These words stumped Zhou Buyi.what to do?Today's Northern Expedition is going to happen, and even the ministers can't do anything about it. What can Zhou Buyi, a man of the rivers and lakes, do?Zhou Buyi suddenly thought of something, did the Lin family think?impossible!Lin Yuantu is also one of Jing Nan's meritorious service, Fuwei Escort's overt and secret business is mostly supported by the imperial court, how could the Lin family have such an idea.Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Lin Yuantu was also surprised to see Zhou Buyi's face changing from yin to yang, and after thinking about it, he knew something was wrong, so he gave Lin Zhennan a hard look.He said to Zhou Buyi: "I heard that the Huashan School has a deep relationship with Lu Shangshu in the court, and Jin Youzi's concubine is also studying in the Huashan School. Why don't Zhou Shaoxia, Lu Shangshu and Jin University scholars each send a letter?"

"Lu Shangshu will not offend Jinshang just because of this matter." Zhou Buyi shook his head, "Scholar Jin can speak before His Majesty, even if he doesn't need me to send a letter to persuade him, if he can't, I will invite Jin Junior brother, it is useless to go to the capital to persuade them face to face. But don't worry, senior Lin. I think that since Chen Shangshu can still send news from the capital, he doesn't have much intention to send troops today. At least he won't be able to send troops for half a year. Yes, some things are taken care of. That's it."

Lin Zhennan wanted to say something else.Lin Zhongxiong was the first to say: "Zhennan, the goods from Mr. Liu's family will be delivered later, you go and check them out. If there is no problem, let Bai Biaotou deliver the goods."

Seeing this, Lin Zhennan didn't know what to do, he could only look at his grandfather, but who would have thought that Lin Yuantu, instead of speaking for him and asking him to stay, said, "Didn't hear what your father said? Why don't you go soon?"

Lin Zhennan was stunned, his grandfather had never spoken to him in such a tone before.But it is hard to disobey his father's order, so he can only retreat.

"I'm laughing." Lin Yuantu took a sip of tea, and took out a letter from his sleeve, "This is a letter from the old man to our Lin family's ten villages in Xiaoliuqiu. Zeng Zuo, Li Hu, the four chief managers, and the old man The letterhead written by my nephew. Based on this, my little friend should be able to survive this winter. As for next year, it depends on my own ability."

Zhou Buyi took the letter and cupped his hands at Lin Yuantu: "Thank you, Senior Lin, but what else do you want this junior to do?"

Lin Yuantu shook his head, picked up the teacup but did not touch his lips, Zhou Buyi knew what it meant, so he took his leave and left.Lin Zhongxiong got up and saw him off, and sent them to the door. Seeing that Zhou Buyi had gone far, he turned back to his study. "Father, why did you let him go? The matter of Jianwen Jun..." Lin Zhongxiong couldn't say anything after seeing his father looking at him calmly.

Lin Yuantu put down his teacup, without looking at Lin Zhongxiong, he said, "You can still speak? You shouldn't have Zhennan present today, and you almost spit out the news about His Majesty."

"But... the son is incapable of teaching, so I ask the father to punish him. When the kid comes back, the son will definitely teach him a lesson." Lin Zhongxiong wanted to say something to excuse his son, but after thinking about it, Lin Zhennan's words and deeds were indeed inappropriate today. There's nothing left to say, I can only take it on myself.

"It's no wonder Zhennan, he's only 20 years old now, and he lacks experience. It would be nice to take a few more darts in the future. What's more, I just told him about His Majesty today. It's rare to be able to do this in a hurry. When Lin Yuantu saw that Lin Zhongxiong wanted to beat Lin Zhennan, the old man's feeling of holding grandchildren but not children suddenly burst out, and instead he excused Lin Zhennan.

Seeing his father doting on his son, Lin Zhongxiong couldn't help but feel a little funny, but thinking of what happened just now, he couldn't help but said to Lin Yuantu: "Father, it's been 20 years, should we continue to let His Majesty hide?"

"What are you talking about? Your Majesty is the orthodox in the world, the heir appointed by Emperor Taizu himself, today..." Lin Yuantu seemed to be drained of all his strength and collapsed on the chair as he spoke. "Today, I treat my Lin family well... But if it weren't for His Majesty, how could I have a picture of Lin Yuan..."

"Why don't you contact Mingjiao? Mingjiao has recuperated over the years and should have regained its vitality. As long as His Majesty raises his arms, in an instant, the banners of righteousness will be raised in two capitals and thirteen provinces,"

"Confused, Mingjiao has now fallen into the right and wrong of the rivers and lakes. If we really do what you said, I am afraid that there will be wars in the two capitals and thirteen provinces in an instant, but your majesty will control the dragon in an instant. There will be honored guests! My Lin family is also attacked by the Five Sacred Sword Sect! It is even more likely that your elder brother is in danger! The Five Sacred Sword Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect have fought for so many years and have suffered countless deaths and injuries from each other. They would be willing to see the Sun Moon God When the time comes to teach him to become a Conglong hero, and then the imperial army will attack the mountain? I am afraid that the first person who will not let us go will be that Huashan Zhou Buyi. Besides..." Lin Yuantu sighed, "the Pujiang sect back then It’s not that you don’t know the fate of the Lin family. You also think that my Lin family will end up like that? My Lin family is not as good as his Zheng family. It’s the "No. An Sheng, as a father, often thinks that if he can go on like this, it would be good..."

"Master! Master! Something is wrong." At this moment, a burst of shouting was heard from outside.Lin Zhongxiong saw that it was Lin Sanzhi, the housekeeper, running profusely, and he didn't know whether he was scared or tired: "Sanzhi, what happened, so flustered."

Lin Sanzhi wiped off his sweat, and said to Lin Zhongxiong and Lin Yuantu, "Old master, master. It's not good, that Zhou Shaoxia from the Huashan faction met Zhu Wuye!"

Hearing this, Lin Zhongxiong was taken aback: "How is it possible! What is Zhu Wu doing here today?"

"Master, you forgot that this day of every month is the day when Zhu Wuye contacts our family to get things."

Lin Zhongxiong was shocked: "How did I forget this! How is it now?"

"We're fighting..." Zhao Sanzhi said, "I can't persuade you! Isn't this why I'm bothering the old man and the old man?"

Lin Yuantu smiled wryly: "Sure enough, something happened. It's a blessing or a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided." Then he walked out and said to Zhao Sanzhi, "Where is it?"

"It's in the atrium." Zhao Sanzhi knew that despite his age, the old man's kung fu was much tougher than any martial arts master, so he hurriedly led Lin Yuantu the way.

one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

The two figures in the atrium were constantly colliding and separating, and countless cold lights could be vaguely seen flashing by. Although Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei were present, they tried their best to see how the two of them moved, dismantled, Even if they used their internal strength to the extreme, they still couldn't see how the two fought against each other, only heard the sound of weapons colliding one after another.

Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei watched from the sidelines, they knew that they could not get involved in this level of confrontation.

It was the first time for Hu Bubei to see Zhou Buyi fully displaying all his strengths: "How can he be so strong? I just started a few months behind him, how come his martial arts are so much better than mine?" Hu Bubei Not sad or not reconciled, calculating in his mind how many tricks he can survive against this kind of opponent, "In the future, if we work hard, we will be able to surpass Zhou Buyi." He comforted himself like this.But no matter how Hu Bubei reacted, he found sadly that no matter which angle he shot from, he couldn't survive the opponent's fast and outrageous sword moves, "Sure enough, he was just teasing me before. ..." From then on, Hu Bubei completely put out the idea of ​​competing with Zhou Buyi.

But... is the fact really what they imagined?

"Such a fast saber technique, is he Tian Boguang's patriarch?" Zhou Buyi also noticed that the opponent's saber moves are not very subtle, but the opponent's internal strength is deep, and the saber is as fast as lightning, as fast as the river and the sea. endlessly.The sword technique is fast, even if there is a flaw, it is no longer a flaw.Zhou Buyi's sword was not as fast as his opponent's, and his skill was not as deep as his opponent's, so naturally there was nothing he could do.

The Ziying sword was brandished in Zhou Buyi's hand, and the afterimage seemed to be woven into a web of swords, enveloping his opponent.The opponent made a quick attack and smashed Zhou Buyi's sword net in a few strokes. Not only that, there was a "chi chi" sound as the hundred-refined sword was swung, and every sword light attacked Zhou Buyi's vital points!Zhou Buyi had no choice but to wield his long sword vigorously, laying out sword nets in front of him, trying his best to block the opponent's saber moves.

"This kid from the Huashan School is really powerful. He has caught up with the head of his family when he was young. But this swordsmanship is much stronger than that of Zhou Qingxuan's old man." Zhu Wu thought to himself, "But the emperor is important, I also I won't talk about friendship with you. Even if your family leader is here, I'm afraid that if you recognize me, you will take me down and hand it over to the eagle dog of the Yan thief. I can't drag it on any longer. The Huashan School's swordsmanship is very powerful. If it is true I don’t care if the old cat burns his beard, but what about the emperor?” Making up his mind, he jumped out of the circle and tried his best to stimulate his true energy.

Seeing the opponent jumping out of the circle, Zhou Buyi thought that the opponent was about to give up the fight, so he stopped.In fact, this fight with Zhou Buyi was also inexplicable, but he ran into this uncle on the road and nodded politely, but who knew what kind of epilepsy this uncle was going crazy, and shot at him!If it hadn't been for Zhou Buyi's quick response, I'm afraid he would have taken it just now.Zhou Buyi thought that his opponent suddenly became sober and wanted to give up. He was thinking of following the rules of the rivers and lakes for a while, but when he saw that the opponent's whole body was red and his left hand turned orange, golden yellow, golden white, and pure white, Zhou Buyi couldn't help it. Doubt knows, this time I'm afraid I can't retreat if I want to.Since you want my life!Want the life of my Huashan sect disciple!Then take your life in exchange!

The Ziying sword turned into a thousand rainbows, as if it wanted to dye the courtyard into a melancholy purple, but Zhu Wu knew that under this beautiful rainbow, there were life-threatening sword lights!But Zhu Wu had no way to block the sword move now, so he could only try his best to stimulate his true energy, hoping to deliver the blow before the sword move hit him.

The tip of the Ziying Sword was getting closer and closer to Zhu Wu's body, and it was at this time that Zhu Wu had gathered his energy and finally made that move: Chigai Burns the City!

This move sounds domineering, very high-end and high-end, but Wei Li is indeed ashamed of his name. Don't even think about burning the city. Burning the Fuwei Escort is enough. It's handy to deal with Zhou Buyi's Ziying Sword Grab it.I only saw that Zhu Wutonghong's left hand changed from dark red to deep red, orange red, orange, golden yellow, golden white, pure white, white blue, and sky blue. After talking so much, it was actually just three or five breaths. There was a faint sky-blue flame on Zhu Wu's palm, burning the air around his left hand blurred.

"Sun magic skill? Does this person have something to do with Chi Bilie?" Zhou Buyi hesitated in his heart, but his hands were not slow, and the sword energy was criss-crossing, not as blocking out the sky as before, but gathered together, forming a purple sheet The Sword Qi Great Net.Covered towards Zhu Wu.It was also after he broke through the fifth layer of Zixia Divine Art and learned the secret of Baoyuanjin, he comprehended a new application method of Guoshu and inner family's true qi, which is a distance of ten feet at a time, and condenses and does not disperse the qi. The power of concentration is greatly enhanced.Gone are the days when relying on innate stellar qi to disguise sword qi and only sending out a few inches is gone forever!

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