"My good friends in the Jianghu. Since the second year of Hongwu, the Demon Cult suddenly appeared in Heimuya, doing evil and making waves in the Jianghu. It is almost a six-year-old." Zuo Lengchan looked at Zhou Bu provocatively. He glanced suspiciously, and then said, "Back then, the founder of my Five Sacred Sword Sect, for the sake of righteousness in the world and the overall situation of the martial arts, gathered in Huashan and established the Five Sacred Sacred League. This is nearly one year old, and my Five Sacred Sword Sect has countless seniors, sages, and countless disciples. In the battle against the Devil's Cult, generously sacrificed..."

Seeing Zuo Lengchan chatting on the stage, as if he had become the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Sacred Mountains, all the disciples of the Huashan School 'spit' to the ground and cursed: "What the hell." Several people around saw it and listened. When they arrived, they were about to make a move, but Zhou Buyi glanced at them, as if they had been tapped on acupuncture points, they couldn't move.Seeing this situation, the few who wanted to play tricks quickly restrained their hands and feet, pretended to be innocent, and stared at Zhou Buyi with 'swirly' eyes, cute and cute.Zhou Buyi and Ling Xiao were almost amused.

"...Master Zhou? Master Zhou?" At this moment, shouts were heard, and Zhou Buyi came to his senses. It turned out that after Zuo Lengchan gave a long speech, the informant who had been arranged in advance mentioned "the informant leader Zhou Buyi" Is it true that doubt is worse than Zuo Zhang sect's martial arts?", "It's better to compete with the sword to win the handsome" and so on, and it involved Zhou Buyi, who was caught by those Songshan sect masters who didn't know where to find him. When it was amused, it happened that those few people were clamoring for the heads of the Five Sacred Sword Sect to compete with each other for the throne of the Five Sacred Alliance Leader.Zhou Buyi didn't say a word, just laughed, which made people feel hairy.

"Oh? What is there to report, Junior Brother Zuo? Are you in such a hurry?" Zhou Buyi replied subconsciously. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and he didn't know if he really misunderstood the person who called him.Obviously it wasn't Zuo Lengchan who called him, but he still replied like this.

The audience fell silent for a while, and no one thought that Zhou Busu really admitted the wrong person or said the wrong thing.Zhou Buyi said lightly, and turned the situation created by Zuo Lengchan's hard work and mobilization of manpower into nothingness.Zhou Bu doubted the confused look on his face.It is impossible to accuse him of anything.Even Zuo Lengchan is the same.

Zhou Buyi looked at Zuo Lengchan in a daze, but saw that Zuo Lengchan's face, which had finally become somewhat warm, was now icy cold again.Zhou Buyi was a little confused, he just said a word according to the rules, even if he picked the wrong person, Zuo Lengchan wouldn't be so cold.Just when Zhou Buyi was curious, Zuo Lengchan spoke every word, as if the ancient Han Chi breathed out the cold air, and every word he said carried the chill of being frozen thousands of miles away: "Good friends, we want our Five Sacred Sword Sect to re-elect The lord of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains, the leader Qun Lun subdue demons and eliminate demons. I don’t know what Brother Zhou wants?"

"Another election? Didn't you just choose last year?" Zhou Buyi almost didn't ask this question.Suddenly he thought of something, swallowed this sentence forcefully, and changed another sentence, "I didn't expect that all of you are so concerned about the Five Sacred Sword Sect. As the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, Zhou is very moved. If that's the case, let's compare! "Then muttered, "Anyway, I won the game no matter how many times, and I don't care about playing one more time." But the strange thing is, although it was just a soft mutter.Everyone on the field could hear it clearly.Most importantly, Zuo Lengchan's face became even darker.

"Zhou Buyi, I'll let you live your mouth again. Do you think this seat is still the seat of last year?" Zuo Lengchan secretly felt ruthless.Being suppressed by Zhou Buyi for so many years, it's time for him to be proud, "The position of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, I will be determined! 20 years later, I will become the head of the Five Sacred Sect!" Zuo Lengchan was suddenly I was taken aback, why did this idea come up all of a sudden?But it's not a bad idea, it's ambitious.At that time.

"But..." Zhou Buyi hesitated when Zuo Lengchan was thinking about it.

"Senior Brother Zhou regretted it? Afraid of losing at the hands of Junior Brother?" Zuo Lengchan thought that Zhou Busu was afraid, a trace of disdain flashed across his face, and he wanted to swallow back what he said. "I'm sorry Senior Brother Zhou, even if Junior Brother is willing to save face for Senior Brother, I'm afraid all of you good friends will not agree."

"It's not that I regret it. With my skills, it's not a problem to be the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. It's just that I want to bet more." Zhou Buyi pretended to be hesitant, but he was very happy in his heart. If 20 Zuo Lengchan will definitely not be able to take the bait a few years later, but who made Zuo Lengchan just a 30-year-old boy now?The kung fu is there, but this scheming...

"Oh? Senior Brother Zhou thinks that the position of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains is not enough for Senior Brother Zhou to take action? Could it be that Senior Brother Zhou wants our Five Sacred Sword Sect to become one family, and Senior Brother Zhou to be the head of the Five Sacred Sect?" Zuo Lengchan's expression was original. It was pale, and after hearing Zhou Buyi's words, it turned rosy in an instant.However, anyone could see that Zuo Lengchan was so angry, not that his inner strength had improved, his yin and yang had transformed.

"I didn't expect Junior Brother Zuo to have such ambitions? Brother Yu is ashamed to be ashamed of himself if he has such a heart, so he followed what Junior Brother Zuo wanted. After the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance, the Five Sacred Mountains will become one, and there will be no Five Sacred Mountains sword sect in the world. The Five Sacred Sacred Sect. When dealing with the Demon Cult, we can advance and retreat together, and coordinate in a unified manner." Zhou Buyi raised his lips, did he finally take the bait?Taking advantage of Zuo Lengchan's failure to reply, he said to everyone in the audience.After finishing speaking, he remembered Mo Da and Taoist Tianmen, and Zhou Buyi said apologetically, "What do you think, brother Mo and fellow Taoist Tianmen?"

The power is stronger than others, and the Taishan faction, Hengshan faction, and Songshan faction made an appointment in advance to advance and retreat together.Besides, now that Huashan, Hengshan, and Songshan factions have all agreed, what can Moda and Tianmen say?There is no way to retreat. After this alliance, we will attack Heimuya. If we withdraw at this time, we will be accused of being greedy for the title of leader.He also added the accusation of fleeing the battle and fearing the Devil's Cult. Mr. Mo Da smiled bitterly and nodded yes.

Mo Da has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and the affairs of the school have always been handled by his junior brother Liu Zhengfeng, so he is naturally able to adapt.But Taoist Tianmen is different, his temper will explode a little bit.He didn't care too much, stood up and said: "The Taishan School has been established for almost 200 years since the founder of the Patriarch Dongling Daochang. The poor have no morals and incompetence, so they cannot carry forward the Taishan School, but these 200 years of foundation, say Nothing can be cut off from Daoist Poverty. This proposal of merging sects cannot be obeyed." Taoist Tianmen has profound internal energy and his voice is like a bell.What I said was a decisive one.

Suddenly, a gray-haired Taoist in a blue Taoist robe stood up and said, "Nephew Tianmen's statement is wrong. There are more than [-] people in the Taishan sect. You can't stop Li Yi for your own selfishness." The great cause of the whole sect." Everyone saw that the gray bearded Taoist's face was haggard, but his voice was still full of energy.Someone who knew him whispered, "He is Yujizi, the uncle of Taoist Tianmen."

Zhou Buyi was a little confused, why this plot appeared in Fengchan Terrace 20 years earlier.He recalled carefully that he had never sent anyone to contact Yu Jizi.Not to mention buying with a lot of money, and making promises.Suddenly Zhou Buyi saw a white-haired old Taoist in the crowd of Taishan School nodding his head to signal him, and he understood everything.Zhou Buyi glanced at the man gratefully, and vowed in his heart that he would never forget Taoist Yuxuan's support in this life.

Taoist Tianmen's face was already rosy, and his face flushed even more when he heard Yujizi say this, and he said loudly: "Master, what do you mean by that? Since my nephew has been in charge of the Taishan sect, that one Isn’t it for the sake of the reputation and foundation of the faction? I oppose the merger of the five factions. It is to preserve the Taishan faction, so what is the selfishness?”

Yujizi chuckled, and said: "The merger of the Five Sects has seen the popularity of the Five Sacred Sects. Which one of the disciples of the Five Sacred Sects will not be in the limelight? It's just that you, the master nephew, can't do it. Maybe you will say "As the head of the sect, it doesn't matter whether I do it or not? It's just Taishan's faction. No matter what I say, I can't be annexed by others." But you say that, but in your heart you can't let go of the title of the head. "

Taoist Tianmen became even more angry and stretched out his hand.He took out a black cast iron dagger from his bosom, and said loudly: "Do you really know that I am so selfish? From now on, I will not be the head of the sect. If you want to do it, you can do it!" The appearance of the sword is not amazing, but it is a relic of Taoist Dong Ling, the founder of the Taishan School. It has been passed down from generation to generation for more than a hundred years, and has become a token of the head of the Taishan School.Seeing his master, uncle and nephew talking so tensely, all the heroes watched intently and listened with bated breath.

Yu Jizi took a step back and said with a sneer, "Are you willing? If that's the case, then give it to me!" With a quick search of his right hand, he had already grasped the iron sword in the hand of Taoist Tianmen.The Taoist of Tianmen didn't expect that he would actually take the sword. After being startled, the iron sword had already been snatched by Yujizi.He didn't have time to think about it.With a sound of swiping, he drew out the long sword at his waist.Yu Jizi flew back, two blue shadows swayed, and two old Taoists stood up with their swords, stopped in front of the Taoist of Tianmen, and shouted in unison: "Tianmen, have you forgotten the precepts of this sect?"

When the Taoist of Tianmen looked at these two people, it was Yuqingzi and Yuyinzi who were his uncles.He was trembling with anger, and shouted: "You two masters, you have seen it with your own eyes, Yuji—what did Master Yuji do just now!"

While talking, Tianmen quarreled with the two master uncles, and the chain reaction caused the disciples they brought to quarrel with each other.The strange thing is that among the Taishan disciples brought by Tianmen, most of them opposed him, and I don't know if it was because he was too strict on weekdays, so that all sentient beings turned against him.Seeing that Zuo Lengchan was so at a loss, he had a lot of contact with Yu Jizi and made a big promise, but he didn't let him start it now!Suddenly Zuo Lengchan thought of something, and immediately looked at Zhou Buyi.

Sensing Zuo Lengchan's gaze, Zhou Buyi smiled and said in his heart: "Junior Brother Tianmen. Look at your thoughts, you are really not suitable to be the head of a sect. Among the five sects, your Taishan sect is the most powerful, and the Taishan sect is the most powerful. Again, you, the Nagato lineage, have the largest number of people, but most of the people you brought were from other branches, and fell into other people's schemes. Anyway, I will save you once for my brother. In the future, I will read Huang Ting and talk about it in threes and twos Friends, isn’t it fun to be idle and wild cranes?” But seeing Zhou Buyi’s lips moving slightly, a certain person in the field smiled wryly, suppressed his reluctance, stepped forward, and pulled his sideways.

This person was none other than Bai Banxie, the master of the Qinghai Yixiao who died with the Taoist of Tianmen in the future.Baiban evil star has always been active in the Xining area. This time, Huashan faction showed great power, including the Northwest Wulin Dao and Miemen. Concerned, Zhou Buyi and a group of Huashan sect disciples were trapped in Xingxing Gorge. In desperation, he became the "Guardian" of Huashan from then on.

What happened then was the same as what happened at the Fengchan Terrace 20 years later. The Taoist Tianmen stepped down after being restrained. Because of Zhou Buyi's instructions, Bai Banxie carefully prevented Tianmen from committing suicide in time. This may also be one of the few good things he has done in his life.

Dading, the head of the Taishan faction, was about to compete for mastery with swords, but who knew that when the contest for mastery with swords was about to begin, another big event happened... (to be continued...)

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