The book continued from the previous chapter, but said that Hu Bubei wanted to take advantage of Lingxiao's unpreparedness and take it down to threaten Zhou Buyi.Unexpectedly, he miscalculated, but was suppressed by Ling Xiao, and when he was about to be captured, a flash of light suddenly pierced Ling Xiao.Ling Xiao heard the bad wind in the back of his head, and knew that someone was plotting against him! He rolled over and dodged the sword.

Zhou Buyi took a closer look and saw the other person's face clearly.Suddenly lost his mind: "Uncle Wang, why is it you!" Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe Zhou Buyi's words, he quickly used Hunyuanyi Qigong to look over carefully, and he was stunned for a moment when he saw the appearance of the person coming.

The person who came was Wang Qingshui, a famous figure of Qizong.Speaking of Wang Qingshui, although he is not one of the Seven Swords of Huashan Shuangxiong, his kung fu is very hard, and he is not inferior to Lu Qingcheng who ranks last.The shaoyang zhenqi in his body is outrageously strong, but for some reason he has been unable to break through the ninth floor and advance to the realm of the world's top masters.That miraculous Xiyi swordsmanship made many people in the Jianghu frightened. "Soul Chaser" Qi Hui, Qinghai Baiban evil star, and the 49 thieves who wandered in Mobei and Shaanxi, which one was not wanted by several inspectors in the Northwest with a lot of money?Which one does not have hundreds of lives in its hands?But in the end, except for a white board evil star who fled to Qinghai, the rest fell under Wang Qingshui's hands.Also, Gong Ping, the master of the Fenglei Hall of the Sun Moon Sect, and Wang Siyu, the master of the Zhuque Hall, almost fell under Wang Qingshui's sword.The name of King Huashan Shiqi and his sword spread all over the world with the blood of these people and the mouths of the Jianghu people.

"Nephew Zhou." Wang Qingshui's withered and short body uttered a hoarse cry, but there was a bit of embarrassment inside.No one could have imagined that the weird and quick sword just now was made from such a dry and short body.

"Uncle Wang, how could could..." Zhou Buyi couldn't believe it, even though Wang Qingshui and Liu Qingyan had gotten closer in the past two years, he was a disciple of the Qi sect for decades!Not to mention the fact that Qi Zong saw it from top to bottom, Zhou Qingxuan ordered him to take charge of the transfer of money between the Central Bank and the Central Bank.How could he behave like the people of Jianzong?What's more, Wang Qingshui's position was taken away by Chen Qingchen of Jianzong a few years ago, so he should hate Jianzong extremely, how could it be? ?

"This..." Wang Qingshui hesitated a little. After all, what he did was not very glorious, and betraying the sect was a serious crime no matter where it was placed.But who let Liu Qingyan catch him?It's all my own fault, I couldn't control it for a while, and even ruined my reputation.There is no guarantee for the evening festival.

Seeing Wang Qingshui's embarrassing look, Hu Bubei laughed wildly and said, "My Jianzong is the righteous way of Mount Hua, so there are people who will vote for me. Zhou Buyi, the elders of Qizong like Master Wang have already voted for my Jianzong, so why are you so obsessed with it? ?You airbenders have already lost. Lost!"

Zhou Buyi also came back to his senses at this time, looked at Zhuo Bufan looking at himself with blank eyes, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with Hu Bubei: "Do it." People from both sides rushed together and started fighting with each other.

Zhou Buyi stepped forward to restrain Hu Bubei, who knew that Wang Qingshui stepped forward to block him, Ling Xiao said with a smile: "Idiot, leave Hu Bubei to me, treat this one well." Wang..." Lingxiao thought for a while, and didn't know how to address him, so he could only say, "You can treat this senior Wang well." After speaking, he fought with Hu Bubei, and Hu Bubei didn't dare to think about using it now. The matter of the life-killing three immortals' serial swords was settled quickly, so he calmed down and used Xiyi's swordsmanship one by one.If Hu Bupei is worthy of being the chief disciple of Jianzong, the Xiyi artistic conception of this Xiyi swordsmanship has really been practiced by him.The long sword in his hand changed, and he attacked the work area towards Ling Xiao. The sword was shining, but it seemed that he couldn't see where he was.What's even more strange is that the long sword flew up and down without making a sound.The last time Yang Buqi played against Tianmen, because it was a martial arts competition in the ring, it was not easy to make a deadly move, and he never fully demonstrated the power of this Xiyi sword technique.But this time, it is the most critical step in Jianzong's layout.If he wins, then needless to say, if he loses, Jianzong will lose more than half of it this time, and may even be defeated completely!Besides, Hu Bubei was forced by Ling Xiao to almost kill himself with a sword just now, how could he stop?The killing intent in this sword is undisguised.Several times, he almost missed Ling Xiao's vital point. Fortunately, this Rouyun swordsmanship was born out of Taiji swordsmanship, without the slightest flaw, and blocked Hu Bubei's killing moves one by one.

Ling Xiao and Hu Bubei fought fiercely, let's not talk about it for now.Zhou Buyi fell into a bitter battle, and spent a lot of energy in order to break through the fifth stage of Zixia's magic skill.Fortunately, he has clearly understood the essentials of internal strength that complement each other with yin and yang. The two different kinds of true qi returned to their original sources and became the source of abundant qi and blood. They made up for the previous loss of qi and blood and the hidden injuries caused by fighting, and then regained their vitality. It suddenly turned into true qi, but the previous loss was too great, and there was some loss during the mutual conversion, so the true qi was not fully replenished.His opponents are famous people who have been famous for a long time, and they know each other well.This time the fight is more related to their respective futures, and they are even more cautious when they make a move, and they will not hold back their hands.

Wang Qingshui relied on his own practice for many years, and the swordsmanship he used was powerful and heavy, without the lightness, dexterity and dexterity of Huashan swordsmanship, and it was even worse than Tianqiao's selling handle style, let alone the Xiyi sword. Faruoxi Ruoyi's sword intent.But with this kind of swordsmanship, Zhou Buyi felt that it was more difficult to deal with than ordinary Huashan swordsmanship.When Wang Qingshui swung his long sword, there were slight explosions in the air one after another, as if firecrackers were being ignited next to everyone's ears, carrying an indescribably fierce and evil aura.And this is one of the main reasons why Zhou Buyi is dignified, it is quite similar to Ming Jin in Chinese martial arts!

Zhou Buyi didn't bother to hold the sword anymore.He knew that in terms of swordsmanship, he was definitely not as good as Wang Qingshui who had been immersed in Huashan swordsmanship for decades, and he was afraid that Wang Qingshui would know where the flaws were when he put on a posture.Zhou Buyi knew that he could rely on only what he had brought from his previous life. He started practicing since he was a child, and accidentally practiced Dan Jin's Xingyi Quan. Zhou Buyi has a set of weird footwork. I thought it was a Taoist priest doing it.And if there are really masters in the Taoist school who see it, they will know that this is a footwork movement that only high-level Taoist priests in the Taoist school can use in prayer rituals.It is said that it was created by Xia Yu, so it is called Yubu.Because the footwork changes according to the position of the Big Dipper, it is like stepping on the stars and constellations, so it is also called "stepping on the stars".

It is rumored that Dayu was overworked to control the floods and suffered from a foot disease. Later, when he was blocked by a demon, he discovered that the gait caused by the foot disease had a miraculous effect of restraining the demon!It was by relying on Yubu that he subdued the evil spirits all the way and was able to control the flood.

"Zizi" says: "In ancient times, the Dragon Gate hadn't been built, Luliang hadn't been dug,... Yu then dredged the river and cut the river, and he didn't build his house for ten years. Yubu."

And Yang Xiong's "Fa Yan" once said "Wu Bu Duo Yu".Li Gui commented: "Si's Yu also controlled water and soil, waded mountains and rivers, and had sick feet, so he walked with a limp....And vulgar witches mostly imitate Yu's steps."

Taoism originated from the lineage of wizards in the ancient wilderness, and naturally learned from Yu Bu.It is believed that praying to the gods with this gait can send the gods to summon the spirits, gain the spirit of the seven stars, and drive away evil spirits and welcome the truth.Taoist priests often use it to gather qi and drive away evil spirits when they move qi or enter the mountains and forests. "Baopuzi Nei Pian·Deng She" quotes "Dun Jia Zhong Jing" and says: "When going to the mountains and forests, you should take the green dragon with your left hand and put it on the grass, fold it in half and put it under the stars, and go through the Ming hall into the Taiyin, and Yu will walk." Eliminate "hundred evil tigers and wolves". "Yu Yu's footwork: standing upright, with the right foot in front and the left foot behind, the second step is the front right foot, and the left foot is brought together with the right foot. Also. The right foot in front of the next step, the left foot is joined with the right foot, which is three steps. In this way, the way of Yu steps is completed." Later, Yu steps developed into the Gang steps of Taoism.

There is a passage in "Eight Emperors of the Dongshen Yuan Bianjing·Yu Bu Zhiling": "Yu Bu is the art of Xia Yu, and the walking of summoning the gods is considered the root of all arts and the gist of the mystery. The ancient great Yu controlled the water,...on the shore of the South China Sea, he saw a mantra of banning birds, which could make big rocks turn. When the birds were banned, he often made this step. Yu then imitated his deeds and ordered them to enter the art. Since then, he has returned without fail. Because it was made by Yu, it is called Yubu." This shows that Yubu was first adopted by Wu Zhu.Taoism inherits this technique and makes it clear.

In the plane of Zhou Buyi's previous life, there is no Taoist who does not practice boxing in order to live forever. The origin of Yubu is mysterious and the legend is magical, so it is natural to integrate it into boxing.Who knows that this Yu step really has miraculous effects, it can practice breathing, chanting mantras through the stomach and belly, promoting qi and blood, washing bone marrow, and opening the alchemy path.However, among all the martial arts of the domestic schools in the previous life, there is almost no inheritance. This is a lost footwork.That is to say, the Zhou family has a long history and was in power back then, so there is only a record of Yu Bu left.Otherwise, even if Zhou Buyi is well-informed, he won't.

To practice boxing, you must first practice the weight of the fist, the hardness of the bones, and the true energy of the inner family, in order to defeat the enemy and defend the way.But having a sword in hand saves a lot of effort. After all, a weapon made of steel is much more powerful than a fist.Unless you have practiced Shaolin King Kong's Immortal Body, Thirteen Taibao's horizontal training of golden bell shields, or you are wearing soft hedgehog armor, golden jade clothes, etc., otherwise it is considered a If an ordinary person stabs you with a sword, it will also spill blood on the spot.

If you are a master of internal skills, you will have the advantage. If you are unarmed, you don't know the supreme horizontal kung fu like the golden bell cover, and you don't know how to evade and dodge.That's basically one word, lose.

Even Wang Qingshui didn't know why Zhou Buyi abandoned the sword. It was because the Huashan swordsmanship was too famous, and the Wuyue Sword School was so popular that even Wang Qingshui, a famous Huashan school, forgot that the Huashan school had nothing but magic. His exquisite swordsmanship and profound and mysterious fist and palm kung fu.Although there was a lot of trouble during the year-end inventory because of this eagle-snake life-and-death fight One by one one one one one one one one one one one one to explain: Some people say that Jianzong is stronger than Qizong, but that is really hard to say, as far as Xiaoao’s original text is concerned, the three of Jianzong are not comparable Those who go to the mountain are not grouped together, and they dare not even go to Huashan without the support of the Songshan faction.In the original text, Feng Buping is better, Cheng Buyou never gives up, it is no different from the evil style

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