The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 5 When will Anjin break through into Huajin?

() A few months later, rumors spread that the Sun Moon God Sect once again failed Huashan.

This time the Sun Moon God Sect lost even more than last time. The ten elders died on Huashan Mountain, and most of the congregation led by them left their lives on Huashan Mountain.This time, the Sun and Moon God Sect's vitality was seriously injured, so they had to lie down to recuperate, which also calmed down the turbulent rivers and lakes.People in the Jianghu were thankful that the Sun and Moon Sect was dormant, and they also praised the Five Sacred Sword Sect for its profound foundation, which was able to resist the attack of the giant Sun and Moon Sect twice.But who can know the truth of the matter?

The truth of the matter is that the Wuyue Sword Sect's several alliance meetings were not just meetings to discuss matters, but were secretly consummated by Siguoya.During this time, Xiang Fu was sent to the south of the Yangtze River to hunt down the sinister Hao Jiyou.

And the ten elders were very excited when they learned from Xiang Fu that there were secret books of the Huashan School hidden in the Siguo Yami Cave.During the fight, Ge Changxin "accidentally" revealed the entrance of the secret cave by the Wuyue Sword Sect from Shijianping to Siguo Cliff with tricks.A group of old demons rushed in like crazy to snatch the secret book, but when they picked up the secret book on the stone platform, 64 broken dragon stones were dropped down in the secret passage.It's a pity that they are also well-known figures in the world, and their cultivation is also earth-shattering. In the end, they can only sit trapped in this secret cave and wait to die.Relying on his innate supernatural power and a pair of big axes as sharp tools for breaking mountains, Hercules wanted to make a way out of the cave, but when he was halfway through, the oxygen in the dense cave was exhausted. When he came out of the cave, his internal strength was exhausted, and he could only watch the glimmer of life disappear alive.

Although it is said that the Five Sacred Sword Sect defeated the Sun Moon God Sect this time, and left half of the Sun Moon God Sect's strength on Mount Hua, they also suffered heavy losses.All the elders of the Taishan School were wiped out, and the head of Cangsong Taoist's left arm was clawed by the flying god and demon Zhao He, and his eyes were also blinded by the mechanism.Zheng Dan, the head of the Songshan School, was blind, and only one of the elders of the school survived, and his legs were also crippled.The head of the Hengshan faction died at the hands of the iron-faced demon He Luming in Jianjianping early in the morning.Although Master Xiaoyue of the Hengshan School was physically intact, she was hit by the stylus demon at key points, relying solely on her superb internal strength to survive.As for the head of the Huashan faction, Ge Changxin, the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance, was hit in the chest by Lu Mingyuan's purple electric hammer during the battle with Ji Gongliang, the "God of the Waves", Lu Mingyuan, the "God of Pitian", and Luo Lie, the "Eight-armed God and Demon", and was shocked. Heartbroken.If it weren't for several people competing for the cheats, the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains could already be replaced.However, Ge Changxin's condition was not very good. After the disciples of the Five Sacred Mountains killed all the disciples of the Demon Sect who followed the ten elders to attack Huashan, they all returned to the Jianqi Chongxiao Hall.But he saw the injured teacher.After Ge Changxin passed on the position of head to Zhou Qingxuan, he died.

On that day, there was a rain on Huashan Mountain. I don't know if the gloomy clouds and mist all over the mountain, and the blood feud all over the mountain can be washed away by the pattering rain.


As far as Zhujiao was concerned, the fight this time had a great impact on him. The master uncle who loved him became a useless person, and the master uncle who spent his energy cutting hair and washing his marrow died.What's more, the adoptive father + master became the head of the Huashan Sect, and the new leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect.

But for Zhou Buyi, who once traveled in Africa and felt the world, death and killing are really very common things.After crying, practice hard.In order to destroy the Demon Cult in the future.

On this day, Zhou Buyi was the same as usual, before the rooster crowed, he climbed to the top of Chaoyang Peak by himself, facing the rising sun, breathing out and doing exercises.

In the sixth month after Zhou Qingxuan became the head of the sect, he had already taught Zhou Buyi the inner strength and mentality of the Huashan School.Because he stood upright since he was a child, he was full of blood, and he practiced boxing to the dark strength early, and he can control the flesh and skin of his body at will, plus the true energy that has been nourished since childhood.It didn't take a few years for Zhou Buyi to practice Huashan internal skills to the fifth level. This is a state that ordinary disciples need to practice for more than ten or twenty years. The 20-year Huashan school internal strength has not been practiced to the fifth level, otherwise it would not even be able to defeat the little Tian Boguang.Zhou Qingxuan was drinking tea when he heard the news. He spit out a mouthful of tea when he heard the news, and put his hand on Zhou Buyi's.Zhou Qingxuan wanted to cry without tears, but it took him ten years of hard work to get to this point.But thinking of the true energy in Xiao Buyi's body, he felt relieved.Immediately, he was ready to teach Xiao Buyi Hunyuan Kungfu, but Xiao Buyi refused to do it, pointing to the secret book of Huashan internal energy and said: "It is said above that if you practice to the twelfth level of Dzogchen, even the inner breath in sleep Being able to operate and accumulate internal energy on its own, one year is equivalent to three years of other people's cultivation. If you switch to other Huashan Kungfu, you can get twice the result with half the effort." Zhou Qingxuan loves this meaning if he insists on practicing Huashan Internal Kungfu to the top No. 20 level The son just let him go, thinking at the time that the child's competitiveness was just a whim, and after a while, when he knew the difficulty, he would obediently practice Hunyuan Kungfu.Back then, many Huashan seniors wanted to practice Huashan Neigong to the top level, but who did it?Those people are all amazing and talented people, they can't do it, how can Xiaobuyi do it?

How did Zhou Qingxuan know that Xiao Busu was a middle-aged uncle in his thirties with a small body and a small mind.In terms of perseverance, apart from a few top masters of Qizong on Huashan Mountain, there are really few who can match him.And Xiao Buyi was not seduced by that description, but discovered that this Huashan internal energy, although it is only used by Huashan inner disciples to practice at the beginning, is infinitely mysterious, and it actually works by itself when standing up.This is also the reason why Zhou Buyi was able to practice Xingyiquan to the peak of Anjin in just a few years.

"There is a saying in the boxing scriptures: the muscles and bones must be loose, the fur must be attacked, the joints must be connected, and the spirit is in the middle. My hair can explode, and my pores can also stand up like iron. If it is not for the effect of internal energy, I can't do this. A little bit. But this is only the step of "skin attacking". When facing the enemy, the muscles and bones cannot be completely loosened. When practicing boxing, there must always be a yin and yang movement, like lead wrapped in mercury, loose on the inside and outside Tight, free to open and close. Cultivate the Yanghuo Yin Talisman, and only when you kill the enemy on the spot, can it bloom naturally. If you move unintentionally, you will always be one step faster than others."

Pressing his ribs with his right hand and raising his left hand, Zhou Buyi made a gesture.Secretly startled the tailbone, raised the fur, and then divided his whole body into two layers, inside and outside, and relaxed quietly.With five fingers forming claws, he grabbed the boulder in front of him and lifted it upwards.Whoa!Xiao Buyi rested his five fingers on the boulder, and lifted it up violently.hum!The big stone made a dull soft sound, but only trembled a bit, and didn't jump up following Xiao Buyi's finger grabbing and lifting.

Xiao Buyi sighed: "It still doesn't work, if I practice until I can transform my energy, I should be able to lift it up. I don't know how much effort it will take."

After practicing Huashan swordsmanship for a while, he punched twice, and the sky appeared brightly.Xiao Buyi quietly went down the mountain, returned to the bed and pretended to be snoozing, was called up by his adoptive father, and followed his generation of Huashan disciples to practice kung fu.Of course, it was with the Huashan disciples of Qizong.

Among the disciples of different generations, Zhou Buyi has the deepest kung fu and the earliest entry into the school. His master is also the head of Huashan School, so he deserves to be a great disciple of different generations.Since the ten elders of the Demon Sect failed to attack the mountain last time, and instead defeated Huashan Mountain with their swords, the Demon Sect has been dormant for a long time. After several open and secret battles, a new ten elders were finally elected, but the loss last time was too great. Heimuya has not recovered yet.Only then did the Huashan faction have time to recuperate and recover.In recent years, the disciples of the Qing Dynasty have been recruiting disciples one after another. Although after the first battle, there were only about 30 disciples of the Qing Dynasty left, but after these years of recovery, the strength of the Huashan School has been restored, including Including Zhou Buyi and them, the number of disciples of different generations alone has reached 400. It is conceivable that as long as the disciples of different generations grow up in a few years, the revival of the Huashan School will be a matter of course .Of course, because of Huashan's sword qi, the disciples of different generations were also divided into two factions.Ning Buyong, Zhao Buyan, Fang Buli, Lu Bupei, Zhuo Bufan, Hu Bugui, Yan Buli and other Qizong disciples were naturally led by Zhou Buyi.Oh, and there is also Yue Buqun, the future head of Huashan Mountain.Of course, Yue Buqun at this time is not the Junzijian later on.It's a little confused. Of course, because his family is the direct descendant of Yue Su, the first suzerain of the original Qizong, he naturally joined the Qizong early.

As for Feng Buping who never gave up and did not worry about these remaining disciples of the Sword Sect, except for Feng Buping who worshiped under the elder Lu Qingcheng of the Sword Sect years ago, the other two have not worshiped Huashan yet.

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