. When he saw him coming, without saying a word, he opened his big hand, like a pair of iron tongs, and grasped his wrist in a "puffy" manner, and said anxiously: "Go! Go! Timur The two groups of bird people from China are fighting again in the hall!"

At dawn, Zhu Gaoxu, with red eyes and black ashes, stood in the courtyard of the Huitong Hall, staring at the burning hall in front of him.Lu Zhen, Minister of Rites, and Meng Fusheng, Minister of the Ministry of rites, left and right, their faces are covered with streaks of black ashes, and there are a few holes in the official clothes, they look like two little ghosts on the left and right of Hades.

Lu Zhen said: "Only the front building was burnt down. There were no casualties among the posthouse personnel. Timur's envoys were not counted. There were 19 dead, eight from the left courtyard and 11 from the right courtyard."

Meng Fusheng said: "Both sides are under control, but they cannot understand each other, so we haven't figured out why the dispute started again."

Zhu Gaoxu was trembling with anger, and shouted loudly: "Control! Control the fart! Arrest them all, take them all..."

Before the words were finished, someone suddenly said in his ear: "Your Highness!"

Zhu Gaoxu turned his head and didn't see which official it was, so he said viciously: "If you fart, let it go!"

Yang Shiqi said blankly: "The prince has invited the King of Han!"

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