When the Spanish army started reloading, a stray bullet luckily flew 300 meters away, and unfortunately wounded Yin Feng, whose left arm was scratched by the bullet.

Li Lihua screamed, and Yin Feng quickly raised his palm to stop her: "Keep quiet, you can't shake the morale of the army,"

After simply accepting Li Lihua's dressing, Yin Feng was still directing the overall situation immediately, which was a great encouragement to the morale of the Chinese troops.

After the first platoon, the Spanish army marched on, chanting "For God and the King," as they marched.

The Spanish army marched towards the Chinese army's line amidst the shocking shouts, but the Chinese army soldiers remained unmoved, standing silently on the ground like wooden stakes, and the Spaniards continued to advance, every time. After advancing 15 yards (about 15 meters), he stood at attention and fired a volley at the Chinese army's line, but the Chinese never counterattacked.

The Spanish army advanced to 100 yards at a fast pace. When it was about 80 steps according to the calculation calculation of the Ming Dynasty, they stopped again. The soldiers in the first two rows fired a volley. They are spearmen and indigenous archers. The proportion of firearms in the Spanish army is much lower than that of the Chinese company's army, so all the musketeers can only be pushed to the front line. When the final charge is made, they will be in the two rows behind. Lancers struck across the front ranks.

At this time, the Spanish army arranged in three horizontal teams that were almost horizontal, basically maintaining a line and pushing all the way to the Chinese army. Two of the horizontal teams began to attack the Chinese left-wing array obliquely, and the other Going to the right, they continued to shoot at the Chinese line, but the Chinese army still held on tenaciously, neither retreating nor shooting, even when the Spanish army entered within 50 steps, less than 80 meters away. At a distance, the infantry soldiers of the Chinese Guards still maintained an astonishing endurance. Nearly a quarter of the sentinels of the first left-wing regiment, which bore the brunt, had been knocked down at this time, but they still stood firm. When they got the order, they carried out the order without any compromise. Although there were comrades in arms who kept falling down beside them, not a single Chinese soldier retreated. Without an order, they would not retreat a step.

In the many combat meetings held in advance, and at the beginning of the battle, Yin Feng has been clearly telling his commanders: "You must wait until the Ganla army has entered within 20 steps before you can order to shoot, and those who violate the military law will be punished. "

Lieutenant Colonel Azquita supervised the battle behind the central front of the Spanish army. The more he advanced on his horse, the more he felt weak in his heart. real feeling.

Archdeacon Flores followed him, and this monk who had killed countless Chinese and led troops in battle couldn't believe his eyes at this moment: "God, what's going on with these physiological people, why don't they Fight back, are they all stupid?"

After the Spanish army launched another platoon at a distance of 50 meters, the Chinese formation was still silent. At this time, even the soldiers of the regular Spanish army were doubting their eyes. let go.

"Aren't these physiological people afraid of death? They don't know how to shoot or what's the matter," Captain Biragon, who was on the right wing of the Chinese army, scratched his scalp, and he didn't know what to do. Down low, some soldiers looked at the Chinese standing like stakes, looking at them blankly, almost forgot to load ammunition.

The Spanish army was loading ammunition at this time, and a long conch horn sounded around the Chinese line.

All the Chinese army officers who could still stand shouted the password with the loudest voice in their lives:

"Five steps forward, ready to fire,"

The Chinese army suddenly began to move forward, while the Spanish army was reloading at this time.

When the distance between the two armies was 20 steps, that is, around 10:40 am on this day, the front row of the three-row deep Chinese army array was kneeling, the second row was slightly bent, and the last row put the flintlock muskets on the ground. On the shoulders of the comrades in the second row, the upper and lower layers of densely packed muzzles aimed at the enemy 20 paces away, the enemy whose eyes and eyebrows could be seen clearly. At such a short distance, the lethality of musket bullets can be maximized. play.

The Chinese really did not "death in silence erupts in silence", "Well," with the sound of a conch, the Chinese army across the board suddenly fired their first salvo and platooned, and nearly 3500 muskets were fired almost simultaneously , like a deafening cannon.

When Lieutenant Colonel Azquita saw the Chinese army's gun barrels suddenly raised like a forest, he already felt that something was wrong. He stood up immediately and ordered loudly: "Stop..."

At this time, the Chinese started to fire a volley, and Azquita's reaction at that time was: "This is the most perfect and terrifying volley I have ever seen on the battlefield..."

In the first volley, Lieutenant Colonel Azquita, the commander of the Spanish army on the battlefield, was shot 8 rounds and fell off his horse and died.

The volley of Chinese guns was like the flames ejected from an unprecedentedly huge bullet launcher. Thick black smoke enveloped the entire battlefield. Gun to shoulder, aiming...


Most of the Chinese use flintlock guns and fixed paper-wrapped ammunition, and the reloading speed is twice that of the Spanish matchlock gunners. They had to form a three-row volley formation, so they started a second volley after a minute and a half, and the effect was equally astonishing.

Immediately, more than 400 grenades thrown by the grenadiers, these black pottery pots fell on the heads of the already chaotic Spanish army with smoke, and the "boom boom boom" explosion lasted for half a minute, and then, The Chinese army fired again.

Within 5 minutes, the Chinese army made 3 consecutive salvos, and it was this 5 minutes that completely decided the fate of this battle.

The Spanish army was knocked down 530 people in the first volley of guns, and the local regular army of a company in the front was almost completely wiped out; in the last two times, 500 to 700 people were knocked down, and nearly 200 people were killed by grenades Many people, that is to say, half of the active force of the main force of the Spanish army completely lost their combat effectiveness within 5 minutes.

The entire front line of the Spanish army began to completely collapse. The entire front line was completely out of order by the sudden blow and fell into unprecedented chaos. Almost all Spanish officers and non-commissioned officers on the front line were shot by the first two volleys Killed and wounded, and the grenade attack of the Chinese army's grenadiers completely disrupted the Spanish army.

"Well,---" The sound of the conch horn sounded like a death call.

The Chinese army began to bayonet, and then shouted "Kill," attacked across the board, and launched a bayonet charge.

After this series of stormy blows, the Spanish army began to retreat completely and collapsed across the board; while the Chinese army began a hand-to-hand pursuit.

Li Kuiqi's artillery battalion also advanced rapidly, moving the artillery position forward.

The battle situation on the northern front has also undergone tremendous changes at this moment.

Captain Velasco took advantage of the terrain advantage on the north bank of Binondo and the excellent fighting qualities of 120 colonial militiamen - they are all veterans of the Spanish army and experienced veterans - so they were able to take the Chinese company troops led by Li Xing Blocking the north bank of the Bashi River, Li Xing launched two forced crossings, but failed to get close to the bank of Binondo. The artillery team he led had no choice but to fight the Spanish artillery on the bank because they could not find a good position. Relying on the superiority in numbers and tenacious perseverance, they destroyed all the Spanish support artillery, but they also lost three field artillery. If the remaining five artillery were bombarded with solid ammunition, they would not be able to form a firepower density. The veterans were no threat; if you used shotguns, you would not have enough range to shoot across the river because of the terrain.

Ye Hua's troops on the middle road, which was marching on the Bashi River, received successive orders from Yin Feng to urge them to move forward, and they tried their best to speed up the march. The native soldiers cooperated with the third regiment troops on the north bank to cross in two directions on the south bank.

The loud rumbling sound resounded through the surface of the Bashi River. At this time, it was also the moment when the Chinese company troops on the southern front fired their first salvo.

One jack-of-all-trades 36-pound cast-iron cannon, two 24-pound cannons, and three cannons salvo fired shotguns—thousands of fine iron shots almost swept across half of Binondo Island. The sailor musketeers on boats and canoes covered the forced crossing troops from the north and the south with intensive shooting.

Under siege from three sides, Captain Velasco's position was finally lost. He himself was wounded by Yan Siqi's student army, and he was captured alive as a prisoner because he was an officer. It collapsed under the blow. Since the waters around Binondo Island were quickly controlled by Chinese ships, most of the Spanish veterans and Pampanga native soldiers had no chance to escape from the island alive. However, about a dozen veterans still managed to cross the river and boarded. The land on the south bank, however, greeted them indeed as the victorious division of the Chinese company.

The Japanese volunteers defending Binon saw that the situation was not good, and the remaining more than 200 people knelt down and surrendered to the Chinese. However, they were unlucky and encountered a company of foreign mercenaries. It was not until Chen Zhongji arrived that the massacre was stopped. At this time, there were only more than 21 Japanese trembling in the pool of blood and corpses.

Although the plan to copy the Spanish army on the southern front could not be implemented by quickly capturing Zannondo and then occupying Vernanduk, the almost complete annihilation of the Spanish army on the northern front was a great victory.

After capturing Binondo, Li Xing ordered the Xue army and the local soldiers under Chen Zhongji to clean up the battlefield, and led the soldiers of the third regiment and foreign mercenaries to advance towards Nihonmachi. Anyway, it would be meaningless to occupy Veranduk now. It's better to go and wipe out Nihoncho. Back then, they helped the tyrants to kill many Chinese and overseas Chinese for the Spaniards.

Yin Feng watched his troops completely defeat the enemy, and then launched a bayonet charge to chase after the Spaniards. He let out a long breath, jumped off his horse and said with a smile to Chen Di, An Heping and others who had just arrived: "We won, After three years, it finally came to fruition.”

He saw Da'an, the leader of the allied army of the mountain tribes, was in a daze, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your troops should also go, don't let an enemy go,"

Da'an was shocked by such a quick victory of the Chinese army, and then he came to his senses, and rushed to the battlefield with his clan with a promise.

At the head of Manila City, Governor Aguna, Don Fernando, Bishop Benavides and others looked ashen, their minds were empty,

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