Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 157 A New Beginning

Former Philippine Governor-General of the Spanish Empire Aguna, Justice Juan Ferrero, former Manila Archbishop Benavidez and other high-ranking officials are escorting through the crowd to the pier public trial venue.

Among the surrounding onlookers.Many of them are family members of the victims who were specially sent by the Chinese company to pick them up from various places in Fujian.They were enraged.Regardless of the rows of guard soldiers on both sides of the road to stop.Constantly throwing stones, eggs, or all kinds of rubbish at these Spanish prisoners.

"Kill them."

"Behead. Behead."

"Can't let them go. Animals."

Angry abuse and throwing of all kinds of rubbish.This made the hundreds of Spanish prisoners in a panic.suddenly.A young woman in plain clothes breaks free from the pull of the guards.Straight to the former Governor Akuna's body.He beat and kicked him and cried loudly with tears, "Give me back my husband's life. Give me back my husband's life. You made me a widow at the age of 16. You..."

Angry family members of the victims broke through on both sides of the line of prisoners.Rushed to the Spaniard and scuffled.The whole team was in chaos for a while.

Until the cadets from the military academy arrived.After waving a musket to drive the crowd away.Only these prisoners can move on.

The Dutch were arranged in the gallery on the south side of the Jiazi Wharf.They sat with a group of Portuguese, Spanish businessmen, Catholic missionaries, etc.This was the mistake of Lin Xiao who was in charge of the venue arrangement.He had long forgotten that the Dutch were Protestants.I think they all come from Western Europe.Just put them all together.The Dutchman was uncomfortable.Sneering at each other with this group of Catholics.Didn't even say hello.

Opposite the foreign auditorium.Most of the space on the north side of the pier is the owner of the Chinese company-shareholder representatives, shopkeepers, employees, various businessmen and so on.Includes key members of the company's board of directors.

On the edge of the city facing the pier, tens of thousands of onlookers gathered.The frontmost area was separated from the crowd by the infantry brothers of the escort.There were about a thousand family members of the victims in Manila. There are more than 3 relatives of the victims in all parts of Fujian and even all over the country.It is impossible for all of them to come to Taiwan.These thousands of people are mainly from Haicheng and Quanzhou.

A high platform has already been erected on the pier.Yin Feng and a group of judges are about to board the high platform to preside over the public trial meeting.

In the noise of the crowd.Yin Feng suddenly climbed onto the high platform alone.Twenty sailors in the audience blew the unique tool of the Zhonghua Company to convey military orders. .Conch number.


"The owner. The owner."

Tens of thousands of people suddenly fell silent.All the members of the guards present at the scene raised their guns and saluted at the same time.Shouted loudly: "The Great Commander Wan Sheng."

Jiang Zhili, the prefect of Quanzhou, and Li Daiwen, the prefect of Quanzhou, who were specially invited, looked at each other in blank dismay.All feel very embarrassed.They came here to officially appoint Yin Feng to the inspection post of the Taiwan Inspection Department.Originally, they did not need to be present in person to appoint such a small post.Just send a general judge or master.Or the inspector who took office hurriedly rushed to visit them.But Taiwan is a place that is nominally newly included in the territory of the imperial court.Under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou.Governor Xu Xueju asked them to go to Taiwan for inspection.They had to come across the sea.

They are not used to it.People here lack respect for their two parents.Although many immigrants from Quanzhou habitually kneel down to them.But the bosses of many Chinese companies didn't take them seriously.Although superficially respect them.In essence, they are respectful.The members of the guards in black uniforms didn't take them seriously at all.When the prefect Jiang Zhili was walking around out of curiosity.Guards guarding the company headquarters even turned their muskets on them.Resolutely refuse them to enter.

Now.As soon as Yin Feng appeared, the audience was silent.It can be seen who the people in Taiwan really fear.

Yin Feng did not speak.After looking around, he raised his right hand to signal.The sound of the conch horn echoed in the audience again.

The next scene.It made the Dutch and other foreigners in the southern gallery gasp in unison; it was completely a show of force by the Chinese company.

Last night, Yin Feng received a message from Yu Anfu, the person in charge of company intelligence in Macau and the director of the Macau Department of the Military Intelligence Department: The Dutch attacked Macau again.It was repelled by the armed forces of the Chinese company and the Portuguese in Macau.Yin Feng immediately thought of the sudden arrival of the Dutch in Taiwan this time.The purpose is definitely not that simple; therefore.He arranged a military parade before the public trial overnight.

The 300rd Infantry Regiment, which participated in the Battle of Manila, selected 200 fighters.The navy selects 500 sailor musketeers.To the beat of snare drums and conch horns.They walked into the venue in an orderly manner.They all wore platform shoes. [-] men stampede at once so that the ground trembled; they carried flintlock muskets with bayonets gleaming on their shoulders.Wearing bullet belts.There is a black grenade hanging on his waist.The whole body exudes a murderous aura that only those who have been on the battlefield have.They passed the high platform one by one.Salute to Yin Feng.At the same time, dozens of Spanish royal flags captured in the battle were thrown down in front of the high platform.Hundreds of tattered matchlock guns captured.When these symbols of the Spanish royal family that used to fly over the city of Manila were thrown to the ground.The Spaniards present bowed their heads.The Portuguese looked away awkwardly.The Dutch were chatting excitedly there.

Although the escort soldiers passed the high platform silently.But the fanatical gaze in their eyes said everything: Yin Feng is their leader.

Suddenly.A cry erupted from the silent crowd: "Boss owner Wan Sheng."

immediately.Mountain shouts and tsunami-like shouts resounded through the entire dock area like thunder.It has now become a victory ceremony to celebrate the victory over the Spaniards.

Jiang Zhili, the governor of Quanzhou, and Li Daiwen, the county magistrate, looked at each other in embarrassment again; they both knew the current strength of Zhonghua Company.Although the Fujian official reported to the imperial court that the pirates were defeated in Penghu, and a large number of pirates were recovered and recruited.But the actual situation is very clear to them.

After the military parade.The main high-level figures among the Spanish prisoners were taken up one by one.They formed a row under the high platform.

Several guards came to Jiang Zhili and the others.On the surface, he said very respectfully: "Master Zhifu, my ship owner invites you two to come up to the court to try the case.

Jiang Zhili and Li Daiwen, the county magistrate, looked at each other awkwardly again.Li Daiwen, the county magistrate, stood up helplessly and said, "The Taiwan Inspection Department is under the jurisdiction of this officer. I'll go..."

The inspection department of the Ming Dynasty was equivalent to the police station of the Public Security Bureau.It has certain powers of law enforcement.But only for general security cases.Yin Feng finally took care of the face of the imperial court.The county magistrate was invited to "jury".

The form of the trial is still the traditional Chinese way.Yin Feng knew that he lacked understanding of the implementation of ancient laws.Therefore, Zeng Qi, who is familiar with the law, was temporarily invited back from Luzon.Therefore, the actual presiding judge is Zeng Qi.

In history, five major legal systems have been formed in the world.That is the concept of the so-called "legal system".The Chinese legal system is one of the five major legal systems in the world.The other four are: civil law system, common law system, Islamic law system, and Indian law system.In the world before Yin Feng traveled.Both the Indian legal system and the Chinese legal system have been completely disintegrated.Chinese law has become a hybrid of civil law and other legal systems.And in this era of the Ming Dynasty.The Chinese legal system not only affects the entire Chinese society.Moreover, it also had an important impact on the legal systems of Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

The civil law system is dominated by civil law.It is based on a logically rigorous code; the Anglo-American law system pays attention to strict procedures.Jurisprudence-centered; both Islamic and Indian legal systems are centered on religious scriptures.The Chinese legal system is centered on criminal law.Focus on ethics and hierarchy.The most notable feature is that the administrative organs also deal with the judiciary.China started from the "Fa Jing" written by Li Kui in the Warring States Period.Until the last feudal code "Da Qing Laws".All criminal law.Both civil, administrative and litigation aspects.This mixed codification form of the combination of various laws.Throughout the feudal era.It was not until the end of the Qing Dynasty in the early 20th century that the law was changed.

Although the Europeans at this time were still influenced by religion.But Roman law. .The influence of civil law is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.I don't agree with China's legal system where the chief executive and judges are one.but.Yin Feng introduced the concept of evidence first in this trial.The crimes of the Spaniards are all testified by witnesses and proved by facts.This has somewhat changed the traditional Chinese law enforcement agency's tendency of "confession first" in trials.

The public trial on the first day actually became a conference of complaints and complaints.The cries of the orphans, widows and brothers and sisters of those who died.Angry statement from a survivor.It made the people in the venue excited.Yin Feng is a journalism major.Know how to grasp the direction of public opinion.He succeeded in completely immersing the emotions of the whole audience in a deep-rooted hatred of the Spaniards.It made those Westerners present feel like they were sitting on pins and needles.Representatives of the Ming court and government were very embarrassed.

Veteran Chen Di watched all this with concern.In his opinion.Yin Feng's move is entirely to accumulate popularity for himself.Used to offset the impact of surrendering to the government.

Only a few dozen Spaniards were found guilty in the half-month trial.They were soon beheaded according to Chinese tradition.The head was hung on the fort at the head of the city to watch the audience.

this day.An Heping accompanied the Taiwanese bishop Baradas of the Jesuits to meet Yin Feng.Baradas pleaded with him: "... Among the prisoners are three Jesuit monks. I know you are very friendly to the Jesuits. I hope you will show mercy outside the law. Amnesty these Jesuits. They are rolls It was not my intention to commit murder. It was just for self-defense..."

"Do you have evidence to prove this?" Yin Feng interrupted the bishop: "As long as you can prove that they only killed in self-defense. I can use my influence to keep them from being executed. But they must accept other punishments."

"God bless you. You are very kind. For the sake of our Jesuits helping you to start schools and educate students. Can you just release them. I know you have the final say in everything here."

Yin Feng sneered and said: "Master Baradas, I have formulated the rules and regulations of Zhonghua Company. I myself abide by these rules and regulations. I announced it on the first day of the public trial. All criminals must go through a fair and reasonable trial before they can be released." Conviction. You needn't say more. I will never release a Jesuit without reason. Unless they are found not guilty."

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