Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 119 The Macau Crisis

The coolies on the pier were in a daze.A small official from the Municipal Shipping Department shouted from above: "Hey, there are a few over there. A boat has docked. Hurry up and go to work."

Sure enough, a ship docked.It is a Fuchuan-style two-masted sailing ship.But there are colorful Western flags hanging.The young dock coolie asked, "Which country's ship is this? There is a lion painted on the flag."

The man who scolded Li Crazy sneered again: "Say you are ignorant. You are still not convinced. Didn't you see that the bow of this ship was painted blue? This kind of ship is probably the ship of the Huaxing United in Fujian. .It’s just hanging a foreign flag to fool the government.”

Walked off that suspicious ship.It is called "China United Company" overseas. .The second shopkeeper of the trade department of a super-era freak enterprise called "Huaxing Lianhao" in the mainland.Han Jing.

He has just left Ho King O.Came to Guangzhou to stand in front of Yin Feng's amazing large-scale operation.The company's top management is very worried about Yin Feng's advocacy that strength determines everything.After all, the Portuguese in Macau are also major customers of the company.so.Han Jing came here to negotiate a peaceful solution to the Li Lihua issue with the Macau authorities.

Ho King O is Macau.In fact, the current depression in Macau is similar to that in Guangzhou.Ruoda's inner harbour.There are only more than [-] Southeast Asian and Chinese merchant ships berthing.It was much more bleak than the scene where ships from all nations gathered in previous years.

Chinese companies have sprung up suddenly.Its trading power is centered on Taiwan.Covering most of the southeast coastal areas of China.The biggest change in ocean ports is that Taiwan Port indirectly replaced Macau and Guangzhou.It has become the largest cargo distribution center and transshipment port along the coast of China.Most of the ships coming to Macau now are ships from small countries in Southeast Asia.Larger European ships and merchant ships from Siam, Annan and other countries.Most of them go directly to Taiwan Port: because merchant ships here do not need to pay water diversion fees and various taxes.To trade with Chinese merchants, you only need to pay the prescribed transaction tax. .The Chinese company itself was the largest trader.It is also a huge enterprise beyond the times with one-stop production, supply and marketing.Its biggest income is overseas trade profits.As well as the income from selling chime clocks and glassware to the provinces in the interior.Plus various vessel protection fees, fur license fees and other charges.There is no need to collect taxes anymore.

at the same time.Taiwan Port has complete port facilities.The management staff is clean and efficient.Good service.And it is far from another important trade port. .Nagasaki, Japan is closer and more convenient.

in the port of Taiwan.Foreigners can go ashore and play freely as long as they apply for relevant documents.As long as you don't go to the military location of the Chinese company to make trouble.The rest of the places are free to go with the certificate.There are Buddhist temples and Catholic churches here.There are delicacies from all over the world for sale on the street.The life of merchant sailors of all countries is not at all inconvenient.

Guangzhou was originally the most convenient foreign port in southern China.It's a pity that the Ming government would rather transfer the trade profits to the Portuguese in Macau.Nor is it willing to manage Guangzhou Port well.Those Western merchant ships that came all the way to Guangzhou and Macau loaded with real gold and silver.I don't care about traveling a thousand miles to Taiwan; there are more goods and better goods.Tax costs are low.

but.Things are not easy in Macau right now.The loss of trade income puts the backbone of Macau's economy at risk.Due to the sudden emergence of Chinese companies.Macau originally held a large amount of profits from Sino-foreign trade.Economic income is declining day by day.That's why there is a move to put pressure on the Chinese company of the Espanyol team.Although.Negotiators from the city hall council and the Chinese company reached an agreement.But after these representatives returned to Macau.This agreement was not unanimously agreed within the Municipal Council: a large group of Portuguese businessmen felt that the concessions made by the Chinese company were not enough.therefore.As soon as Li Lihua arrived in Macau, she was busy meeting and negotiating with officials from the Macau City Hall.Meet the big businessmen.He even wanted to meet with the Royal Prosecutor; this is an important official who plays a very important role in the Macau City Hall.Not elected.Rather, they are officials directly appointed by the Spanish royal family and stationed in the Macao Autonomous Municipality.

This caused trouble; the Crown Inquisitor was himself a nobleman and great merchant.Colluded with the Inquisition to capture Bernardo.The main messenger who closed the Chinese company's business hall is him: Anthony Dias.

Li Lihua's identity is very special: she is a Chinese born in the Spanish colonial Philippines.And a baptized Catholic.Legally a subject of the Spanish Empire.Due to the merger of Spain and Portugal.Macau, a free city in the Portuguese East Indies Province.Legally it is also governed by the King of Spain.It was originally in accordance with the agreement between the Portuguese and the Ming government.Legal issues involving Chinese people.Must be under the jurisdiction of the Ming government of China; however.Li Lihua was considered a subject of the Spanish Empire.Therefore, Anthony Dias does not need to pay attention to the Chinese side at all.charged with participating in the Manila rebellion.Arrested Li Lihua who was delivered to the door; after hearing that Li Lihua was actually the "wife" of the general manager of the China United Company.Dias hesitated.Immediately invite the people from the Inquisition.He was accused of marrying a heretic and so on.Li Lihua was handed over to the Inquisition.Be prepared to wait for the monsoon wind direction to change.Send her to Goa for trial.

The Inquisition has been full of troubles during this time.Not only people related to the Chinese company were arrested.Many black slaves were also captured.Think they're secretly doing pagan rituals.When Han Jing arrived in Macau.Several black slaves were being executed and hanged in the street.He dealt with black slaves in Manila.It seems that black people generally get along very well.So he asked Chen Zhongji who came to greet him, "What's going on?"

"The heretical inquisition of the fan monks is in the name of worshiping heresies. These black fans were executed. They also wanted to catch the black horse uncle. Fortunately, he ran fast..." Yan Siqi and Chen Zhongji said "old horse uncle" and "dark horse uncle" Both refer to the Negro Magaro.

Han Jing went directly to the speaker of the municipal council.A Portuguese businessman I had dealt with before.but.The city hall kicked the ball over Li Lihua's question.Say it's about the Inquisition.It has nothing to do with them; and the Inquisition is not willing to meet with Han Jing at all.Completely ignore him.Needless to say.Han-kyung's peace talks have completely failed.

After he left Macau.Two homing pigeons were released.It brought disappointing news to those in Taiwan and Hong Kong who were waiting for news.

Han Jing took a Chinese company merchant ship returning from Java.Landing outside Canton.Prepare to perform another task on this trip: bribe Li Feng, the eunuch of the Guangdong tax envoy.This merchant ship actually has a special status: it is after Mai Xiaoliu went to Nanyang to vigorously develop the piracy business.The ship where the messenger secretly sent to Taiwan was located.

Due to the failure of the Macau negotiations.He is in a bad mood.He had a gloomy face when he got off the boat.Chen Zhongji was responsible for the security of his trip to Guangzhou.So follow him.Because Chen Zhongji failed to protect Li Lihua in Macau.He was also in a bad mood.So when they were stopped by a group of people on the pier.Chen Zhongji pulled out the two flintlock pistols he carried with him without thinking much.rushed up.He kicked away a coolie standing in front of Han Jing.Cursed: "You are looking for death. Don't you have eyes? Don't look at who we are."

A group of men dressed as coolies stood in front of the pier where the Chinese company's merchant ships were docked.Surrounding the gangway for disembarkation.Han Jing and others are not allowed to log in.The porters who were basking in the sun and chatting just now have just arrived.Surrounded by this group of coolies, I was at a loss.

The young coolie asked the well-informed man, "Brother Meng. These people are not our brothers on the pier. They are outsiders who came to grab business."

Someone rolled up their sleeves and yelled: "Damn it. Brother Meng. Someone is robbing our territory. Fight them."

Brother Meng grabbed the brother who wanted to make a move and said, "Wait a minute. Don't move. These people are gangsters in Guangzhou. They are gangsters. They are not easy to mess with. They have been wandering outside the pier just now. Now they are surrounding Huaxing The joint ship made trouble. Maybe it was deliberately picking trouble."

The young coolie asked stupidly: "Find faults. Find faults with us."

"You're so stupid. Of course it's to find fault with Huaxing Alliance." Brother Meng angrily slapped the young coolie on the forehead.

These fake coolies are obviously not here to work.They came up and asked Han Jing for money.It is said that their cargo loading and unloading are all taken care of by them.You have to be paid before you can work.

Han Jing wanted to calm things down.Give money.But Chen Zhongji quit.He roared.Dozens of Malays and blacks rushed out of the boat.These are all foreign crew members of the Chinese company.Both were members of pirate gangs all over Southeast Asia.The aggressive and ruthless spirit may be comparable to that of a gangster.But the experience of fighting in hand-to-hand combat far exceeds that of these gangsters.and.They all carry tools: swords and clubs.And axes.

I saw the pier next to the springboard.Flesh flew everywhere.Sticks and fists flying.Human flesh tumbling.It didn't take long for all the gangsters who blocked the way to be knocked down on the pier.A large piece lay down.Everyone hangs their hats.All humming and chirping incessantly.At this time, the servants of the yamen and the guards of the city all came after hearing the news.Han Jing saw that the situation was not good.He asked Chen Zhongji to get on the boat quickly.Protect Mai Xiaoliu's messenger.at the same time.He immediately ordered everyone involved in the brawl to throw the guy into the sea.Brother Meng led a group of real dock coolies to surround them.He said loudly: "Guest officer, don't panic. Our brother will testify for you: it was these gangsters who started the attack."


In this era of the Ming Dynasty government.For those who come to China from abroad.In terms of management measures, it always jumps between very strict and very lenient and lax.Such as the Portuguese in Macau.As long as you don't cause trouble for the Ming government.The Ming Dynasty allowed the Portuguese in Macau to manage themselves.You can collect your own taxes and make your own laws.Ordinary foreigners break the law in China.They were also driven out of the country.For example, people from Japan who came to pay tribute in the early Ming Dynasty often caused trouble in China.The Ming government basically drove away things.There is no law to deal with them.

In previous years, there were fights between Chinese and foreign people outside the city of Guangzhou.That's why the Guangdong Governor's Yamen moved the address of the "Canton Fair" to a remote place far away from the urban area.To avoid too much contact between foreigners and ordinary people.

therefore.Although the yamen and the dealers knew that the ship belonged to the Chinese company.But it was registered as a Portuguese ship when it was registered for tax collection in Xiangshan County.So after the brawl happened.Because no one was killed.The merchant ship of the Zhonghua Company was driven away by the Shipbuilding Department and the Guangzhou government.Even the bribery mission with Han Jing could not be completed.

Chen Zhongji faced Han Jing's complaints.He said confidently: "This time the ship owner sent us here. It is to show our strength. If we also show weakness to those gangsters. How can our Chinese company dominate the sea."

Han Jing smiled bitterly: "Are we going to dominate the sea? Did Captain Yin say so?"

"He didn't say that. But he said that the Chinese company protects the interests of all overseas Chinese. That's probably what he meant."

Han Jing shook his head: "Your boy is making unreasonable words. However, these gangsters are obviously targeting our company. They must be instigated by merchants in Guangdong or other forces. Our enemies are more and more. We have to fight Captain Yin talked about it."


Now.The biggest problem facing Chinese companies.Still in Macau.

The Magistrate of Macau City Hall is a list of 24 people elected by the Municipal Council every year.2 people on the list are on duty every month.One of this month's magistrates is the nephew of Crown Inquisitor Anthony Dias.

Dias had a serious aristocratic air.A dozen guards with the municipal guard are patrolling the docks of the inner harbor.

Hit from the beginning of the year.The number of merchant ships from various countries coming to Macau is decreasing day by day.It is said that.A large number of emerging pirate gangs have emerged in Nanyang.The weapons are well equipped.Experienced and ruthless style.Specialized in robbing European ships.Ships to Asians such as China, Siam, and Pattani are generally let go.This is simply adding to the deteriorating trade environment in Macau and Hong Kong.certainly.This is due to Mai Xiaoliu's team.

Dias can come to Macau.But relying on his uncle's relationship.It was originally a beautiful job for both being an official and doing business.But now due to the troubles of the Dutch in the early stage, and the trade competition of the Chinese company now.Jobs turned into drudgery.He posed aristocratically.He looked angrily at the contiguous merchant ships and fishing boats on the pier.Sighing while looking around.

Suddenly.There was commotion all over the pier.Chinese sailors and fishermen boarded the boat one after another.Businessmen from all over the world fled the docks one after another.Someone was yelling like ghosts and wolves: "Fleet. Fleet."

This is Chinese.Dias couldn't understand.He hurriedly asked the Chinese manager who was following him: "What are they shouting?"

The Chinese officer panicked and said: "They said: a fleet appeared on the sea."

Dias gasped: "The Dutchman is here again."

Now.This year's Sino-Japanese trade fleet is still in Nagasaki, Japan.Or trade in Taiwan and Hong Kong.At this time, if a large number of ships appear in Macau Port.Then it must not be a fleet with good intentions.

Dias rushed to the pier.Hop aboard a Malacca merchant ship.Go straight to the bow.He looked out over the sea for a moment.He turned around suspiciously.Seeing the Chinese associate staggeringly followed.He greeted Tong Tong with an incredulous expression on his face.Said to him: "What's going on here. Why is it a junk ship."

"What." The Chinese officer was taken aback.Hurry up to the bow of the ship to have a look: "Really. It's our ship from the Ming Dynasty. Could it be a pirate?"

"Dang...dang...dang..." The church bell came from the direction of Notre Dame Cathedral.moment. The church bells of "Dang Dang Dang---" resounded throughout Macau.All the churches are ringing their bells.Announce the enemy's attack.The monks on Guia Mountain were the first to discover a large number of neatly arranged sailing ships surrounding the port.This is after Macau defeated the Dutch twice.Once again attacked by foreign armed forces.and.This time it was the 60 warships of the China United Company that came to besiege.There is also the main battleship Hiryu.

This is Chinese sea power.Since Lin Feng attacked Manila.The second initiative to attack the territory of a European maritime power.

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