Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 121 The Siege of Macau

34% of all the warships of the China United Company Navy.In the summer of the [-]th year of Wanli, it appeared around Macau City.The scattered local pirate gangs were immediately recruited by the Chinese company.Actively joined the ranks of the siege of Macau.same moment.The spies of the Ministry of Military Intelligence who had been active in Guangzhou, Macau and other places for more than a month showed up one after another.Lead a team of troops.He drove fishing boats and small merchant ships to the outskirts of Macau.Become a supply ship to deliver drinking water and food to the Chinese company.

Ten warships of the Second Battle Fleet.Under the command of the commander Fan Tao.Break into the inner harbor first.The flagship of the Second Squadron, the Haiyan, is a warship with three cannons.The sixteen-pounder cannon in the bow fired first.

"Boom." The sound of rumbling guns rolled over the sky of Macau City.The shells kicked up clouds of dust on the harbor beach.Then jumped up from the sand and hit the outer wall of the Garth Lane Fort.Punch a white spot on the dark gray exterior wall.

subsequently.A total of 60 warships from six fleets filed in.Facing the light wind, they passed in front of the port one after another.Take turns bombarding Macau with bow cannon fire.After the entire fleet of warships made a circle in the bay.The tall and mighty battleship Hiryu.And the battleship Flying Tiger, which had just been launched, appeared on the sea surface of the port together.

The two warships feature a combination of European and Chinese structures.There was nothing above the high mainmast.There are no banners.Although the heavy artillery on the bow is inconvenient to aim and move.but.The densely packed gun ports on both sides of the two battleships are not just decorations.Together, the two ships had more than 80 cannon.

Macau originally had about fifteen armed merchant ships and small warships.At this time, five ships happened to go to encircle and suppress a group of Chinese pirates near Hong Kong Island.Only ten small warships remained in the harbor.Dias, the magistrate of Macau City Hall, originally wanted to let the Portuguese warship attack.But witnessing the neat formation of the enemy.Skilled operation.Uniform movements.Heavy artillery fire.Suddenly lost the courage to fight.

now.Two battleships.A battleship that is almost the same as the main battleship of a general European power suddenly appeared.All of a sudden, Dias's brain was short-circuited.He stopped blankly on the pier in the port area in a daze.Fortunately, his subordinates are more sober.Before Feilong and Feihu approached within the range of the cannon.Drag Dias into the Garth Lane Fort in time.

Garth Lane Fort is one of the oldest forts located in the lobby area of ​​Macau.During the Portuguese colonial period.The fort is one of the important strongholds of military defense.The former Garth Lane Fort was the first line of defense along the coast.It is connected with Mage Fort, Earl Ren Fort, St. John's Castle and Sanba Fort.Defend the coastal area southeast of Macau.The nearby Garth Lane Barracks is located next to Pine Hill, east of South Bay.That is, on the hillside opposite Lisboa Casino in another time and space.Yin Feng lost a lot of money there back then.

but.Now the Garth column fortification built by the Portuguese.The general structure is not yet finished.The scale of the fort and the number of cannons it has are not many.It goes back to 1622 in history.The fort is just finished.

Under the violent bombardment of the Chinese company just now.The Garth Lane Fort has collapsed.It's all over the place.Fortunately, the fortifications of several major heavy artillery forts were not destroyed.Still insisting on firing shells.Fight back the Chinese company fleet on the sea.but.At this time, there were no regular army soldiers in Macau.The armed forces consisted mainly of white volunteers and conscripted black slaves.If it weren't for some Portuguese veterans who played a backbone role in the team.Macau's defenses may have collapsed long ago.Dias had just breathed a sigh of relief in the fort.There was a continuous, deafening roar; the Hiryu began shelling the dock area.

A famous old Portuguese gunner was lying on the muzzle looking at the sea.He yelled in surprise: "God. What is this? Could it be a warship? When did the Chinese have such a warship? Could it be. God..." He turned his head and shouted to Dias: "Sir, hurry up Come and see. The Dutch..."

Dias ran over rolling and crawling.Looking at the sea in horror: behind the two huge warships.Slowly sailing two brigantines flying the Dutch flag; "This is. Dutch warship."

"It's an armed merchant ship. The cannons on these two Dutch ships are on the upper deck. There are no gun ports on both sides." The experienced gunner said: "Whatever it is. Anyway, this is a joint operation between the Dutch and the Chinese pirates."

"So disciplined. So well equipped. This is a fleet. Sir. Not pirates." Dias corrected the gunner.Worry shook his head.Hurry up and send messengers to report to the ongoing town hall meeting.


In the sound of rolling thunder.Colonel Kutley and Luo Aquan led the special team to escort Bernardo to Xiangshan County.certainly.The Jewish motto: "There is no door that cannot be opened by money." It is also common in China; "Money can make ghosts turn the mill."It must also be the truth.Bernardo smuggled a large sum of money out of his home.After bribing the officials and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty guarding the checkpoint.Successfully escaped from Macau City.

Luo Aquan took someone to escort him to meet Yin Feng.Coutere continued to stay in the besieged city of Macau with several people.Determined to find Li Lihua's whereabouts.

At this time.At the Macao Citizens' Meeting held amidst the sound of rumbling guns.All MPs and representatives looked ugly.There is one more person on duty this month as sheriff: Riccardo.He was the son of a great Portuguese merchant.Born in Macau.About the first generation of Macanese.Now.He is making a report to the entire meeting.

"...10 minutes ago. Sheriff Dias reported; in addition to nearly a hundred armed junks, the enemy also has two main warships. Each has 30 to 40 cannons. They have bombarded Garth Lane Fortress. Three The Ba Fortress was also bombarded; the facilities in the dock area were also damaged by enemy artillery. At the same time, the monks of the Guia Monastery reported that a large number of Chinese pirate ships also appeared on the sea west of Macau City. That is to say. Macau City Already under siege."

Riccardo sighed.He raised his head and said to all the participants: "Our armed merchant ships and fast ships cannot rush out of the mooring area under the enemy's artillery fire. Five ships have been destroyed. The enemy knows the docking positions of the fast ships and armed merchant ships. They must have The situation has been investigated. What should our municipal guard do."

His final question is for the speaker who is in office today.

The royal prosecutor suddenly spoke: "Has the identity of the enemy been determined?"

There was another thunderous cannon.The whistling shells could almost be heard clearly.

Riccardo waited for the gunfire to subside for a while.Then said: "Based on the judgment of our experienced naval personnel and merchant sailors. Although the other party did not fly any flags. But from the color of the ship's exterior painting. And we observed that the other party's crew are all Chinese. From this, we can basically confirm that it is The fleet of the China United Company. Off the southeast coast of China. No other Chinese has such great sea power. And. Magistrate Dias reports that two Dutch ships have joined the attack."

"The Dutch. It's the Dutch again." Some MPs yelled: "These Dutchmen must have come to take advantage of the fire. What happened. Mr. Speaker. Why did the Chinese company attack us? We have been fighting with them Normal trade."

A citizen representative said directly to the royal prosecutor: "Dear Judge Dias, we have received information. You have detained the wife of the largest shareholder and general manager of Zhonghua Company. Is there such a thing?"

Royal Inquisitor Dias rose angrily.Pointing to the questioner, he said, "What do you mean? I am performing the duties of a judge assigned to me by His Majesty the King. It is the Chinese company that started the war."

The speaker saw that there would be a conflict between the Macao City Hall and the judges sent by the King of Spain.Quickly stood up to smooth things over: "Everyone, the opponent's artillery is bombarding our city right now. Now is not the time to pursue war crimes. We have to decide quickly; what should we do now."


Under the crucifix in St. Augustine's Church in Macau.Li Lihua knelt in front of the shrine and prayed silently.This crucifix is ​​one of the most famous religious relics in Macau.Every year on the first weekend of Lent, the crucifix enshrined in St. Augustine's Church will be paraded to the Bishop's Hall.Move back the next day; the Chinese commonly call it "Out of the Big Jesus".It is one of the important religious activities in Macau.In addition, on Good Friday, there is a parade of Jesus' Crucifixion (also known as the Way of the Cross).The crucifix in front of you will be worshiped in front of countless believers.

now.Cannon roared right outside St. Augustine's Church.Shells have even landed on nearby streets.There were panicked shouts everywhere.Some tried to take refuge in St. Augustine's Church.But churches are very rarely closed their doors.Several black-robed monks, Li Lihua, were not far behind.Monitor her every move.One of the monks was tall.His face was gloomy.A pair of blue eyes fixed on Li Lihua.

A monk in black robe walked into the outside room.He whispered in front of him: "Dear Father Giannilu. His Excellency Bishop still does not agree with your request; he said that the Goa Inquisition has no jurisdiction over the citizens of the Kingdom of Spain. Therefore, he refused your request to transfer Elizabeth to the Bishop's Hall. "

Father Jianilu is the special commissioner sent by the Inquisition to Macau.

Today Father Jianilu took Li Lihua away from the Macau prison.Pure coincidence: the Inquisition passed Judge Dias Ricardo.Enter the prison through the back door.Li Lihua was taken away because of an important issue: Li Dan's property.

The influence of the Spanish Inquisition had long extended to Portugal's Asian colonies.It is not the first time that the Jews have been persecuted for no reason.But this time it has a very complicated background relationship.in.The trade dispute between Chinese companies and Portugal is the most important reason; at the same time.Someone from Spain's Philippine colony entrusted Judge Dias to track down Li Dan's property.And these two incidents all involved Li Lihua.So she suffered because of it.Go to jail.He was also tortured in prison.

Poor Li Lihua lived an aristocratic life with rich clothes and fine food since she was a child.He has never suffered such a crime.In a dark prison.She even had thoughts of suicide.Fortunately, the Catholic education she received since she was a child made her endure the pain.Did not seek death.

The Inquisition and the judges were in cahoots.They all want to make a fortune from the huge property behind Li Lihua.Therefore, Li Lihua was secretly taken out for interrogation on this day.The result unexpectedly made the rescue operation of Luo Aquan and others fall short.

After the Chinese companies began to attack Macau.The personnel under Father Janilu took Li Lihua back to the Macau prison.As a result, he was frightened half to death by the dead bodies all over the floor.And by this time everyone already knew.The enemy who attacked Macau was the fleet of the China United Company.This is great.Miss Elizabeth became a hot potato in the hands of Father Janel.No one wants to take over.

Priest Janilu, who originally wanted to keep Li Lihua to blackmail him, was very disappointed.He said coldly in Latin: "In that case, lock this prisoner in the back hall. As long as those barbaric Chinese pirates stay in Macau. We will lock her up as long as possible."

Li Lihua received a complete Spanish-style education in Manila.Know some Latin.So she can basically understand the conversations of several people in the Inquisition.

She stood up painfully.Although the bruised body made her tremble.But the continuous roar of cannons outside excited her even more.She turned around.He sneered and said loudly in Portuguese: "Just wait. My husband will lead his army. Turn the whole of Macau into ruins. You will not be able to escape his punishment."

Jianilu's face was livid.She approached her with a sneer: "You are a sinner. How dare you say such blasphemous words in the palace of God. Can your husband fight against God?"

Li Lihua wanted to shout.But I really have no energy.She simply answered the Inquisition commissioner in a low voice: "My husband is a hero. He fears no one. God will bless him. God will lend him his hand. Punish you sanctimonious hypocrites."

Janel was stunned.He was never in the presence of prisoners of the Inquisition.To hear such bold statements.He couldn't help being furious: "Take this damn witch down. Lock her in the basement."


In the sound of gunfire.The walls and roof of St. Augustine's Church were trembling slightly.

Li Lihua's heart followed the rumble of cannons.A little bit of hope grows.This cannon sound represented Yin Feng.Represents hope.

And in the hearts of the vast majority of Portuguese in Macau.This endless cannon fire represents the devil and despair.Yin Feng commanded the fleet.They do not communicate with the Portuguese at all.Straightforwardly, the uninterrupted shelling began.He stipulated that each warship had to fire five shells before it could turn around and rest near the port.The Feilong and Feihu directly anchored at the port.The cannon fire continued throughout the night.but.The shelling at night was no longer a series of salvos.Instead, they come in every now and then.Continuous shells.Blast the Garth Lane Fort into ruins bit by bit.

At this time, the Garth Lan Fort was still a crude fort with stone and wood structure.A total of five cannons were equipped.And the two warships can fire a full 40 cannons at the fort at the same time.The difference in firepower between the two sides is too far.So Garth Lane Fort was three hours after the artillery battle started.Has basically lost the ability to fight back.Early the next morning.The fort has basically been restored to the original color of the building materials.

The night of shelling made many Portuguese in Macau unable to sleep at all.Many people are complaining: Do the people in this Chinese company have too much money?The shells are not used up or something.

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