Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 162 Undercurrent

Facing the muzzles of 200 muskets.And the muzzles of dozens of cannons on the fort a hundred meters away.Kawayama Yuuki panted heavily.Commanded loudly, "Go back. Get on board. I won't put down my samurai sword."

Hirazaemon sighed: "That's it. Kawasan-kun. Let me negotiate. The entire fleet lost hundreds of lives. They died in this sea without achieving any purpose. It's so meaningless. Let me Go bear the shame."

Kawayama Yuki nodded helplessly: "Please. Even if the negotiation fails. We still need water and food to return to Japan."


Hirazaemon took dozens of samurai and accomplices from the Sendai Domain to unload their samurai swords.Reluctantly landed ashore under the aim of hundreds of muskets.Unexpectedly, their boat had just landed.Dozens of Chinese company soldiers with flintlock guns rushed up and surrounded the boat.A captain shouted: "Line up one by one. Line up immediately." Armed soldiers searched every Japanese.Then they were escorted into the South Fort.

"We need food and water. We also need to repair our boat..." Heizawaemon blushed because he felt insulted by being frisked.Do your best to calm yourself down.He said to Zhang Hai very respectfully: "We still want to meet your captain. It is your big boss. Mr. Yin Feng, the ruler of this port. We..."

Mai Yangtian interrupted him.Unhappily said: "Our master, the captain, has been appointed by the imperial court as the inspector of Taiwan's inspection department. Sir Qianhu, who is directly under Quanzhou Wei, is the ruler of all Taiwan. Please use the word 'adult' to respect our big boss. "

Hirazaemon was surprised: "What. He is already an official of the Ming court."

Mai Yangtian said coldly: "Yes. This happened a few months ago. The owner of the ship sent us a message. You said that you are coming to negotiate. If it is a matter of commercial trade, you can talk about it then; and Other questions. Please go to the Ming court to talk about it.”

"Is that so? Well, we are indeed here for business..." Hirazaemon dismissed the question that Satsuma wanted to get involved in Taiwan.This is not a concern of the Sendai Domain.Hirazaemon was, after all, a retainer of the Date family.He thought that there was no need for him to stand up for Satsuma's reckless behavior.So after he met Han Ping who replaced Zeng Jingshan.Only the reduction of the entry tax for Japanese ships and the establishment of Japanese towns in Taiwan were raised.

When he returned to his fleet.Huashan Yuki was very dissatisfied with him.

"What's going on. Are you afraid of these Ming merchants? They are cowards. When our samurai swords are placed on their heads, all problems are solved."

Heizaemon said angrily: "I'm just thinking about our entire fleet. My lord didn't ask me to turn against the Chinese company. You Satsuma clan suffered a lot from them. But this has nothing to do with our Date family. If the general knows that you are wantonly provoking the Ming court, you will definitely order punishment."

Huashan Yuki was furious: "What do you mean? Ming court. They are a group of pirate merchants. Satsuma's Zhuyin ship disappeared four years ago. They must have done it. Our two families came to Takasago together this time. How can you……"

Hirazaemon interrupted him: "The Chinese company has been recruited by the Fujian government. Now if the Satsuma domain wants to use force against them, it will be against the Ming court."

"What. Is it true?"

Yuuki Kawayama calmed down in surprise.After thinking for a while, he said: "We got news a few months ago. The army of the Ming Dynasty was still conquest of the Chinese company. That's why we came here. Why did we recruit so quickly? From this point of view, we want to take the opportunity to subdue the Chinese company Our chance has been lost. Our trip was in vain."

He turned to look north across the bay.The boats are constantly coming and going to the port.He sneered and said: "This is the beginning. I will come again. Mr. Ping. We are leaving. You still have to stay and do business."

Hizaemon blushed.He looked at the north silently.

"That's it. For the sake of being a member of the samurai. Can you do me a favor." Huashan Yuki made a move.One was wearing a black robe.A tall man with a hood covering most of his face came out from behind him.

Huashan Yuki sneered: "Since they won't let me go ashore, I have no choice but to go back and report to my lord. It's just that this gentleman needs your help. He hopes to go ashore."

Hirazaemon looked suspiciously at this mysterious and strange man.Judging from his height and half of his fair skin exposed.This is a barbarian. .Westerners.really.The freak took off his hood.Showing short gray hair and a high nose bridge.Deep sunken eye sockets.Cold eyes.About 40s or so.It is a typical Western missionary dress.

The Date family, the feudal lord of the Sendai Domain, was Catholic.Hirazaemon is also a believer.He saw the mysterious missionary.He quickly drew a sign of the cross on his chest.Respectfully said: "What request does this priest have. Please feel free to mention it."

The tall missionary held out his hands.Heizaemon saw that he had scars on his wrists and palms.The missionary crossed himself.He said coldly in fluent Japanese: "May God bless you. You just need to take me to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Just find a way to get me ashore. I will take care of things in the future. Neither you nor your master need to worry about Take no responsibility here. God bless you."

Hirazaemon peeked at Yuuki Kawayama.Seeing that he also seems to be very respectful to this mysterious missionary.He quickly made a sign of the cross and said, "That's fine. I'll just say that you are the missionary on my ship. The church is allowed to preach here."


The remaining ships of the Japanese fleet were escorted by the Flying Leopard.left the port.Gone in disgrace.They were not even allowed to go ashore to repair damaged hulls.As a result, a ship sank on the way back.The merchant ships of the Sendai clan remained.In Taiwan and Hong Kong, he used the Japanese silver, Japanese fans, swords, etc. he brought to trade with Chinese companies.Hirazaemon also took time to visit the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, Taiwan.The mysterious missionary also landed in the name of a Japanese Jesuit monk.

evening.Bishop Baradas of Taiwan Hong Kong received the mysterious parishioner in his private prayer room.The tall missionary did not speak.First hand some documents to Baradas.Baradas had only turned a page.I was taken aback.He raised his head and said doubtfully, "Friar Dasmarinas. You are a Spaniard. Don't you know that Spaniards are not allowed to land in Hong Kong. If your identity is discovered, you will be expelled immediately."

Baradas frowned.He said coldly: "Your name is Juan das Marinas. Why did you come to me."

Brother Dasmarinas made a sign of the cross on his chest: "Honorable Bishop. Mr. Lu Ruohan, the inspector of the Japanese missionary province of my church, came to your diocese at the beginning of the year. He is currently staying in my church. He told Me; you have several assistants who are helping the Chinese company to survey and map the entire island of Taiwan. Prepare to draw a detailed map of the entire island of Taiwan."

The measurement and drawing of the map of Taiwan was personally presided over by Yin Feng.As early as a few years ago, You Wenhui, a Chinese monk of the Jesuit Society, was in charge of the operation.Bishop Baradas looked at Brother Dasmarinas suspiciously.After thinking for a while, he said, "This is about drawing the map. It has been going on for nearly four years. The surveying and mapping work has been basically completed. Recently, it has been formally prepared for drawing and printing." He paused.Decided to speak bluntly about his doubts: "Did you see the heads of the Spaniards on the city wall? For several months. Nearly fifty Spaniards were executed here. You took the risk to come to Hong Kong. What's the matter?"

same moment.Inside the underground warehouse of the Taiwan Catholic Church.In a corner full of boxes.A young Chinese believer in the robes of a Jesuit novice reports his discovery to a spy from the Religious Affairs Section of the company's security department.The spy from the Ministry of Security was a man dressed as a coolie.Dressed in the same attire that can be seen everywhere on the docks and factory districts.Walking on the street is completely ordinary coolie.But in this secret place in the basement of the church.This person revealed a compelling evil spirit all over his body.

Novices are the collective term for novice members of the Society of Jesus.Like the Roman Catholic orders.Jesuit members take vows.According to the rules of the Society of Jesus, there are two vows to be made.The first time is after completing a 2-year preparatory period (or apprenticeship).She was allowed to make her first wish: poverty, chastity, and obedience.through this ritual.The person who makes the vow is considered to have dedicated himself to the order and lives within it.

The second vow will be at least 10 years later.The congregation will ordain the voluntary after many years of testing.This trainee monk is named Deng Hanyang.It's only been two years since I was baptized.It's only been a year since I joined the Jesuits.It was after Yin Feng came back from Luzon.Orphans of Manila victims adopted in Haicheng.When Yin Feng allowed Baradas to open a church in Taiwan to preach a few years ago.and sent him secretly to Baradas.

Deng Hanyang reported in a low voice to the spies of the Ministry of Security: "The accent of the missionary who came today is very special. Although he spoke the language of the French people. But I think it has the accent of a Ganba people. Now. Barra Bishop Das is having a secret conversation with him in his secret room."

He scratched his scalp in distress: "This secret room is very soundproof. You can't hear the movement inside at all from the outside."

The spy from the Ministry of Security asked coldly, "How did this person enter the church? When did he come?"

"He came to worship with a group of Japanese believers. Then. He...that's right. This man has knife scars on his right wrist and back of his hand."

"A Japanese believer. Scar." The spy from the Ministry of Security thought for a while and said, "A Japanese ship docked recently. I'll go and find out the origin of this person. You should pay close attention to the movement of Bishop Baradas. Pay attention to the two of them." Was there an exchange of letters or something. Go back quickly. It will arouse suspicion after a long time."

When Deng Hanyang hurried to the corridor of the bishop's prayer room.Just in time to hear the prayer room door open.Bishop Baradas said in an impatient tone: "... I'm sorry. I can't do what you asked. I'm really sorry. May God bless you."

There was a sound of hurried footsteps.The tall, mysterious monk hid his face with his hood.It passed by Deng Hanyang like a gust of wind.

Lin Xiao received a report from the Religious Affairs Division the next morning.After reading a few pages, he shouted: "Little Wuzi." His distant cousin and assistant Lin Wu immediately appeared in front of him.Lin Xiao said seriously: "Quickly dispatch people to monitor the Japanese merchant ship. Focus on investigating a Western monk on board. Also. Send people to monitor the front and rear passages of the Catholic Church. Track and monitor all suspicious persons."

After Lin Wu went out.He said to himself: "Captain, lord. I told you a long time ago. These Westerners are full of evil intentions..."

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