The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 79 The Conferred Chan Terrace is not the Conferred God Terrace, there is no Sword Immortal!

Watching the martial arts competition on the stage, although Fang Zheng and Chongxu looked calm and complacent, even Chongxu had a bit of joy on his face, as if he was delighted by his son-in-law's achievements, but if anyone could hear them give Zuo Leng Zen's sound transmission into secrets, I definitely don't think so...

"Master Zuo, do you really want to destroy the foundation of the Songshan School that has been passed down for hundreds of years? Be a subordinate of Zhou Buyi's sect in the future?"

"Zuo Mou is unwilling, and even the integration of the Five Sacred Mountains is not Zuo Mou's original intention. The Five Sacred Mountains are distributed in five provinces. To combine the five into one, it must be done by means like a fairy. Besides, the purpose of the Five Sacred Sword Sect Gathering Alliance is to resist the evil spirits. Teaching, it’s not a personal desire for power, how can Zuo get this idea?” Suddenly there was a voice, Zuo Lengchan was almost taken aback, suddenly felt that the voice was familiar, turned his head to see, Fang Zheng rushed to the void Nodding his head as a signal, his heart felt relieved, and after understanding the meaning of the words, Zuo Lengchan transmitted the voice back again.

"Since that's the case, when the head of the left fights with Zhou Buyi next time, don't use a sword." After dropping a sentence, the two masters stopped talking, which made Zuo Lengchan bewildered and didn't use a sword. ?Is Nan Daozhou really that ordinary genius? "Ah!" Zuo Lengchan suddenly thought of something, and almost didn't cry out. He remembered the past when the five factions went to Mount Hua to fight against the demons. Could it be that the top ten gods and demons are not dead?Or the ten great gods and demons left inheritance?

Thinking of this, Zuo Lengchan was naturally worried for a while, but he figured out the key point in an instant. After his sorting out, the current Songshan swordsmanship is no longer the Songshan swordsmanship of the past. If you want to break the law, you have to hit your head and bleed. "Don't push to the end, it's better to fight your internal strength."

Just when Zuo Lengchan was thinking about how to beat Zhou Buyi.Mo was defeated, the defeat was not ugly, and he retreated without any damage, but this was also the result of Zhou Buyi's mercy.If the last sword is passed three points forward, Mo Da will go to see the Patriarch.

"Sect Master Zhou is highly skilled in martial arts, and Mo Da is convinced."

"Concession." Zhou Buyi said politely, but there was no trace of humility on his face, as if it was a matter of course for him to defeat Mo Da.But this is also true, it is indeed a matter of course for him to defeat Mo Da.

"Senior brother Zhou is proficient in Taishan, Hengshan, and Hengshan swordsmanship, it is indeed commendable. If Songshan swordsmanship can defeat the long sword in my hand, all Songshan sects will regard Senior Brother Zhou as the head." After exchanging pleasantries, Zuo Lengchan couldn't hold back anymore.While speaking, he walked to the arena, pressed his left hand on the scabbard, and with a chirping sound, the long sword jumped out of the scabbard by itself and flew up.But seeing a flash of blue light, the long sword flew up, and he stretched out his right hand to hold the hilt of the sword.This hand is extremely pleasing to the eye.And as soon as the left hand presses the scabbard, the long sword can be forced out with internal force, and its internal strength is profound.What a rarity.Although the disciples of Songshan sect cheered loudly, the heroes of other factions also screamed and thundered.

"Junior Brother Zuo can survive under the hands of the old devil Ren Woxing. How can Zhou dare to rely on it? Although Zhou's Songshan swordsmanship is not bad, it is probably not as good as Junior Brother Zuo's decades of immersion. There is a lot of difference. Maybe I have to use my own swordsmanship." The face was calm, but there was no relaxation in the heart, "I didn't expect it. After only a few days, Zuo Lengchan's internal strength It has been promoted to this level, this battle is not easy to fight."

Or feel that Zhou Buyi is timid.An old man from the Songshan School came out and said loudly: "The way of martial arts is not so expensive, no matter what kind of martial arts, as long as you practice it to the peak, you can stand on your own in the martial arts. If you learn a few subtle moves when you see other people doing them, and claim to be proficient in this school of martial arts, in the martial arts world, is there any other unique secret skills, and other difficult tricks? You steal mine, Wouldn't it be a mess if I stole from you?"

Seeing that Zhou Buyi was still indifferent, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Besides, each school of martial arts has a secret master's mind, and after seeing the appearance of some moves, how can we say 'proficient'? Two words?"

"Is this old man looking for death?" A sentence came out of the hearts of the onlookers below, but only those who knew knew that this old man was of a high rank and belonged to Ge Chang's new generation, so even if he said something wrong, Zhou Buyi couldn't do anything to him because of his age and identity.

Seeing the silence in the audience, the old man was very proud, thinking that he had hit the itching spot of the heroes.And Zhou Buyi didn't say a word, he really thought he was some kind of great person, and said to Zhou Buyi: "A family's learning and practice to the level of proficiency is better than a hodgepodge that can't be chewed. Many, what does Nephew Zhou think?"

"There is a saying in the Analects: A gentleman has nothing to fight for, and he must shoot. It is inevitable for sages to compete in martial arts since ancient times. I see that Junior Brother Zuo has made some progress these days, and I also want to learn from Junior Brother Zuo. It's just that the Five Sacred Mountains School The head of the sect has not yet been decided, if I compete swords with Senior Brother Zuo, it seems that I am here to compete for the head of the Five Sacred Sect, and it will inevitably cause people to gossip." I completely forgot that I was the head of the Five Sacred Sect before me. Arrogant.Maybe he was afraid?

The more Zuo Lengchan listened, the more he felt that he had something to play, and said coldly: "Brother Zhou is famous all over the world for his Ziying sword. Zi is naturally Zixia's magical skill, and Ying is naturally Mrs. Zun, but what is the word 'sword'? It’s because there are many people who have heard about it, but few who have seen it. Today, the heroes of the world are gathered, so I asked Brother Zhou to show his superb swordsmanship, so as to open everyone’s eyes! Let someone from the left take a look, Zhou, who is proficient in the swordsmanship of the Wuyue Sword School Brother, what kind of state has it reached?

Zhou Buyi put his hands behind his back, silently, and walked up the stone steps of Fengchan Terrace step by step.When the heroes saw that there was a good show to watch, they all applauded.Following Zuo Lengchan's words, Zhou Buyi proposed to merge the Five Sacred Sword School, not on a whim. Zhou Buyi had already known the martial arts foundation of the masters of the four schools, and he was confident that none of the four schools could beat him.The only one who might be wrong is Zuo Lengchan from Songshan Mountain, it seems that Zhou Buyi was wrong.

With a sound of brushing, Zuo Lengchan drew out his long sword.This time the long sword was unsheathed, and the sound shook the valley.It turned out that Zuo Lengchan subtly channeled his internal energy, and when the long sword was drawn out of its sheath, the blade kept colliding with the inner wall of the sheath, vibrating and making loud noises.People who don't understand the reason are all weird.The members of the Songshan sect cheered loudly again.

Zhou Buyi sneered in his heart, his right hand merged into a sword finger, and with a sway, the Ziying sword flew directly from the disciple holding the sword to Zhou Buyi's hand, this move was more shocking than Zuo Lengchan's move strength.For thousands of years, except for the era when it was so old that it almost became a legend, people in the martial arts world have never heard of the fact that weapons can fly freely without contact with the blade.

"Sword Immortal? The Huashan Sect has only a Sword Immortal head!" A good storyteller in the market suddenly remembered that the storyteller said that the ancient swordsman had practiced to the extreme, and he was Feijian Tiaowan, which was no longer ordinary in the world. Like a martial artist, you have to use your body to move your sword, but use your true energy and spiritual thoughts to move your sword.This person thought it was just a novelist's words, barnyard officials and unofficial history, just to entertain the public, and he never took it seriously, but today Zhou Buyi actually showed his own words, and he couldn't help but say it.

"Sword Immortal? It can't be Li Tang Kong Konger, Hong Xiannv and other chivalrous men. That's just a legend." When the heroes heard the word "Sword Immortal", they flocked to that place as if a man who had been hungry for a long time met Diao Chan. people.

The crowd of onlookers who didn't know the truth asked how the man had taken it but didn't mention it, but only said that Zhou Buyi suddenly spat out the sword light, and the Ziying sword turned into a purple rainbow, stabbing towards Zuo Lengchan.This move is majestic and majestic, and it is the essence of Songshan swordsmanship, but this swordsmanship is Zuo Lengchan's swordsmanship of Songshan School's 'eight inner ways, nine outer ways', [-] ways long and short, single and double All road swordsmanship is proficient.But never seen it.

Zuo Lengchan was startled: "What kind of move is this move? Among the [-] sword techniques of my Songshan School, there seems to be no move comparable to it, which is amazing." Zuo Lengchan is not only the master of the Songshan School He is also a master of contemporary martial arts, once he sees this majestic and exquisite sword move of our school, he must understand it clearly.But seeing Zhou Buyi's stabbing with the sword, his inner strength was strong, if he really stabbed him within eight inches in front of him, then his life would really be ruined.

Zuo Lengchan also didn't care to see clearly the back of this move, whether there was any weird change, as he flipped the epee in his hand to block next Zhou Busu's move.Unexpectedly, he blocked the gap, but seeing that Zhou Buyi's sword pierced his chest for a foot, he turned back, leaned forward, the long sword circled, and sliced ​​towards his left shoulder.This sword seems to be the "eternal man and dragon" in Songshan swordsmanship, but the "eternal man and dragon" is more elegant and simple, and it seems to be "emerald floating green", but it is better than "eternal emerald floating green". Its briskness loses its majesty, and it is also somewhat like 'Yujing Tianchi'.

Zuo Lengchan has such a keen eye, and he has been immersed in Songshan swordsmanship all his life. He knows the advantages and disadvantages of each move and style, even the most subtle twists and turns. There is no doubt that this move contains the strengths of several famous moves in Songshan swordsmanship, and it seems that it can still make up for the flaws contained in each move. I can't help but feel warm in my palms, amazed, and like it, as if seeing a ball falling from the sky. A baby is average.If it wasn't important right now, and I was quite afraid of Zhou Buyi's martial arts, I really wanted to use this set of sword skills in Zhou Buyi's hands properly.

It's a pity that the skills are not as good as others. This sword technique was used by Zuo Lengchan's most powerful opponent in his life. Zuo Lengchan may not be able to defeat even if he concentrates all his attention. How can he be distracted to steal the sword?This is also Zuo Lengchan's sorrow, even if the opponent's sword skills are superb, he can only deal with it with all his strength, so how can he spare time to carefully observe the opponent's sword skills? (To be continued..)

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