Zhou Buyi rushed from left to right, and became more and more brave as he fought.The masters of Jinyiwei didn't dare to fight melee at all, they just surrounded Zhou Buyi at the core and stalked him to death.The intention is very clear: relying on the advantages of the large number of people, slowly grinding, consuming Zhou Buyi's physical and internal strength, waiting for the opportunity to launch a deadly attack to take Zhou Buyi's life.

How can such a small trick deceive Zhou Buyi!When the fight came to a critical point, Zhou Buyi deliberately sold a loophole to lure the opponent to attack.The other party was really fooled.A Jin Yiwei master saw this opening, thought he had an opportunity, so he took a step forward, and stabbed Zhou Buyi with his sword obliquely from this opening.Seeing the sword's edge attacking, Zhou Buyi didn't panic, stepped sideways to pass the sword's edge, and took advantage of the situation to cut off the opponent's sword-holding hand from his arm!The entire arm and the sword fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and blood gushed out immediately, splashing all over the ground.The Jinyiwei master was in unbearable pain, fell to the ground and rolled in pain.When the rest of the people saw it, their faces turned pale with fright, so they fled in all directions.

Feng Qingyang, Hu Bugui, Zhao Qingge and others fought against their respective opponents, fighting inextricably.

The disciples of Qizong and Jianzong fought together with Jin Yiwei, and the fight was so dark that everyone won or lost.

Jin Yiwei, who was using the gun, had already loaded the gunpowder and shotgun, but was in a hurry and did not dare to fire the gun.Why?

The disciples of the Huashan School and the Eagle Claw Sun of Jinyiwei were entangled. I was in you, and you were in me, and they kept running, jumping, and rolling. Although the guns were powerful, who would they dare to fire at?Hit an opponent?The bullet doesn't have eyes, if not, it will hurt the Jin Yiwei.The Jinyiwei in the early Ming Dynasty was no different from the future, most of them were recruited martial arts heroes, but now the staff in the Jinyiwei are either dead soldiers who have been trained by the royal family for many years, or they are noble children.

It can be said that the Jinyiwei who came to Huashan this time are worth a lot of money. How dare this group of temporarily transferred firearms battalions dare to do anything to them?

A firearm that cannot fire.Not as good as a fire stick.This is the so-called "inches are long and rulers are short".

Zhao Wenzhou, the leader of Jinyiwei Baihu, saw that it was not a problem to go on like this, so he immediately redeployed.The reloading of the guns is slow, which will delay the time and delay the fighter. In order to overcome these shortcomings, he divided the guns into three groups.One to load, one to prepare, and one to launch.This cycle repeats itself.Connecting with each other, it just makes up the gap from loading to firing, and exerts the maximum power of the gun.

After the arrangement was completed, Zhao Wenzhou, the leader of Jinyiwei Baihu, whistled to withdraw the troops.These Jinyiwei fans, who had undergone strict training, heard the call to withdraw troops, and regardless of the fierce battle with their opponents, they immediately jumped out of the circle and gathered at Zhao Wenzhou, the leader of the Jinyiwei hundred households.

The front of the enemy and the enemy is clearly defined.This time the blunderbuss came into play.The Jin Yiwei who was holding the gun immediately went to the front row and released the guns in unison, and there was a chaotic sound of "ba, ba, ba".The opponent's Qizong and Jianzong disciples were shot one after another.After the first batch is played, immediately sprinkle it to the back and refill.The second batch of prepared gunners immediately stepped forward and fired their guns in unison. "Ba, ba, ba" sounded chaotically, and another batch of disciples of Qi and Jian sects were shot.After the second dial was played, the third dial followed immediately.The chief lieutenant of Jin Yiwei's move is indeed vicious and applicable.The warriors from the two camps of Qi and Sword fell to the ground one after another, and their positions were in chaos for a while.Seeing that a massacre against Qi and Jian sects is about to begin!

At the critical moment, masters such as Zhou Buyi and Feng Qingyang stepped forward.

Experienced the last encounter.Zhou Buyi had more or less experience in dealing with firecrackers, so he picked up Taihua's real body (Huayue Bodyguard Strength 2.0) and forcibly rushed towards Jinyiwei.

Taihua's real body is a magical technique.Zhou Buxin spent more than 20 years cultivating his physical body and comprehending the world, and later he obtained the handwriting of the pre-Qin warriors on Luzon Island.Under the inspiration, I was able to realize this energy of body protection just now.

Speaking of Zhou Buyi's practice of this skill is also a series of chances and coincidences. More than 20 years ago, Zhou Buyi had just reached the age of practicing martial arts.Once, I heard that my uncle Ning Qinglin was going to Huashan Lianhua Peak to practice the mental method of raising my swordsmanship, absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens, and nourishing my arrogance.

Zhou Buyi remembered that Zhou Qingxuan had told him that awe-inspiring aura is a very vast and strong aura.Cultivating the awe-inspiring spirit will form a kind of justice and moral power. At that time, this kind of justice and moral power will naturally flow from the heart of the person, rather than deliberately added.Refining a noble spirit is of great benefit to the martial arts practitioners' mastery of martial arts and the improvement of their skills.

Later, Zhou Buyi comprehended the Yangwu Sword Art in another place, and after 49 days of training for [-] days, he suddenly felt a sense of great enlightenment.Let go of all phenomena, have no distracting thoughts in your heart, be open-minded and bright, and melt into the void.The will and belief have reached a new height, the whole body's righteousness is highly concentrated, and the psychological will is full and complete.He even felt changes in the magnetic field of the surrounding objects, and this change led to his own physical changes, and he felt that his muscles and bones were getting stronger; and the physiological changes further strengthened his psychological quality.The benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith that are the foundation of Yangwu's swordsmanship have become my spiritual pillars.

It is precisely because of this that it paved the way for Zhou Buyi to practice the image of the Five Sacred Mountains in the future.

Zhou Buyi was full of qi, he clasped his hands together, as if holding the peaks of Mount Hua in his arms, he suddenly felt his qi rushing to the cloud gate, and the mountain collapsed with strength.From the eyes of others, the surrounding air seems to take shape and crash into Zhou Buyi's body.Immediately, a strong burst of air gushed out of his palm, hitting the brocade guards holding the guns directly, making them stagger in this direction.

At the same time, at the same time, Zhou Buyi urged the "Taihua True Body" again, blood flowers seemed to bloom on his body, dazzling, those shotgun guns had no effect at all in front of him, and the shotguns shot at him. On the blossoming blood flowers, it seemed to be shot on extremely elastic rubber, and they were bounced back one after another.Its force remained undiminished, and some of them were even bounced back to the body of the guard holding the gun. Although it did not cause too much fatal damage, it was enough to form a deterrent force and cause him to panic.

This created an opportunity for Zhou Buyi's attack.At the moment when the Jinyi guard hesitated, Zhou Buyi flew up another palm, only to hear a loud "crash", a dazzling lightning flashed out, and hit a huge boulder opposite, and there was a loud "click" from the boulder Bounced and smashed, and gravel splashed in all directions, hitting the Jinyiwei warriors one after another.Jin Yiwei warriors fell to the ground one after another, some were dead and some were injured.

Zhou Buyi used "Taihua's real body" to eliminate many elite firearms battalion and Jinyiwei who were holding firearms, turning the situation around in one fell swoop.It bought precious time for Qi and Jianzong to regroup their strength and launch a new attack. (To be continued..)

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