Wang Qingshui was originally a well-known strongman in the Jianghu. Although he has not been able to break through to the tenth level of Shaoyang Zhenqi all these years, this strong inner family Zhenqi is not for nothing.If it is really a gesture of real swords and guns, one move and one style, even though Zhou Buyi said that his skills have improved by leaps and bounds recently, the outcome is still between five and five.It's a pity that Wang Qingshui felt guilty for betraying Qizong, but he was bluffed by Zhou Buyi's flashy Huashan figure, and committed a big taboo of distracting his mind during the battle!It took only a few hits before he was severely injured by his nephew, whose skill was far inferior to his own.

Wang Qingshui was injured and fell to the ground, without any resentment, he just let out a long sigh: "Hey...cough's's all retribution! Cough cough cough... Nephew Zhou...I'm sorry for still killed me ..."

Looking at this old man, Zhou Buyi felt extremely complicated.When he was a teenager, it was this little seventeenth uncle who carried him on his back and jumped up and down Mount Hua, playing with him, making trouble with him, and being punished with him.His father was the head of the sect, he was busy with affairs, and at that time, the master had just passed away, and the vitality of the Huashan School was seriously injured. His father was busy until late at night every day, and fell asleep when he was done. He didn't have much time to accompany him. Wu has no time.At that time, if it wasn't for Uncle Seventeen, I probably wouldn't even be able to touch the door of martial arts.Not only himself, other disciples of the Qizong also had a very good relationship with him, the youngest Uncle Seventeen in the Qing Dynasty of the Qizong.

But why?Why did Uncle Seventeen want to betray the Qizong?Zhou Buyi really wanted to catch Wang Qingshui and question him severely.But he couldn't do it, he couldn't do such a thing to Uncle Seventeen who loved him since he was a child, even though he betrayed Qizong.

And Zhou Buxin knew clearly that Uncle Seventeen could dodge the last fatal punch.Looking back, when the first move knocked down the long sword in Uncle Seventeen's hand, Uncle Seventeen's spirit had already passed.If Uncle Seventeen is really so heartless, a lazy donkey rolls around, and he is attacking with all his strength, even if he has Zixia's magical power, it will take three to five breaths of time for the internal force to backlash after hitting empty, this period of breath adjustment time is enough for Uncle Wang Go and get back the sword that was thrown on the ground, and kill yourself a dozen times more.But Uncle Seventeen didn't do that, not only let his fist hit his body, but also dissipated the internal force of his body!Yes!Uncle Seventeen must have been forced to do nothing, Liu Qingyan, that old bastard used some despicable means to make Uncle Seventeen betray the sect!I said, why every time I practiced in the forest, I saw Uncle Wang come back from Liu Qingyan.They all looked sad.

Thinking of this, Zhou Buyi immediately bent down, helped Wang Qingshui sit up, and let out a burst of true energy.With this zhenqi, Wang Qingshui felt much better, and it was not as hard as before. Wang Qingshui said with a wry smile: "No doubt, why do you waste your zhenqi to save me? My uncle can't do it right now. What's more, I betrayed my teacher. , the sin deserves death, and death is at your hands. It can be regarded as my atonement."

"Uncle Seventeen, why is this? Why!" Seeing Wang Qingshui slowing down, Zhou Buyi asked Wang Qingshui eagerly.

"Don't ask, it's ugly! It's so ugly! I deserve to be called Senior Brother Liu when I sat down and waited for the scandal... No! He's not my senior brother! It's that villain Liu Qingyan! Yes! The villain!" Wang Qingshui said. Then he became excited, Zhou Buyi listened intently to what Wang Qingshui said, his thoughts became slightly distracted, and later he heard that his Seventeenth Uncle really had a handle in Liu Qingyan's hands, he couldn't help being shocked, and felt that Wang Qingshui The pacified zhenqi in Qing Shui's body made a fuss again, almost pushing his palm away again.Immediately mobilizing his skills, he pushed Wang Qingshui's Lingtai acupoint with a burst of extremely thick true energy.

Another streak of Zixia's true energy crossed over.Wang Qingshui couldn't help calming down, "Five years ago, I went down the mountain to eradicate the Blue and White Society of the killer organization. When I passed by Qinghe Town, I met a girl who sold her body to bury her father. At that time, I saw a group of scoundrels bullying her, so I Step forward to stop it. After driving away the group of scoundrels, I gave her three taels of silver to bury her father." Zhou Buyi felt a 'thump' in his heart, why is this scene so familiar?

"But I didn't know that she insisted on following me, saying that she wanted to be a slave. At that time, I saw that she was indeed extremely beautiful, and I was a little moved, so I agreed. Only then did I know that her name is Sang Sanniang. I Let her wait for me in Qinghe Town first. I will go to wipe out the Blue and White Society, but who knows that the leader of the Blue and White Society, Nangong Caner, the second leader, Siemens, and the third leader, Sikong Chaixing, disregarded the rules of the world, besieged me, and even fed on weapons In the end, I escaped to Qinghe Town thanks to Jin Yangong, and I survived because of her care for me in those few months." Wang Qingshui fell into the memory of the past, and a smile appeared on his face. An inexplicable expression: "Later, my injury is almost healed. I plan to take her back to Huashan in two days. I can't really let her be my servant. Let her learn some kung fu on the mountain. Although she is old When I grow up, I can’t practice at a high level, but it’s good to be an outer disciple. I didn’t know that one night, I got up to take a urinate. Suddenly I heard a "crash", and I thought that a thief had sneaked in, so I ran over. I didn't know that it was Sanniang taking a bath. I couldn't control it for a while, I actually..." Wang Qingshui's face was full of remorse, but what he didn't notice was that Zhou Buyi's face was distorted to an indescribable level at this time. the point.

At this time, Zhou Busu had guessed a lot in his heart, and secretly blamed Wang Qingshui in his heart, "You will also fall into this old-fashioned trap, Uncle Seventeen, you are really..."

"After I had a relationship with her, I felt guilty, so I settled her in a Zhuangzi. During that time, I went down the mountain every day to meet her. At that time, what she liked most was to ask me I was not prepared, so I told her everything about the Huashan Sect. But I never thought that she was a spy of the Demon Sect! Back then, your Uncle Gou and Uncle Qu fell into the trap of the Demon Sect and died tragically Under the Demon Sect's Black Water Arrow Team, I wondered at the time, your Uncle Gou and your Uncle Qu have been lurking in the Demon Sect for almost 20 years, and they haven't been discovered, so why were they caught in one go?"

Zhou Buyi's face became more and more weird. He never expected that such a bloody plot would appear beside him.At that time, he wondered why Uncle Seventeen couldn't find anyone every night.I didn't expect it to be...

Wang Qingshui continued: "I searched and searched, and in the end all the blame was pointed at Sanniang. I asked her, and she admitted it, and she tried her best to invite me to join the Devil's Cult. But I was greatly favored by Huashan. The head master also died at the hands of the Demon Sect. He had a deep blood feud with the Demon Sect. How could he join the Demon Sect? It’s also because I can’t see through the love between my son and daughter. Looking at that pretty face that has been with me for more than a year, I almost The second time I made up my mind, but I was still reluctant to do it. I just agreed to make this a permanent secret, and let her go. Later, I regretted more and more, and it turned out to be a heart disease of mine. I attacked Shaoyang’s true energy several times The tenth floor cannot succeed. I know that this is the retribution of Junior Brother Gou and Junior Brother Qu..."

"Later, Liu Qingyan, that old bastard, found out about this matter somehow. He approached me. At first, he asked me to increase the allocation for Jianzong, and then asked Wei Qinghui to help me manage the accounts. This matter is over. I didn't care, so I did as he asked, but after a few years, I found that, for some reason, there was a problem with the accounts, and the deficit was getting bigger and bigger. But I somehow got a Zhuangzi Land property. Only then did I know that all of this was planned by that old bastard Liu Qingyan. The purpose was to snatch the Huashan faction's authority over money and food. I didn't dare to argue with him, I could only Backed down step by step. How could you know that a month ago, when Bufan and the others were ready to go down the mountain, that miscellaneous hair came to me again and asked me to help them subdue you. I strongly refused at first, and he threatened San Niang , I didn’t agree either, I thought that instead of letting him continue to coerce him endlessly and don’t know what to do when the time comes, it’s better for the head brother to plead guilty. Who knew he said... Sanniang has my child ...If I don't obey, I will...I have no choice..."

After Zhou Buyi heard all this, he didn't know what to say.You can't let others ignore the life of your own son for yourself.It's not just anyone who can be as cruel and ruthless as Liu Zhengfeng, disregarding the lives of his whole family for the sake of a demon cult elder.

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At this time, the fight was almost over, how could Hu Bubei be Ling Xiao's opponent?Facing Wudang's soft cloud swordsmanship, Hu Bubei was completely helpless, and his Xiyi swordsmanship was completely helpless against Ling Xiao. After fighting for more than 100 rounds, he had countless wounds on his body, and the opponent didn't even have a small cut.

After beating like this, Hu Bubei didn't want to continue beating.This is not a fight, it's simply looking for abuse, after another ten moves, Hu Bubei's internal strength was insufficient, the long sword in his hand was knocked to the ground, and he was captured just like that.As for Zhuo Bufan, although he followed him a little less, Zhuo Bufan's kung fu far surpassed Cui Bupo's, what's more, the outer disciples who followed Cui Bupo saw that Hu Bubei and Wang Qingshui, two masters, were captured After falling down, morale plummeted, and the strength of the sword moves became weak, and some even gave up their swords and surrendered directly.They thought in their hearts: "The masters in the inner sect have a dispute, what's the matter with us outside the sect? Then it will be pushed to Young Master Hu and the others." One change, the people on Zhuo Bufan's side see the enemy The two pillars were taken down, the morale was boosted, and they fought the enemy bravely.After a while, there were no more rebels with swords on the field.

one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one national day, the whole world celebrates.just in the next chapter

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