Heimuya, in the Great Light Hall, this is the meeting place of the Sun Moon God Sect, and all affairs in the Sun Moon God Sect are handled by the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, and the leader also lives and works in the Wencheng Martial Virtue Hall on weekdays.Only when there is a big event, will the elders and famous people of the sect be called to this Great Bright Hall to discuss matters. Therefore, this Great Bright Hall has always been deserted, with only a few attendants responsible for cleaning. However, today this Great Bright Hall is It's lively, the left and right light messengers, ten elders, ten hall masters, sixteen guardians of the town religion, and many senior officials of the Sun Moon God Sect are already listed one by one.Even the flag masters and envoys guarding the sub-rudders in other places also came a few

The silence in the Great Light Hall was terrifying, everyone was shocked by the news announced by Dongfang Bubai, and no one was relieved.

In the end, he spoke to Wentian, breaking the deathly silence, "Open the mountain gate widely? The entry age is allowed from six years old to less than ten years old? It seems that Zhou Buyi is really in a hurry this time. But this is a good opportunity. Hierarch, right envoy of the East, should the divine religion send a few children to infiltrate Huashan Mountain? The subordinates checked and found that there have been many newborns in the religious religion in recent years. Sending a few to hide in Huashan Mountain is not a problem, and it will not affect the divine religion's plan. "

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and as soon as Xiang Wentian uttered these words, before Ren Woxing Dongfang Bubai could say anything, all the senior officials of the Sun Moon God Sect in the Great Light Hall broke out.

"Elder Xiang, what do you mean by that? Those children are the future of our religion. If one and a half of them are lost, how will our religion pass on in the future? Who can enshrine the Holy Mother? This idea Did you really come up with it? Don’t tell me it wasn’t a spy from the Wuyue Sword Sect who wore a human skin mask to pretend!” The yin and yang man is Jiang Kai, the elder of the Xuanwu Hall, who is best at organ building, the upper and lower organ buildings of the Sun Moon God Sect They were all designed and built by him, and all the high-level mansions in Pingdingzhou City under the mountain were also built by him.However, this person fears life and fears death, is greedy for money and lustful, if he is not a craftsman at the level of a craftsman.I can't get to where I am today.

"Elder Jiang, you can't say that. Elder Xiang is also planning for the Divine Cult. Since the ten elders of the predecessors fell, the Divine Cult's lurking Huashan secret spies have died or died, and none of them survived. For more than 20 years, the Divine Sect can only rely on some street talks in Xi'an, Huayin to obtain information. Now that there is such a good opportunity, why can't it do this? Afraid of death? If we are afraid of death, let's just disband and return honestly Farming at home, what kind of bright world is opened up? What kind of Mingzun Virgin is enshrined?"

"Zou Xun! This is the meeting of the head of the elders of the divine religion! You are a mere envoy of the Liaodong Qingqi, and it is a great honor to be able to accompany you. How dare you talk back to the elders? You have to speak Son?" Hearing Zou Xun's words, Jiang Kai couldn't calm down all of a sudden, his yin and yang complexion suddenly pulled down, the Sun Moon God Sect has a strict hierarchy, what occasion.What level can speak, it is all well-behaved and clear.Both Xiang Wentian and Jiang Kai were at the top ten elder level, so Zou Xun rashly got involved in their argument.In fact, it has violated the canon.Even if Jiang Kai killed him on the spot, no one could say anything.

"Don't, don't, why hurt the peace? For this matter, I think it's just a few smart people from room 36 of the T-shaped. Large-scale infiltration, I think that's fine. If there are too many people, it's not called lurking. It's easy. It was discovered by people from the Huashan Sect. Zhou Buyi is not a good person." Jin Linkun, the elder of the Water and Fire Hall, said with a smile, but as soon as the words came out, Zou Xun's face turned pale.Room 36, T-shaped, was where his nephew was trained. Jin Linkun wanted to... these elders of the God Sect were more ruthless than one another.

Zou Xun wished he could slap himself twice. The elders were discussing important matters, so why should he be a small flag envoy?It's all right now, Jin Linkun, an old fox, has tricked him into this scheme, who in the Divine Sect doesn't know?Who doesn't know?Among the ten elders of the divine religion, Jin Linkun was the most ruthless, vicious and vicious. If he missed him, it would be like being sentenced to death, and Zou Xun would be in trouble from now on.

"That's it." Ren Woxing, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, and almost announced Zou Xun's death sentence. Zou Xun almost slumped on the ground. Help Zou Xun, otherwise Zou Xun will have to lose face in front of all the senior officials of the Sun Moon God Sect.But would Ren Woxing care?It's nothing more than a banner envoy. In his opinion, it's not too different from a small ant. Do people care how the ant feels after he says a word?Of course not.

Zou Xun looked at Xiang Wentian begging for help, he hoped that his boss could give him a hand for his loyalty.Can I ask God if I dare?Ren Woxing has spoken, and going up to persuade him is not courting death?The current Ren Woxing is not the brother Ren Hengxing and Ren Woxing who was with him in the wind and rain, and could entrust life and death to each other, but the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect - Ren Woxing.Xiang Wentian couldn't bear it, he turned his head away, avoiding Zou Xun's gaze.Zou Xun was a little desperate, even ignoring Xiang Wentian, he was hopeless.

All of this was taken into consideration by Dongfang Bubai who was standing on the stage. After considering Zou Xun's resume and family background, Dongfang Bubai made a plan and said to Ren Woxing, "I want to report to the leader, this dispatch of young children Lurking into the Huashan faction, the subordinates thought it was inappropriate." Zou Xun heard someone helping to speak, and turned his head to see that it was Dongfang Bubai, a long-disputed Guangming right in the sect, and Zou Xun looked at Dongfang Bubai gratefully. Remembering that he had said a lot of bad things about Dongfang Bubai before, Zou Xun wanted to slap himself twice.

"Oh? What's wrong?" Ren Woxing didn't move at all, he didn't feel annoyed by his subordinates' violation of dignity, maybe there was, but he hid it in his heart and didn't show it.Didn't you see Jiang Kai and Jin Linkun secretly laughing while covering their mouths?

"Yeah! What's wrong? Dongfang right envoy is talking! If you make trouble unreasonably and go against the leader's will, then the canon will be clearly written!" Jin Linkun said sinisterly, almost without writing 'catching up' on his face. You' four characters.

Dongfang Bubai smiled, and said disdainfully: "Where do these young children come from? Who can guarantee that they can be used by me when the religion needs them? Who can guarantee that they can keep their mouths shut? You don't want to Forget, although they are still children, they are all old people in Room D No. 36. Not to mention that they are in the middle of Room A No. 17, Room B No. 19, and Room C No. 36 , when the time comes, Zhou Buyu finds out about the location by accident. There are more than 300 children training in the [-]th room alone. If this is known by the Wuyue Sword Sect or the imperial court. All the money on my body is wasted."

"These children have been trained in T-36 for three years. How could they leak their words? The Eastern Right Envoy has only been promoted recently, and he still doesn't know much about these grassroots affairs of the divine religion. If the Eastern Right Envoy goes to see these children , I wouldn’t say these things anymore.” Jiang Kai said solemnly, and he and Jin Linkun sang together, they were really good brothers.

"That's even more troublesome. If a ten-year-old child is too shrewd and capable, Zhou Buyi and they won't be suspicious? They won't investigate? Don't forget, Elder Jiang. What has Zhou Busu been doing for more than a year now? In Shaanxi, every city has secret sentinels sent by the Huashan faction. If the children we send are really liked by them, they have to reuse them. If they want to reuse them, they have to check the background. Check? Don’t forget, since 20 years ago, the espionage of the Divine Cult in Shaanxi has basically been paralyzed!” Dongfang Bubai was a little annoyed, he knew that the old people in these sects couldn’t understand him, but no matter how much they couldn’t understand you It takes a bit of IQ to sing the opposite opera.How is this so insane?

"Ahem." Ren Woxing cleared his throat, and stood up from his seat as the leader. The quarrel stopped immediately, and whoever wins and who loses will finally come to a conclusion.Let me walk to your majesty... (to be continued...)

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