More than ten days ago, Yue Buqun told Zhou Buyi that Feng Qingyang had received a wedding letter and went out to meet his relatives.Zhou Buyi heard it wrong, isn't this the story of Feng Qingyang being tricked into marrying a prostitute?Could it be that Master is worried about him?wrong!Zhou Qingxuan said to Zhou Buyi before that the only hope to stop the internal strife is Feng Qingyang, there is no lack of expectations in his words, how could he deceive him to leave?

Hearing Liu Qingyan's name, Zhou Buyi suddenly understood everything.He didn't even have time to report to Zhou Qingxuan, so he chased after him without saying a word.

During this process.Zhou Buyi also visited many small sects and sects from time to time, absorbing the essence of all of them to enrich his martial arts skills.As for those who don't want to...Shaanxi has lost a lot of martial arts sects recently...

Zhou Busu searched for Feng Buyang all the way, and finally found Feng Buyang in a small town at the foot of Qinling Mountains.After some persuasion, Feng Qingyang still didn't believe it in the end, and the two came to Taibai Mountain in the Qinling Mountains nearby, and fought countless times.In the end, Zhou Buyi pestered him so much that he couldn't help it, so he agreed to stay for two days.In the past few days, the two began to discuss the issue of fusing various sword techniques.

At this time, Zhou Buyi and Feng Buyang are at the foot of Taibai Mountain, the main peak of the Qinling Mountains, quietly summarizing what Zhou Buyi has learned from visiting martial arts masters all over the world in the past year, and making a comprehensive understanding.In the past few years, Zhou Buyi's hard work has not been in vain, and he has gained a lot. He feels that his skills have greatly improved.Zhou Buyi practiced various boxing techniques and sword techniques first, so that Feng Buyang could have a comprehensive understanding of them, and then the two discussed the issue of integration.

They got up early this morning.He was going to fight a set of new boxing techniques that the two of them preliminarily compiled yesterday, mainly based on Qizong boxing, combined with the specialties of Shaolin, Emei, Wudang and other boxing schools.

The weather in Qinling Mountains was wonderful that day.The sunrise in the Qinling Mountains is absolutely magnificent. First, the sky shows a transition from golden yellow to white to dark blue, and the color is perfect.The weather is sunny and the clouds are very beautiful!First, the white clouds are layered together, like continuous mountain peaks, some of which are high and some are low.Some are steep, some are gentle... Except for the different colors, these "cloud peaks" are almost exactly the same as the real mountain peaks.

After a while, the mountain peaks disappeared, and the sun slowly rose from the mountains, and then penetrated into the clouds; after a while, the sun parted the clouds, and the radiant rays of light shining through the gaps in the clouds shone in all directions among the mountains. .Send out ten thousand golden lights.The sun shines on the clouds, and the clouds reflect golden light, as if the white clouds are inlaid with a golden edge, and they seem to be dressed in golden clothes, making them extremely beautiful.

After the white clouds drifted past, the sky was blue, like a huge sapphire; the clouds seemed to have been washed, so white that there was no stain.These clouds also change form from time to time, as if to show you that he is the "incarnation" of everything.It is like a horse grazing at first.Later, a gust of wind blew, and the horse turned into a little rabbit, and after a while.The little rabbit melted into the cloud and disappeared.Yun is really like a magician, he can change whatever he wants.No wonder some poets said: "Thousands of shapes and phenomena are still empty, and thousands of miles of hidden mountains are repeated."

Taibai Mountain is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains, and its natural scenery is also very impressive.It is known for its height, coldness, danger, strangeness and beauty.Famous for its richness and mystery, it dominates China.The towering majestic momentum, the weather changes rapidly.Show its divine appearance even more.Since ancient times, it has shown people a layer of mystery, which is yearned for by literati and refined scholars.The snow scene of Taibai Mountain is one of the famous eight scenic spots in Guanzhong.The poet Du Fu sighed and said: "I still look at the white snow, and I am happy to meet the martial arts sky."

Today's weather is excellent, the snow in winter reflects the bright sunshine, the snow is covered with silver, the scenery is wonderful and spectacular, and the silver mountain can be seen hundreds of miles away.The mountains and rivers of Taibai Mountain are also beautiful and extraordinary.The mountains are high and the slopes are steep, the rivers and streams are deep, and the water is turbulent. In many places, waterfalls and rapids and deep pools are formed.

Qinling River is also very rich in resources.In the north is the Wei River, which is the largest tributary of the Yellow River; in the south is the Han River, which is the largest tributary of the Yangtze River.The largest and most important tributaries of the two largest and most important rivers on the land of China are nurtured by this vast and profound mountain range.Qinling is also a mountain of humanity.Many literati and poets have left a large number of works.There are a large number of cultural landscapes in and around the Qinling Mountains, such as the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and many emperors' tombs, the ruins of the Zhou Dynasty Fenghao, the ruins of Qin's Afang Palace, the Louguan Tower, the Tomb of Zhang Liang, and the Tomb of Cai Lun, etc., which make people think about the past.No wonder Bai Juyi wanted to recite a poem saying:

The spring snow king of Lanqiao returns to the sun, and the autumn wind in Qinling Mountains when I go.Every time I get to the post pavilion, I get off my horse first, and look for the king's poems along the wall and around the pillars.

In the morning sunshine of the Qinling Mountains and in the pureness reflected by the white snow, Zhou Buyi and Feng Qingyang took a deep breath, pumped up his inner energy, stretched his muscles and bones, and moved about on a small flat ground at the foot of Taibai Mountain, like a tiger coming out of the mountain. , Such as the world facing the clouds.

Feng Qingyang was dumbfounded and applauded repeatedly.

Zhou Buyi and Feng Qingyang have stayed here for several days.Zhou Buyi wandered around for a year and learned the essence of various martial arts. He wanted to sit in this picturesque scenery, watching the snow scene, listening to the mountain breeze, drinking the clear spring, meditating on what he had learned, and spending a year All the various martial arts skills learned in the middle school were absorbed and digested, integrated and integrated into one, forming a new martial arts system.And the wind is not Yang is the best helper.Of course, this kind of system is based on Huashan's own martial arts, and other exercises are used to raise the power of Qizong to a new stage.

This process is quite painstaking.However, after a few days of joint efforts of the two, the new kung fu system has begun.Today's exercise is to clean it up at a deeper level.They knew that the Huashan style and the two sword sects, the Huashan martial arts competition, were about to begin.That is a big event, and time does not allow them to waste any more time here.Zhou Buyi secretly decided to rest for two days, and set off for Huashan the day after tomorrow.

Zhou Buyi finished playing the routine again, held back the qi in his dantian, closed his eyes, and remained silent for a moment, then opened his eyes and returned to the normal state.

Suddenly, he found a figure running towards him in a hurry from far to near.This person ran up to him, Zhou Buyi took a closer look, he saw Chen Bukong, a disciple of Qizong.

"How did he come here?" Zhou Buyi was a little surprised, a little surprised, and a little unknown.

"Not empty, you...?"

Chen Bukong said eagerly: "Brother, something serious happened!"

"What's the matter. Tell me!"

Chen Bukong hurriedly told Zhou Buyi and Feng Buyang how Yue Buqun received a letter from Jianzong Liu Qingyan on the second day Zhou Buyi went to find Feng Buyang, saying that the suzerain Zhou Qingxuan was in the capital. Critically ill, Feng Qingyang immediately led his brothers to the capital to visit; how did Yue Buqun prepare to lead his brothers from the sect to a duel with Jianzong.And sent himself out to find the big brother.And it was with great difficulty that he found out the information about the senior brother and Feng Qingyang practicing martial arts in Taibai Mountain in Qinling silently, and told the whole process to the senior brother Zhou Buyi and Feng Qingyang. ——Of course he didn't know whether Liu Qingyan brought a fake letter or what happened afterwards.

Within more than ten days after Zhou Buyi left, such a big event happened!In particular, the news that the head master was critically ill in the provincial capital made Zhou Buyi turn pale with shock and gasp.Feng Qingyang also felt a little cold, he seemed to understand something...

Zhou Buyi asked eagerly: "How is the suzerain now? Have you heard?"

"I don't know. I think it has probably been brought back by Senior Brother Ning."

"Go. Go down the mountain immediately, go back immediately!"

Zhou Buyi couldn't wait for a moment.The suzerain's life and death are uncertain, and his heart has already flown back.

He Feng Qingyang immediately returned to the residence to pack up the simple luggage, and led Chen Bukong back to Huashan immediately.

Let's look at the scene of the Huashan martial arts competition.

Zuo Gaoji and Liu Qingyan believed that Jianzong would win today.Liu Qingyan supported Zhou Qingxuan and knocked Liu Qingyan down on the ground, and the two joined forces, together with Zuo Gaoji, the three of them joined the battle group besieging Zhou Qingxuan.Liu Qingyan was knocked to the ground by Zhou Qingxuan's move, feeling helpless and annoyed in his heart, Zhou Qingxuan's strictness to himself in martial arts practice all came to mind at once, and his heart was full of Zhou Qingxuan's fault.If you rebel, you will rebel.Anyway, he couldn't stay in the Qizong any longer, so he simply turned his back on it and fought Zhou Qingxuan to the death today! (To be continued..)

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