The rebels on the ship were all captured, but Zhuo Bufan couldn't be happier.There are less than 100 people who are going to take to Nanyang this time. Now under the internal strife, twenty or thirty people have been lost, and there are less than 60 people left, leaving aside Hu Bubei, Cui Bupo and others who started the rebellion Among the outer disciples who followed him in the rebellion, there were only fifteen reliable people left who could rely on them as confidantes.How to deal with those rebellious Huashan sect disciples?Especially Hu Bubei, who is an extremely important figure in Jianzong.What is the next step after disposal?Are you still going to Nanyang?If you don't go to Nanyang, then go east to Japan?Or just go back to the Central Plains?What can I do in Japan?The original intention of coming out this time was to open up a stronghold in Borneo, so I didn't bring much silk and porcelain, but more farm tools.But if he just went back like would Hu Bubei do it?killed?If you want to kill him, how can you explain to the people of Jianzong?Do you want to launch two final battles now?If it is caused by the Qi sect, it will lose its righteousness... I am afraid that even the disciples inside the Qi sect will not be able to justify it, and they will not be able to display much strength in Bidou.When the time comes... is it really better than the original result? ? ?

These troubles bothered Zhuo Bufan, what's more, despite being treated with Zixia's true energy, Wang Qingshui finally died because of his serious injuries.This added a bit of sadness and helplessness to Zhuo Bufan, who was already sad and troubled by the confrontation between brothers and sisters of the same school.

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"No matter what he did, he always accompanied us to practice martial arts and sword. In hot weather, we can find ice cubes to cool us off with a word, and find silver frost charcoal to keep us out of the cold when it's cold. If we have any injuries Uncle Seventeen, who stayed by our side and took care of us all day long!" More than a year later, during the Battle of Yunv Peak, the matter of Wang Qingshui was exposed by Jianzong Liu Qingyan, and the morale of the Qizong disciples plummeted for a while. Busu said to the disciples of the Qi Sect and others.

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Looking at the frowning senior brother who was thinking, Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to disturb him, he knew that the senior senior brother was very irritable at this time, wouldn't it be scolding to disturb him at this time?Zhuo Bufan just hesitated there.Do you want to go to the bow and ask Miss Lingxiao to come over and talk to the senior brother?It seems that the relationship between Miss Lingxiao and the senior brother is not as simple as ordinary friends... I should be able to persuade the senior brother.

Ke Zhuo Bufan ran to the bow of the boat to find Ling Xiao who was watching the sea, and asked her to come forward and talk to Zhou Buyi, and let Zhou Buyi come up with a solution.Zhuo Bufan was completely stunned by what Ling Xiao said: "That idiot usually has a lot of ideas, and he has more twists and turns in his stomach than an old thief. Don't worry! He will have a way to deal with it. But I think, before that idiot makes a decision, first throw that Hu and so on and that Cui and so on into the sea. Who told them to treat our sister Han and sister Chu like that." Said Then she turned her head and said to the rescued Han Yueer and Chu Qiqi, "You guys say yes."

Han Yueer and Chu Qiqi nodded quickly, like chickens pecking at rice.

Hu Bubei restrained them just now, and took advantage of the opportunity of acupoint acupuncture... unexpectedly... quietly touched them.At that time, there were too many people, no one noticed this, and it was not easy for them to publicize it. Who would have thought that they would be seen by this 'bad guy' who wanted to rob Senior Brother? It almost feels like the sky is falling down.Who knew Ling Xiao not only didn't report to Zhou Buyi, but even helped to hide it!He also thought about helping them destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces.Han Yue'er thought to herself: "Good man. If this is the case, then let you marry the elder brother with us." Chu Qiqi was deeply scheming, knowing that Ling Xiao is not just a good man, but since there is such a person, Dealing with Ningzhong is more sure.But which woman is willing to share her love with other women, especially women who have had friction, Chu Qiqi shouted in her heart: "Oh my god! Why am I not an air sect? Why didn't the master marry the head sect!! !"

Zhuo Bufan saw that the two junior sisters had the same attitude, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only keep circling around Zhou Buyi, thinking of something.You can't just stay like this forever.The fresh water and food stored on the ship were limited, only enough for the group of people to go to the next freight station to replenish. Now that [-] or [-] people have died, it is estimated that they can last for a while, but it cannot be wasted like this.Although the people on board are all martial arts practitioners, and they are still Qizong disciples who are committed to internal strength cultivation, but they have not practiced to the point where they can feed off the grain.

Obviously Zhuo Bufan forgot about those sailors, but for an early 20th century AD... no, it should be the 20th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty!This is quite normal for a son of a big landlord who has lived in Yongle for [-] years.At least he didn't think about killing and eating those sailors, didn't he?But if Zhuo Bufan really thinks about those sailors, he will probably be even more troubled, because... it consumes more...

At this time, the sound of Zhuo Bufan walking back and forth woke up Zhou Buyi from his sadness and contemplation. He looked at Zhuo Bufan who seemed to be grinding a millstone, and asked, "What are you doing? You are practicing deck grinding skills?? I remember that our Huashan School does not have this kind of kung fu."

Zhuo Bufan saw the mocking smile on the elder brother's face, and felt helpless.Seeing that Zhou Buyi was still joking, Zhuo Bufan was even more angry: "When is it, are you still joking? My senior brother! I know that the matter of Uncle Seventeen has hit you hard, and my junior brother is also very upset." It’s uncomfortable. But the dozens of people on board, and the future of my Huashan faction, are all counting on you! What should I do next? Go back and repack, find a suitable opportunity to go to sea again, or continue to go to Borneo. You should say something. Oh, yes, there are Hu Bubei, Cui Bupo, and the outer disciples who dare to wield knives and guns at us, how should we deal with them?"

When Zhou Buyi heard this, his head became dizzy: "Are you asking me? Who should I ask?" Zhou Buyi didn't know what to do.Continue with your original plan?At that time, I didn't expect that it would be the current situation, with more than [-] people dead!Besides, even if it continues to be carried out according to the plan, so what?What about these goods?keep?Sorry!Throw it in the sea and feed it to the sharks?To relieve hatred is to relieve hatred, and it is silent.But if I go back to Huashan in the future, how can I explain to the people of Jianzong?shipwreck?If that person asks how you guys came back?how to answer?Liu Qingyan said that old bastard is not a vegetarian, how could he believe it was a shipwreck so easily?Could it be that he really turned against Jianzong now?Qizong is not yet ready to completely turn against Jianzong.

It was the first time for Zhuo Bufan to see the elder brother who was always troubled by everything, showing such a powerless appearance, his heart suddenly lost.Seeing Zhuo Bufan's appearance like this, how could Zhou Buyi not know what he was thinking?He squeezed his own brows: "Go! Go and see those two 'Master Young Masters' of the Sword Sect. See if you can get something out of their mouths." Zhou Buyi sighed at this moment. Then he continued, "We'll think about what to do when the time comes. Let's go." He patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder and walked towards Hu Bubei and Cui Bupo.

Hu Bubei at this time is not as complacent as before.Not to mention the failure of the flawless plan that was planned, not to mention the fact that his own side has an absolute advantage in numbers, and the opponent's high-end combat power is unable to move due to the suppression of true energy. , Wang Qingshui, who forced him to work for Jianzong, was folded in.This has to be said to be a heavy blow to Hu Bubei, who is only 23 years old and young and energetic.This was Hu Bubei's first visit to Mount Huashan, the first time he was alone, and the first time he was so close to defeating Zhou Buyi to get the next head of Huashan Mountain.Just failed like that?But it seems that there is not much time left for Hu Bubei to feel sorry for himself.Wang Qingshui's tragic death under the hands of Zhou Buyi can be more or less blamed on Jianzong and Hu Bubei. To put it to the extreme, they are even the chief culprits of Wang Qingshui's death!Will Zhou Bu doubt let him go?Would he let go of the murderer who killed Uncle Seventeen, who had a close relationship with him like a father and son?

Seeing Zhou Buyi and Zhuo Bufan approaching, Hu Bu smiled miserably: "Is it finally here? Hurry up and save me from suffering in this dirty world."

Zhou Buyi looked at Hu Bubei and couldn't help but sighed: "Junior Brother Hu, why are you bothering? Since the two Patriarchs Yue and Cai had a disagreement about the "Sunflower Collection" more than 30 years ago, the Huashan School split. The two sects of Cheng Jian Qi started. The battle of Jian Qi has been going on for nearly 60 years. Why are you in such a rush? And why do you want to attack your own brothers and sisters? Since the founding of the Guangning Patriarch, my Huashan School, except for Xian Yu, the head , There has never been such a thing as a faction that disciples can kill each other. Today, Junior Brother Hu, you have set this precedent." Zhou Buyi squatted down, "Even if he is less courageous than the head of the sect, he can only You dared to poison your fellow disciples to death secretly, but you are not as bold as you, Junior Brother Hu, to coerce the elders of the faction and lead the disciples from the outer sect to use knives and guns against your fellow disciples to engage in collective internal strife."

Hu Bubei looked at Zhou Buyi's handsome face with sharp edges and corners bitterly, thinking of just now... couldn't help but sighed up to the sky: "Don't say such useless things. I didn't expect that my sentence would make your old troubles go away." ! God! God! God does not bless me! It is not a crime of war!"

Hu Bubei was full of emotion in his heart, but thinking of the enemy in front of him, why is he so childish?Forcibly clearing up his mood, he said fiercely to Zhou Buyi: "Winning the king and defeating the bandit, the worst is death. It's all because of my obsession. I want to take your position as the head disciple and become the next head of Huashan. I want to use this to prove that I am stronger than you in front of Junior Sister Han! Take your place in the heart of Junior Sister Han! Look at your juniors, Fang Buli, Lu Bubei, Zhuo Bufan, Yue Buqun, Zhao Buyan And that mysterious Ning Bugu, which one of them is my opponent? Yue Buqun's Yangwu swordsmanship, if he didn't rely on his deep inner strength, he wouldn't even be able to pass three moves in front of me! Without you, who Can you rob me of the next head of Huashan? Who dares to rob me of the next head of Huashan? As for Uncle Wang. That’s right! It’s me who forced him, and I forced him! But so what? Undisciplined, he hooked up with the demon girl and killed two uncles who had been lurking in the demon for many years! The secret alliance with the demon girl caused our Huashan faction to suffer such a huge loss! I let Master Wang This is atonement! He deserves to die!"

Zhuo Bufan saw that he had ended up in such a fate, and he was still so presumptuous, he was angry from the heart, and slapped him twice: "You shameless person, how can you say such words. It seems that your sword Zong's disciples really only practice swordsmanship, I'm afraid you don't even know how to write the word virtue! It seems that your Jianzong has never paid attention to such insults to dead elders! If so, come, come! Come teach me, brother, why do you write two words!" After speaking, he slapped him three or five times, if Zhuo Bufan didn't think about waiting for the big brother to ask Hu Bubei, if he slapped Hu Bubei hard I couldn't explain clearly, and the internal force in my palm was dissipated.I'm afraid Hu Bubei will lose a few teeth after these slaps.

Zhou Buyi waved his hand, signaling Zhuo Bufan to stop, and said with a smile, "Hehe. Hu Bubei, I respect you as a man, even now I still regard you as a disciple of the Huashan School, and you are still here like this Nonsense! Do you really think I, Zhou Buyi, is a three-year-old child? Is it so easy to be fooled by you?" Zhou Buyi put away his smile and grabbed Hu Bubei's collar, "How dare you insult Seventeen? Uncle! I think you really don’t want to live anymore! Tell me! What is Liu Qingyan’s plan? How many outer disciples have been recruited by your Jianzong? Besides Uncle Seventeen, who else has been captured by your Jianzong? Uncle Zeng Uncle Li? Or Uncle Tian? Don’t try to tease me with me and lie in circles, Ribai, you’re almost right to lie in front of me.” At this moment, Zhou Buyi leaned close to Hu Bubei’s ear and said, “You Don't make me punish you."

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Hu Bubei laughed all of a sudden: "Punishment?? Zhou Buyi! Zhou Buyi! I, Hu Bupei, really think highly of you, and you actually said you were going to torture me. Haha Haha! I laughed so hard, come here if you have the ability! If there is any criminal law, you will punish me. Peeling real grass? Grooming? If you, Uncle Hu, frown, you are not a good man!" Hu Bubei thought to himself, this There is no mercury or iron brush on the boat, so what punishment can be used?Presumably Zhou Buyi said it on purpose to scare himself.Since that's the case, Hu Bubei doesn't mind being a brave hero.

Seeing that there were such ignorant people, Zhou Buyi let go of his hands, and helped Hu Bupei straighten his collar: "We are all civilized people, and we are still brothers, how can I use peeled real grass to groom and so on? Cruel punishment? Too bloody! There are three beautiful women on board, I don’t want to be abrupt. Don’t worry, it’s just a few pieces of yellow paper.” Zhou Buyi turned his head and said to Zhuo Bufan, “Junior Brother Zhuo, I brought a stack of papers with me before I left. Mulberry paper, the cabinet in the cabin, please take it out for me." Zhuo Bufan obeyed the order and left.Seeing that Zhuo Bufan went down, Zhou Buyi turned his head and looked at Hu Bubei with pitiful eyes.Hu Bubei was frightened when he looked at him: "What are you looking at, don't think that I will be afraid of you just by looking at me with this kind of eyes." But there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart.He can understand this elder brother very well. To put it nicely, he has unlimited creativity. To put it badly, he can come up with any crooked ideas. How can it be as simple as a few pieces of mulberry paper?But now that the Huatou has been released, wouldn't it be ridiculed if he softened at this time? "I thought it was just to scare me." Hu Bubei could only comfort himself in this way.

Not to mention how Zhou Buyi and Hu Bubei fought wits on the deck, but Zhuo Bufan got off the deck and came to Zhou Buyi's cabin, and found a stack of thick mulberry paper from the cabinet next to the bed. Bufan looked at the stack of mulberry papers in a daze: "What did the big brother call me to do with this mulberry paper?" After a careful look, he didn't find any mechanism, so he had to put away the stack of mulberry papers full of doubts and prepared to go up. I found that there was still an old writing brush, so I thought about it, "Could it be that the senior brother wanted to use that trick? No! What if the senior senior asked me to bring mulberry paper? Maybe the senior senior made a mistake?" Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, and he was sure he was right, but Zhou Buyi used to have a lot of "prestige", and Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to disobey Zhou Buyi's order, when he was cleaned up, he couldn't even cry, I am afraid that the master will not even bother to complain to the master.In order not to make mistakes, I also took away the writing brush and the stack of mulberry paper just now.

When Zhuo Bufan came up, he happened to see Zhou Buyi asking someone to fetch water from the sea, and his heart was even more confused, but the answer will be known later?Zhuo Bufan walked to Zhou Buyi's side, and took out the mulberry paper and the old writing brush: "Brother, I brought everything you asked for. I saw that there was another writing brush, so I brought it along with it." Zhuo Bufan Seeing Zhou Buyi, Bufan really made people fetch water from the sea

"Have you got it?" Zhou Buyi took the mulberry paper and brush, stared at the old brush in a daze, could it be that Junior Brother Zhuo also traveled through time?Know this punishment?And you know that I will let him execute it later? ? ?Zhou Buyi asked cautiously: "Junior Brother Zhuo, do you know what I'm going to do?" Seeing that Zhuo Bufan shook his head, Zhou Buyi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Most of it was cut off.But really not?may be…

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