"Uncle Liu asked you to do it?" Zhou Buyi thought he could delay it as long as he could, and he would be able to finish his work in two or three quarters.

"Senior brother Zhou is trying to procrastinate? Forget it, I will let you understand." Hu Bubei is not afraid of delaying this time. The uncle asked the younger brother to choose the opportunity to do it, originally thinking to give Senior Brother Zhou some Baihuaruanjin powder, but who knew that Senior Brother Zhou didn't spare himself so much, he suffered such internal injuries from fighting with others, and finally died of his injuries. What can you do with Uncle Zhou! Uncle Zhou actually wants a white-haired man to give a black-haired man, it makes people feel uncomfortable."

"Aren't you afraid that the Dong Chuang incident will happen? Under the infighting between the two sword qi sects, the Huashan faction is in a slump?" Zhou Bu asked.

"Uncle Liu has his own arrangements, in your Qi sect..." Hu Bubei smiled strangely at this point, "Don't try to procrastinate, Senior Brother Zhou, you only have two choices now, the first is to destroy the dantian by yourself, the second Two, I will help you break it. I don’t know how you can practice your qigong without your dantian.”

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Buyi suddenly fell silent.Hu Bubei thought that the other party had nothing to say and was suppressing with all his strength, and was about to step forward, Zhuo Bufan was also ready to do it.Unexpectedly, Zhou Buyi stood up suddenly, his skin was shiny and slightly red.Hu Bubei knew that the best time to do it had passed, but what he was puzzled was that the time hadn't come yet, so why Zhou Buyi?

"Thank you, Junior Brother Hu," Zhou Buyi said to Hu Bubei with a smile.

"Thank me? Thank me for what?" Hu Bubei said nervously, he couldn't help being nervous, he had seen Zhou Buyi's methods before.Once Hu Bubei used his superb swordsmanship to bully Fang Buli of Qizong, Lu Bubei, Zhuo Bufan, and Hu Bugui, and even caused Zhuo Bufan to have wounds all over his body, Hu Bugui almost died.After Zhou Buyi found out about this, he immediately called at the door. At that time, more than a dozen disciples of Jianzong were celebrating Hu Bubei's victory. , join forces to defend against the enemy.I thought that with so many people, even if they couldn't beat Zhou Buyi, they wouldn't lose.Unexpectedly, Zhou Buyi solved it one by one, and it was just a loss.But every sword of Zhou Buyi was right on their acupuncture points, and the strength was just right. As a result, dozens of Jianzong disciples blew cold wind on the mountain for two hours, until their masters saw that they had not come to practice kung fu for a long time. When they were looking for them, they were rescued, but they fell seriously ill.

There was a hot-tempered elder of Jian Zong Qing who couldn't see his disciple's appearance, so he came to the door to avenge his disciple, but he only got a tie with Zhou Buxu. , it's embarrassing.From then on, no one dared to underestimate Zhou Buyi, the chief disciple of the Qizong.

The last time the Wuyue Sword Sect met for a martial arts competition, the fight between Zhou Buyi and Zuo Lengchan, Hu Bubei watched it and worried about it.Hu Bubei thought that he had practiced hard these years, not to mention catching up with Zhou Buyi, at least he could narrow the distance between them, but the distance seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, but Hu Bubei knew that this left Leng Chan's kung fu is amazing, because he was knocked out of the ring by Zuo Lengchan!Zuo Lengchan's sword, the sword's movement and sword's power and sword intent, all have the essence of it, just like a real army of thousands of horses killing the generals.Although Hu Bubei's swordsmanship is good, but his skills are too poor and his experience is insufficient, how can his swordsmanship behind closed doors compare with this swordsmanship that carries the fighting spirit of thousands of bloody men on the battlefield?After a few tricks, Hu Bubei was inexplicably defeated, as if he had jumped off the ring.Afterwards, Hu Bupei thought that he had been hit by some sorcery, but only after listening to his master's teaching did he realize that this was something that could only be obtained after practicing swordsmanship to a high level and after going through the training of the battlefield.But with such a formidable opponent, he lost without a doubt last week!Originally, Zhou Buyi's long sword was shattered, and Hu Bubei felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart: "Aren't you amazing Zhou Buyi? Don't you pick more than ten at a time? Don't you know 'flying sword'? What? You still can't beat this Zuo Lengchan?"

But later Zhou Buyi actually used sword qi kung fu.Hu Bubei knew that no matter how hard he practiced in his life, he would never be able to surpass Zhou Buyi.After the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance, Hu Bubei drank alcohol all day long to forget his worries, no matter how Xue Qingling enlightened and reprimanded him, he still remained the same.Then one day, Liu Qingyan came to him and said that since he couldn't surpass him, there was no need to surpass him. As long as there was no such person as Zhou Buyi in the world, wouldn't it be fine?Later, they sent people to Fuzhou, and among them was Hu Bubei.

This time was originally a rare opportunity. Zhou Buyi was trapped by the rebellion of the alien qi, and he had to go all out to suppress it every day, and he had no time for others.Hu Bubei originally wanted to do something in Fuzhou, but who knows if Zhou Buyi has any secret hands?That old fox Lin Yuantu never gave a positive reply, and Hu Bubei faintly felt an inexplicable threat from Ling Xiao.Besides, Liu Qingyan said that it is best to let Zhou Buyi die silently, thinking that he will go to sea soon, wouldn't it be better to let Zhou Buyi die at sea?When Qi Zong angered the Lin family, Jian Zong would have a chance to bring the Lin family over.But now...

"If it wasn't for the words of Junior Brother Hu, how could I understand the fifth level of the Zixia Divine Art? This heterogeneous true energy has returned to its source, completely eliminating this hidden danger? Oh, yes, by the way, thanks to my junior brother, I have opened up all the meridians in the eight extraordinary meridians except the second meridian of Ren and Du. Du meridian It's also loosened a little, and it will take another three to five years to open up the governor channel." Zhou Buyi looked at Hu Bubei with a half-smile on his face.

Hu Bubei felt that Zhou Buyi seemed to have a bit of sarcasm on his face, a bit of ridicule, mocking his own complacency, mocking his ignorance and stupidity.Thinking of a word to myself, I missed the great opportunity not to say it.It even allowed Zhou Buyi to greatly improve his skill, and he even had the skill that only the head of a second-rate sect has.Hu Bubei had the heart to strangle himself to death, seeing the people around him with "You did it on purpose." Looking at him with such eyes, Hu Bubei almost couldn't help but want to grab them and shout: " I didn't do it on purpose! I couldn't even think of it!"

But it's too late to say anything now.Apart from insulting Zhou Buyi so much just now, he even revealed a lot of Jianzong's plan under his complacency.Although the most critical point was not mentioned, so what?When Zhou Buyi takes him down next week, with Zhou Busu's methods, is there anything he can't find out?

"Idiot, I didn't expect your Huashan faction to come out like this."

Zhou Buyi couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard this voice, "I knew you wouldn't stay in Fuzhou honestly. The teacher's family is unlucky, so I made you laugh."

At this moment, everyone on the boat saw a flash of silver light in Hu Bubei's hand, like lightning, fleeting, people couldn't catch a trace.Everyone still said that they were dazzled, but they were also puzzled in their hearts. How could there be a flash of lightning suddenly in this clear sky?

Zhou Buyi and Zhuo Bufan saw this sword clearly.Hu Bubei drew his sword, and the sword was as fast as thunder, without any sound, and all the movements were done in one go, without even half a stop in the middle.That's all, the disciples of Jianzong should be like this, but what surprised them was that before Hu Bubei drew his sword, there was no sign at all, but in the blink of an eye, the long sword in his hand was already lightning-like. Unsheathed and stabbed at Lingxiao.

Zhuo Bufan was about to shout out, but he saw that instead of retreating, Ling Xiao took a step forward.He took out a short sword from nowhere in his hand, kept shaking it, and several sword flowers appeared in an instant.Bang bang bang bang.But it was seen that Hu Bubei put the sword on his own neck.

At this time, the dozen or so outer disciples led by Zhuo Bufan couldn't help laughing: "Senior brother Hu, what are you doing? Are you threatening senior brother with suicide?"

Zhou Buyi could tell naturally that this was Wudang's soft cloud sword technique.The sword moves in the starting hand make it look like flowing clouds and flowing water, which means that a good driver is driving a light cart and traveling on a familiar road.The swordsmanship is soft but strong, light and agile, and contains powerful real power inside, combining speed and slowness, hardness and softness. When practicing, it is required to walk with the sword and carry the sword with the body. The mind is in harmony, the mind is in harmony with the qi, and the qi is in harmony with the spirit. In the body, it is also necessary to have excellent hands, eyes, body, method, and steps.This sword technique moves like a dragon coming out of water, calm like a civet cat catching a mouse, in motion, separates yin and yang with hands, hides gossip in the body, steps through the nine palaces, combines Qi inside and shape outside, it is the best among many sword techniques in Wudang , is the secret method of Wudang Mountain.

But what Hu Bubei used was the life-killing chain of three fairy swords that Lu Qingcheng was famous for.

The life-killing chain of three immortal swords can be regarded as an extremely powerful sword technique in the martial arts.Although there are only three types of sword moves, the sword intent is unpredictable, so when you strike in a row, you can do it in one go.At the beginning, the sword is powerful and unstoppable, just like a knife move; if the opponent leans away, then turn the long sword in a circle and cut across the waist. If you dodge it, you will definitely jump over the sword, and the long sword will be turned back, and it will stab the opponent's back heart.If the opponent does not have eyes behind his back, it is difficult to avoid it.

If you encounter this sword technique, you will definitely not be able to avoid it. Once you hide, you will fall into the trap of the Three Immortal Sword.It can only be blocked with strong internal force.Hu Bubei originally thought that such a little girl had such a strong internal force?Even if there is, where does such sharp eyesight come from?If you encounter this trick, you must take it away.But who would have known that this eldest lady is small, and her kung fu is not weak. Her inner strength is pure Yin Wuji Kung Fu adapted from Wudang Zhenshan Wuxue, her swordsmanship is soft cloud swordsmanship adapted from Tai Chi, and she has a grandfather who is a great master over there.Hu Bupei said that his internal strength was not as good as that of a human being, his vision was not as good as that of a human being, and his swordsmanship and moves were even worse than that of a human being. He could only bully those with shallow internal strength, so how could he deal with this young lady?Naturally. . .

But who would have thought that Hu Bubei, who was originally depressed, was actually full of joy.Zhou Buyi, who was in control of everything, changed his face drastically, and shouted: "Ling Xiao get out of the way!"

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