But when the competition of swordsmanship was about to start, Ling Xiao didn't know which tendon was wrong, so he insisted that Zhou Buyi's swordsmanship was supernatural, and any kind of swordsmanship would be easy to see, and it would be broken in a while.Forced Yu Jizi to end early and invite Zhou Buyi to fight

"Ms. Zhou is really messing around. When we compete on the stage later, the old man can still fight with Mr. Zhou and his old man? Mr. Zhou and his old man's martial arts are second to none. Even Fang Zheng Chongxu is only relying on decades of internal strength to accumulate talent Stabilizing the leader Zhou, what is the old way? I'm afraid that Zuo Lengchan will take advantage of it later." Yu Jizi babbled about his new ideas, as if he didn't know that Zhou Buyi was dozens of years younger than him, or The facts of the master and nephew.

"Since Zhuo Jing said so, well, Master Yujizi, if Zhou uses any move that is not Taishan swordsmanship, it will be considered Zhou's loss." Zhou Buxin disdains this double-faced and three-handed Taishan celebrity in his heart. To the extreme, Yu Jizi didn't save half of the face.

Yu Jizi knew the gap between himself and Zhou Buyi, so he couldn't help but wink at Zhou Buyi, meaning that Zhou Buyi made himself look better at losing, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Zhou Buyi's right long sword pointing downwards , the five fingers of the left hand are counting, counting from one to five, making a fist, then stretching out the thumb, then the index finger, and finally stretching all five fingers, then flexing the thumb, flexing the index finger, and then flexing the middle finger.He was taken aback inwardly: "How did Master Zhou understand this trick 'How about Dai Zong'? That's right, when the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance was held, Tianmen's calf nose was used in front of Zhou's leader and his old man. Zhou's leader is really a god Wizards, actually learned it after reading it once. The same is true for Tianmen, if you don’t practice well, don’t use it.

One must know that this stance 'How is Dai Zong' is the most profound stance in Taishan School's swordsmanship, its gist is not in the right hand sword move, but in the left hand's magic number.The left hand can't stop counting with the fingers, counting the enemy's position, body length, weapon size, and the height of the sun, etc.The calculation is extremely complicated, once the calculation is accurate, if the sword is struck out, it will miss.Yu Jizi once had the sword intent pointed out by his master, and he wanted to count all these kinds of numbers clearly in an instant. He knew that he hadn't studied this skill deeply at that time, so he just heard it.In fact, his master was not proficient in this technique, he only said that this move "How about Dai Zong" is too difficult to perform.It seems impractical, but in fact it is very powerful. Yujizi has a thorough understanding, so he is destined for this, so he has to forget it.It's a pity that this school's sword move is so broad and profound that it is second to none in the world. It will be lost from now on.

At that time, Yujizi was secretly delighted to see that his master did not force him to practice hard calculations. Since then, he has never seen anyone practice in the Taishan School except for Tianmen, who is from Nagato's line.Unexpectedly, decades later, he was envoyed out by Zhou Buyi, the head of the Huashan sect, and in an instant, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.He had never heard from his master how to deal with this move.I only know that since I don't practice it, others will never make this strange move, I need to try to dismantle it, I don't know how strange things are in the world.There was a big surprise.

Then the top-secret swordsmanship of Taishan School, "Taishan Eighteen Discs", "Five Doctor Swords", "Laihe Qingquan", and "Shiguan Huima" were used one by one in Zhou Buyi's hands. The sword forced Yu Jizi to swing the sword to protect himself.Poor Yujizi's internal strength has been painstakingly cultivated for decades.The sword in his hand was cut off by Zhou Buyi's sword, but Yu Jizi had no choice but to admit defeat. From then on, the Taishan lineage became history.Perhaps in the hands of that otaku emperor, the foundation can be restored decades later, but... who knows?

At first, many people had doubts about what Ling Xiao said, but the final result was obvious. How could Yu Jizi compare to Zhou Buyi's martial arts?Not to mention the existence of Zhenyue Sword Art, Zhou Buyi's victory over Yu Jizi is even more secure.After some fighting, Zhou Buyi completely defeated the Taishan sword technique with the Taishan sword technique.

Just as everyone was amazed at the swordsmanship of the head of the Huashan School, a tall and thin middle-aged man who looked like a bamboo pole with a sad face came out slowly and said: "Mr. Zhou is proficient in all schools of the Wuyue Sword School. Swordsmanship is truly an unprecedented event in martial arts. Mo Da devoted himself to studying the swordsmanship of our school, and he understands many aspects of it, so I just happened to ask Mr. Zhou for advice today." In his left hand, he held a smoothed sword that shone brightly. Hu Qin, with his right hand, pulled out a dagger with a very thin blade from the handle. It was Mr. Mo Da, the head of the Hengshan School.Although this person is not amazing in appearance, he is well-known in the Jianghu.The heroes had just seen that Zhou Buyi injured two masters of Taishan school with Taishan swordsmanship, so could they still use Hengshan swordsmanship to confront Mr. Mo Da? [

Zhou Buyi bowed slightly, thinking it was time to salute, "Brother Mo has said this, and no one in the rivers and lakes knows that Mr. Mo Da of Hengshan's 'the sword is hidden in the qin, and the sword makes the sound of the qin', a set of ever-changing and imaginary clouds and mist thirteen The style is even more superb. How powerful was the 36th village in Xiangxi back then? The government and army encircled and suppressed it several times but could not wipe it out. Brother Mo actually picked 36th village with a single sword. Zhou admired it very much. The Hengshan School of Swordsmanship is far from proficient, so please ask Senior Brother Mo for advice."

Mr. Mo Da smiled and said: "Don't dare, how can Mo's trivial matters back then be compared with the leader Zhou who conquered the northwest martial arts with one hand? In the eyes of ordinary people, he may be arrogant for a while, but in the eyes of leader Zhou , as straight as a child wielding a knife, it is not worth mentioning."

Zhou Buxin said: "Brother Mo is too modest. If Zhou Buyi can't beat Brother Mo's 'Hiding the sword in the piano, the sword makes the sound of the piano' later, I ask Brother Mo to be merciful."

Mr. Mo Da murmured: "The one who can beat the enemy, the one who can beat the enemy!" The dagger pointed out slowly, and suddenly trembled in the air, making a buzzing sound, followed by two swords buzzing.Zhou Buyi didn't raise his sword to parry, instead he held his sword formula and returned the sword to protect himself.It turned out that Mr. Mo Da's dagger was like a ghost, and it had circled behind Zhou Buyi in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Mo Da's sword is really powerful." Everyone in the audience sighed.

"Mr. Mo Da's sword is formidable, wouldn't it be even more powerful for Master Zhou to follow up with this sword?" The person next to him seemed to be a supporter of the Huashan faction. Hearing that someone seemed to be belittling Zhou Buyi, he retorted.

"Who said Leader Zhou isn't powerful anymore? Hey! Who am I talking about? It turns out it's Du Sanjin who has a big plan. Long time no see, come, come, let's find a place to make gestures."

"Ha! It turned out to be Yu Wenjun, who made gestures, who is afraid of you?" The two of them squeezed out of the crowd cursing, looking for a place to settle their grievances.

Before the fight was over on the stage, the onlookers were about to fight, which showed the hard-heartedness of the people in the martial arts.


Having said that, Zhou Buyi didn't pay attention to the direction of the opponent's sword at all, and swiped two swords, respectively, to stab Mr. Mo Da's lower abdomen and forehead.Mr. Mo Da was slightly startled, and said in his heart: "These two moves 'Quanming Furong' and 'Crane Flying Purple Cover' are indeed the unique moves of my Hengshan School. I learned it after more than a month. Zhou Buyi really did it. Can you learn it after reading it at the Five Sacred Mountains League?" He was startled, and did not slow down in his hands, struggling to resist.

You must know that when he and Zhou Buyi confronted each other with swords, they wanted to use changing swordsmanship to gain the upper hand as soon as they got started, but Zhou Buyi didn't care about his changing moves, and actually used an ugly and deadly move to kill himself. The sword technique is broken, and the next few moves are the same.After the strange move, he counterattacked with a more powerful move.Zhou Buyi could use strange moves to break Mr. Mo Da's sword moves, but Mr. Mo Da had never seen stone carvings, so he couldn't come up with corresponding counter moves.He could only deal with it forcefully, but when he got serious, he found that Zhou Buyi was really difficult to deal with.

Of the 72 peaks of Mount Heng, Furong, Zigai, Shilin, Tianzhu, and Zhurong are the highest. Among the Hengshan School of swordsmanship, there are also five ways of swordsmanship, named after these five peaks.The two moves that Mr. Mo Da took just now were both 'one move and one move' sword techniques.What is 'one move, one way'?It turns out that the 'Furong Sword Technique' has 36 moves along the way, each move has a killer, but the move of 'Quanming Furong' is a combination of the mysteries of the 36 moves into one move. The same is true for 'He Xiang Zi Gai', which gathers the essence of 48 'Zi Gai Sword Skills' in one move.Gathering 36 moves or 48 moves into one move, one can imagine how powerful this move is.These two sword techniques are both defending and attacking, attacking and defending, and they are extremely versatile.

Everyone could only hear the sound of clanking and clanking, they didn't know which one of Zhou Buyi and Mr. Mo Da was attacking and which one was defending, and they didn't know how many moves they had dismantled.Mr. Mo Da took these two moves with great difficulty, and Zhou Buyi followed up with another move of 'Stone of Stone Grain Book' and another move of 'Tianzhu Cloud Qi'.Mr. Mo Da backed up again and again, when the last half move of the 'Tianzhu Yunqi' was made, he knew he couldn't resist it, he threw a slanting stab, the dagger in his hand danced into a ball of white light, and slashed sharply to the left, these sword moves It didn't point at Zhou Buyi, but it was just dazzling to cover up his embarrassment.

It turns out that Hengshan School's 'Tianzhu Sword Technique' mainly changes from the clouds and mist, it is extremely strange and capable, its movements are fixed and unpredictable. Of the 72 moves of the "Tianzhu Swordsmanship", Mr. Mo Da himself only learned 53 moves. Zhou Buyi used "one move to cover all the way" to use these 72 moves in one move. Even if Mr. Mo Da is not fatal At the funeral, it is necessary to make a fool of yourself and show your obedience. [

Don't look at Mr. Mo Da's eccentric behavior, in fact he is the most prudent person, he always makes decisions before acting.He heard from Lingxiao that Zhou Buyi had already mastered the Five Sacred Swordsmanship, and saw that Zhou Buyi had indeed stabbed Yuxuanzi with Taishan swordsmanship, he wondered if Zhou Buyi could master Hengshan swordsmanship, he had to try it himself.Mr. Mo Da expected that the Hengshan Sword Art is exquisite and profound, and Zhou Buyi, even if he is a genius, would learn the Heng Mountain Sword Art after just reading it once.But how did you know it was so dangerous?When the second half move 'Tianzhu Yunqi' was about to come out, he saw the opportunity quickly and left without fighting.The so-called running away without fighting is a nice way of saying it, but in fact he was running away when he couldn't fight. It's just that his swordsmanship changed so complicated, while he was running away, he stabbed here and there at the same time, making the eyes dazzled by the onlookers. The best policy.

To say that Zhou Buyi is really bad enough, so bad, he can easily suppress Mo Da with his internal strength, but he has suppressed his own internal strength to the same level as Mo Da. To make Mo Da make a fool of himself, so that Mr. Mo Da, who is well-known in the southern martial arts, will never be able to trip the Huashan faction in the future Wuyue faction.But Zhou does not doubt that it is true, can he be happy?In other words, Shaolin Wudang can really allow him to unify the Five Sacred Mountains smoothly? (to be continued...)

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