() Another year has passed.Several major events occurred in the martial arts world this year. Tantai Mieming, the former leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, forcibly practiced the Sunflower Canon, but he didn't want to become a crippled body, so he went into trouble.Howled miserably on Heimu Cliff for ten days, and taught the famous Chinese doctors to exhaust their minds, but they couldn't cure them. After ten days, all the acupuncture points burst and died.Duan Muhong, the deputy leader, will inherit the position of leader.

The leader of the Sun Moon God Sect has changed positions. Except for the ten elders and the two guardian emissaries and other senior ministers, everyone in the church is worried about the emperor and the courtiers.In order to achieve meritorious service and self-protection, he put all his heart and soul into collecting the sword moves used by the disciples of the Wuyue Sword School in the past dynasties when walking on the rivers and lakes, and compiled them into a collection. Most of them have been deciphered, and in two or three years at most, they will be able to decipher all the martial arts of the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

Of course, the main reason is that they got the "Sunflower Treasure", although the Sun Moon God Sect has been unable to decipher the cultivation method in it, and even lost a leader.However, due to the inspiration in it, the Ten Elders' inspiration exploded, and the deciphering of the Wuyue Sword School's martial arts was also a bit faster. It only took two or three more years before they could decipher all the martial arts methods. After all, The Five Sacred Sword School can stand upright, among which martial arts are not just for fun, each has its own characteristics, if it is not for the "Sunflower Treasure Book" of martial arts, it would be difficult for a few of them to decipher the martial arts of the Five Sacred Sects. But it's big, even if you have the martial arts cheats of the Wuyue Sword School in your hand, you don't even have to think about deciphering the martial arts that haven't been written for more than ten or twenty years.

After hearing this news from the undercover agent of the Sun Moon God Sect, the Huashan faction quickly spread it back to Chaoyang Peak of Huashan Mountain. The elders, as well as the only surviving elders of Yuesu Cai Zifeng's generation, down to the outstanding ones in the Qing generation, are all listed one by one, among them Zhou Buyi's cheap father Zhou Qingxuan is also impressively listed , but because the elders are all there, I just stand on the side with a group of brothers of Qing Dynasty.There is an outstanding disciple in Jianzong, a disciple of Zhao Changqing, the elder of Jianzong, Dongfang Qinghui, who is a rare opponent with a life-threatening chain of three immortal swords, because he had to rush back to Fengxiang's hometown a few days ago, and he was absent.

At this time, the disciples of the Qing Dynasty had also grown up, and the elders of the Huashan School wanted to guard Huashan to deter Xiao Xiao, and would not leave Huashan easily, so all these years, those who went down the mountain to kill evil and spread the reputation of the Huashan School are all Qingzi Generation disciple.Among them, the Seven Swords of Mount Hua and the Two Heroes are the most famous, and they have earned a great reputation in the Jianghu. Many people who think that Mount Hua has fallen because of the invasion of the Demon Cult are surprised, and they dare not underestimate Mount Hua.

"Senior brother Ge, is this news true or not?" Upon hearing this news, including Ge Changxin, the head of the Huashan School, the elders of the two sword qi sects all took a deep breath. The news was really shocking. The sect is so crazy that they want to crack the Wuyue Sword School's martial arts moves, and they have achieved their ulterior purpose. Regarding this point, they couldn't come to their senses for a while. In the end, it was Qian Changyou of Jianzong who broke it. Deathly silence.

"Junior Brother Chen, Junior Brother Li are undercover demon sects, and now they have also infiltrated the top management of the demon sect. It is said that the news will not be fake. Moreover, this demon sect has always been ambitious and has been coveting my Huashan foundation. I think the news will not be wrong." It is a master of qi sect, with gray hair, but his face is like a child, but he has achieved success in qi training. This person is Ge Changxin's senior brother, named Sun Changyu, who is mainly responsible for some external affairs of Huashan. diplomat, and the disciple surnamed Li is a mystery. Although many people know that there is a disciple surnamed Li in Huashan who is an undercover agent in the Devil's Cult, they don't know who it is. They just heard his surname and know The specific content, but only the head Ge Changxin and this Sun Changxi who directly connected with him.

That disciple surnamed Li was originally the grandson of a leader of the Huashan School.Because the leader made a big mistake, and even his descendants were expelled from Mount Hua. Yue Su accepted his grandson as a disciple privately and taught martial arts under the great kindness of the leader, but he never made it public. Only Ge Chang Xin, Yue Su's big disciple, because of Yue Su's trust, made him aware of the matter, and only wanted to give him some help when he was gone in the future. Unexpectedly, in a big battle, Yue Su died in battle. No one knew about his identity except Ge Changxin. After the two talked in detail, that person was willing to go undercover to the Sun Moon God Sect, and Ge Changxin also promised that as long as he made enough credit, he would be able to do so in the future. Definitely accepting Yue Su as a secret disciple, even though he can't recognize his ancestor and return to his clan, it's better than being alone.

After that person joined the Sun Moon God Sect, he withdrew his name and entered the Sun Moon God Sect as a tycoon who admired the reputation of the Sun Moon God Sect. Later, he got the predecessor of the Sun Moon God Sect, Tantai De Thanks to the hooligan's appreciation, he was able to step into the top ranks and became the head of the Fenglei Hall of the Sun Moon God Sect, responsible for guarding the main altar. Fish and dragons mixed together, but it was even more difficult to keep it secret, basically similar to the national government back then, it was a big sieve, so the Sun Moon God Sect obtained the secret book of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, and the news spread to the Huashan Sect.

"Hmph, what is there to be afraid of? How can my Huashan School's swordsmanship be so easy to decipher? Not to mention the various exquisite swordsmanship of my Jianzong. It has been honed by several generations of masters, and it is impossible to crack it even if it is broken. Moreover, even if they figured out a way to crack it, what they cracked is the swordsmanship of your qi sect. All of you qi sects only know how to meditate and practice qi. The swordsmanship is rigid, and I don’t know how to adapt it. My Jianzong is different. The swordsmanship is exquisite, so naturally I am not afraid of them. The moves are dead, but people are alive. As long as you disassemble the moves and use them, you can use them. Already?" Jianzong master Wu Changming said disdainfully.However, Wu Changming was a little surprised by the silence, and looked down at the crowd, only to find that they were all looking at him like idiots, and the airbender was even more angry.

Gao Changyun was also very angry at this time, and all his usual energy-raising skills were thrown on Java Island, which is really deceptive. Your Jianzong has a way, but our Qizong has no way. It's just that you are mentally retarded and can't figure out the trick That's all.What's more, Wu Changming, who has only muscles and no brains, can think of it, but the Sun and Moon God Sect can't think of it?

"Senior Brother Wu's words are wrong. Jianzong's swordsmanship is exquisite, and Gao also admires it. However, speaking of it, my Qizong may not be worse than your Jianzong. Your Jianzong can win with exquisite moves. My Qizong Zong Tianran also cracked it with tyrannical internal force, even if they have a way to crack it, so what, I just need to crush them all the way, and their way of cracking can only be broken by themselves, but, Senior Brother Wu, have you ever thought about it? My Huashan school can use swordsmanship freely and cultivate internal strength to the point of perfection. Except for us old and immortals, there are few people who can reach this level. When the time comes, they will send a few people to entangle us. Then kill those disciples first, and when the time comes to attack us in turn, how do you crack it? Not to mention the martial arts of various sects and schools in the world, no matter what kind of move or style, as long as they have been used, there are not all of them. Thousands of cracking methods? If it is really just an ordinary cracking method, the Sun Moon God Sect still needs to work hard? Do you still need to comprehend the Sunflower Canon?" At the beginning, Gao Changyun was able to control his tone, but later, it was The more he spoke, the more serious he became, and the more he spoke, the colder and harsher he was, Wu Changming was speechless and his face was flushed with suffocation. Obviously he didn't think of this, yes, there are a few talented people in the Qing generation , but most of them are still not lacking in skills, and if they can't do this, Gao Changyun's words may not come true. However, this matter is a matter of face, so naturally they have to be stubborn, muttering in their mouths:

"This, this, the people of the Devil's Cult may not be able to think of this. When the time comes, let's kill their leaders first. When they lose their leaders, they will naturally fall and scatter, and it will be difficult to pose a threat to our faction."

It has to be said that Wu Changming's mental retardation has made everyone present speechless. Even the members of Jianzong looked unbearable to be with him. They were afraid that if they stayed with him for a long time, they would be infected by him. Idiot.At this time, Gao Changyun didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, and he secretly blamed himself, all these years of cultivating qi were really wasted, and he was as knowledgeable as this idiot.Regarding Wu Changming, Gao Changyun chose to ignore it and lost interest in continuing the debate.

As the head of the sect, Ge Changxin, in order to temporarily ease the conflict between the two sects of Huashan Sword Qi, naturally cannot pretend to be a normal person like Gao Changyun. This time when Huashan is in crisis, it is the time to employ people. Therefore, even though this person has just spoken rudely to Qizong before, you still have to give him some face and find him a step down, so as not to embarrass him too much. If he can't save face, if he does something messy, he will suffer.

"Junior Brother Wu, Junior Brother Gao, this is the time when my Huashan is in peril. Don't make troubles that will affect the internal unity of my Huashan faction. I think our elders were also talented at the peak of their talents, but now we are the only ones left." A few old immortals are gone. Aren’t they all killed by the demon sect? Whether it’s to avenge the elder brother, or to keep my foundation in Huashan, we should put aside our previous suspicions and work together to fight against the demon sect’s great enemy , to be worthy of the brothers and sisters under the Nine Springs."

Speaking of sadness, Ge Changxin's eyes were also slightly red. Thinking back to the time when there were many elder disciples, they competed with swords and played chess, how happy they were, but now, there are only a few of them left. Thinking of this, It's all heavy-hearted, there is no more intrigue before, some only have hatred for the people of the Demon Cult, and the point of sword energy has also been temporarily put down.

Afterwards, Gao Changyun and Guan Changtian were also extremely ashamed, and they apologized to each other, and the matter was exposed, and they were no longer entangled in it.

At this time, another person spoke, this person was a qi sect master, with gray hair, but his face was like a child, but he showed success in qi training, this person was Ge Changxin's senior brother, named Lu Changye, Wugong is not under the head of Ge Changxin, but he doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, so he seldom shows up. However, at this time, the life and death of Huashan School is related, so he can't help but care about it.

"Master, fellow juniors, the Demon Cult stole my Five Sacred Sword Sect's swordsmanship cheats this time, so it's fine if it doesn't move. Once activated, it must have found a way to restrain my Huashan or even the entire Five Sacred Sword Sect. If I act rashly, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss again. This is not just a matter of my Huashan faction. The other four factions are also difficult to escape. Inform the other factions of this news as well, and then let the several factions discuss it together, even if they lose at that time, there should be a way out."

After hearing Lu Changye's words, the people present also seemed to have suddenly realized. If this is the case, then the demon sect's attack surface will obviously not only include the Huashan faction, but also include several other factions. Even in an emergency, they dare not stand by. After all, who knows if they will be the next after the Huashan faction is destroyed. Instead of being defeated individually, it is better for them to work together to neutralize the attack of the demon sect good.

This statement is not only for the members of Qizong, but even for Jianzong, they are convinced. They tied the entire Wuyue Sword Sect to this chariot at once, and the original Huashan faction was responsible for it. Rescue on the road has become a joint resistance to powerful enemies and joint risks. Now, the people present no longer dare to underestimate this brother who usually doesn't like to take care of things. Fighting for power and profit, they are of a high level, they are by no means a good-natured person in their usual eyes, ordinary people, how could they come up with such a level method?

"That's right. My Five Sacred Sword Sect is united and supports each other. We should have shared troubles with Gangu. Now it's not about our Huashan Sect's family. The martial arts of the other four sects will also be broken. When my Huashan Sect falls, Can the other four sects survive??"

As mentioned in the previous article, the Huashan School was founded by Hao Datong, one of the Northern Seven Sons in the Southern Song Dynasty, who acquired the orthodoxy left by Chen Tuan, a great power at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and combined it with the Chongyangzi.It has been passed down to the present, and it has been more than a hundred years since the Southern Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty.Although the Huashan School has experienced many twists and turns, it is still the first-class school in the world.

However, compared with the foundation created by the predecessors, the current Huashan School is not as good as it used to be. After several generations, although it is far inferior to when Hao Datong was alive, it still firmly occupies a place and a position Among the world's first-class sects, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, it was even called the six major sects together with Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Kunlun, and Kongtong.

However, the good times didn't last long. At that time, Huashan sent out an unscrupulous person who used various despicable methods to become the head of Huashan School. During the battle, being exposed on the spot not only ruined his own reputation, but also ruined the Huashan faction's reputation, so that its strength was greatly damaged. The Huashan Sect has been reduced to a second-rate sect, and only by virtue of the alliance of the Wuyue Sword Sect can it be ranked alongside Shaolin, Wudang, Sun Moon God Sect and other sects.

However, although the Huashan faction at this time is not as good as before, it is really the so-called: a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and the strength accumulated by the Huashan faction for hundreds of years is not comparable to other factions. The leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect has always been the part-time head of the Huashan Sect, commanding the Five Sacred Mountains to fight against foreign enemies.

Therefore, as the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, Ge Changxin called all the factions to come to discuss matters, but he was familiar with the road. He ordered Xiao Changkong to hold the Five Sacred Command Banner, and called all the factions to come to Huashan to discuss major issues. Only after the master arrives will he know.

However, Ge Changxin's order was announced, which also caused shocks among all factions. The alliance of Wuyue Sword Sect is not weak. Even Shaolin Wudang dare not ignore their existence. Pai Du felt a little restless, and they all paid more attention to Huashan.


In the early morning, a child with red lips and white teeth in brocade clothes was having breakfast with a solemn middle-aged man.It was Zhou Buyi and his father Zhou Qingxuan.

"Father, I'm done eating." Zhou Buyi dropped the bowl and chopsticks and ran outside.

"Run slowly and be careful where you step." Zhou Qingxuan continued, then looked at Zhou Buyi's rice bowl, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "Buyi, this kid has a really big appetite. He ate five or six steamed buns in the morning, and then he ate again. A big bowl of medicinal porridge. I'm only seven years old... It's almost the same as what I eat."

A seven-year-old Zhou Buyi can eat like this, and many people in Huashan would sigh in admiration when they mentioned Zhou Buyi.Zhou Qingxuan's people at the time thought that the marrow washing at that time had an effect.Actually...

"The more you can eat, the better." Zhou Buyi walked on the small road, muttering to himself, "This means that my internal organs are strong, my absorption ability is strong, and my blood is strong."

Coming to this world, Zhou Buyi's life is very easy, there are no enemies here, only his father who cares about him and protects him, of course... Another consequence of pretending to be tender is that he has to be with two or three The children play together.For him, that is suffering!As for practicing kung fu, the Huashan School has a clear rule that one must be seven years old to be formally accepted into the sect, because practicing kung fu is not that simple. It is necessary to teach them the basic method of promoting Qi.

Jianzong is fine, they mainly practice swordsmanship, even if they don't have internal strength, they can get familiar with swordsmanship first, but Zhou Buyi's Qizong is different, internal strength cultivation is in danger every step of the way, if one doesn't pay attention, one will go crazy, After all, children are different from adults, their minds jump out, they like to move and not like to be quiet, and it is difficult to settle down.And the most taboo when practicing internal strength is to think wildly and restlessly during the practice.Therefore, it is stipulated in the Huashan Gate that when a disciple is less than five years old, he is not allowed to grant inner strength and mental methods.The same is true for Zhou Buyi, even though he had formed a stream of true qi in his body when he cut hair and washed his marrow when he was young, and the true qi can still circulate on its own, but it can only operate on its own, to continue internal strength and nourish the body.Once it moves wildly, it will go crazy.So... Zhou Buyi could only secretly practice Xingyiquan from his previous life when no one was around.

"It's been a long time since I practice boxing." Zhou Buyi stretched his muscles and bones a little. He hadn't practiced for several years, and Zhou Buyi was also a little excited at this moment.Taking a deep breath, Teng Qingshan calmed down, and began to perform in the house. The Xingyi Twelve Forms, Xingyi Five Elements Fist, and Xingyi Three Body Forms were completely mixed together, and he could perform them at will.For a while, the tiger descends the mountain for a while, the python is entangled for a while, and the dragon comes out of the water for a while... Ordinary children, with small arms and legs, even if they practice Neijiaquan, they are just for show and have no effect at all.

Even if you have the consciousness of a master, your body is too small to stretch out, and it doesn't work.However, for the past two years, Zhou Buyi has been using various medicinal materials as a bath to cleanse his muscles and bones, and while his father is not paying attention, he secretly exercises his flexibility in the basin and exercises his muscles and bones.Now, his waist is bent back, and his mouth can touch his feet.This kind of physical condition, of course, can easily display internal boxing.With the physical condition, and the consciousness of a master, is the result needless to say?Body movement, combined with the method of breathing and breathing, the more Zhou Buyi practiced, the more energetic he became.This practice lasted for two full hours. The entry level of internal boxing training is getting stronger and stronger, but Zhou Buyi is not just an entry point, he has reached the level of Baodan.

"Drink, ha!" Zhou Buyi couldn't help shouting excitedly at the end of the fight. "It's really comfortable all over the body, the muscles and bones of the whole body are numb, it's really comfortable."

Xingyiquan already has the effect of strengthening the bones and muscles, and Zhou Buyi has the memory of his previous life, so when he performs it, the effect of this Xingyiquan is naturally the best.He can even feel that every time he practices Xingyi, the muscles and bones of his whole body are changing.Muscles, bones, etc. are improving rapidly, of course energy is needed!so. . .Huashan sent a foodie. . .A foodie with a reputation all over the Five Sacred Mountains. . .The secret of Neijiaquan is actually the combination of breathing technique and body technique. This kind of breathing will also strengthen the internal organs and stimulate the muscles and bones.Three years later, even though he was only six years old, he had already grown to the size of a ten-year-old child.But the carefree little boy who knows nothing. A disaster is about to strike.

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