Huashan, the sacred mountain located in Qinchuan for hundreds of millions of years, is as calm and peaceful as it has been for thousands of years in the past.

It's a pity that only Huashan Mountain is peaceful and peaceful. The people on Huashan Mountain are not so peaceful, let alone so peaceful.

Although it has not yet entered winter, due to the altitude, Mount Hua is already covered in snow. God seems to praise it for its achievements in suppressing Qinchuan for thousands of years, and bestow it with a new snow-white dress.But who knows how much filth is hidden under this dark snowy night.

A sneaky figure sneaked out from the resident of the Sword Sect of the Yunv Peak and entered the back mountain.The night is as cold as water, and the snowy night is extremely cold. If you don't sleep at night and sneak to the back mountain, there must be something wrong.

After getting into the woods, the figure let out a deep and strange cry.After the yelling, two people came out from the forest. It could be heard from their footsteps that they were both first-class players.The faint moonlight seemed to reflect something on the clothes of the two people who came out of the forest, but unfortunately the forest was too dense and the moonlight was too dim, and it was only a flash, which did not make people see clearly.It can only be barely distinguished that the two people are one tall, one short, one fat and one thin.

"How is the matter going? Commander-in-Chief is now paying close attention to the movements here, and now even the emperor is alarmed." The tall and fat man on the left asked. From his inquiry, we can know that, They turned out to be a spy organization that made the world fear.Jin Yiwei!

"To Ninth Master, those two old guys, Zhou Qingxuan and Xue Qingling, are really cunning. They allow their subordinates to design provocations, but they are still unwilling to tear off the last layer of shame. The subordinates are helpless." The figure who came from Jianzong said that the person who came was the second of the Thirteen Taibao of Jin Yiwei.

"Ninth Brother, don't blame him. The Huashan School's Qizong and Jianzong now have the upper hand. Feng Qingyang and Lu Qingcheng are also on the side of the Qizong. It is impossible to say that the two fires merge." Another short and dry man took out a box-like thing from his arms, and handed it to the wretched figure opposite, "Liu Qianhu, what you want, give it to me." You brought it here, but it took a lot of effort to make it, so don't throw it away."

"If you don't succeed this time, you know the eighteen levels of hell in Jinyiwei." Zhu Jiuye said with a bit of murderous intent, which lowered the already cold temperature by a lot.

The wretched figure from Jianzong took over the box.He was very excited at first, but when he heard Zhu Jiuye's words, the excitement in his body disappeared without a trace, and he said with a trembling voice: "Don't worry, Jiuye, this time it will be... a success."

"That's good! Huh!" Zhu Jiuye snorted coldly, and walked into the forest with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Zhu Jiuye's disappearing figure, the man couldn't help but shudder.

"Don't blame Brother Ninth." Seeing the man in front of him trembling, the short and withered man said with relief, "The Huashan faction has dominated the Northwest for hundreds of years, and the chief ministers of several capitals in the Northwest. The words of the head of Huashan are more effective than the imperial decree. This thorn has always been In the hearts of several emperors, the ninth brother has been in charge of Huashan affairs for many years without any results, and has been punished by the emperor many times. The anger in his heart is inevitable. Coupled with the inexplicable disappearance of the third brother in Fujian some time ago, the clues point to Zhou Buyi, the major disciple of the Huashan School, and the ninth brother has a very good relationship with the third brother. You have a little bit of enthusiasm for the Huashan School. You have been hiding in Huashan for many years. The smell of the Huashan School on your body can't be washed away. No wonder he will catch fire."

Seeing the high position and weight of the Thirteenth Master, who is also the most skilled in the Thirteenth Taibao, comforted himself, this Jinyiwei spy who had been lurking in Huashan for many years.With a look of admiration, he said: "Master Thirteen, don't worry, Liu Qingyan will definitely complete the task. Swear to destroy Huashan!"

Zhu Shisan nodded in satisfaction, "Work hard, your future glory and wealth will depend entirely on this." After finishing speaking, he chased after Zhu Jiuye.Look carefully at the ground, but there are no footprints at all.

"Master Thirteen is really good at lightness kungfu." Liu Qingyan was slightly taken aback, and said respectfully.

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"Senior Brother Zhou, why don't you order help? If my Huashan faction also exerts its strength this time, the Demon Cult will be completely over!" He is also number one in Jianghu, but what brains... It can be seen from the fact that he dared to challenge Zhou Qingxuan face to face, which Xue Qingling did not dare to do.Liu Qingyan couldn't help but wink at Teng Qingshan, signaling him that enough is enough, didn't you see that Zhou Qingxuan's face turned dark.But Teng Qingshan just acted as if he hadn’t seen anything, and continued to slander, and then spit out a sentence: "Could it be that the senior brother of the sect secretly colluded with the Demon Cult? Is it like this?" After saying that, the hall of Jianqi Chongxiao became quiet all of a sudden, those who smoked water pipes and those who peeled peanuts stopped one by one, as if time had stood still.

Liu Qingyan secretly took a look at the face of the senior brother in charge. It was originally livid, but now it has turned red like a pig's liver, and it is even developing towards purple-black.Seeing that Zhou Qingxuan was about to have a fit, Liu Qingyan slammed it on the rosewood table with a "crack!": "Teng Qingshan! What are you talking about? Are you confused?" Teng Qingshan still wanted to argue a few words, It can be seen from Liu Qingyan's face that he was inexplicably afraid, and reluctantly took his place.

"Senior Brother Master, Brother Teng was just confused for a while and couldn't speak clearly. I hope Brother Master Master will forgive me." Liu Qingyan bowed down sincerely, and after getting up, he said: "I will understand that Brother Master Sect is doing this for our Huashan School. Such actions, but now the Songshan faction has failed to attack the mountain, and the demon sect is seriously injured. At this time, I, Huashan, will not strengthen the momentum of the Songshan faction, and rely on my Huashan faction. The remnants of the Demon Cult that are still alive will be completely wiped out! When the time comes, the prestige of our Huashan School will be in full swing, so why worry about the tricks of Songshan School Liang Xipi and Zuo Jigao?"

Zhou Qingxuan shook his head, and said expressionlessly: "If anyone of you wants to go, you can go. I will not issue Taihuashan orders."

"Brother Sect Leader..."

"No need to say much, I've made up my mind! The meeting is over." Zhou Qingxuan waved his sleeves and walked back to the back hall.

Zhou Qingxuan left the front hall, and everyone immediately became a mess.

"What do you think, senior brother?"

"That's right, what a great opportunity, why did you let it go so easily?"

"Could it be that what Junior Brother Teng said is true? Did the sect leader really have any connections with the Demon Cult?"

"Shut up, how can you talk nonsense without evidence? What's more, Uncle Ge died at the hands of the ten elders of the Devil's Sect. How could the senior brother in charge collude with the Devil's Sect?"

"Then tell me, why did the sect master give up such a great opportunity? This kind of opportunity may never appear again."

"How do I know? Maybe it's because of the Songshan sect? In the past two years, Songshan has become much stronger. This time, the preemptive call for the attack on Heimuya has gained more prestige. The senior brother in charge is trying to estimate the discussions in the world."

"Didn't Senior Brother Liu say that? Now that Heimuya has suffered repeated setbacks, even with the strength of our Huashan faction, we can completely wipe out the remnants of the Demon Cult that lingered on Heimuya! When the time comes, the prestige of our Huashan faction will be in full swing, so why worry about the Songshan faction?" Liang Xipi and Zuo Jigao's scheme?"

"That's also..."

"You you are not the head of the sect, but the senior brother is the head of the sect."

"Senior brother Liu? What do you say?"

"This time, even if my Huashan faction puts all its strength into destroying the Demon Cult, what about in the future? Don't you think that the Demon Cult is really a soft-legged crab? Heimuya's natural danger is far better than Wudang. How much does it cost to win it? After winning, can Huashan, whose strength has been greatly weakened, still be able to secure the position of leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect? Brothers, you don’t want the next meeting of the Five Sacred Mountains to be held at the Fengchan Terrace on Mount Song. Don’t you? Are all Jianzong people so brainless?"

"Senior Brother Liu's words are unreasonable. Shouldn't we destroy the Demon Cult because of the casualties? Shouldn't we avenge the revenge of our ancestors? Don't think about your own honor, but remember your ancestors' respect." Yi Ze is full of blood! Brother Liu, you Qizong people can't be so heartless."

"Who are you saying has no conscience? Looking for practice?"

"Yo yo yo, I told you I was thinking about it, and you became angry from embarrassment? Come on, I want to see Brother Liu's Yangwu swordsmanship, is it still as flawless as it was in the past, and has not become a Yangwu sword?" Evil sword technique."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the back hall: "What are you doing?! Do you think I am a dead person? Have you forgotten the seven precepts of Huashan?" No one thought that Zhou Qingxuan would appear suddenly, or they all forgot consciously. This thing.The tense atmosphere disappeared without a trace because of Zhou Qingxuan's words.Even Teng Qingshan, the fool who kept talking strangely, didn't say a word.

"Hmph!" Zhou Qingxuan snorted coldly, and everyone scattered like birds and beasts.

Zhou Qingxuan, who drove away many elders of the Qing Dynasty with a single sentence, is now in the back hall, watching his beloved son fight a set of strange boxing techniques in the courtyard. If a famous boxing master sees it, he will know that this is the basis of the so-called three major internal boxing of later generations - the three-body pose.Feeling that someone was watching him, Zhou Buyi stood up, turned around, saw that it was Zhou Qingxuan, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Master."

"I don't object to you practicing these things, but remember not to spoil the cultivation of internal strength, that's the root." Zhou Qingxuan looked at his beloved son lovingly, but he loved it. The root of Jianzong's years of practicing Qi lies in Zhou From Qingxuan's point of view, you can't lose

Zhou Buyi said confidently: "Master, don't worry, even this is for practicing qi well. I feel that if this set of boxing techniques can be deepened, our qi sect disciples won't have to wait 30 years." To be continued..)

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