Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 912 Desperate

Zhongshan Linggu Temple-Good novel:. "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name"

Xia Xun was still dressed in a scholar's robe, holding a small gold-painted fan in his hand, walking slowly, elegantly, and not far ahead was the Wuliang Temple.

Walking side by side with him was Wushang, the envoy of Shah Ru, the fourth prince of the Timur Empire, and closely beside him was a young man with pure red teeth and white teeth.

The red flower should be set off by the green leaves. If the red flower is accompanied by a flower more beautiful than the red flower, the red flower will become a tragedy.

This young man looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. He was wearing a head scarf, an azurite brocade robe, and a leather belt around his waist. He had a heroic appearance. His skin was delicate and pink, with a slight blush, like a peach blossom that had just bloomed. A pair of eyes are like a touch of paint, and they are extremely agile between glances.Such a beautiful man, don't say that daughters will be fascinated when they see him, even masculine gentlemen will lose their minds when they see him.

In the back, Lu Zhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, Meng Fusheng, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Zhao Xitong, a member of the Ministry of Rites, lined up in sequence, following suit.

Wushang said happily: "The Duke met Wushang first, which shows the importance he attaches to Prince Shahru. When the prince sent me to the east, he mentioned the people in China, and he also mentioned the Duke. Now that I see you, the Duke Elegant and refined, with a good-looking talent, he really deserves to be a figure in Middle-earth."

The beautiful young man who accompanied Xia Xun said with a straight face: "The envoy Wushang said that the Duke met him first, and he was very happy. Their prince once mentioned you, and seeing you today is a well-deserved reputation!"

After listening to the explanation, Xia Xun smiled and said: "Aha, the envoy Wushang has won the prize. He is a guest from afar, so he should be treated courteously. However, guests should also abide by their duties as guests. Why did the envoy fight so violently? I also ask the envoy Wushang to give me a reason!"

The beautiful young man next to Xia Xun spoke to Wushang in Turkic, Wushang raised his beard, and threw the corpse of a follower in front of our door, planted a frame, and insisted that we killed him..."

Wushang talked on and on for a long time, and the beautiful boy listened attentively.He explained it to Xia Xun again.

This beautiful boy is naturally Sakura.

Taking advantage of the chance that Zhu Gaoxu, king of the Han Dynasty, had two troubles in a row, the prince deprived him of the right to receive foreign envoys.The Ministry of Rites should choose another candidate.

Zhang Xitong, a member of the Ministry of Rituals, immediately proposed to Lu Zhen that the Duke of Fuguo should come to meet the foreign envoy. 3∴35686688 said that he had stayed in the West for half a year and was familiar with the customs there.Lu Zhen didn't care whether Xia Xun was familiar with people from the Western Regions.As long as someone takes over this hot potato, it will be fine.Immediately following the good advice, and reporting back to the prince like this, Xia Xun naturally became the special envoy to receive the Timur Empire.

Xia Xun didn't understand Turkic either, so he asked Xiaoying to help.

Xiao Sakura's appearance at this moment is not too concealed, and she still has a little bit of makeup.But the world is so big, there are quite a lot of boys and girls, charming and charming young people, especially in Jiangnan. The black-scarred emissary can't be sure whether Xia Xun, the interpreter, is a girl, and he doesn't care about it.He came here to seek the support of Daming, and Yang Xu, Duke of the Second State, was a very important figure in the political arena of Daming, and that was the most important thing.

Xia Xun responded lightly after hearing this: "I already know about this matter, but whether it is as envoy Wushang said, I can't just listen to your side. I have to ask envoy Moro about this matter again." We will make a decision later. Messenger Wushang, I, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has not yet returned to the capital for his northern tour. Naturally, we will have to wait for the emperor to return to the capital to decide on major state affairs. During this time, you will have to stay in Jinling temporarily."

Wushang said: "Naturally, Wushang has admired the Chinese culture for a long time, so he just took this opportunity to learn more about it."

Xia Xun hummed and said: "The Huitong Pavilion, because you burned down the main hall because of your fierce battle, the permanent envoys of North Korea, Japan, Champa and other countries living in the Huitong Pavilion also protested. Therefore, I had to move you out , you will temporarily live in this Linggu Temple. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, ethereal and elegant, and it is a scenic spot in Jinling. Your movements will not be restricted. If you need to visit the capital, please talk to the person sent by the Ministry of Rites to take care of you That’s right. However, you don’t understand the language, so until we find an interpreter for you, try not to come out!”

Wushang repeatedly said yes, and then said: "The Duke made such an arrangement, Wushang naturally obeyed - other book friends are reading:. But, I don't know where Namoluo is placed? Our Juzhi is willing to accept Daming's arrangement, but , Harry Sultan is a traitor of a Luan minister, and our envoys of Prince Shahru cannot accept inferior treatment to his envoys, we must insist on this point, and please forgive me!"

Xia Xun smiled slightly and said, "We arranged for them to go to Xuanwu Lake. There are five islands in Xuanwu Lake, and one of them is called Liangzhou. Now in early autumn, chrysanthemums are blooming all over the island. The scenery is quite different from this. But it’s also a good place. Do you want to compare, hehe, it’s the same scenic spot in Jinling, but it’s a mountain and a river, there’s no comparison!”

Wushang heard this arrangement, but he had nothing to say.So he turned to the main topic and talked about Prince Shahru's willingness to regard Daming as the king, surrender himself to be a minister, regard Daming as suzerain, and seek the support of Daming.Xia Xun said that the emperor was not in Beijing and no one could make the decision, but Wushang's wish would be sent to Beijing as soon as possible for the emperor to decide.

Then he asked: "According to the public's knowledge, King Timur of your country had appointed a successor before his death. It was not the current Harry Sultan, nor your Prince Shahru. Why did you represent your country as an envoy to Daming?" Where is the heir appointed by King Muer? Now, who can represent your country, Prince Shahru and Grandson Harry Sultan?"

Wushang immediately said: "Harry Sultan is a thief with ambition, bribes heavily, instigates rebellion against the emperor's grandson's generals, kills the emperor's grandson, seizes Samarkand, proclaims himself emperor, treason! Our prince Shahru is loyal and patriotic, so far we dare not Standing on our own feet, we only want to avenge the emperor's grandson. Although Harry Sultan occupies Samarkand, most of the land has been recovered by our prince. In terms of military strength, we are far superior to Harry, so we can naturally represent our country..."


In the Palace of the King of Han, Zhu Gaoxu was pacing up and down like a trapped beast, and several of his confidants were standing against the wall, fearing that they would be caught in the wind of His Highness the King of Han.

The more Zhu Gaoxu thought about it, the more he hated him, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The veins on his forehead tensed up one by one. He gritted his teeth and said, "It must be the prince who caused trouble! It must be him, otherwise how could the king lose such a big man? I said that when I first said it, Why did he agree so happily- other book friends are reading:! This sinister villain! This king is upright and bright, how can he be the opponent of this sinister fat man!"

A confidant tremblingly said: "His Royal Highness, are you looking for Chen Department Yuan to discuss..."

Zhu Gaoxu waved his hand violently, and the man's voice stopped abruptly, as if cut off.

Zhu Gaoxu said bitterly: "What do you want him to do! He will only tell me Ren, Ren, Ren! But I have had enough!"

Zhu Gaoxu raised his head slowly, his eyes were red: "You still don't understand? This king has been staying in Beijing and has made great contributions in Mobei, but father still has no idea of ​​easy storage. Now this king has finally won This is the last chance to win the power to oversee the country, if I am still unable to suppress the crown prince this time, I will never have a chance to succeed!"

"This..." Commander Tian Cewei Leng Aoyu said in a low voice: "Your Highness, the emperor is forced to establish a long and direct lineage due to the ancestral precepts and the opinions of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. ?”

Zhu Gaoxu walked around the hall for a few times, gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "Xie Jin has been kicked out of the capital by the king, and Yang Xu is the only one left under the crown prince who can do it! As long as Yang Xu is messed up again If we go on, who dares to stand up among the other officials? When the time comes to mobilize our people to write a letter to ask Prince Yi again, are you afraid that the emperor will not allow it?"

Leng Aoyu said blankly: "Your Highness, it is not easy to get Fu Guogong down. Fu Guogong has always been favored by the emperor..."

Zhu Gaoxu sneered: "Hasn't Xie Jin always been favored by the emperor?"

Leng Ao said: "But... Duke Fu does not agree with Xie Jin. He is an idle official of the Duke and does not serve in the court. How can he be caught? The Chen Ministry has always wanted to find someone for Duke Fu. It's not like they can't find it. what?"

Zhu Gaoxu rolled his eyes and said, "Then kill him!"

Leng Aoyu was taken aback immediately, and the faces of several other people turned pale when they heard this. The emperor is not afraid of his courtiers fighting back and forth, but assassinating in officialdom is a big taboo!If the political struggle fails, the biggest consequence is nothing more than being dismissed from office and returning home unemployed. It is feasible to assassinate.

Leng Aoyu's teeth chattered, and he said in a trembling voice: "Your Highness, think twice! Such an idea... is unacceptable. Shouldn't Your Highness... discuss it with Chen Department Yuan first..."

Zhu Gaoxu ignored him and said in a deep voice, "Sun Lu!"

A middle-aged man with white face and beard came out in response, clasped his fists and said, "The mark is here!"

This person did not wear an official uniform, nor did he serve in the court. Instead, he had been a personal guard by Zhu Gaoxu's side since he became king. After so many years, he had become a confidant of the King of Han. The King of Han went to Longjiang Station to perform military exercises During Wushi, he was always by his side. Several confidantes around King Han knew him, but they didn't know what errands he had by Zhu Gaoxu's side besides the responsibility of guard.

Zhu Gaoxu asked: "How many warriors have you recruited now?"

Sun Ludao: "Biaoxia has recruited warriors from all over the past few years. At present, the number has reached 730. Most of them are fugitives, and some are untouchables living in various places. They dare to fight and kill. They are ruthless! And all of them don't recognize their relatives, and if they have a baby, they are their mother's masters!"

Leng Aoyu's heart shuddered, he was the person beside Zhu Gaoxu, and he had been drawn into his confidant by Zhu Gaoxu long ago, so he didn't know that there was such a strange soldier by Zhu Gaoxu's side.Now Han Wang not only revealed this hole card in front of them, but also revealed such an important plan, this is to tie them to death!

Zhu Gaoxu narrowed his eyes slightly, and commanded in a deep voice: "Chou transfer the police, get rid of Yang Xu!"

Leng Aoyu's body was shocked, and he said in panic: "Your Highness, assassinate a duke..., Your Highness, think twice, Your Highness, be careful!"

The corner of Zhu Gaoxu's mouth curled up, revealing a mouthful of pure white teeth, which were as cold as wolf's fangs: "Aren't the envoys from the two sides of the Timur Kingdom fighting and killing? They are fighting and killing, and unfortunately Yang Xu is involved, so what have I to do with this king?" ?”

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