A well-known figure from the Songshan School, a think tank of the Sword Sect, and an elder of the Qizong Qing Dynasty who rebelled against the battle, the three well-known masters in the martial arts surrounded Zhou Qingxuan. It was really fierce and unique. (Join the scene describing the four people fighting)

Seeing the viciousness of the three men, Zhou Qingxuan tried to kill himself with moves.Especially that Liu Qingyan who betrayed on the spot, in vain has learned kung fu from Qizong for decades, and he is also a teacher and brother.After the master left, I read to him that not long after he started, many masters who had never fought against each other carefully taught him various unique skills.But today, he even tried his best to deal with him, completely ignoring his fellowship.Zhou Qingxuan became more and more annoyed. "You are unkind, so I have no choice but to be unrighteous!" He put away the last emotion in his heart that he did not want to kill his fellow disciples, and he also showed his might, with vicious moves and murderous moves.

What a Zhou Qingxuan, I saw him yelling: "Today I will clear the door for the Qizong!" Seeing the opportunity, a "Danfeng Xiyang" hit Liu Qingyan's heart."Wow", Liu Qingyan spat out blood, which spewed out a foot away.Immediately afterwards Zhou Qingxuan flew up the "Longmen mandarin duck chain legs", chained his legs, and hit Liu Qingyan's left and right temples.Liu Qingyan immediately felt the stars popping all over the place, his eyes went dark, his soul instantly came out of his shell, he fell heavily to the ground, and died immediately.The villains who deceived their masters and exterminated their ancestors will have a sad end.

Although with the suzerain Zhou Qingxuan, Qi Zong won some victories, but after all, it was Jian Zong and Zuo Dao Zuo Gaoji who gathered together, especially Zuo Gaoji's subordinates often used heresy, and Qi Zong's skills were still mediocre The disciples couldn't adapt to cracking, so the air sect was still at a disadvantage overall.Thirty percent of the Qizong disciples had already laid down, and the rest of the Qizong disciples gathered together to form a group force, retreating to a corner, and using the terrain to fight to the death.Yue Buqun was injured, and his skill has been greatly reduced, but he is still desperately leading his brothers to fight hard.Ning Qinglin's bravery remained unabated.Leading a group of fresh troops to rush from left to right, in a disadvantageous situation, they are fierce and mighty.

He found that the suzerain Zhou Qingxuan was surrounded by Zuo Gaoji and Liu Qingyan with more than a dozen people fighting alone in the core, and he was about to die, so he immediately broke out of the siege, knocked down several people who besieged Zhou Qingxuan with three punches and two kicks, and rescued the suzerain back to the sect camp.

The encirclement circle of Jianzong and Zuodao is getting smaller and smaller, Zuo Gaoji and Liu Qingyan are ready to launch the final decisive attack.At this time, Xue Qingling, who was the suzerain of the Sword Sect, seemed to stay out of the matter and no longer participated in the fight.As I said before, Xue Qingling was very annoyed when Zuo Dao Zuo Gao Ji led the crowd to participate in the fight.But at this time the scene was extremely chaotic.In addition, Liu Qingyan stoked the fire from it, and the evil fire hidden in the hearts of the disciples of Jianzong had been stimulated, and Xue Qingling could no longer effectively control Jianzong.He is a man of integrity and open heart.

He couldn't tolerate this, and he had to withdraw from this immoral fight so that his conscience would be at ease.He deeply felt that he would not be able to face upright martial arts colleagues in the future, and he was even more ashamed of the Qizong who belonged to the Huashan School. He decided to quit the martial arts immediately after the competition and return to the mountains.before exiting.He decided to do one thing, which is to disband Jianzong!Although he has worked hard and painstakingly for the development and growth of Jianzong for decades, he has a deep affection for Jianzong.But he couldn't hand over Jianzong to Liu Qingyan.

Liu Qingyan is usually eloquent and quick-witted, and he is known as a "brain tank". Xue Qingling has high hopes for him.But Liu Qingyan's performance today made Xue Qingling completely see Liu Qingyan's true face.This person is really too dark, too evil!How could Jianzong fall into his hands.That still doesn't lead Jianzong to an evil path, no!It is to let the Huashan faction go astray.From a well-known decent sect to an evil sect that harms martial arts like the Sun Moon God Sect!

Jianzong and Songshan faction surrounded Qizong at the core, and Qizong felt more and more difficult to support.A victorious smile appeared on Liu Qingyan's mouth.

At this critical moment, three fast horses came galloping from far to near.The leader is Zhou Buyi!The other two are of course Feng Qingyang and Chen Bukong.

Zhou Buyi turned around and said, "Looks like today, I'm really here! Uncle Feng, now you know who Liu Qingyan is."

Feng Qingyang didn't say a word, his face was livid.

Immediately, the three of them flew off their horses without saying a word, and immediately entered the battlefield.

During this period of time, Zhou Buyi and Feng Qingyang, the elite disciple of Huashan School's number one swordsmanship, jointly studied the various martial arts that Feng Qingyang had learned in Songshan Shaolin, Emeishan, Wudang Mountain and other martial arts sects in the past few years. Forming new routines brought Huashan's martial arts to a higher level.

Over the past few years, Feng Qingyang has gone out several times to learn various styles of boxing whenever he has the opportunity.What's going on here?This has to start from the beginning,

A few years ago, Feng Qingyang told suzerain Zhou Qingxuan that he would go out and travel around whenever he wanted, visiting martial arts masters all over the world, absorbing everything, integrating the strengths of each family into the swordsmanship and martial arts of the Huashan School, innovating through inheritance, and incorporating Huashan Wu Xue raised to a new level.Zhou Qingxuan thought about it, this is beneficial to the development of our faction, and he agrees very much.Just pointing out that all martial arts have a little bit of rejection, so it may not be successful.

Feng Qingyang believes that everything depends on human effort, and he believes that gold and stone can be opened with sincerity.As long as you are sincere, humble and eager to learn, you will definitely be able to move your martial arts colleagues and achieve success in learning.There was another idea that he didn't tell Zhou Qingxuan, for fear that he would have a different idea.That is to use the unique skills of one's own sword sect to compete with the opponent when necessary.He believes that if he treats each other with sincerity, the other party will also treat each other with sincerity.

With the suzerain's approval, Feng Qingyang would go out and visit martial arts masters all over the world whenever he had the opportunity in the past few years.

Feng Qingyang has been to Mount Song, visited Emei, climbed Wudang, visited martial arts masters all over the world, and compared their skills.

He first went to Songshan Shaolin.As the saying goes: "Kung fu in the world comes from Shaolin", Feng Qingyang has long been interested in Shaolin martial arts.He knew that Shaolin martial arts was formed in specific Buddhist scriptures, every move, every punch, every palm must echo with the Buddhist scriptures.Since the eminent monk passed away hundreds of years ago, everyone in the world has known that Shaolin martial arts should be based on Buddhism, that being brave and ruthless is only a minor detail, and seeing one's nature is the root.If you don't understand the principles of Buddhism and only practice special skills, you will end up paralyzed in bed.

In Shaolin Temple, he visited Zen Master Jing Kong, the chief martial monk. By saving Fang Sheng, Fang Gui and Fang Jing, Feng Qingyang was able to be taught martial arts and unique skills.Zen Master Jingkong told him that practicing martial arts requires both body and mind, and what he pursues is enlightenment and liberation. "Heart" is the way to understand the world that cannot be expressed in words; "body" is the external physiological function, and martial arts are only the way to self-defense and enlightenment, not the purpose.

Under the guidance of Zen Master Jingkong, Feng Qingyang started from the most basic Changquan.Zen Master Jingkong told him that this is a compulsory path for Shaolin disciples.Zhou Buyi let go of his identity as a master of the Huashan School, and practiced the basic skills day and night.He practices rigidity on the outside, softness on the inside, offense in the front and defense in the back.When he practiced to the best point, he saw him flying left and right, up and down, falling, jumping, turning, rolling, and every move was vigorous and powerful.Then he learned the Bodhidharma sword, his movements were abnormal, his moves were invisible, he fell like a mountain, he got up like a startled bird, he fell and rolled, and he changed freely.Other fists, feet and swords also practiced hard day and night, and became more and more sophisticated.

After several months of hard training in Songshan, Feng Qingyang wept farewell to Zen master Jingkong and all the monks, and returned to Huashan.

Later, Feng Qingyang got another chance and went to Mount Emei.

The Emei Sect is also a well-known decent sect in the martial arts. Since the head of the fairy-like fairy left, it has been firmly rooted in Sichuan for decades. Although it has not made much progress, it has firmly controlled Sichuan. More than [-]% of the site.

Most of the Emei School are women. Kung fu moves are stretched, fast and brave, and the techniques are precise and changeable.The boxing and sword art of Emei School pays attention to the reality in the virtual, and the virtual in the real. The virtual and the real are unpredictable.

Feng Qingyang studied in Mount Emei for several months.Through practicing in Mount Emei, he has gained a special understanding of how to deal with several relationships in Emei Kungfu. "Rigidity and softness": Emei Kungfu pays special attention to handling this pair of contradictions. In the "just" period, "suddenly, the hair stands on end and the foot is stamped, the rock bursts and the sand walks away". "Soft" means "with hundreds of folds and no head".Through his deep comprehension, boxing must be strong and powerful, soft and strong, strong but not stiff, soft but not soft.

"There is yang in yin, strength in softness, shape is expressed in meaning, shape resembles spirit, softness is the foundation, rigidity is used, and rigidity and softness are in the middle." "Fast and slow" is fast but not chaotic, slow but not scattered, fast beats slow, slow controls fast, slow is ready to go, and both fast and slow.Focus on speed, seek accuracy in speed, seek stability in speed, seek vitality in speed, seek beauty in speed, be fast and powerful, and combine speed and slowness. "Movement and stillness": "Extreme movement seeks stillness, extreme stillness and vividness, there is stillness in movement, and movement in stillness."

Movement is the basic movement of Emei school boxing skills, including kicking, wrestling, chopping, thrusting, and smashing various striking methods, as well as twisting and folding of the body, ups and downs, pitching and stretching;It requires smooth flow of qi and blood, concentration of spirit, quick thinking, accurate judgment and timely response.Others such as "virtual and real", "high and low", "light and heavy" and other Feng Qingyang have their own experiences.

Later, Feng Qingyang had the opportunity to go to Wudang Mountain to study and practice.

In Wudang Mountain, Feng Qingyang visited the ancestral hall of Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang Kung Fu.Feng Qingyang especially admires the five mantras of Wudang Kung Fu: take principles as the guide, take health preservation as the purpose, take martial arts as the last learning, take morality as the style, and take nature as the charm.

Feng Qingyang admired Wudang Tai Chi very much.Zhou Buyi only knew a little bit about Taijiquan before, but this time learning it in Wudang Mountain was an eye-opener.Only then did he deeply understand that Taijiquan takes Taiji in traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism, and the dialectical concept of Yin and Yang as the core idea, combined with the changes of Yin and Yang and the five elements, soft, slow, light and agile, both internal and external, and combining hardness and softness.It integrates various functions such as maintaining one's temperament, strengthening one's body, fighting against martial arts and so on.It can be called a unique skill in martial arts.

Feng Qingyang integrated all these experiences and understandings into actual combat training.The comprehension of Dugu Nine Swords became more and more exquisite.

Through Feng Qingyang's training with Feng Qingyang during this period of time, Zhou Buyi's comprehension of the four disciplines of mind, qi, shape, and spirit has become more and more comprehensive, and he clearly feels that the mind, qi, shape, and spirit deep in his body are gradually becoming harmonious and harmonious. One.For him, the innate door is more than half open. (To be continued..)

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