But just as Zhou Buyi expected when he created this kung fu, this kung fu really consumes a lot of people's internal energy. Zhou Buyi felt out of breath and was unable to continue to use it.Fortunately, at this time, the strength of the brothers of the two schools of Qi and Sword has regrouped and formed a fighting force, Jin Yiwei's side no longer has the upper hand.

Feng Qingyang showed his might.He wielded a sharp sword in his hand, with a cold light, and took out his unique skill "Dugu Nine Swords".The brothers have long heard that Feng Qingyang has this unique skill, but they have not seen it, and now they finally saw it.

Dugu Nine Swords starts from Yili and is based on the 64 hexagrams of King Wen. Useless use becomes great use.Dugu Nine Swords was founded by a peerless master in the past. He used no tricks to win with tricks, killed all enemies and villains, defeated all heroes and heroes, and defeated all the invincible opponents in the world.All his life, he wanted an opponent to let him defend a move but he couldn't get it. In the end, he buried his sword in the empty valley, and lived his life alone.Dugu Nine Swords has no fixed moves and routines at all, it all depends on the opponent's moves. When facing each other, carefully observe the opponent's moves, quickly find the weak point, attack forcefully, and force him to submit.It is said that it is a sword technique, but it is actually a mental technique.

And the method of attack is not certain, it depends entirely on the intention of the user of Dugu Nine Swords.This swordsmanship is divided into nine parts: general formula, broken sword style, broken knife style, broken spear style, broken whip style, broken rope style, broken palm style, broken arrow style, and broken air style, which are respectively based on different weapons. And the corresponding method that was born.

Feng Qingyang has a lot of experience in practicing this sword technique, and there are many innovations.Today I have to meet a strong enemy, just let him taste its strength!Today Feng Qingyang used the "broken arrow style" to deal with the gun gun. The "Broken Arrow Style" was originally used to break hidden weapons. Although the firecrackers are sharp, they are only powerful and fast.After years of painstaking training, Feng Qingyang has been able to use it to deal with the shotguns fired by gun guns.

I saw Feng Qingyang wielding his sharp sword, and shot bullets hit the sword with a "Dang, Dang" sound. He used the broken arrow style, and the bullets were picked up by Feng Qingyang's long sword and flew back.The gun-wielding Jinyi guards fell one by one.Zhao Wenzhou, the leader of the Jinyiwei hundred households, saw that Feng Qingyang had this unique skill, so he gave up using the blunderbuss against him one by one, and waved the flag. The five or six blunderbussmen remaining in the firearms battalion withdrew, found a safe place, and pointed at the others. local launch.Instead, a few dead soldiers trained by Jin Yiwei from childhood and some masters collected from the rivers and lakes surrounded the wind and cleared the wind to fight to the death.

But a person's power is limited after all.Feng Qingyang was far from being able to withstand all the bullets from the gunmen.Although the disciples of Qi and Sword Sects fought bravely to be the first, but the firecrackers sent by Jin Yiwei still surpassed the swords of the disciples of Qi and Sword Sects, and gained the upper hand in the fight, and the disciples fell to the ground one after another.Seeing the great changes in Huashan, more than half of the disciples of the two sects were killed or injured.

Fighting for such a long time.Where did the traitor and traitor Liu Qingyan go?He hid in a corner to observe the situation.When Jin Yiwei wins, he looks for an opportunity to fight, and gives the final blow to the two sects of Qi Sword as a meeting gift to join Jin Yiwei;In short, he understood that his details were fully exposed this time, and Huashan Sect could not stay with him any longer.Even other upright martial arts people will not treat him, he will not be able to continue in the martial arts.He can only use the court as his final foothold.

Now when he saw that Jin Yiwei had the upper hand and the second sect of Qi Sword had already shown signs of defeat, he suddenly jumped out.Hold your sword and join the battle.The first thing he wants to eliminate is Xue Qingling, the lord of the Sword Sect.Getting rid of Xue Qingling and taking his position has been his ambition for a long time, but it has been unable to be realized for a long time.Although this time he couldn't occupy the position of the suzerain of Jianzong.But Xue Qingling couldn't live either!

As the master of the Sword Sect, Xue Qingling believes that it is entirely his own fault that caused the current situation.He was in excruciating pain.Also extremely disheartened.He didn't seem to be able to hear the loud shouts around him at all, he knew that he was the target of Jin Yiwei, and this time he was doomed.He simply sat there and meditated, waiting for Jin Yiwei or someone else to finish him off.

Liu Qingyan rushed over and slashed at Xue Qingling with his sword.Xue Qingling's martial arts is profound, he has already been hit by the sword's edge, and he doesn't dodge, just sits there motionless, waiting for the sword's edge to come down. ——He was waiting for this result.

At this critical moment, Zhou Qingxuan arrived in person, blocked Liu Qingyan's sword edge with a sword, and defended Xue Qingling to death.

Zhou Qingxuan was injured and was protected by Qizong disciples arranged by Zhou Buyi, and he was not allowed to participate in the battle. This made him very angry. He wanted to jump up to join the battle several times, but was stopped by the disciples.He has already applied the "Jiuwei Coagulation Pain Relief Ointment" that he carried with him on the wound, and taken the "Jiexiao Guiqi Pill". Now his injury has recovered and his power has recovered [-]%, so there is absolutely no serious problem.While he was in a hurry, he suddenly saw Liu Qingyan rushing towards Xue Qingling with a murderous look on his face, swinging his sword to assassinate Xue Qingling, but Xue Qingling remained motionless and let the sharp sword strike.In a moment of impatience, Zhou Qingxuan pushed away the disciples who were guarding him, and jumped up to rescue Xue Qingling.When others arrived with their swords, the previous scene appeared.

Zhou Qingxuan pointed at Liu Qingyan with his sword and scolded angrily: "You bastard! Do you want to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?"

"This is our sword sect's business, Zhou Qingxuan! Just mind your own business!"

"You betrayed the sect, and Zhou, as the sect master, violated the seven precepts of Huashan today by your actions, and punishing you is in my duty! This seat is in charge!"

"You are looking for death! If so, you two will go to the underworld as companions!"

As he spoke, he swung his sword straight at Zhou Qingxuan.Zhou Qingxuan threw his sword aside, and flipped his wrist. With this move, the sword hit Liu Qingyan's heart, and a stream of black blood gushed out as the sword edge was pulled out.This martial arts scum fell to the ground, twitched his fingers a few times, and then stopped moving.The disaster of the Huashan faction today was all caused by this scum, God is fair, this scum finally got what it deserved!

Only then did Xue Qingling open his eyes, and said softly, "Brother Zhou, why bother to save each other, wouldn't it be better to end it like this."

Zhou Qingxuan persuaded: "Brother Xue is wrong! For a scum, are you worth this? Liu Qingyan betrayed his master and sold himself to join him. It is not your fault. Look at today, Jin Yiwei clearly wants to destroy my Huashan style, Jian Er Zong. Are we just going to capture it without a fight? This is the century-old foundation of my Huashan sect! Is it going to be destroyed in front of you and me like this? Are you willing? Today is the time when I, Huashan Qi, and Jianzong are living and dying. If you and I don’t join hands to save ourselves , when will it be!"

A few words awakened Xue Qingling.After all, he is also a master of a generation, his blood has not cooled down, and the burning fire in his heart has not been extinguished.Self-blame made him depressed, and the depression made him choose to give up, but this is just another way of expressing his sense of responsibility.Once he is freed from this kind of self-blame and depression, he will radiate endless fighting spirit. (To be continued..)

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