Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 120 The Siege of Macau

At this time, Macau had not yet established the post of governor, and Macau had no elected or appointed resident supreme officer. Therefore, this duty was performed by the commander of the Sino-Japanese trade fleet, and the commander of the trade fleet acted as the resident supreme officer. The phenomenon of the office continued until 1623, when the Kingdom of Portugal officially appointed the Governor of Macau.

When the fleet of the China United Company appeared outside the port of Macau, the commander of the Sino-Japanese trade fleet was doing business in Nagasaki, Japan. The highest administrative body of the Portuguese in Macau is now the Municipal Council.

The Municipal Council, also called the Council, is elected.There are 3 members, 2 ordinary judges and 1 chief prosecutor. They are elected every three years. Portuguese born in Macao and Portuguese free people from other territories of Portugal who have settled in Macao have the right to vote. The term of office of members is three years. Years, renewable, members must be over 40 years old, and ordinary judges must be over 3 years old; It is free and free from interference from the king and the governor of Portugal and India. The council does not have a full-time head, and three members take turns presiding over the meeting. The council usually holds a regular meeting every month, and only members participate; if there are important events, bishops are often invited , the senior clergy and representatives of the townspeople hold a municipal assembly (conselho Geral).

Amidst the bells of various churches in Macau, the city's town hall meeting has been held in the city hall. The royal prosecutor, as the highest local judge in Macau, Anthony Dias, was also specially invited to attend the meeting in this special period to deal with the Portuguese government in Macau. An unprecedented crisis.

The local Chinese are passing through the city and retreating to the territory of Xiangshan County through the northern checkpoint. Many local sailors, businessmen, and hawkers have long been reminded by caring people. They immediately retreated to the Ming Dynasty government area after the entire city of Macau was put on alert. , a large number of Chinese carried their luggage and left Macau in a crowded but orderly manner. Those who are interested will find that among the chaotic evacuated crowd, there are always one or two people who stand up and direct the surrounding crowd.

On the street, members of the Municipal Guard are running towards the harbor. Most of them are black slaves who are armed. The officers are all Portuguese whites. The weapons are also uneven. Half of the slaves were armed with spears and axes.

Among the chaotic crowd on the street, near the St. Paul's Church, a small group of people quickly approached the prison set up by the Portuguese in Macau by sticking to the corner of the house.

The Portuguese have prisons in Macau, which the local Chinese call "shit prisons". The Portuguese authorities in Macau have a certain degree of judicial power in Macau: general civil and criminal cases that occur within the Portuguese (including other foreigners) are handled by the Judges hold court hearings; for major cases, other officials must be summoned to organize a high-level court for trial, and report to the Governor of Portugal and India for approval before execution; if it is a homicide case.The officials of Xiangshan County in the Ming Dynasty of China had to be tried and executed. Generally, criminals tried by the Macau authorities were held in Macau prisons, shit jails.

This team is the members of the special team of the Chinese company led by Colonel Kutley and Luo Aquan. They have been lurking in Macau for nearly two months, and they have already figured out where Bernardo is being held. They took action because Li Lihua had an accident afterwards, and they had an extra rescue mission.

Macau prisons are generally guarded by guards and police officers with red sticks. The Chinese call them "red stick officials". He didn't take the prison guards seriously. They were elites selected and trained by Yin Feng himself. They were one of a thousand elite guards who fought guerrillas with headhunters on the island of Taiwan all the year round, and sneaked up and chased down pirates along the coast. Well, the special team is now a myth circulating among the guards, there is nothing they can't do.

Of course, the Chinese company escort team has a history of more than two years, and the actual combat experience of the special team is still too little. In many cases, the combat experience of the old mercenary Colonel Coutere still needs to be used for reference.

The timing of this rescue operation was actually decided on a temporary basis. The warship of the Chinese company suddenly appeared, and Kutley and Luo Aquan could not be notified in advance. There was no way around it. One was that the communication conditions were too backward at the time, and the pigeons could be used occasionally to send letters, but they were prone to errors when used frequently. Either the pigeons were regarded as delicious meals by other raptors, or they did not reach their destination at all; The fleet commanded by Yin Feng set off as soon as it received Han Jing's letter from Feige, but the fleet's sailing time was unlucky. It was five or six days later than scheduled.

Kutley and the others did not wait for Yin Feng's fleet within the agreed time, so they had to keep silent and continue to lurk. On this day, Kutley heard from the royal judge that the prosecutor had decided to let the Inquisition transfer the relevant prisoners to Goa. Judgment, this time, they absolutely cannot wait any longer.

Coincidentally, they were just about to start their operations tonight, when the fleet of the China United Company appeared outside the port. In the chaos, Kutley, Luo Aquan and others agreed to act immediately, and to take action in broad daylight. Mixed among the fleeing Chinese crowd, escaped from the city of Macau, if the Ming Dynasty government found out that something happened in Macau, blocked the land port of Macau, and could not get from the land to evacuate Macau, then the rescue plan would be very troublesome; during the war , It is really a bit difficult to seize the boat and go to sea on the pier closely guarded by the Macau Municipal Guard.

There is a small church at the entrance of the alley in front, and the Macau Prison is inside the gate next to it. It seems that the Portuguese did not strengthen the defense of the prison, and they never expected that someone would come to rob the prison.

A total of eight "red stick officials" were guarding the gate, four of them were Indian guards, and the gate of the small church on one side was closed, and no one came in or out. The details are familiar; what Yin Feng emphasizes the most is the investigation before the action, which Luo Aquan and others have completely achieved.

The next thing happened as quickly as the wind. Four members of the special team armed with small trigger crossbows flew over and shot the four "red stick officers" to death with crossbow arrows. Quickly solved the other four people who hadn't reacted yet.

Four members of the special team were divided into two guards at both ends of the street. Colonel Cutley knocked on the door, but the red stick officer inside had no idea what was going on outside, and opened the door without even asking.

It was a black slave who opened the door. Colonel Cutray immediately covered his mouth and cut his throat with a knife. Colonel Cutray knew that the guard inside the gate was black, so he would do it himself; if it was a Portuguese, he would Luo Aquan and other team members will be asked to do it.

More than a dozen members of the special team rushed in, quickly walked around the cells, and quickly killed the other guards in the prison one by one. All the guards were in a state of confusion before they died, and they didn't know what happened.

This kind of special operations such as careful planning in advance, stepping on the spot to investigate various details, and executing missions quickly and resolutely without sloppiness is beyond everyone's imagination.

However, there was an accident in the originally perfect rescue operation. Only Mr. Bernardo was rescued from the cell. Li Lihua was not here, and she was not in the Macau prison at all.

Rescuing Li Lihua was probably more important than rescuing Bernardo, and all the participants knew this very well.

When Han Jing came to Macau to negotiate, Yin Feng brought a letter in Portuguese to Colonel Coutere through him, repeatedly asking him to rescue Li Lihua intact, the delicate relationship between Yin Feng and Li Lihua, and almost all management members of the China United Company They are all discussing in private, and everyone consciously does not discuss it publicly. Even foreign shareholders like Kutley know this matter very well. If something happens to Li Lihua, it will be a big trouble, Kut. While asking Bernardo to change into the Chinese-style clothes he brought in advance, Lei said to Luo Aquan with a gloomy face: "What's going on, call Mr. Lu who has been monitoring the prison,"

Luo Aquan also had an ugly expression on his face, without the slightest joy of successful action, and went out with a stern face. After a while, the team member in charge of surveillance stumbled into the room, opened his mouth in surprise, and looked at the corpses of guards all over the floor, what? I can't say anything.

"What's the matter? Where did Miss Li go? You were the one who watched at the gate last night. Didn't you notice anything unusual?" Kutley, who is already fluent in Chinese, asked the team member surnamed Lu severely. : "Damn it, if something happens to Miss Li because of your negligence, you can go and ask Captain Yin for your guilt,"

"No, I have been watching, and there has been absolutely no oversight,"

Luo Aquan said on the side: "Mr. Colonel, Mr. Lu is a dedicated soldier, I trust him,"

Coutere was still very annoyed and said: "You can trust him, and I trust you too, but where is Miss Li?"

Luo Aquan looked around the prison, frowned and said, "Is there another exit here, or a secret room or something?"

It was only then that Kutley and the others realized that there was a serious mistake in their actions: the special team killed people too easily, all the guards were silenced, and no one was left alive. There are no more living people.

"Ask the other prisoners," the team member surnamed Lu suggested cautiously.

There was only one black female slave in the women's cell, and Li Lihua's original cell was next to her. Coutere interrogated this female black slave, and only then did he know that the Chinese company's fleet had just appeared today, and when the bells rang throughout the city, immediately A priest from the Inquisition wearing a black robe appeared in the prison and took Li Lihua away.

The special team has been monitoring the prison gate and the surrounding streets, but has never found any priests entering or leaving the prison. This proves that there are secret passages or secret doors in the prison. Now there is no time to find the secret door. A warning was issued, and someone was approaching the prison. Besides, even if the secret door is found, Li Lihua's whereabouts may still be a mystery.

The special team quickly evacuated the Macau prison with Bernardo, who had changed his clothes.

At this time, Yin Feng was on the flagship "Feilong" battleship, giving the order to attack.

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