Seeing Zhou Buyi's confidence slow down, even though Zhou Qingxuan didn't believe it, he didn't want to hurt his beloved disciple, so he said flatly: "You take care of it yourself. I'm afraid that throughout the ages, only you have the time to tinker with these things. Congenital is hard to get into..." Thinking of the age when he entered Xiantian, Zhou Qingxuan was somewhat envious and jealous, but he could imagine that this was his son's own apprentice, and he would take over the plate from him in the future. The heart of jealousy also dissipated to the sky.

Hearing the meaning of Zhou Qingxuan's words, Zhou Buyi knew that Zhou Qingxuan didn't believe a word of what he said just now.I'm too lazy to argue, and when the time comes, show Zhou Qingxuan the things, and then everything will be understood.It's useless to say more, it's better to practice boxing, but seeing Zhou Buyi's shoulders and elbows, elbows and hands, waist and hips, hips and knees, knees and feet, the body stood upright.Played the three-body pose again.

There is a cloud in the "Boxing Classic": the heart is stable, and the heart and mind are in harmony.The mind is focused, and the mind is in harmony with the Qi.Qi flows naturally with the form of the body, the heart does not control the Qi, and the Qi and strength are in harmony.In this way, the yin and yang are combined, the up and down are connected, and the inside and outside are one. This is called **.In fact, the inside and the outside match.That is to say, the combination of yin and yang, and the inner strength of the three bodies are thus born.

After doing the three-body posture countless times, Zhou Buyi called at this time, but he felt something different. An indescribable feeling arose in his body. Once I stopped punching, I couldn't feel anything.

Zhou Buyi did the three-body pose again, but he felt that there seemed to be something swelling in the big acupoints, and he felt it carefully, but he couldn't feel anything.

Is it a fire accident?Zhou Busu was startled when he thought of this.No, no, if it is so easy to step out of the fire, then what is it?Zhou Buyi couldn't figure it out. After thinking about it for a while, he still couldn't figure it out.

Don't think about it if you can't figure it out, this is Zhou Buyi's motto.I did the three-body posture again for a while, but it still didn't work.Feeling restless, Zhou Buyu decided: stop practicing!

Of course, it’s not that I don’t practice qigong anymore, but that I started to practice Wuqinxi. You read it right, it’s really Wuqinxi.It is really the five-animal show that everyone knows and knows in the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty!

Zhou Buyi bent his knees and squatted down, shifted his center of gravity to his right leg, took a virtual step with his left foot, the sole of his foot touched the ground, and leaned against the inner ankle of his right foot, and at the same time raised his fists to both sides of his waist.The heart of the fist is upward, and the eyes are looking at the front left.The left foot takes a step forward obliquely to the left, followed by the right foot for half a step, the center of gravity sits on the right leg, the sole of the left foot touches the ground, and at the same time lift the two fists up along the chest, the heart of the fist is backward, and the two fists are facing each other in front of the mouth Flip your palms forward and press them out until chest height.Palms facing forward, two palms facing each other, a pair of tricks looking at the left hand.

Then take a half step forward with your left foot, and follow with your right foot to the inner ankle of your left foot.Sit with the center of gravity on the left leg, with the sole of the right foot pointing to the ground, bend the knees, and at the same time withdraw the palms to the sides of the waist.The heart of the fist is upward, and the eyes are looking at the front right.Take a step forward with your right foot, followed by a half step with your left foot.Sit on the right leg with the center of gravity, and touch the ground with the sole of the right foot. At the same time, lift the two fists up along the chest, with the center of the fists backward, and lift them to the front of the mouth. The two palms are facing each other, and a pair of tricks are looking at the right hand.

Repeatedly making the image of a tiger rushing left and right many times, people who have never seen it will really think that a tiger is coming.

Pounce left and right over and over again, repeating the tiger's step posture, the posture of going out of the hole, the posture of showing power, the posture of pressing and pressing, and the posture of fighting.Zhou Buyi only felt that the Yongquan acupoint on the soles of his feet fluctuated slightly, and Zhou Buyi felt that he seemed to be one step away from being able to communicate with the Yuanchen of the earth, but he still couldn't step out after just one step.Suddenly, Zhou Buyi remembered the method of contemplation he used to condense the artistic conception. Could it be that to find out the acupoints and refine the condensed essence still needs to be contemplative?

At present, there is no doubt that there is no other good way to find out next week. The language of the Taiyi Handwriting is obscure, the calligraphy is ancient, and there is no specific method of practice. It is purely the experience of the people at the time.Zhou Buyi thought about concentrating the acupoints, but he was only inspired by it, so naturally he couldn't know the specific method of concentrating the acupoints.If you can think of a way, just try it, there will never be too much harm.

Zhou Buyi had seen the earth before, although it was only a video and photo, he was much better than the Central Plains people who were obsessed with the roundness of the sky.

Imagining the earth Yuan Chen under his feet, he really felt a little strange under his feet. The endless earth vitality emanated from Yuan Chen, and entered Zhou Buyi's body bit by bit through the spring, but sometimes it didn't happen. , either thick or thin.Feeling the vitality of the earth being sucked into his body, Zhou Buyi was overjoyed, and his true energy flowed along the meridian to the Yongquan, but he couldn't integrate the vitality of the earth into it, and almost didn't force it out of his body.

"What's going on? That's right, I'm only in the acquired realm, and my true energy has never returned to my innate state, so I can't directly introduce the energy of heaven and earth into my body to fuse. How can I condense the acupoints?" Zhou Buyi found it difficult. The method I found was actually because my own realm was not enough and my true energy was limited, so it was difficult to do it all.But Zhou Buyi is really helpless?If you can't use the true energy, then use something else, and put on a tiger posture, the energy and blood are transferred to the legs, the two feet take root, the hands become claws, and turn into fists, and so on. Repeated movements.

At the same time, keep thinking and contemplating the compassion of the earth and the birth of all things, the power of life and death, and the mind that embraces all things.The image of Dadi Yuanchen became more and more clear, and the more careful it turned out, the image of the Five Sacred Mountains behind Zhou Buyi became smaller and smaller. While shrinking, it brought out the root, and a huge star replaced the image of the Five Sacred Mountains , occupying Zhou Buyi's back, but this is not enough, others don't know, Zhou Buyi still doesn't know?This Earth Yuanchen looks mighty, but it is only strong on the outside and dry on the inside, except for a few wisps of purple energy that is almost invisible, it has little power at all.

Zhou Buyi carefully led the vitality of the earth to fill the Yuanchen dharma behind him. The continents and oceans became more and more real, and the trees grew rapidly. The area covered by green was expanding at a speed recognizable by human eyes. , the only thing that has not changed is the mountains and rivers.It was still just a phantom, without any charm.

At this point, it seems that Zhou Buyi has reached the limit, but Yuan Chen's method has not been fully accomplished, why?But it is because mountains, rivers and rivers are the foundation of human beings. Since ancient times, human beings have sacrificed for thousands of years, but they have a different kind of emotion, which is different from the stars and the sea.Zhou Buyi wanted to practice thoroughly, Yuan Chen Faxiang.You also need to walk, see, and experience.

Zhou Buyi had a feeling that a steady stream of earth vitality poured in from the spring, making him feel as if he had become a mountain, rooted under his feet, firmly grasping the earth, and the earth sucked him tightly. immobilize oneself.I just want to cut it off, but I don't know how to start it.

Since it enters with qi and blood when it comes, then break it with true qi when it goes.Waves of Zixia true energy cut off the influx of the earth's vitality.Only then did Zhou Buyi feel that his feet were as loose as before, and after a while, Zhou Buyi regained his strength and sat down heavily on the ground.Taking the sweat towel handed over by Chu Qiqi, Zhou Buyi wiped his sweat, a sweat towel was soaked with sweat.Chu Qiqi supported Zhou Buyi to get up, wiped off the snowflakes on her body, went into the room and sat down.

"It's heavy, it's really heavy. When did you not suspect that my brother is so heavy? If in the future... Bah. What are you thinking, Chu Qiqi?" Chu Qiqi didn't know what to think of, her pretty face flushed for a while.

"The snow for several years came very late." Zhou Buyi murmured while looking at the bright moon outside the window.

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A breezy residence.

Feng Qingyang is a swordsman.A true swordsman, he is one of the few on Mount Hua who has truly grasped the meaning of the sword.He is not a politician in the skin of a swordsman, nor is he a brash warrior, he really knows swords.Really know how to use a sword.

At night, other people on Huashan went to bed early, but none of them slept.They are also sneaking food from the kitchen or doing something else.Only Feng Qingyang was practicing swordsmanship against the cold wind under the moonlight.

When the Ten Elders of the Devil's Sect attacked the mountain, Feng Qingyang lost his master early on, and his kung fu was taught by senior brothers Ning Qinglin and Zhao Qingge. Ten years later, Feng Qingyang was 22 years old.At that time, the deputy director of the Devil's Sect, Heng Xing, who is now the director of the Sun Moon God Sect, Wo Xing, led the banner master Xiang Liang, who had just been relegated from the position of Guangming Left Envoy, to attack Hengshan, Hengshan was defeated, and sent a letter for help.The Huashan faction received the help letter from the Hengshan faction and went to rescue.

Feng Qingyang was a young man full of vigor, and headed straight to Mount Heng. In Zhongtiao Mountain, he met the Sun Moon God Sect and his party. He was clever, and secretly killed many Sun Moon God Sect followers, and even broke into them. But in the end, he was spotted by the treacherous and cunning Xiang Liang, and he fell into the hands of the demon sect and knocked him off the cliff.

Fortunately, Feng Qingyang didn't deserve to die. Even though he fell off the cliff, he was stopped by Yashangsong and fell into an unknown cave.In it, I obtained a peerless sword technique. Since then, my martial arts has made great progress, and I was given the nickname Dugu Sword.

Although Feng Qingyang has acquired a set of peerless swordsmanship, he has gained a lofty status and a prominent reputation.But he never dared to let go of his kung fu, maybe not because he didn't dare, but because he was reluctant.Because, he is a swordsman.

However, Feng Qingyang's way of practicing swords is very special. Others are holding long swords and swinging them one by one. After a set of swordsmanship, they are sweating profusely. Unfortunately, there are a group of people in the martial arts with profound internal skills on Mount Hua. You won't get sick even if you take a bath in cold water. Otherwise, there might not be many trees left in the mountain.But Feng Qingyang's sword practice is quite different from ordinary people. He practiced sword by sitting outside the courtyard with a long sword. He just sat on a big rock with his eyes closed. Nothing happened.Sitting like this all the time, it is rare for him to perform a complete set of sword skills.Everyone in Huashan knew about Feng Qingyang's problem, except for a few good ones, no one had ever come to him, but today, an unexpected visitor came.

Feng Qingyang opened his eyes suddenly, as if a sword qi pierced him: "Who?" (To be continued...)

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