"It's so hot! When did the Fuwei Escort have such a master who practiced such fiery kung fu?" Fuzhou is where Fujian's chief executive is located, so it is naturally the place where many forces gather.Among them, the most powerful is the third division of the imperial court, and the most mysterious and terrifying is a thousand households.He is not an ordinary guard, but a branch of Jinyiwei in Fujian, commanding all the hundreds of households, general banners, small banners, school lieutenants, and warriors in Fujian.What's more, most of what they do is in the dark, helping the imperial court to do some dirty work. For this reason, the level of personal force of Jinyiwei can almost reach the level of being proud of Renhao later. Save, after 30 or [-] years, the world will be settled, and Jinyiwei will be fascinated by singing, dancing, drinking and sex like ordinary guards, and will decay and degenerate.

But the current Jinyiwei is still under Jinshang's command, that frightening secret service.Thousands of households from all over the world are not those honorable children who are greedy for pleasure, but the dead elites who have really been honed from death training!It is these fourteen people who can deter the Jianwen elders and dissidents in these two capitals and thirteen provinces.Just now the Fuwei Escort Bureau made such a big noise, which naturally alarmed the Qianhu Lord who was in control of the power. "Go and find out what's going on? Old man Lin's swordsmanship is invincible today, but his inner strength is definitely not at this level."

A voice came from the darkness: "Yes, I'm going to investigate right now." After a while of creaking voices, the voice in the darkness replied: "Master Qianhu, it's Zhou Buyi from the Huashan School. He Gu had a fight with someone, that person's name is Huang San, and he used a suspected sun power."

"Sun magic art? Could it be that Lin Yuantu is still involved with the Mongolian Tartars? It can't be that this is Fujian, which is thousands of miles away from the grassland. It's not right, it's only a few days away from the Fujian cavalry to Zhejiang, and the southeast is shaking. It was a waste of time. That’s right, when the emperor wanted to confer Lin Yuantu as Putian Bo, Lin Yuantu tried his best to refuse, and even refused such an honor, there must be a big conspiracy.” Qianhu wrote on a piece of paper The painting seems to be completely disorganized, but if you are really knowledgeable, you will be able to see that this is a sketch of the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty!And those black lines are exactly the marching route from Fujian to South Zhili, Zhejiang!

Qianhu looked at the sketch he drew and muttered: "This is not easy. If you send a letter asking the third division to send troops to encircle and suppress, since Ji Ni's death, our Jinyiwei has not been as powerful as before, and the Lin family has a plaque bestowed by His Majesty. Without the emperor's decree, I'm afraid they won't cooperate. Besides, the whole of Fujian has been infiltrated by Lin Yuantu. If he really wants to do something, he won't be unaware of such a big movement. When the time comes, the civil officials in the court will have to say yes The picture of Lin Yuan that Qianhu rebelled against? You still have to play it to the emperor, and the emperor will make a decision." After making up his mind, Qianhu took out a piece of letterhead and prepared to write it and send it to the capital.Just as he was about to write, he suddenly remembered: "Lin Yuantu can also be regarded as a hero of Jingnan, and his son Lin Bofen is also a high-ranking military official. It is said that the court is planning to make him a uncle. I am afraid that the emperor will not make a report if there is no real evidence. Believe me. Why don't you investigate again." But considering that the spies in Lin's mansion are just ordinary servants, I'm afraid I can't tell where it is.Suddenly, he thought: "Zhou Buyi has fought against that person before, and the Huashan faction is in northern Xinjiang, so they know some desert martial arts, why don't Zhou Buyi bring him for interrogation, but the Huashan faction has always been in contact with important officials in the court. I'm afraid Zhou Buyi won't give in easily. Yu Qi"

A voice came from the shadows: "The subordinate is here."

"Go and bring Zhou Buyu from the Huashan faction. He should be on his way to Sanshabao by now, or he might be boarding the boat and preparing to go to sea by Houguan. You can ask the brothers in the institute yourself." Qianhu's The voice was still so flat, but Yu Qi didn't dare to neglect. After agreeing to the promise, he found information from the newspaper office of Qianhusuo, and rushed to Hou Guan.

one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

"Eldest brother, what was that Huang San just now?" Zhuo Bufan leaned on the side of the boat, the battle just now left him with lingering fears, this kind of master, I am afraid that only the head of the sect can defeat him.

Zhou Buyi shook his head: "I don't know either. She should have practiced the Sun God Kung Fu. This Kung Fu is the exclusive secret biography of Chi Bilie, a master of the former Yuan clan. Could it be that Huang San belonged to the northern Mongolian Yuan court? That's not right, he His moves are Jiangnan martial arts at first glance, and there is no way to cover up the continuous sense of the water town. I have seen desert martial arts, with thousands of miles of wild sand and dark clouds covering the sun, which is not the same as his kung fu. I think that person should have a great relationship with the imperial court."

"The imperial court?" Hu Bubei was taken aback when he heard this. "The imperial court also has such masters who are comparable to the head of my Five Sacred Sword Sect? Then why didn't they attack Heimuya and destroy the Demon Cult?"

"How do I know this? I only know that when Emperor Taizu was in power, he took over the treasury of Qianyuan. There were more than a dozen sets of high-quality martial arts in the treasury. Presumably it was the martial arts from there? Anyway, this Such a master is unknown, and Lin Yuantu attaches so much importance to it, he must be a master of the imperial court, but now the capital is set in Beiping, and there will be no such masters in the south of the Yangtze River." Zhou Buyi is not very sure, if He is really a member of the imperial court, and he shouldn't be the way of Jiangnan.

"Could it be someone from Lord Jianwen?" Hu Bubei said. "The water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the magical skills collected by the emperor Taizu, and Huang San's age, I think he should be under Jian Wenjun's subordinates. With such expert guards, it's no wonder the current emperor has been looking for him for 20 years."

"Puff!" Zhuo Bufan laughed, "Mr. Jianwen? Brother Hu, you really dare to think, don't forget that the Fuwei Escort Bureau has today, and it was Lin Yuantu who killed Zeng Chun, the chief eunuch of Lord Jianwen in Jingnan. , opened the gate of Nanjing City, and welcomed Jinshang into the city. If it is really Jian Wenjun's subordinate, what Lin Yuantu should do is not to respect him and offend the elder brother because of him, but to encircle and suppress him with the elder brother. You too Don't even think about it, let alone what will happen if Jianwen revives the Lin family, even now, Prime Minister Jianwen is ruined and his family is full of robbers, and on the other hand, he is rich and honored, and his family is full of honor, do you think Lin Yuantu would be so stupid?"

Seeing the two quarreling, Zhou Buxin quickly stopped them: "Whether he is a secret envoy from the imperial court or a remnant of Jianwen, he doesn't care about our affairs. What we have to do now is to bring these more than 2000 refugees to Luzon to cultivate wasteland. Set up a point and build a cargo station. The gold and silver in the hands of the Westerners is what we want. As for whether this country belongs to the present or Jianwen, what has it to do with my Huashan faction? We need to worry so much?"

Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei were speechless for a while.That's right, who is the director of Jiangshan is also a matter of his Zhu family, what has it to do with Huashan faction?As long as it wasn't for the Sun Moon God Sect sitting in the Dragon Court, that's fine.

"Who!" Zhou Buyi suddenly took out the Ziying sword and jumped off the lucky boat.Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei didn't know what to do, and before they could react, they heard the sound of weapons hitting, and then heard a low moan.The two knew that there must be thieves attached to the outer wall of the blessing boat, and they were discovered by the senior brother, and the two fought fiercely!

Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei hurriedly stretched out their heads to look around, only to see that they were entangled with each other holding the rope in one hand and the weapon in the other.

The two of them only saw Zhou Buyi swung his sword like moonlight, several sword lights shot out from the Ziying sword at once, and stabbed at the opponent's left arm'Cloud Gate','Tianfu','Kong Zui', There are four big caves such as 'Shenmen'.Another sword was swung at the rope that the enemy's left hand was firmly grasping.The opponent was not weak either, he attacked Zhou Buyi fiercely with the Xiuchun knife in his hand, forcing Zhou Buyi to return the sword to protect himself.Avoiding the opponent's sharp blade, Zhou Buyi's counterattack was a move of 'Endless World'. This sword was as fast as a gust of wind and ghosts, catching the opponent off guard. With a strong left hand, the rope swung the opponent away, just avoiding Zhou Buyi. A deadly sword.Then he swung the knife again, using the strength of the rope to swing back, trying to knock Zhou Buyi's saber into the sea.

But what kind of person is Zhou Buyi?Can't think of a way to deal with it?Relying on the fact that the sword in his hand was a few points longer than that of the opponent, he stabbed with the sword, and before the opponent could block with the knife, he pulled the rope with his hand and swung towards the opponent in a flash.The edge of the long sword he held had never touched the blade of the opponent's Xiuchun knife, it was already slanted to the left, and when he stabbed suddenly, the opponent only felt that no matter where he flashed, there would always be a point pierced by the sword point.This sword blocked all his escape routes, and he had no choice but to resist with his body. He didn't block the defense anymore, and the knife slashed at Zhou Buyi fiercely. extreme.Zhou Buyi watched the blade getting closer and closer to him.He was about to hit his body, and he knew his strength by listening to the wind. If this strike was real, Zhou Buyi's arm would be gone just like that.

But no one knew why, that knife cut through the air!Even Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei didn't see clearly how Zhou Buyi did it.

But the opponent was in a miserable situation, he missed the hit with all his strength, and that was all, but Zhou Buyi's long sword actually stabbed him, and he felt a few strands of true energy floating out of the wounded place, and he Several acupuncture points on his body were sealed. Although it also had the effect of stopping bleeding, it made him unable to move. He could only watch helplessly as he was tied into a ball and thrown on the deck.

When Zhou Buyi got on the deck, he had his opponent tied up tightly.Seeing that the opponent was tied up tightly, he was relieved. The internal injury he had fought against Zhu Wu before had not completely healed, and he fought against such a master again. He was still on the lucky boat, holding the rope firmly with one hand. Competition.The opponent was quite reckless, which made Zhou Buyi couldn't help using a little more skill.True Qi circulated rapidly in the meridians, but it hurt the meridians that had just stabilized.Seeing that the enemy was subdued, Zhou Buyi felt relieved to use his kung fu to heal his wounds.

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