In the three-way Chinese army.The North Road soon approached Binondo.The Spanish army who seized Binondo half an hour earlier blocked the passage on the north bank of the Pasig River with musket fire.Li Xing, the commander of the third regiment, commanded the artillery battalion to seize a slightly higher platform on the river bank.Set up artillery positions.Prepare to cross the river to attack.

The middle route then went upstream.The Bashi River twists and turns for more than ten miles.In addition, a huge water turret had to be dragged. .Raft platform.Travel the slowest.therefore.When the troops of the North China Company began to force their way across.Actually fighting alone.There is always a difference between planning and practice.After all, Yin Feng and his men planned a large-scale battle for the first time.Inconsiderateness and negligence are inevitable.

This big raft fort that Yin Feng came up with.The inspiration comes from the use of the large-scale artillery "Dafafu" of the Ming Dynasty army recorded in "Cuihai Tupian".According to records.Dafafu is actually a large artillery introduced to China from the West.The Ming army was not strong enough because of the warships.In water battles, "thieves are like arks. Smaller ones can also be used. But when they are released, the firepower moves forward. The ship vibrates and retreats. All of them sink without cracking. They must be carried on rafts and used."

This kind of heavy artillery is basically a decoration on the ship.In actual combat, there is no such thing as dragging a raft and firing a cannon.Let's imagine.In the critical moment of battle.The sailors had to be busy hoisting the cannons onto the rafts before fighting.It is simply impossible.In fact, this is still related to the backward shipbuilding technology of the Ming Dynasty at this time.It's not just ships with heavy loads that can't be built.Even the hull is not as strong as a Western ship—one shot from a cannon.It will "shake the ship and shrink back. There will be no cracks and no one will sink".but.Yin Feng will do the opposite.Use rafts as water forts.Take advantage of the well-developed water system around the city of Manila.It can be used as a fire cover for siege.It can also support the operations of the northern and southern troops.

After the first burst of gunshots and cannons erupted on the north side of the Bashi River.The Chinese company troops on the South Road stood still.The whole team began to stand at attention.Yin Feng galloped quickly in front of the front on horseback.Li Lihua is dressed in white clothes to win the snow.The flowing long hair and long skirt dance with the wind.Wherever they went.The soldiers raised their guns in surprise and cheered heartily: "The captain is victorious. Invincible. Invincible."

Auxiliaries also wielded spears and muskets in skirmish lines.Shouting "Invincible. Invincible. Big boss wins."

The overseers began to check the readiness of every soldier in the unit.The supervisors of each sentry, the supervisors of each battalion, and the supervisors of each regiment loudly announced Yin Feng's order at the front of the line:

"The land of Luzon. All the land related to the La people will be confiscated. It will be distributed to the soldiers who participated in the war today. It can be passed on to future generations. Those who died in battle, their family members and children also have the right to share the land on Luzon Island. Soldiers who participated in the war. Each According to the size of military achievements, different sizes of land can be divided..."

Yin Feng did not discuss this "Military Merit Distribution Order" with others.Just let the people in the military supervision department announce it.This kind of straightforward material stimulation is for most of the escort soldiers who are farmers at heart.More useful than the strongest stimulants.Although they don't know where the land of Luzon is.What can it be used for.But the real land is in the eyes of most people.Much more solid than gold and silver.

All the soldiers, who were already in a state of frenzy, broke out in a deafening cry: "Long live the captain. Long live."

The treacherous shouts hardly affected the emotions of any of the officers.They were also shouting: "Long live the President."

at last.There was a cry of long live on the southern front.Yin Feng galloped there on his horse.The shout of "Hurrah!" was even louder there.One after another, the shouts of "Long live the President's leadership." came to the ears of Chen Di who was watching the battle on Fort Santiago.The old general's face turned pale.The people in the military supervision department also read out the "Military Merit Distribution Order" among the soldiers who stayed behind in the fortress.Immediately, old general Chen Di was surrounded by shouts of "Long live."

These landless peasants, fleeing peasants, refugees and others were transformed into fighters.Will fight for his land.Chen Di is not some pedantic scribe.He immediately understood Yin Feng's intentions.But he can't accept this kind of practice: it doesn't matter if the land is divided, or the land is awarded for military merit.It's something the court can do.Now.But let a group of merchants, pirates and fishermen do it.But doing so will not infringe on the rights of the court bureaucracy and the inland vested interests.Because this is an overseas distribution.

Under the effect of a frantic mood.Yin Feng didn't need to say a word.It aroused the troops' desire to fight to the extreme.

After he ran back and forth for two laps.He reined in the horse and raised his hand.All officers at all levels immediately issued the command one by one:

"Attention. Reload. Check trigger. Attention."

At this time.Spanish troops also stopped moving two miles away.The array of Spanish troops arranged in five rows is thicker than that of the Chinese.

The deafening "Long live." The sound reached the Spaniard's ears.

"Look. Their morale is still very high." Archbishop Flores said coldly, "We must attack. Destroy their morale."

Lieutenant Colonel Azquita looked distressed at the thin and long front of the opponent; it was a formation that did not conform to the combat paradigm of modern European armies.In his opinion, the depth of the Chinese team is except for the first loose line of skirmishers.There are only three rows.It's just too thin.but.The other party did this.This makes the frontal width of the Spanish army array far less than that of the Chinese army.It is very likely that they will be outflanked by the Chinese on both sides during the battle.

He ordered the herald to say: "Order the artillery team to fire. Let's bombard the opponent's array first." Now the two sides are more than 1000 meters apart.The maximum range of field artillery shells can be achieved.Captain Biragon said worriedly: "The opponent has more guns than us."

Lieutenant Colonel Azquita said indifferently: "Now let's see which side's soldiers can withstand the shelling."

Eight 8-pound guns of the Spaniards.The two 3-pound guns were dragged by horse-drawn donkeys.It was finally shipped up.He hadn't had time to open fire yet.The Chinese on the opposite side have already arranged artillery positions on the two wings and the center of the front.Be the first to fire.

The professional artillery battalion formed by Yin Feng himself has thirty light field artillery on the left and right wings.The 10 6-pound guns in the central position started the prelude to the Chinese attack on Manila City.

"Boom boom boom..." The sound of the cannon shook the ground.Gunpowder smoke came out vigorously.Diffuse in front of the two armies.

The artillery shells fired crosswise from the north and south wings happened to be able to penetrate the entire phalanx of the Spanish army.A slanted line pierces through the phalanx.It happened to maximize the power of solid shells.And the shells fired from the front of the Chinese also knocked out gaps in the strict order of the Spaniards.

The Spanish artillery also returned fire.Their artillery positions were set up in front of the phalanx.It was almost bombarding the artillery of the Chinese Central Front.

The Spaniard's shells penetrated the thin formation of the Chinese company's army from the front.At most, 3 or 4 people will be defeated at one time.But even the fighters beside the comrades who were knocked down by shells.It also seems to be standing still like a wooden stake.They will stand here without orders.

Rumbling cannons rang in a hurry.Lieutenant Colonel Azquita, Captain Biragon and other Spanish officers felt painfully that this deal was not worthwhile: when a Chinese shell passed through the thick and tight Spanish phalanx.It is often possible to knock down more than ten people at a time; and the Spanish shells even hit directly head-on.It only knocked over three or four Chinese soldiers.

and.Although the Chinese front was knocked out a few gaps by the Spanish shells.But all the soldiers stood tall like stakes.Not moving at all.No sign of breaking down.

"They are the real army. We can't go on like this anymore. Our native soldiers are already in chaos." Captain Biragon said anxiously to Lieutenant Colonel Azquita.

At this time.Another burst of rapid firing came from the direction of Binondo.The fierce battle over there seems to have begun again.

"It can't be delayed any longer." Lieutenant Colonel Azquita made a desperate decision: "Captain Biragon. Order your 4nd Indigenous Battalion to launch a charge. At the same time. Order the rest of the troops to rearrange. Arrange in [-] rows Row. Spread frontal width. Prepare to assault."

"Let a battalion go to attack. I'm afraid it's useless. The enemy's artillery fire is very fierce..." Captain Biragon hesitated.

"This battalion is used to buy time for the headquarters to change formation."

"Boom." An iron artillery shell from the Chinese army hit the mud five or six meters away from them.Jump and fly out.Broke the front leg of a horse that was riding by an orderly next to the lieutenant colonel.The horse screamed.The orderly was thrown from his horse.hurt.The guards rushed to help the herald.After a while of confusion.Lieutenant Colonel Azquita gritted his teeth.Combat orders were issued to the officers:

"All troops. Change formation and immediately turn to attack. This attack will determine the fate of Manila and the Philippine colonies. All officers and soldiers should keep in mind what the Empire expects of you. A strong soldier is better than a mob in battle. Officer We should lead by example. Soldiers should carry out the orders of their commanders firmly. Do their duty with determination. For God and the king. For 'gold, glory and gospel'. Fight."

Headed by Archdeacon Flores.More than a dozen Catholic priests performed pre-battle prayers and blessing ceremonies in each unit.Captain Biragon drew a battalion of native spearmen from the rear of the phalanx.Bypass the team's left flank.A charge was launched against the right wing of the Chinese Front.

Li Kuiqi was busy adjusting the artillery positions on the central front artillery position.The commander of the artillery battalion, the Dutch mercenary officer Andre, comforted him with a binoculars: "Don't worry. I saw the impact point. It's only a few steps away from the Spanish officer. A little bit to the left..."

Li Kuiqi said calmly: "It's the direction of the wind. The gust of wind just now saved this guy's life. I'll shoot again. It must be..."

"Mmm-mmmm-mmmm." The urgent sound of the conch horn came from afar.This is the signal.Signal to change direction of fire.At this time.A group of native Spanish soldiers rushed out of their phalanx.To the right flank of the Chinese army line.

"The president ordered us to open fire on the right-wing enemy." Andre greeted Li Kuiqi and said, "Leave that officer alone. Quickly. Execute the order."

Both spearmen and arquebuses in the Chinese company skirmisher line were moving to the right.The cannons concentrated on the group of Spanish native infantry who rushed out desperately.

Yin Feng was in the rear of the central front.Riding on a tall horse and holding up a telescope to look in the direction of Binondo.There was a lot of smoke over there.Gunshots came and went.Evidently a fierce battle was raging on.

He thought about it.Look back at Yan Siqi.See this kid jump up and down.I can't hold back anymore.

"Yan Siqi. You take the school army to support the northern line. Ji Zai. You take the indigenous troops. Go to the northern line too. Remember. After capturing Binondo, quickly march towards Veranduk on the edge of Manila. Detour to Go behind the Ganla people."

Yan Siqi jumped and shouted "Yes." He disappeared in a flash.Chen Zhongji stood at attention and saluted Yin Feng.Turn around and take Taiwan's indigenous troops to the northern line.

There was continuous artillery fire in front of the front line.Intensive artillery shells were fired at the Spanish native soldiers who were attacking the Chinese army's line.The Chinese soldiers on the right were fighters of the third regiment.In a series of password sounds.They quickly took aim.Prepare to fire.

but.At a distance of about 1000 steps between the two armies.Countless shells flew across.The Pampanga native soldiers who were on the attack were knocked down one after another.Just 5 minutes.A battalion of native soldiers in the onslaught was knocked down by artillery over 100 men.There were bloody corpses everywhere along the way.None of the native soldiers could rush to within 50 paces of the front of the Chinese line.They were summoned back by a burst of military music.Only two-thirds of the original people can return to the team alive.

but.These native soldiers bought time for the troops of the headquarters.The well-trained Spanish army was able to quickly deploy a phalanx in front of the enemy.It was about a little before 10 am.The Spaniards launched a four-row deep horizontal formation.Their marching drums struck a continuous rhythm.The front of the Spanish army is now beginning to move towards the Chinese army.The front was covered by a skirmish line of native soldiers retreating from the charge.

When they came from the plain.Three guns of the Spanish artillery had been damaged in the artillery battle just now.The Chinese artillery also stopped firing.Because at this time the array of Spaniards also became long and thin.The killing effect of solid shells is greatly reduced; moreover.In the next battle.It depends on the combat effectiveness of infantry.

Every 50 steps or so, the entire Spanish army, which had to stop and stand at attention, walked very slowly.It took 10 minutes to start entering within a distance of about one li.The marching drums of the Spanish army suddenly picked up the tempo.The whole army started the assault.They focused their attack on the left flank of the Chinese army, which was deflected backward due to the terrain.It is also close to the Pasig River.Lieutenant Colonel Azquita might want to get closer to Binondo's allies.

Yin Feng could see clearly right away.Immediately send someone to inform the third regiment on the right wing of the team to take advantage of the momentum and deflect to the left front.When it was 300 yards away from the Chinese army.That is, when it is less than 300 meters.The Spanish army couldn't wait to launch the first volley.The unsatisfactory shooting effect at such a distance is completely conceivable.

but.This first volley of gunfire marked the official start of the main battle between the Chinese United Company Army and the Spanish Imperial Colonial Army.

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