Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 913 Praying Mantis? Oriole

In the afternoon, it began to rain. The rain was not heavy, and it was as fine as a gossamer, but Xuanwu Lake was filled with mist because of it.

The two-leaf boat left the shore and sailed towards the misty lake, as if blending into an ink painting created by someone.

Xia Xun stood at the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, and Xiao Ying, who was dressed in men's attire behind him, held an oil-paper umbrella for him.

The light boat scratches the slightly undulating lake surface, which is quiet, elegant and natural.

This wind, this rain, this lake, this lake, and the beauties around me, Xia Xun felt that this artistic conception was really...

This kind of artistic conception should really recite a poem that is suitable for the time and the situation. However, Xia Xun searched his stomach and couldn't think of a poem, let alone one, even a suitable sentence, so he had to touch his nose, so Tsukuru said deeply, "Look at the scenery, isn't it beautiful?"

Sakura, who was standing pretty beside him, rolled her eyes angrily.

"Of course it's beautiful! They hold an umbrella for you, so you can't get wet at all, but they even wet your shoulders!" Sakura didn't say anything, but just tilted the umbrella to her side to protest, so The light rain fell on Xia Xun's face. Xia Xun didn't care, but took a long breath, as if he wanted to suck all the refreshing wetness into his stomach at once.

On the other small boat, Meng Fusheng, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, stood at the bow shaking his head, as if he was reciting a poem. Xia Xun glanced at him, feeling sour in his heart: "Fuck, who told me that I am ignorant, if I can A good poem can be recited, what a powerful tool for picking up girls, but unfortunately... no.

But he didn't want to think about it, Xiao Ying, a girl who grew up on the grassland, was careless and careless. Although she was no stranger to Sinology because she was born in a noble family, she couldn't talk about her love for poetry.Xiao Ying is by no means a bourgeois young woman, if he lets someone hold an umbrella for him, drenching others, while he is still shaking his head and expressing his poetic enthusiasm, will this girl get mad for a while?Lift his leg and kick him into the lake, it's hard to say.

In the distance, a painting boat is moored quietly on the lake. In the wind and rain, the flags and lanterns on the bow of the boat are like wicker in the spring breeze, swaying gently.

More than a dozen people are standing at the bow of the boat holding umbrellas, waiting for their arrival...


White walls and black tiles, four-corner eaves.There is a pomegranate tree in the courtyard. The pomegranate is round and red, like the pink cheeks of a drunk girl.

Zhu Gaoxu was standing under the pomegranate tree.The drizzle swayed through the branches and leaves, making him wet, but he stood there without an umbrella.It seemed that he had been standing for an hour without changing his posture.

Making the decision to assassinate Yang Xu, even for him who has always been domineering and expensive as a prince, is also a difficult decision.The order had been issued, but he was still struggling in his heart, so that his heart was like boiling water, and it was dripping with rain.It seems to be more comfortable.

He knew the risk, but he knew better that he had no way out, unless he gave up the throne.And the throne is exactly what he is not willing to give up anyway.

"Don't blame me! You can't blame me for this!"

Zhu Gaoxu clenched his fists and stared at the pomegranate who opened his mouth with a smile in front of him. He didn't know if it was to comfort himself, or he subconsciously explained to his father: "I have known since I was a child that my father is a prince, and my son is not as good as me." Part! Daddy became the emperor, and the crown prince does not have my part! I gave up on you. It was you who let me know during the battle on the river. I can also have a part in this country!"

under the porch.A man in coir raincoat suddenly hurried away, Zhu Gaoxu heard footsteps, suddenly let go of his fists, took a long breath, and his tense face relaxed.The person who came to him was his confidant Sun Lu. Sun Lu walked to Zhu Gaoxu's side and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, the arrangement is ready!"

Zhu Gaoxu responded softly, because his throat was tight, he couldn't speak for a moment.

Sun Lu said in a low voice: "A total of 57 people were dispatched, including those who were pirates, thieves from the lower three sects, and thieves who roamed three mountains and five mountains. Following His Highness's instructions, they were all deliberately recruited by Mongolians and people from the Western Regions. There are two rotors, and none of them know the identity of His Highness."

Desperadoes who dare to fight and kill and loyal dead soldiers are two completely different concepts, and they cannot be careless.

Zhu Gaoxu listened, gradually calmed down, and said in a low voice: "Afterwards, take them all..."

Zhu Gaoxu's hand went down hard, it was already drenched in the rain, and this movement made a series of water droplets, like blood dripping from the blade!


Ji Gang stood under the long corridor of Jinyiwei's back office, looking at the drizzle with his hands behind his back.

The drizzle drenched the plump leaves of a few plantains outside the railing shiny, and the rain soon filled up a drop and rolled down along the edge of the leaves.

Ji Younan was standing by and whispering something to him.

Ji Younan traveled to Shandong under the order of Ji Gang, but did not find any clues in the plains. They also called up the information of the officials and servants who went to other places for business in the capital procuratorate during this period, and they did not find any flaws.Ji Gang intends to forge a piece of evidence, but to deal with Chen Ying is like dealing with the King of Han, and to deal with the King of Han, a piece of evidence that cannot withstand scrutiny is very dangerous, Ji Gang dare not take the risk.

But when he thought of the King of Han, Ji Gang suddenly realized that since the people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate were impeccable, the incident of robbing the postman was probably done by the private soldiers of the King of Han. Royal soldiers.There was no harvest for several days, but today Ji Younan came here excitedly, with a beaming look, it seemed that he had gained something.

"You said those people's whereabouts are strange, most of them have sharp knives, and they have prepared many ships by the Xuanwu Lake?"


Ji Gang narrowed his eyes lightly: "Xuanwu Lake, what's the mystery on Xuanwu Lake? When did the King of Han master such a mysterious power besides the three guards and the royal family's personal soldiers?"

Ji Gang suddenly thought of something, turned his head and asked: "Xuanwu Lake, isn't a team of envoys from the Timur Kingdom placed on Xuanwu Lake?"


Ji Gang twirled his fingers lightly, and said doubtfully, "Want the King of Han to move the envoy of Timur Kingdom? Because he was humiliated, or because...he messed up the mission, and wanted Yang Xu, who is now in charge of receiving the foreign envoy, to make a big fuss too?" Ugly? No way, are you willing to take such a risk just to vent your anger?"

Ji Younan suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "Ah! The humble officer went after him. When investigating the situation, he found that the Ministry of Rites had a vehicle parked on the shore. Since the people from the Ministry of Rites have gone, Duke Fu must have gone too. Today should be The day when the Fuguo Guild and the Ministry of Rites make an appointment to meet with the Timurid envoys!"

There was a flash of light in Ji Gangmu, and he suddenly understood something.He pondered for a long time, and suddenly smiled softly.

Ji Younan took a step forward and said, "My lord?"

Ji Gang said indifferently: "Keep an eye on them, and when they leave, follow the clues to find out where their lair is!"

Stare at them.When they leave, find out where their boss is, so what should Jin Yiwei do before?

Ji Gang didn't say a word!

Everywhere in the cabin.There are pots full of chrysanthemums, just in time for blooming. The gardener took care of the chrysanthemums very well, so they bloomed brilliantly.

After Xia Xun took his seat.Smiling to Mo Luo: "His Highness Harry has always been friendly to me, Daming, we are clear about this. Don't worry, when the emperor returns to Beijing, our country's guild will speak for you in front of the emperor. You see, I will go to Ling Gu Si, just stand there for a while, no. I will not stay until I get to you, hahaha, we will not get drunk today."

Xia Xun's words made Mo Luo's beard twitch.The mouth is grinning, smiling like a blooming cosmos.Of course, Mo Luo believed Xia Xun's words. When he came, Harry Sultan had already hinted to him that he had long been in contact with Duke Fu of the Ming Dynasty.Of course, it is absolutely impossible to tell him the secret of murdering Emperor Timur, but Moro knew it.He had already made him have no doubts about Xia Xun's goodwill.

Xiao Ying said Xia Xun's words to Mo Luo again, then turned her head and whispered to Xia Xun again: "Huh! Talk to people when you see people. Talk to the devil! You are a dignified prince!"

Xia Xun said without changing his face: "Little girl, you don't understand. This is called strategy."

After listening to Xia Xun's words, Mo Luo laughed happily, and said, "Okay, the Duke is really a bold person. Mo Luo hosted a banquet for this purpose, and today we will not get drunk. If there is good wine, there must be a beauty." Song and dance to add to the fun, Mo Luo came here, my king Harry donated countless gold, jewels and gems, and also presented many beautiful dancers, of which sixteen stunning women are dedicated to His Majesty the Emperor, and it is not appropriate to show them to the public, other dancers It's all here, please enjoy it!"

As Mo Luo said, he clapped his hands lightly, and immediately two rows of beauties entered slowly outside the cabin, and a gust of fragrant wind immediately filled the cabin.

Xiao Ying curled her lips and said: "They really know how to send them. The Wushang messenger sent lions and tigers, and the Moro messenger sent beautiful girls! It's just as you like!"

Xia Xun wondered, "What did he say?"

Sakura explained Moro's words to him resentfully. At this time, the dancers were already singing and dancing to the music. The dancers were all Western beauties, and the dance was also full of exotic styles. The thighs were faintly visible, the snow-white belly was enchanting and charming, and the sexy and enchanting voice, which had never seen such a world, Meng Shilang couldn't take his eyes off him.

Mo Luo laughed and said: "Duke, these dancers are going to be given to the princes and ministers of your country. The Duke will see which one he likes, and he will take it back tonight."

Xiao Ying sat on Xia Xun's side without saying a word. Xia Xun waited for a while, then glanced at her again. Seeing that she was still unresponsive, she could only touch her nose and talk nonsense to this person when she shouldn't speak, when she should speak The translator who didn't speak at the time took the initiative to ask: "Uh... what did he say?"

Xiao Ying said sourly: "He said, these beauties are going to be given to the high officials in the court. If you ask which one you like, just take them away! If you like them all, just take them all away! Look, Mr. Meng's The eyeballs are about to fall out, the girl is so beautiful and dances so well, why don’t you hurry up and choose?”

Xia Xun said "Oh!", and turned back to drink as if nothing had happened. Xiaoying waited for a while, but when he didn't speak, she couldn't help but said, "Why don't you choose? There is a Hedong lion at home, so you have a heart but no guts?"

Xia Xun sighed, and murmured: "These girls are indeed beautiful, and they can dance well..."

Sakura let out a "hum", as if the iced beans had fallen into a jade plate, so crispy.

Xia Xun continued leisurely: "However, compared to the lead dancer of the Sixteen Heavens Demon Dance I met when I was on the mission to Oara, both in looks and dance, they are really far behind!"

Xiao Ying kept a straight face as if she didn't hear, she lowered her head to drink tea, and when she lowered her head, two small dimples quietly formed on her lips.

Sneaking, just one click!

At dawn, ask the night tour gods for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!

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