The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 4 The pig's feet are very busy and are not going to show up today

() Heimuya, inside the Great Bright Hall, this is the meeting place of the Sun Moon God Sect, and all affairs in the Sun Moon God Sect are handled by Duan Mutong, the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect. The famous people came to discuss the matter, so the Great Light Hall has always been deserted, with only a few attendants responsible for cleaning. However, today the Great Light Hall is bustling again, with the envoys of light left and right, the ten elders, four The elders of the hall, eight elders of Keqing, sixteen protectors of the Zhenjiao, five banner envoys, and many high-level officials of the Sun and Moon God Sect are basically listed one by one.

At this time, everyone has arrived, but the leader Duanmu Tong has not yet arrived, and everyone is fine, and they don't know what they are called here. This makes everyone feel full of doubts. Curious, one by one whispered to each other, asking everyone around them what happened, to mobilize people like this, but although the people around them were already high-level, they didn't know anything about this matter, and shook their heads one after another, making everyone's hearts itch even more. Only some wise people seem to have realized something in their hearts. Thinking of the frequent alliance of the Five Sacred Sword Sect in Huashan in recent years, most of the doubts in their hearts have disappeared.

Just when everyone was cheering with each other, there was a commotion, but it was the leader and the general manager who came, and the attendants around him saw that the Great Light Hall was still noisy, and hurriedly shouted:

"The leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, Duanmu, has arrived, and the elders, Dharma protectors, and banner envoys are silent."

Hearing that the leader came, the people who were discussing quickly closed their tongues, stood up from their chairs, walked to the aisle between the two rows of seats, knelt down on one knee, and shouted:

"The subordinates and others see the leader, and the leader is blessed."

In the future, the words such as three kneelings and nine kowtows, "Sun Moon God Sect, eternal life, the leader of the East, unifying the rivers and lakes" are all after Dongfang Bubai ascended the position of leader, because he was not in the right position, he was afraid of his subordinates. The passwords given by the enslaving congregants, which I only came up with for rebellion, are absolutely absent at this time, but the Sun Moon God Sect is a sect after all, with deep and strict levels. Although it is not as harsh as when Dongfang Bubai was invincible, it is It is not allowed to question the authority of the leader and let everyone kneel on one knee because Duanmutong has a big heart and does not stick to stereotypes.

Duan Mutong is the second disciple of the former leader of the Ming sect, Yang Xiao. He has been a counselor for educational affairs since Zhu Yuanzhang launched an army to attack Guangmingding.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang secretly mobilized the army to gather at Guangmingding to take advantage of the Mingjiao feast on the Duanyang Festival and attack Guangmingding when the defense of the four sects and five banners was lax.The Ming Cult suffered heavy losses, except for the envoys around Yang Xiao, the leader of the sect, and the owner of the Five Elements Banner, all blood was shed on the Bright Summit.It is also the Mingjiao, because the situation in the Yuan Dynasty is very good, and the senior officials of the Mingjiao believe that still setting the main altar in Kunlun Mountain is not conducive to the Mingjiao's control of the world after the successful rebellion against the Yuan Dynasty.So as early as three and a half years ago, each branch in Hebei was ordered to secretly build palaces and so on. When Zhu Yuanzhang attacked Guangmingding, the Mingjiao had accumulated thousands of years of gold and silver treasures, and most of the martial arts secret books had been sent to Heimuya.However, during the Duanyang Festival, most of the high-ranking members of Mingjiao were in Guangmingding, and it was difficult to find so many talents for a while, so Yang Xiao and others fled to Heimuya in Hebei. He has no intention of competing with Zhu Yuanzhang for the world, and when Zhu Yuanzhang started troubles in the past, most of them took the Mingjiao Anhui sub-rudder as his subordinates.That's all for the advisers under his command. Several generals who control the military power were also members of the Mingjiao. With these people interceding, they let the Mingjiao go. It's just that they can only sit on Heimuya after making an appointment with Mingjiao, and their power cannot exceed Hebei.

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang took the opportunity to become bigger, killed King Xiaoming, and stole the victory of the sect, not to mention.In the next 30 years, Zhu Yuanzhang also spared no effort to kill Mingjiao and Bailianjiao. Hundreds of thousands of believers were either killed or exiled to bitter cold places.The rest of the people can only hide their names and struggle to survive.Although Yang Xiao and the others survived, they watched their brothers who were full of loyalty in the past and who shed blood in order to resist the tyrants, be killed to the point of blood.Seeing the Mingjiao, which commanded the world and expelled the Tartars, was slandered as a cult, a demon cult, and brutally suppressed... It was a torture worse than death, and Yang Xiao died of depression.Fortunately, Jianwen ascended the throne first, and then Zhu Di usurped the throne. The uncles and nephews were busy singing Erren Zhuan. After Zhu Di succeeded in usurping the throne, they didn't know the secret. They just regarded the Sun Moon God Sect as an ordinary martial arts sect, and never compared it with the Ming Sect of the past. Together, although they are still attacking the 'cult' of Mingjiao, they are sitting back and watching Heimuya grow stronger.

but. . .At this time, the Sun Moon God Sect is no longer the Ming Sect of the past. The elders of the Sect have died and died in the past few years. Because of the agreement with Zhu Yuanzhang, the sub-rudders outside Hebei were either dismissed or moved to Heimu cliff.There is no Mingjiao sub-helm that used to spread all over the world except in Hebei, and 30 years is enough to make people forget the vicious Mingjiao back then, and it is also enough for the local tycoons to divide up the profits.

In the past twenty years after Zhu Yuanzhang's death, a group of Mingjiao elders worked tirelessly and tirelessly, and finally allowed the Sun Moon God Sect to develop and grow again.It's a pity that they also know very well that Zhu Yuanzhang, a mud-legged man, has coaxed the capital of Guizhou, even if he has been dead for more than ten years, the common people still miss him.Therefore, although the common people hate Zhu Di's military arrogance, Zhu Di's large-scale construction projects, and Zhu Di's laborious work abroad, it is very unlikely for them to rise up and rebel against the Zhu family.So they thought of a way, after unifying the martial arts, they will fight for the world with the strength of the rivers and lakes. After all, the major sects basically control a large amount of local land and business. . .

Duanmutong has been the deputy leader for more than 30 years, and now he is over 60 years old. Although his beard and hair are gray, he does not look old at all. He is an old man in the age of ears.

At this time, although Duanmutong had a look of worry on his face, he still let out a long laugh, sat on the throne of the leader, and said to everyone in harmony:

"Hahahaha, they are all my own brothers, there is no need for Dolly, please hurry up and invite them."

After hearing Duanmutong's words, everyone stood up and returned to their respective seats, but their eyes were still looking at Duanmutong, and in a blink of an eye they looked at Dongfang Xiongdao who was still standing on the aisle:

"Director Dongfang, you have always been in charge of espionage and other matters in the sect, and now you will tell everyone about the recent movements of the Five Sacred Sword Sect."

Although Dongfang Xiong is the chief executive and holds great power, he does not dare to question the authority of the leader. He can be regarded as the leader's confidant if he can take the position of chief executive, but this time the matter is of great importance. In addition to the basket, even the confidant of the leader cannot forgive himself at will, and then he can only look at his own, carefully wiped off his sweat, peeked at Duanmutong with a sullen expression, clasped his fists and replied:

"I would like to report to the leader, elders, Dharma protectors, and banner envoys. Yesterday, I heard from my subordinates that the Five Sacred Sword Sect gathered in Huashan, and there were many elites. Doubt, subordinates doubt, among them, this......."

Speaking of this, Dongfang Xiong is already in a cold sweat, and his mouth is stuttering. Although he is the confidant of the leader, he is in charge of all the sundries and espionage in the main altar of Heimuya, but he is only the head of the district. His position, coupled with his mediocre martial arts, is really not very eye-catching in the Moon God Sect, and his status is not very high. It is far behind Yang Lianting, the future leader who can kill and kill the elders and heroes of the sect at will. Especially at this time when he committed a big crime, the pressure in his heart is really not small. After all, the harsh punishment and harsh laws in the religion can not be said to be a big deterrent to their disciples. Therefore, this is only half of what I said , I can't go on anymore.

None of the people here are stupid people, it's just that they didn't think about it before. If you think about it and think about it for a while, you've already figured it out. The deputy pustule seemed to be very angry, and wanted to teach him a lesson, so he yelled at him, making Dongfang Xiong tremble again in fright.

"Dongfangxiong, look at your picture of pustules. I was really blind at the time, but you, a cowardless person, took up the post of manager. You are a man, and if you make a mistake, you will be responsible, even if he has three knives and six holes. , Daoshanhuohai, you are so frightened that you dare not even speak. If those so-called decent people come to attack after that day, I am afraid that if they don’t come to your door, you will go up and surrender. How can you expect it? People like you defend the religion."

Duanmutong was indeed angry that the confidant he had single-handedly showed such an ugly face when encountering an incident. Didn't it mean that he didn't know people well, which really made him lose face.

Looking at Dongfang Xiong who was trembling with fright, Hu Yanqing took a deep breath. It was really not worth it to be angry with such a courageous person. He suppressed the anger in his heart, and then slowly told the story. It turned out that, As soon as he learned that the Five Sacred Sword Sect had gathered in Huashan, Duanmu Tong already knew that something was wrong. Because of the last Huashan battle, he was severely injured by the Five Sacred Sword Sect. Zilai had just recovered, and through a secret channel, he collected the five mountains sword sect's swordsmanship cheats. He wanted to decipher all his martial arts moves in order to avenge the severe injury. After martial arts, it was still up to the top ten elders to lead their masters to attack Mount Hua, but he didn't want to, and it was not long before someone heard about it. It was obvious that there were spies from the Five Sacred Mountains in his teaching, and it was Dongfang who was in charge of this aspect. male.

Speaking of which, Dongfang Xiong is also reluctant. Although he is in the position of chief executive, he has a lot of power and is in charge of espionage. However, only he knows the hardships. The Sun Moon God Sect is different from ordinary sects, except Other than the aristocratic families in the sect, most of them are people who admire the power of the Sun Moon God Sect and come to vote. It can be said that good and evil are mixed, and the relationship among them is very complicated. The details are much more difficult, plus there are so many people in the church, it is really difficult to keep it secret, and this time the leader obviously wants him to resist this crime alone, how can he not be scared?

In fact, Duanmu Call also knows that this has little to do with Dongfang. However, the leak of secrets this time is really a big deal, and he still doesn't know how much he leaked. People want to attack Huashan?

If they only leaked their attempt to attack Mount Hua, at most they would be on guard, and they would not react too much. If they learned that they were already cracking the Wuyue Sword Sect's martial arts, That would be a serious matter, unfortunately, when the time comes, what I and others will face will not only be the Five Sacred Sword Sect, but the entire orthodox martial arts.

In the final analysis, Duan Mutong still believed that they only knew that the Divine Sect had a plan to attack Mount Hua, but that it was unlikely that they would be able to crack swordsmanship and martial arts.After all, the only ones who know this secret are myself and the top ten elders, and the top ten elders are all elders of the sect, so they are trustworthy.Besides, the situation is not that bad, so what if the Five Sacred Sword Sect knew about it?The cracking has been completed, and this time it is time to discuss the matter of attacking the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

The final outcome is that under the chorus including the leader and all the senior leaders of the Sun and Moon Sect, the poor Dongfang Xiong was punished with whipping according to No. , This is not just a few whips, but whipping to death. It can be seen that the Sun Moon God Sect is called the Demon Sect by decent people, and it is not all slandering them. Even the tyrants throughout the ages are nothing more than that.

And because Dongfang Xiong was killed, it also really shocked a group of people with ulterior motives. They dared not disobey the pardon of the divine religion even more, handled things carefully, and did not dare to have second thoughts.But what the proud Sun Moon Sect doesn't know is that Dongfang Xiong still has a pair of children. In the future, the century-old plan of the Devil's Cult will almost be destroyed in the hands of these two sons and daughters. Of course, these are things for later.

In this way, under the leadership of Duan Mutong, the entire Sun Moon God Sect began to run at high speed, and the masters of each sub-helm gathered towards Hebei, followed ten elders to kill Huashan again, and used the blood of the five mountains to cleanse the shame of Huashan's defeat .

Time flies, and before you know it, half a month will arrive. At this time, the army of the Demon Cult has gathered at the foot of Huashan Mountain. A bloody storm is about to come. Everyone can feel the monstrous Evil energy evaporated from Mount Hua, and the birds, beasts and insects in the mountain seemed to know the danger was coming, and they all kept silent. For a while, the entire Hua Mountain was strangely quiet, and they all said that the birds and beasts could predict the danger. Below is the case.

Above Mount Hua, all the factions of the Five Sacred Mountains gathered at the Hall of Sword Qi. According to reports from the disciples at the foot of the mountain, they already knew that people from the Demon Sect had joined at the foot of Mount Hua, and a big battle was inevitable. , can only fight to the death with the Demon Cult.

"Everyone, the Demon Sect is coming in a menacing manner. It has gathered at the foot of Huashan Mountain and will attack it soon. The Demon Sect is extremely ferocious and does a lot of evil. The Death of My Five Sacred Sword Sect has already had the heart of it, and it is impossible to have sex with it. Well, now, in order to protect the foundation passed down by my Five Sacred Sword Sect, I have to fight to the death with the Demon Sect, and the situation is critical, and Ge Mou is in charge of all the affairs of the various factions for the time being, so you may have any objections."

"I would like to listen to Leader Ge's orders and fight against the Demon Cult together."

Everyone in the audience had already discussed it, so why didn't they obey, so when Ge Changxin spoke, everyone responded in unison.

Ge Changxin nodded in satisfaction, but a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes. He was naturally very satisfied with being able to truly exercise the power of the leader, and he already had a complete plan. They must all stay here in Huashan, but the people of the Demon Cult are mostly scheming people, and it is not easy to deceive them. In order to achieve their goals and make them paralyzed, the price they have to pay is definitely the whole Even the Five Sacred Sword Sect is unbearable, but this has to be done, otherwise, the members of the Demon Cult will come prepared, they are no longer their opponents, if the plan fails, not only will their sect be destroyed , Even the reputation will be ruined, it can be said that the reputation is ruined, so in order to be safe at this time, even if it is a big sacrifice, they still have to pay.

At the foot of Mount Hua, at this moment, the flag is victorious and people are buzzing, but they are the people sent by the Sun Moon God Sect, headed by the ten elders of the Demon Sect, "Hercules" Fan Song, "Flying God" Zhao Crane, "White Ape Demon" Zhang Chengyun, "Golden Monkey Demon" Zhang Chengfeng, "Three-eyed Demon" Li Songnian, "Iron Pen Demon" Tai Luming, "Iron Face Demon" Bao Huming, "Turning Wave God" "Devil" Ji Gongliang, "Eight-armed God and Demon" Lu Mingyuan, and "Eight-armed God and Demon" Luo Lie, these ten people are all old people from the Sun Moon God Sect. Back then, they fought with the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, Hu Yanqing, and fought in various factions. The martial arts are all masters in the martial arts. It was they who led people to kill Huashan five years ago, causing the Wuyue Sword Sect to suffer heavy casualties. The older generation died and injured, and Ge Changxin and his generation Speaking of superiors, if there is no distinction between good and evil, Ge Changxin and the others still call them seniors.

It is precisely because of this amazing art that they are all proud and arrogant, and they don't take the Five Sacred Sword School seriously, but it's right to think about it, even their masters have been beaten by them all their lives. After a big defeat, they were repelled only by their numbers. Although this group of people is pretty good, they are weaker than their elders. Therefore, it is said that they look down on the Five Sacred Sword Sect , they also have confidence.All of them are superb martial arts, and their knowledge is far beyond ordinary people. Relying on their own knowledge of martial arts and the "Sunflower Treasure", in a team of two, they have surpassed the martial arts of the Five Sacred Sword Sect in just two years. Crack it all, and you can see its talent.

"Xiang Fu, have you found out clearly that the Huashan School really still has a copy of "Sunflower Treasure"?"

Fan Song, the head of the Ten Elders, the "Hercules God and Devil", asked a question. In front of him was a thin young man, but he was wearing a disciple's costume of the Huashan School. It was amazing. If a Huashan disciple saw him If so, you will definitely recognize that this is Xiang Qingfu, Wu Changming's third disciple. He usually uses his master's power to bully some disciples whose elders died during the last war, including the future Huashan first sword. Feng Qingyang, but at this moment he knelt humbly in front of Fan Song and the other ten elders, but he didn't know what was going on.

"Reporting to Elder Fan, this disciple has already inquired clearly. Back then when our divine sect attacked Mount Hua, it was true that we took back the manuscripts in the hands of Yue and Cai. That is also true. However, the most important cultivation method , but they took it out of it and did not enter it into the two manuscripts, but were hidden by them.


You don't need to ask, you know, it must be the devil's sect that broke into the Huashan sect, but it's true, the Huashan sect can put people in the demon sect, not to mention the Sun Moon God sect, which is good at using A tricky evil sect?

Fan Song and the other ten elders were a little stunned when they heard it. After they took the "Sunflower Treasure", they discovered that although the martial arts recorded in it were all miraculous and strange.However, for some reason, it seems incomplete, and I always feel that something is missing.I didn't care about it at the time, and handed it over to the former leader Tantai Demeng directly. Tantai Demeng, who got the book, naturally took the book to retreat in a hurry. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Tantai Demanu The news of Deman's death was that he died of a madness. They had seen the appearance of his death before.

At that time, everyone thought it was the murderer who was greedy for the "Sunflower Treasure", but after searching, they found the secret book of "Sunflower Treasure" in Tantai Demeng's room, and later it was checked by a poison expert. It wasn't poisoning either. Later, when the ten elders read the "Sunflower Treasure" together, they realized something was wrong. It was just because the tome was so profound that they didn't dare to practice rashly, so they didn't find anything strange. Now After hearing Xiang Qingfu's words, this thought, is it because the secret book is incomplete, and the leader Tantai practiced rashly, so he went crazy?

For a while, the ten elders gritted their teeth with hatred for the Huashan people, especially Fan Song. He had a close friendship with Tantai. The leader of Taiwan led someone to rescue him, but he almost lost his life because of this, and was stamped on his chest. If he hadn't been treated in time, he would have died long ago. From then on, he knew that he owed Tantai Degang took his life. When Tantai Degang died, he was also very sad, but he didn't expect that there was such a secret in it, how could he hold back his anger, wishing to kill Huashan and the other four sects immediately? Kill all the chickens and dogs, and avenge his friend.

However, he has been an elder for decades, so he naturally knows the seriousness of the matter, so he suppressed the anger in his heart for the time being, and said coldly to Baifu: "Yes, such a secret news has been discovered, um, when Huashan is destroyed Pai, I will definitely report this matter to the leader, and it will definitely benefit you at that time, well, by the way, do you know where the other fragment of "Sunflower Treasure" is hidden."

"Thank you, Elder Fan, for your support. Xiang Fu is obliged to go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire for the divine religion. How dare he expect any reward?" Although he said it was obligatory, the excited smile on his face betrayed him.

"Elder Fan, the place where the scriptures are stored is small, but it has been found out. It is on the Siguo Cliff of the Yunv Peak. There is a secret cave there, which is the refuge of the founder of the Huashan School, Chen Chuan. It is extremely rigorously cultivated, and it is revered as a holy place by the Huashan School. The "Sunflower Treasure" is hidden there. According to the disciples, there are not only "Sunflower Treasures", but all the martial arts secrets of his Huashan School are hidden there. There are magical secret books such as Zixia Divine Art, Hunyuan Art, and Chaoyang Divine Art, and when the Huashan faction is captured, one of them can be taken over by our divine sect."

The ten elders were all shocked when they heard this, but they didn't want to attack the Huashan Sect and other places like this. The Huashan Sect was also a big sect in the world at that time, but in recent years, it was only because of repeated setbacks that it made the sect sluggish, but As for their background, they never dared to underestimate them. Chongyangzi was so powerful in the world back then, and all the martial arts he passed on were exquisite, especially the internal skills, which were well-known in all schools in the world. Although Hao Datong The reputation is not as good as being a teacher, but after Dacheng, he is also a rare opponent with Taoism and martial arts.Among them, the "Zixia Divine Art", which originated from the innate skill, was praised by the former leader Tantai Demeng. It can be compared with the "Yi Jin Jing" of Shaolin Temple, and it is the best in the world. If one can harvest all of these exercise secret books, the Sun Moon God Sect can definitely be raised to a higher level.

"Do you know where the secret cave is and how to open it?"

But he was stunned and made up his mind to take all the secret books hidden in the cave into his hands, but the answers he got disappointed him.

"Uh, I would like to report to Elder Fan. The little ones only know that the secret cave is in the cave on Siguo Cliff. As for where the secret cave is and how to open it, these little ones don't know very well. They can only wait until later. After conquering Huashan, I forced the people of Huashan faction to say it, but the existence of this secret cave is an extremely secret existence even in Huashan faction. Except for the elders, even Zhou Qingxuan, the great disciple of Huashan, is only just now. I was told that the reason why I learned about the existence of the Huashan Sect was that I overheard what the head of the Huashan Sect, Ge Changxin, and the elder Gao Changyun said, saying that if you can't resist the attack of my God Sect, then They had no choice but to temporarily abandon the foundation of Huashan School and leave behind some elite disciples, who will plan to revive the Huashan School in the future, and that secret cave is the cornerstone of their future revival of the Huashan School. The elite of the Restoration Huashan School seems to be hidden in that secret cave, if we can take it down, it will really break the roots of the Huashan School."

Hearing what Bai Fu said, he had no choice but to extinguish his curiosity for the time being. He only planned to find a way to force a few old men from the Huashan sect to tell the location of the secret cave and the method of opening it after the attack on Mount Huashan. They still know the truth that if they don't die, there will be endless troubles. Only by completely exterminating them can the future troubles be quelled.

He ordered Xiang Fu to sneak back to Huashan and pay close attention to their movements, while they began to prepare everything to attack Huashan.

In fact, what they don't know is that these are actually just a trap designed by Ge Changxin and the others. Xiang Fu's existence has long been known to them, just for fear of scaring the snake, so they have never touched him. But Da Zhan found his use. Isn't it good to spread false news?

When they actually arrive at the secret cave, they may find that what awaits them is not peerless martial arts or martial arts cheats, but a trap full of death.

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