Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 161 Putting Down the Katana

"Negotiate with us, negotiate something, what is there to talk about," Yin Feng said unhappily to a bosun of the war fleet: "Return to your commander and let him tell those Japanese; we are merchants under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty, Negotiate and let them go to the government, "

After the warning artillery sound from the port fortress spread to the north of the port city, it was immediately relayed by the fortress in the north of the city to report the message to Yaogang. The envoy of the Flying Leopard arrived at the old camp of the Naval Forces in Hong Kong. The chief of the navy, Mai Dahai, was mobilizing and organizing a follow-up fleet to prepare for departure. The messenger interrupted Mai Dahai's work and handed Yin Feng's personal letter to him saying : "My lord ordered that the fifth and sixth war fleets quickly go northward to support fresh water and chicken coops in the northern part of the island." Without hesitation, Mai Dahai immediately changed the focus of the preparation work and strengthened the relevant material reserves. The only advantage of a talented person is to follow Yin Feng's thinking closely, but he knows very well that the transfer of the ship to the north must be to deal with the Japanese pirates in the north and strengthen the defense of the northern part of Taiwan Island.

Just one hour later, the Japanese fleet was surrounded by a total of 4 tall three-masted Fuchuan-type warships and 40 two-masted sailing ships surrounded the Japanese fleet; the Japanese fleet was most desperate The huge Flying Leopard carrying more than 50 cannons also appeared, which completely dispelled the Japanese's attempt to resist. They had to be in a state of armed escort and were forced to dock in the southern harbor.

Yin Feng said coldly to Lin Xiao who had just arrived: "...There is no need to be polite. Use the same method as you used to deal with the Guanla people. First, hang them under the South Fort, cut off water and food, and do not allow anyone to go ashore, nor allow them to go ashore. Departures,"

After finishing speaking, Yin Feng left the pier straight away to see his precious Arabian war horse.

The warships of the Chinese company blocked all the waterways, and dozens of dark cannons on the South Fort aimed at the Japanese fleet moored beside the fort.

As night fell to the harbor, the temporary mooring point of the Japanese fleet was dead silent. Yuki Kawayama, the vassal of the Shimadzu family, looked coldly at the fort a few hundred meters away. Hirazaemon said: "It seems that we underestimated the defense strength of Taiwan and Hong Kong. It seems that they don't welcome us,"

Heizawaemon is actually the business agent of the Sendai feudal lord. He has been doing overseas trade all the year round, and he is one of the guides of the Japanese embassy fleet. In essence, he is a businessman rather than a samurai, so what he cares about is his mission: "My lord, we are not here to fight. I think it's better to put away the cannons on the ship, so that there is no hostility, and maybe they will treat us more peacefully,"

Shimadzu's vassal Huashan Yuki smiled: "Mr. Ping, you don't have to worry about your own business. Aren't there many Japanese merchant ships here to trade, but I'm different. My lord wants to be in harmony with the reality of this Takasago country. Rulers negotiate the equal division of territories,"

Heizawaemon said worriedly: "I reminded your lord in advance that the Chinese company on Taiwan Island has great power. They just defeated the Spaniards on Luzon Island. It's not like the officials of the Ming Dynasty who don't know the world. What fools, I mean, they're not going to give in easily,"

Huashan Yuki sneered: "So what, now the Spaniards are training new weapons and tactics for our Satsuma samurai. Could it be that our Japanese samurai's combat effectiveness is worse than that of the businessmen of the Chinese company?"

"Is it true, Kawasan-kun, are the Spaniards training their troops in Satsuma?"

Huashan Yuki was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt that he seemed to have said too much: "Oh, this... You know, Ping-kun, the generals in Kyoto don't like Westerners now, we have to keep a low profile, haha ...Ah, it's been a long time and it's getting dark, why haven't people from Taiwan and Hong Kong contacted us yet?"

Heizaemon's attention was also shifted to practical issues. He looked at the dark and thick South Fort in the twilight, and said worriedly: "When I came here last year, the fort here was just a wasteland. I didn't expect them to be so Such a huge fort has been built so quickly, our ship is completely anchored under the gun, "


The South Fort of the Zhonghua Company was defended by the newly formed 40th Infantry Regiment of the Guards. There were five outposts and a whole battalion stationed there, and it was a professional artillery battalion. Zhang Hai, captain of the team, is an old pirate of Lu Shitou. He is almost 650 years old, but he is keen on fighting. He was not familiar with combat, and he became the battalion commander of the South Fort Garrison Battalion after entering the short-term training class of the military academy after the war. His deputy was a son of Danmin in Yazhou, who had studied artillery warfare techniques with Portuguese and Dutch gunners for three years. Mai Yangtian is also the supervisor assigned to the First Battalion by the Supervisory Army.

When it was completely dark, Zhang Hai and Mai Yangtian were still standing on the top of the fort, looking at the Japanese fleet by the sea.

"Looking at the sky and the direction of the clouds, there will probably be strong winds tonight, let's see what will happen to the Japanese pirate ship," Mai Yangtian said with a smile.

The two looked up at the night sky. The dark clouds were quickly covering the moon. Most of the stars in the night sky were covered by the dark clouds. A strong sea breeze was blowing against their cheeks.

Both of them are men who have lived on the sea all year round, and they have an instinctive intuition for the changes in the sea weather. Zhang Hai sneered: "I have dealt with Japanese people a lot before. And bully the weak and fear the strong, if you treat them better, they will climb on your head to shit and piss... The owner of the ship is doing the right thing, you have to let them suffer a little, so they will be obedient, "

A soldier quickly ran up to the watchtower on the top floor of the fort, saluted the two of them, and stood at attention: "The commander-in-chief has ordered that the movements of the Japanese will be closely monitored tonight. No matter what the weather is, no Japanese will be allowed to go ashore until dawn. "

Zhang Hai returned a military salute and nodded: "It seems that the owner of the ship also knows that there will be strong winds at night. Well, we understand, and we will resolutely carry out the order."


The eighth month of the lunar calendar is the season when typhoons are prevalent in the coastal areas. The strong winds struck on this night and swept across the entire southern part of Taiwan. Many ships that hid in the port early to avoid the wind were still damaged. Several small fishing boats were thrown by the wind and waves. We arrived outside the gate of the Port Authority, which is more than 100 meters away from the coastline.

Almost all the people had no choice but to hide at home to avoid the wind. Only the guards of the South Fort braved the wind and rain and stood on the fort to monitor the sea. The surface of the sea was illuminated. At this time, Mai Yangtian, Zhang Hai and others standing on the fort in the rain could see the Japanese ships; the poor Japanese ships had nowhere to anchor, just like small pieces of wood on the stormy sea Tossed by the wind and waves.

Although the wind and rain gradually subsided in the morning, the swell on the sea was still high; Zhang Hai, Mai Yangtian, and all the escort soldiers had to hide inside the fortress in the middle of the night to avoid lightning and looked out to the sea; ten Japanese ships formed Of the fleet, there are only six ships left floating in the bay, almost all of which have broken their masts and are in a state of distress. There are about a dozen small boats approaching the beach, and the boats are full of wet and distressed Japanese. There are pieces of wood, torn canvas, cables, swords and other miscellaneous items all over the place, and there are several Japanese people who don't know whether they are dead or alive lying on the beach.

Zhang Hai laughed: "Okay, Supervisor Mai, we have something to do."

The cannon of the South Fortress "Boom Boom Boom" fired three times in a row, and three huge water waves rose from the sea, which directly overturned a Japanese lifeboat. 200 soldiers in Mai Yangtian, armed with live ammunition and wearing black helmets, rushed quickly. Going out of the South Fort Fortress, they stood in three loose rows by the beach, with muskets on their shoulders, aiming at the small Japanese boats circling at a loss on the beach. At the same time, three light field guns with gun carriages were quickly set up , The muzzle was aimed at the panicked Japanese.

A Japanese man stood up on the small boat and said in blunt Chinese: "We fell into the sea in the wind and waves, and we only wanted to go ashore to escape for a while, and there was no malice."

"When the company's general なコマンドから instructs すると, すべての上场すべての weapons to give up するnecessary がある, swords, etc. (by the order of our general, all those who go ashore must surrender all weapons such as sabers,")

The Japanese general behind Mai Yangtian shouted in unfamiliar Japanese. He was originally an employee of the Nagasaki Chinese Commercial Center, and he was temporarily transferred to the South Fortress. Huashan Yuki on the sea barely understood, and first had a small snack. Shocked, then outraged; asking a samurai to give up his katana is the ultimate insult.

"Fart, we are envoys who came with a peaceful will, why do you ask us to..."

"Since you are a peace envoy, then disarm immediately, or you will be killed," Mai Yangtian shouted loudly.

He held up the command flag in his hand, and said with a sneer: "You came here with cannons and samurai swords. What do you want to do? If you don't put down your weapons, you can't go ashore. You can either put down your weapons and go ashore, or go back to yourselves." aboard my ship, and at the wave of my flag, all the cannon on the fort and our muskets will be fired at once,"

On the surface of the sea, the Flying Leopard brought dozens of warships and surrounded them again, forming a half-moon encirclement of the dilapidated Japanese fleet.

Huashan Yuki lost his ship in the typhoon attack at night, and was finally rescued by his subordinates to escape, but now he is unable to move a dozen steps away from the shore, so angry that his seven orifices are smoking and furious .

He pulled out his Japanese sword with a "clang", and was about to attack when Hirazaemon hurriedly pressed his hand: "Mr. Huashan, stop your anger, you can't do it, they have already prepared, the enemy is strong I am weak, we are facing each other's countless iron cannons and cannons on this beach, it is completely at the mercy of others, "

Hirazaemon pulled Huashan Yuuki hard, and shouted in Chinese: "I am Hirazaemon from the Date family, and I am an old acquaintance with your big shopkeeper, Mr. Zeng Jingshan. Please tell him that we are We are here for trade, we are not enemies,"

In East Asia in this era, Chinese is also the common language of all countries. Heizawaemon, who often goes overseas to do business with Chinese, has a very good Chinese level. He speaks Chinese with a Fuzhou accent, probably learned from a Chinese businessman from Fuzhou, Mai Yang. Tian smiled coldly: "Treasurer Zeng Da is not in Taiwan, we can't confirm your words, no matter what you say, if you want to go ashore, you must disarm all weapons; all the cannons of the ships must be sealed, and everyone unloads all weapons that they carry, otherwise , you will never try to go ashore,"

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