The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 32 Going to sea, aiming at Xiaoliuqiu

The purple net woven by the sword energy finally collided with the fiery palm of Zhu Wu's Tai Chi magic. The beautiful and magnificent sword energy met Zhu Wu's palm, and was burnt and refined, returning to its original source to become the vitality of heaven and earth , Scattered back to heaven and earth.Although Zhou Buyi suffered a small loss, Zhu Wu was not without loss. His fiery palm strength was also annihilated by Zhou Buyi's tyrannical sword energy. The white flame has now turned orange.

The two hit with one blow, but they didn't succeed. Zhou Buyi has always believed in a creed: between life and death, one blow with all your strength, if one blow misses, you will travel thousands of miles away.

The move just now was originally Zhou Buyi's effort to suppress the bottom of the box, but he didn't expect that he was still unable to defeat the enemy.Zhou Buyi had no choice but to get up and escape, and retreated two or three feet away, only to realize that his internal energy was almost empty, and Twelve Zheng had been injured, especially when the large intestine of the hand Yangming passed through the Taiyin lung meridian of the hand!Zhou Buyi had no choice but to use his Zixia magical skills to gather the true qi scattered in various meridians. After walking for two or three weeks, he felt that his Yangming large intestine passed through the Taiyin lung meridian of his hand, and was smashed to pieces by a burst of hot breath. , even though Zixia's true qi has passed and the fire energy has disappeared, and she has repaired it a little bit, but it will take a lot of effort to repair it completely, but in the current situation, how can she calmly heal her wounds?Zhou Buyi felt that he had the power to strike, so he stopped and looked at Zhu Wu warily.It was also Zhou Buyi who ran fast, and Zhu Wu's fire energy was partially offset by Zixia's sword energy.Otherwise, with this distance, if Zhou Buyi was hit by Zhu Wu's fire power, half of his body would be turned into coke, and he could also be reincarnated as Linghu Chong and revive Huashan from scratch.But even so, there was still a little fire on his clothes, and it was a very critical place. The hem of the clothes was only a point or two away from the man's lifeline. If he didn't hide quickly, he could really practice the evil sword Spectrum.

Zhou Buyi felt sad here, and Zhu Wu felt uncomfortable too. Forcibly pushing the valley to the maximum power of the Sun God Kungfu all of a sudden put great pressure on his meridians and dantian, and he didn't really practice the Sun God Kungfu. Recruiting red cover to burn the city, no intention of seeking death.If Zhu Wu hadn't thought that Zhou Buyi had seen through his identity, and for the sake of that person's safety, he would have killed Zhou Buyi, maybe Zhu Wu would have thanked Zhou Buyi for his life-saving grace.If it hadn't been for Zhou Buyi's sword energy that extinguished most of the flames, I am afraid that after this move, Zhu Wu would have turned into a piece of coke to meet Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Massive amounts of money can also be turned into bubbles.

But Zhu Wuhui would be grateful for Zhou Buyi's life-saving grace?Naturally, how could Zhu Wuye and Bo Yuntian be ungrateful?But above righteousness, there is also a word of loyalty, Zhu Wuye regards it more important than everything else, for the sake of the king, how could he let Zhou Buyi go?But now he has gone to Zhaikong, and his meridians were burned by the fire force.Where did he get the confidence to fight Zhou Buyi?Just when Zhu Wu was deciding whether to use the technique of breaking the meridians and gathering qi to smash the meridians and accumulate internal qi.Lin Yuantu finally arrived.

"Misunderstanding, you two stop." Seeing his atrium being destroyed by the two, Lin Yuantu secretly marveled in his heart, the sand and stone on the ground had turned into glass-like material, this skill is worthy of Zhu Wuye, whom Emperor Taizu relied on as his last resort, is really powerful!However, no matter how much Lin Yuantu lamented how powerful the two were, he had to persuade them to stop and stop fighting. "Mr. Huang, this little friend is the adopted son of the head of the Huashan School, Zhou, and the number one master of the younger generation of the Huashan School. He just came down from Huashan a few days ago, and he is going to partner with our Fuwei Escort Bureau to do maritime affairs. Business. Thanks to my little friend Hong Fu, my Fuwei Escort has finally opened branches in Shaanxi, Henan, Huguang, Shanxi, and Shandong. Zhou Xiaoyou, this Huang Sanye is a distinguished guest of our Fuwei Escort, and there is a big bodyguard in his family. It needs to be transported by our Fuwei Escort."

Although Zhou Buyi and Zhu Wuye didn't know each other's real identity, when they heard Lin Yuantu's words, they both scolded in their hearts: "Old fox."

To Zhu Wu's words, it means: This kid has great martial arts skills, and the Wuyue Sword Sect has power all over the five major chief secretaries. If you offend him, it will be no good for you.Even if you die, don't you care about His Majesty's safety?

It's much simpler for Zhou Buyi: You can't afford to mess with this person, and he's a VIP of my Fuwei Escort, if you f--- offend him, don't ask my Fuwei Escort for help.

Zhu Wu put away his strength and endured the scorching pain in his meridians: "Old Escort Lin, the escort I entrust to the Fuwei Escort Bureau is priceless, I hope the old Escort will act cautiously, if the escort car is lost, If there is a mistake in this escort, I am afraid that the Fuwei Escort will not be able to pay for it."

Lin Yuantu smiled and said: "The Fuwei Escort Agency has never made a mistake, especially for such a large bodyguard, the Fuwei Escort Agency will definitely do its best to protect it. Please rest assured, the third master. The third master will discuss the rest with Quanzi. Old man Jinpan has already washed his hands and retired to the Jianghu, no matter what is going on in the Escort, everything in the Escort is up to the children." He said to Zhou Buyi, "Little friend, everything is ready, after the goods are counted, it will be fine. "

Zhou Buyi smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank Senior Lin. Zhou Buyi will take a step ahead and make some arrangements to prepare for the trip to Little Luzon. Seniors, please give me some pointers."

"If you need help from the old man, just ask me, my Lin family will do my best." Lin Yuantu said, waving his hand.

"Definitely! Definitely! Farewell, junior!" Zhou Buyi took Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei away from Fuwei Escort.

Three people from the Huashan faction left the Fuwei Escort. Lin Yuantu knew that he had offended Zhou Buyi enough this time, but he didn't dare to turn his back on him completely. How dare he really kill Zhou Buyi?One week is insignificant, what matters is the Huashan faction!Three hundred disciples from the inner sect, two thousand disciples from the outer sect, and thirty famous people who are famous in the world, such power, not to mention a mere Fuwei Escort, even Shaolin Wudang can't easily move it.If I really keep Zhou Buyi...not to mention, I am currently intimidated by my reputation and the relationship with the court, but once I am old for a hundred years, I am afraid that when the time comes to push the wall of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, I will have to do it again. There is one more Huashan pie.

"Brother Lin, do you think this kid wants to stay?" Seeing Lin Yuantu staring at him blankly, Zhu Wu thought that Lin Yuantu was afraid of trouble, and said, "If Brother Lin is afraid of getting into trouble, I..." Thinking that he might not be able to fight with others for seven or eight months, Zhu Wu quickly changed his words: "I will go to the third brother, the fourth brother and the sixth brother for help. That kid is very good at martial arts, but the two people who follow him are not good at it. It is definitely not the enemy of the sixth brother's three moves. When the three of them join forces, that kid will die!"

"Do you have a grudge against Zhou Buyi? Or do you have a grudge against the Huashan faction?" Lin Yuantu said to Zhu Wu.

"No. What kind of enmity do I have with such a kid? According to the Huashan faction, the old emperor sent me to Xi'an to protect the king of Qin. When I met an assassin from the Tartars, it was Zhou Qingxuan who saved me." Zhu Wu replied meaninglessly, "But the Lord's safety is more important than anything else, that kid seemed to recognize me just now."

"Recognized you?" Lin Yuantu couldn't believe it, and now he was thinking of chasing and killing Zhou Buyi.No matter what happens to the Huashan faction, it will be a matter for the future. At worst, the Lin family will retreat to Xiaoliuqiu. The Huashan faction will not be able to hunt down there, but the imperial court's army of millions... Even if I hide in the ends of the world, I cannot escape the pursuit of the imperial army. kill.What's more, there is also the fleet of Sanbao, Lin Yuantu knows, what kind of state his old friend has reached in martial arts now...

"Yeah." Zhu Wu dragged the boy who was leading the way for him just now, "If you don't believe me, ask him, if that kid didn't recognize me, do you need to nod to me?" Zhu Wu said what Can't escape the look of my eyes.

Lin Yuantu and Lin Zhongxiong couldn't say anything, such idiots... But Lin Zhongxiong couldn't help asking: "Did the third master not understand what my father said just now?"

"Doesn't it mean that the boy's background is not small? But no matter what his background is, it can't compare with the safety of the Lord." Zhu Wu said angrily: "Could it be that you are afraid of the Huashan faction?"

Lin Yuantu was completely exhausted, and said weakly: "This kid went to Huashan Mountain more than 20 years ago. This is the first time he went down the mountain. He doesn't know you. How can he recognize you? Not to mention nodding to indicate that this is a basic etiquette." !"

"Does that mean I fought for nothing?" Zhu Wu asked in disbelief.

Lin Yuantu and his son looked at him as if you finally understood.

At this time, Zhou Buyi and his group had just walked to the gate, when they heard a voice from Fuwei Escort: "I'm so wronged!!", Zhou Buyi cursed inwardly: Are you wronged?I was wronged, I got into a fight with you out of nowhere.Where did this idiot come from?

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