The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 26 Penalties Only High Court Officials Can Enjoy

"Brother Hu, I'm going to give you one last chance to advise you to tell what you know. Otherwise, wait...hehehe, this is enough for you." Looking at Zhou Buyi's face With a smirk, Hu Bupei couldn't help but feel his back go cold and his chrysanthemum tighten. "What does Zhou Buxin want to do? Don't! Master help me! If I can go back this time, my disciples will all listen to your old man's teachings, and will never listen to Master Liu's instigation. From now on, if you kill him, you won't do right with this devil. Patriarch Guangning! If you have spirits in the sky, you will bless your disciples through this calamity, and when you go back, your disciples will help you rebuild your golden body, pure gold!"

Although Hu Bubei is already a little scared in his heart now, why did Hu Bubei speak so full of words just now?As a young man in his early twenties, arrogant and supercilious, how could Hu Bubei be ashamed?I could only grit my teeth and hold on, "Maybe I can make it through? Maybe Zhou Buyi is just scaring me... Yes, maybe he is scaring me. It must be!" Poor Hu Bubei was already flustered to the point where he couldn't speak, although he didn't say the words.Although Hu Bubei said to himself in his heart: "This is a bluff." But what if it is true?Hu Bubei decides!If you really can't hold on any longer, then you, yourself... just beg for mercy from the elder brother.

Although Hu Bubei is full of contradictions and fears in his heart now, a tiger will not fall down (whether it is a real tiger or not, at least he himself thinks he is a tiger).The words that came out of one mouth were very tough: "Humph, just these two pieces of mulberry paper? Oh. There is also a broken brush, Zhou Buyi, are you okay? Why don't we go back and find a doctor? No, you It should be to rush back to Huashan to let the master see if you have practiced qi to the point of becoming obsessed, hahaha." The end of pretending to be a man is to be slapped several times by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhou Buyi let Zhuo Bufan do it this time, Zhuo Bufan slapped Hu Bubei over and over again, Zhou Buyi said at the same time: "Junior Brother Hu, why bother to hold on? If you are not a man, don't pretend. "Zhou Buyi was the successor of a big family in his previous life. He also had to learn how to socialize, interrogate prisoners and so on. Since he was a child, his family had found him a thousand-door Mr. Miao Liuye to teach him to observe words and expressions, and use words to attract people into the game. Category.Hu Bubei's small thoughts can still hide it from him? "Look at you, the lips are tightly closed, and the eyebrows are raised and wrinkled together. Generally speaking, tight lips usually indicate stress and anxiety. People will make this small movement when they are upset. Raised eyebrows and wrinkled together indicate Brother Hu, you are afraid in your heart."

"Bah! Zhou Buyi, if you have the guts, you'll be punished! Don't act like a bitch!" Hu Bubei was caught by Zhou Buyi's words, and quickly loosened his lips, trying his best to make a cloud It looks light and breezy.However, a flush on his face gave away his current mood.Of course, we don't know whether it was caused by Zhuo Bufan or because of Hu Bubei's anger, but even if Hu Bubei wanted to retreat now, he might not be able to. Back off, back off, I'm afraid the consequences are not something he can bear.Hu Bubei can only persevere to the end.

"Hey...Since you want to experience this punishment so much, as a senior brother, I will naturally meet your request, Brother Hu. Bufan, go over and bring the water, Chen Ming, Wang Tao, hold him down for me." Zhou Buyi recruited two disciples from the outer sect, and told them to firmly pin Hu Bubei to the ground.Hu Bubei struggled desperately, but he was blocked by Zhou Buyi's heavy hand on several big acupuncture points, and he couldn't use his internal strength at all, so how could he compete with two mature men who were able to move their true energy without hindrance?

Hu Bubei was still gathering zhenqi to rush to the barrier just now.Hu Bubei's internal strength, not to mention that there are people around, will not sit idly by, even if there is no one around, or put him aside and let him attack the acupoints, just his shallow internal strength Shock the acupuncture points that Zhou Buyi had sealed with extreme force... I am afraid that before Hu Bubei charged away, he would have starved to death.Although he has that trick...

Zhuo Bufan brought over a bucket full of seawater. The wooden bucket filled with seawater looked like it weighed about a dozen kilograms. In Zhuo Bufan's hands, it didn't seem to weigh at all. People couldn't help but sigh. Really extraordinary.Zhuo Bufan brought the sea water, put it aside, and said to Zhou Buyi: "Brother, the water is here."

Seeing the bucket of seawater being brought over, Zhou Buyi said, "Soak that pen in the water, then, Cui Bupo, take a piece of mulberry paper and put it on your brother Hu's face."

I thought Zhou Buyi was going to use the method of scratching the soles of his feet, but he actually asked himself to put the brush in the bucket, soaking it to the brim.This made Zhuo Bufan Zhang Erzhang puzzled: "Elder brother, what is he going to do? Why don't you see the swollen forehead?" Soon...Zhuo Bufan understood what Zhou Buyi wanted to do...

Zhou Buyi asked someone to cover Hu Bubei's face with a piece of mulberry paper, and asked Zhuo Bufan to use a brush dipped in sea water to carefully brush on the mulberry paper. Brush full.It doesn't matter, it's just practice, then do the second, third time... After seven or eight times, Zhuo Bufan finally managed to completely wet a piece of mulberry paper.Then the second piece of mulberry paper was covered on Hu Bubei's face, and Zhuo Bufan repeated the action just now, using a brush dipped in sea water, and brushed on the mulberry paper carefully. It was full: then the third piece of mulberry paper, the fourth piece of mulberry paper, until the fifth piece of mulberry paper. Seeing that Hu Bubei's resistance was a little weaker, Zhou Buyi asked Zhuo Bufan to reveal those pieces of mulberry paper. When it came down, the five sheets of mulberry paper were stacked together. The almost dry mulberry paper had distinct bumps, just like the mask of the "paste official" on the stage.

This is what Jin Yiwei asked Zhu Hongwu's order from the old prison guard of Qianyuan when he used Zhu Hongwu's order to torture a group of honorable officials in the Hu Weiyong case and the Lan Yu case.It wasn't that the old jailer had committed any capital crimes, and Jin Yiwei didn't speak harsh words, let alone use severe torture.On the contrary, they ate, drank and entertained, serving the old jailer who came from the Yuan Dynasty like ancestors.

No way, they don't want to!They are the emperor's army!He actually went to serve an old prison guard from the Yuan Dynasty, and finally sent him a hereditary Jin doctor and guard Baihu!But who told Emperor Hongwu to strictly prohibit them from using torture during the interrogation process, so as to cause obvious harm to those high-ranking officials.They said that the son of heaven is close to the army, and they are also very majestic on weekdays. In those days, a wrestler could capture high-ranking officials of the first and second ranks and even the nobles of super ranks.But to put it bluntly, these majestic Jin doctors and guards and the emperor's army are nothing but eagle dogs raised by the emperor. If anyone in the Jin doctors and guards dares to violate the emperor's edict, it doesn't matter who it is!Even Mao Xiang, the commander of Jinyiwei!As long as he dares to ruin the affairs of the emperor and make Longyan furious, his fate will be much worse than those ministers with deep roots.The honorable minister will not offend Long Yan for an irrelevant eagle dog.What's more, it was such a notorious one who harmed their old brother, a brocade guard eagle dog of their old in-laws.Not to mention that the emperor is furious, even if the emperor throws him aside and no longer protects him, he will not be able to deal with those honorable ministers who are like wolves and tigers, and wily court ministers.

If ordinary punishments were used, even a magic weapon such as tiger stool chili water would inevitably leave some traces.If you accidentally execute a few people, aha!That would be great fun.This group of noble and honorable ministers are all old brothers who have broken their bones and connected their tendons together to fight the world, a large group of relatives and relatives, if they all really broke out, even Emperor Hongwu would have nothing to do about it.Even if Emperor Hongwu is not afraid and has a way, he can't explain to those who he trusts or who are not active so they are not involved.

The emperor has this edict, so Jin Yiwei really has no way to deal with it, and does not want to punish him?Is it possible?In Jinyiwei Imperial Prison, the reason why there is no unquestionable confession is because of the '33 days' and 'Eighteen Hells' in Jinyiwei Imperial Prison. Now the emperor does not allow torture and still presses for confessions every day. I don't know how many people in Jinyiwei at that time Sad gray hair.Later, I was still a small flag. When I was drinking in the street, I heard someone boasting that people died silently back then, and the years of old work could not be verified.Xiaoqi had an idea and reported it, and Mao Xiang personally issued the order.

Only then did Jin Yiwei try his best to curry favor with that Qianyuan jailer. Later, the old jailer didn’t know how many punishments he offered, but Commander Mao Xiang felt that it was inappropriate. Until this punishment, the old jailer said that using this punishment is not like beating someone. It will leave traces, or... kill people invisible.Because the peeled mulberry paper is distinctly concave and convex, just like the mask of "Tiejiaguan" on the stage, hence the name "Tiejiaguan".It really is so!Later, it was spread that this penalty became a necessary subject for every yamen.Zhou Buyi had never worked in those large and small yamen, but this punishment was second only to the beheading and Ling Chi in Zhou Buyi's previous life's popularity, and the Hong Fu of the film and television dramas of the Qing Palace, so how could Zhou Buyi not know?Moreover, the power of this punishment is enough to make Hu Bubei, who has little knowledge, succumb.

After peeling off the several layers of mulberry paper on Hu Bubei's face, the crowd saw that Hu Bubei's face was flushed, his eyes and nose were slightly swollen, and the veins in the corners of his eyes were bursting out, and they couldn't help but praise him.Hu Bubei couldn't care what kind of eyes others looked at him at this time, he just breathed in the sea-smelling air.Hu Bubei has never cherished his every breath like this before, he thinks the air smells so good, why has he never felt this way?

After a while, Hu Bubei finally calmed down.Before he could recover, Zhou Buyi spoke, looking too tired to beat him up twice: "What does Junior Brother Hu think of the taste of this post? It's not bad? I think Junior Brother Hu Waiting for heroes, how can ordinary fresh water be strong enough? It is also difficult to find fresh water here, so I replaced it with sea water. How is it? The taste is not bad?" Zhou Buyi patted his thigh, with a heartbroken look: "Originally I I thought Junior Brother Hu could last longer, at least when I got the tenth piece of mulberry paper! Junior Brother Hu, you have disappointed me so much. If I meet people from the Demon Sect in the future, they will be able to use all kinds of torture. When the time comes, you must not betray your master!" Hu Bubei almost thought that his crime was unforgivable with that earnestness.

At this time, Hu Bubei didn't dare to act like a hero in front of Zhou Buyi, let alone speak back and complain.He only dared to yell in his heart, "Is there a kind of **** to try? That taste... Where did the master master pick up this demon! This kind of punishment can be imagined. Why didn't he go to Jinyiwei? In the future, Is there a fucking future for me in your hands? What kind of torture from the Devil’s Cult can compare to what you Zhou Buyi came up with! It’s a shame that you Zhou Buyi didn’t become the leader of the Devil’s Cult! Patriarch Guangning is here Come on, what crime did this disciple do in his previous life! He actually met such a demon!"

Zhou Buyi sat lazily on the deck: "Tell me about Master Liu's plan this time, and your Jianzong's plan. Otherwise." Zhou Buyi pointed to the stack of mulberry paper placed aside , and the bucket of sea water "Go on! But don't say that you are not predicting, this punishment is used every time, an extra piece of paper will be added. This punishment can only be enjoyed by high-ranking officials in the court. The younger brother is willing to enjoy it more A few times, I am happy to make my junior brother happy."

Hu Bubei thought that a good man would not suffer from immediate losses, so he responded with a few words indiscriminately, that's all. Could it be that you, Zhou Buyi, can still go to Master Liu to check the truth?After making this idea, Hu Bubei pretended to be scared: "This matter was originally just to get rid of you, senior brother, and then control the initiative to cooperate with Fuwei Escort in my hands. After two weeks In [-], when I have achieved results, Uncle Liu will run around in the faction, and try my best to promote me to replace the elder brother and become the next head of the Huashan faction. This is also because there are more and more sword sect disciples in recent years, and their strength has surpassed Qi. Because of Zong. Originally, I was thinking of looking for an opportunity to drug the elder brother, and then gouged through the bottom of the ship to create the illusion of a shipwreck at sea. I heard the conversation between the elder brother and the younger sister Han that day, and knew that the elder brother suffered internal injuries. Every morning At the right time, when the sun rises, the strange zhenqi will come out to make trouble. Senior brother, you will have to exert all your strength, and it will take two or three hours to suppress it. During this period, no one can touch it, let alone make violent movements. Only then did I change my mind, and then I persuaded Senior Brother to set off in the middle of the night, thinking that when Senior Brother was suppressing his true energy, he would pierce the bottom of the boat. Even if Senior Brother Zhuo wanted to save Senior Brother, he would be unable to do so. After returning to Huashan, Zhuo The junior brother can also prove that the senior brother suffered internal injuries and was unable to move. Unfortunately, he died in a shipwreck. No one would have guessed that it was me who did it, and would only think it was a shipwreck. There are no clues."

Zhuo Bufan held back his anger and asked, "It's still more than ten miles away from Fujian. Are you going to swim there? When did you become so good at swimming, Senior Brother Hu?"

Hu Bubei said: "I arranged a boat nearby, and I will pretend to meet by chance. Anyway, the nearby waters are also the only way for fishing boats."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Hu Bubei would come up with such a poisonous plan, and he almost became an accomplice in killing the elder brother, Zhuo Bufan couldn't swallow this breath, he waved his palm, this time with enough palm strength, Hu Bubei may die if he palms down.

Seeing this, Hu Bubei smiled sadly, and said hastily in his heart: "You hit! You hit! One slap down and you let out such a bad breath, and I will be relieved." Bufan's palm touched his cheek.Opening his eyes, it was Zhou Buyi who stopped Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother, why are you??" Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhou Buyi in disbelief, "Hu Bubei wanted to kill you!!"

Zhou Buyi pressed Zhuo Bufan's raised palm, squatted down and stared at Hu Bubei and said, "I know, and at the same time I also know that... Junior Brother Hu is not telling the truth."

"How does he know?" Hu Bubei was shocked.Hu Bubei knew that what he just said was true and false, and Zhou Buyi had no place to testify, so how could he tell it was false?

"Eldest brother, how do you know? I did see him digging the bottom of the boat just now." Zhuo Bufan asked in disbelief.

"You didn't notice his small movements just now. He curled his lips after he finished speaking just now. This is a classic expression that reveals his heart. It means that he doesn't believe in what he said, or is suspected of lying: when he confessed, he stared at him. Let us say, but when people narrate, their eyeballs look to the lower left, which means that the brain is remembering, and what they are telling is the truth; while lies do not need the process of recalling. When he spoke, he shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was very dissatisfied with what he said Confidence, inconsistencies in body and language, and blinking constantly when speaking, it means that he is lying. Brother Hu, you said that Uncle Liu supports you in robbing me of the position of head disciple. The truth. stared at me when you said that you killed me because of the position of head disciple. It should not be just because of this simple reason." Zhou Buyi patted Hu Bubei on the cheek, "Junior Brother Hu, you Brother, am I right?"

Hu Bubei was stunned, who is this?To know such a magical technique of observing words and expressions!What was thinking in my heart, I was guessed seventy or eighty.

Seeing Hu Bubei's sluggish look, Zhou Buyi said, "Nothing to say? Let's continue! Brother Zhuo?"

"Okay! Chen Ming, Wang Tao, hold him down. Brother Cui, get on the paper!" Zhuo Bufan greeted and started the song just now.Another six pieces of mulberry paper covered Hu Bubei's face, which was drenched by Zhuo Bufan's brush.When it came to the sixth one, Zhou Buyi waved his hand, "Uncover it."

Another mask was freshly released, this time Hu Bubei's reaction was more intense, and it took a while to calm down.Seeing that he had almost rested, Zhou Buyi asked, "Junior Brother Hu, it's time to tell the truth this time."

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