Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 156 A New Beginning


To know.During the Wanli period, the national tax revenue received by the Royal Taibao Bank of the Ming Dynasty was about 300 million to 400 million taels of silver every year.It can be seen that the Chinese company really grabbed a huge sum of money out of thin air.Yin Feng only heard about this after returning to Taiwan from Penghu.Everyone in the company was overjoyed when they heard the news; this time not only the military expenses for the expedition to Luzon Island and the expenses for the conquest of the island were settled.Even the expenses of the Penghu battle have been made up for.Zeng Qi and Li Dan used the funds to appease the aborigines.And wantonly recruit Chinese immigrants.Soon with the arrival of a large number of Chinese immigrants organized by Chinese companies.The area around Manila was first rapidly sinicized.

The 100 Spanish soldiers who came with the galleon somehow became prisoners.This also includes Silva, the new Philippine colonial governor who came to Manila to take office.They set sail from Acapulco, Mexico.Sailing in the vast Pacific Ocean for five full months.There is no such thing as a radio at this time.The Spaniards knew nothing in the vast Pacific Ocean.There is no way to know.Then it directly hit the one in front of the Chinese company fleet.These captives were a gift to the door.It directly strengthened the Chinese company's bargaining chips with the Spanish Empire.

The Flying Tiger that captured the "Spanish Galleon" continued to head south to Cebu.In one fell swoop defeated the Muslim army.It has 70 light boats.The coalition forces of the Muslim emirates in Mindanao, with more than 4000 fighters, lost more than half of their strength.Mai Xiaoliu leads troops to counterattack.In one fell swoop, they seized the Zamboanga Fort, which the Spaniards had abandoned not long ago.It occupies an important strategic support point in the waist of the southern Muslim region.in history.The Spaniards conquered the southern "Moros".Has been entangled with Muslims from the beginning of the conquest of Luzon.Repeatedly compete for Zamboanga, Bisayan Island and other places.Played endlessly for 300 years.Until the Spanish colonial rule was overthrown by the Americans.Still fighting southern Muslims.The Americans took over the rule of the Philippines.Still have to entangle with southern Muslims.Another century of on and off armed conflict continued.The time and space before Yin Feng traveled.All the way into the 21st century.The Muslim struggle for independence in the southern Philippines continues.Talk about the war between the Philippine government army and the New People's Army and the Moro National Liberation Front.Endless.

When Yin Feng was planning to counterattack Luzon.The southern Muslim area is not counted in the occupied area; one thing is that the resources in the southern Philippines are extremely limited.Not worth the effort to conquer; two.Yin Feng did not want the rebellious southern Muslims to transfer their hatred of the Spaniards to the Chinese.I also don't want to fight a centuries-old war with Muslims.

but.Aiming at Muslims who take advantage of the fire to rob and attempt to take advantage of the chaos.If the Chinese company doesn't beat them all at once.That will also cause endless troubles.so.Li Dan strongly advocated using the main force of the Chinese company to attack the southern Muslim coalition forces.at this point.Zeng Qi, the chief executive of Luzon's tutelary mansion, a traditional Chinese bureaucrat.Because of his previous experience in dealing with Li people in Yazhou.Tend to keep quiet.Even want to give up Cebu.Thanks to Li Dan for his persistence.There are also guards Zhao Tie, Mai Xiaoliu and others who all advocate the measures of punishing severely first and then recruiting.

After the big wins in Cebu and Zamboanga.Chinese companies have not penetrated into the Mindanao region.It just occupied the Zamboanga Fort stronghold.Quanzhou Hui merchants were sent as representatives.Go to Mindanao to negotiate.The Chinese have one more advantage over the Spaniards: most Chinese are essentially a realistic and inclusive nation.Not as fanatical about religion as the Spaniards and Muslims.So between the Muslims in the southern part of the Philippine archipelago and the Chinese, the new rulers of Luzon.No religious contradictions.

same period.The Nanyang Auxiliary Army led by Pan Hewu was disbanded.Most of them went back to Vietnam.Pan and Wu remained in southern Luzon.Go on to conquer the native tribes of the south.In order to pacify Luzon Island as soon as possible.Yin Feng also sent back to Manila the main battleship Flying Dragon that was transported to slaughter the criminals; the construction of the new main battleship has already started at the Cavite Shipyard in Manila Bay.This will be the largest battleship that the Chinese company will soon have...


The 35th day of the seventh lunar month in the 1607th year of Wanli ([-]).A Dutch fleet suddenly came to Taiwan for a visit.And the next day was the day scheduled for the trial of the Spanish murderers.

On this day, the Chinese company withdrew its main battleship Feilong from Penghu.The official army also basically withdrew from Penghu on this day.Yin Feng has officially become an inspector of the Taiwan Inspection Department, a small official from the ninth rank of the imperial court.There is also the title of a thousand households.Taiwan Inspection Department and Taiwan Thousand Households Institute.The government did not pay a penny.It all depends on Yin Feng himself to set up this institution.He is figuring out how to extract some money from the Fujian government.Then expand the army justifiably; he has been a little tight recently.From the beginning of the year to the present, the war has continued.Military spending is too high.And this is the season for overseas shipments.Bai Huahua's money will not be recovered until the second half of the year.When he is troubled.But heard the arrival of the Dutch fleet.He patted the table involuntarily: "Someone sent money."

Previous year.Dutch envoy CM de Jonge came to Siam with a letter from Prince of Orange to Emperor Wanli.Ask the King of Siam to contact you on your behalf.Direct trade with China.But no result.This year. Early 1607.Da Youge and the new Dutch East India Company Naval Commander. .Admiral C. Matelieff (C. Matelieff) commanded a fleet of eight ships to come to the coast of China to seek opportunities for direct contact with the Chinese emperor.The fleet is except for the battleship Orange.Also the Mauricio, Era**o, Eunice, Delf, Pequeno Sol and a dinghy.A total of 551 people from the entire fleet came to China.The first thing is to take advantage of the fact that Macau was defeated and occupied by the Chinese company the year before.The Portuguese attacked Macau again.

The Portuguese have yet to recover from their defeat the previous year.However, at this time Macau was stationed with 300 guards and five warships from the Chinese Merchant House.When the Dutch fleet attempted to attack Macau.It was fought by six Portuguese ships and five Chinese ships.One warship and one boat were lost.When attempting to land near the coastline.He was also fired at by artillery fire from a team of armed men on the beach.The Dutch fleet had no choice but to withdraw from the waters of Macau in embarrassment.

Admiral Metliffe heard that the Chinese company had sent troops to attack Manila.Taiwan's main island guards are empty.And at the same time, they were fighting with the imperial army.He has moved his mind on Taiwan again.

but.The guide of the fleet is the foreign mercenary of the former Chinese company.Lived in Taiwan.He persuaded Admiral Metliffe to abandon the plan.

"General. The port of Taiwan is different from any port in East Asia you have seen. The level of defense is no less than the port of London or any port in our Netherlands. We only have 6 ships left now. There are more than 480 people who can fight; However, the Chinese stationed more than 400 heavily armed soldiers in the fortress on the north shore of Taiwan Harbor alone. And their fleet. Their main battleship has the same firepower as our main battleship. When I left Taiwan Harbor .The Chinese are building a battery on the south bank. And it should be done by now; our fleet has no chance of winning."

Admiral Metliffe did not believe the mercenary.But out of an abundance of caution.He first sent the clipper Delf to Taiwan for reconnaissance.result.Off the port, the Dutch happened to encounter the battleship Flying Dragon returning from Penghu.The forty cannons on the Flying Dragon and the heavy guns on the bow surprised the Dutch. The fast sailing ship Delf was surrounded by Fan Tao's fleet before it could run.

Matliff saw the Chinese fleet escorting the Delf to outflank his flagship.surprised.

"Didn't you say that the main force of their army went to Luzon? What's going on?" Admiral Metliff asked angrily, grabbing the mercenary by the neck.

The mercenary pulled away his hand aggrievedly: "General. This. I don't know. Maybe. They have ended the fighting in the Philippines."

The admiral shook his head in disbelief. "Impossible. Did they defeat the Spaniards so quickly?"

The Dutch come out of Batavia.I have been wandering in Southeast Asia and the coast of China for five months.The news is not very well informed.same moment.Chinese merchants who traded by sea.The Dutch in Batavia, the Portuguese in Macau, and Malacca already knew that Manila changed hands and the Spaniards were defeated.But the Matliffe fleet didn't know yet.

Without any choice.The Dutch turned into a trading fleet.Claimed to be for trade.Anyway, the fleets of all maritime powers were like this at that time.Frequently make quick role changes between pirates, navies, and caravans.

"Tomorrow is the time for us to try the Spanish murderers. Dear General. You came at the right time; our trial allows people from all countries to attend. To show the justice and strictness of our laws. Now there are Portugal, Siam, Pattani, Annan People from various countries such as China, Ryukyu, and Japan signed up to participate. Even French and British businessmen also participated. There are only a few of you Dutch nationals..." In the banquet on the third floor of Leshan Building.Li Lihua, who was wearing a long western dress, was entertaining the main officials of the Dutch fleet on behalf of Yin Feng.

After the Luzon campaign technology.Most of the Dutch military instructors recruited by the Dutch East India Company had returned home with large sums of money.Only a few Dutch mercenaries still serve as officers in the Chinese company escort.Yin Feng signed a three-year agreement with them earlier.After defeating the Spaniards and occupying Luzon.This agreement is almost over.so.Now there are not many Dutch people working in Chinese companies.Even if there are, most of them are in the Chinese company army in Luzon.

Li Lihua flashed her beautiful big eyes.Continue to say: "Our Chinese company is composed of civilized Chinese. Even if we have to pay back the blood debt for ourselves, we must do it so that people all over the world will be convinced. Therefore, on behalf of the Chinese company, I sincerely invite you to attend tomorrow's big event. Judgment."

Dar Uggai and Admiral Metliff looked at each other.The minds of the two are the same; the Dutch East India Company's policy towards its largest customer and largest supplier in the Far East has not changed.Still focus on cooperation.Originally, the Dutch wanted to sneak attack Taiwan because they wanted to fish in troubled waters.Since there is no chance of a sneak attack.Then it is good to make some business.therefore.The two immediately agreed.

Da Uggai was born in a family of great merchants in the Netherlands.His wealthy family made him travel and study in Europe since he was a child.I also read "Great China History" and other books about China that were popular in Europe at that time.In his understanding.The Chinese who do not believe in God are judged.It was nothing more than harsh punishments, torture with whips and clubs to extract confessions.These are the recent Chinese news reported by Jesuit missionaries such as Matteo Ricci.He studied it carefully before coming to China.so.He and the admiral agreed to watch the trial only in order not to offend the Chinese.


no way.Break for a few more days.too busy.

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