Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 203 Fighting Ryukyu

Zhu Nushui Huaying came when the Hirata Army arrived.Hid in Shuri Mountain in the east.But when Kawayama Kudaka's troops swept Shuri.She and dozens of guards were forced to flee in the direction of Naha.As a result, they were caught by the Shimadzu army on the way.Her parents were detained together with her in the barracks of Hisamoto Ijuin.When Yan Siqi attacked the Shimadzu army barracks at night.She escaped from the tent alone in chaos.She ran towards the place where the gun was fired; she thought that it must be the Ryukyu army who could attack the Japanese barracks at night.But I didn't expect it to be a Chinese army.

This situation was beyond her common sense; Ryukyu was not North Korea.The Ming Dynasty court would regard North Korea, which is connected by land, as a vassal state that depends on lips and teeth.So troops were sent to rescue.But the bureaucracy of the Ming Dynasty lacked marine awareness at all.The possibility of helping this small overseas country in distress is basically non-existent.

When she discovered that the weapons of these Chinese people were more advanced and sophisticated than Japanese pirates.The mental outlook of the soldiers is completely different from that of the Ryukyu Army, the Japanese Bandit Army, or the legendary Ming Dynasty army.She decided to stand up and follow these Chinese.Find out what's going on.

But what.Naha Zhunv Shui Huaying came to the Chinese store.Became an advisor to the shopkeepers.

Talk about understanding the local situation.There is no doubt that it is wrong to ask this young Zhu Nu.Now Chen Zhongji, Zhang Hai, Mai Yangtian, Yan Siqi and others are all gathered at this young priestess.Ask her about the surrounding area.Yan Siqi squeezed behind the others.I can't get anything to say.I just stared blankly at Zhu Nu Shui Huaying with a calm demeanor.

"...Twenty miles north of here, there are hundreds of royal guards hiding in the mountains. They are all natives of Naha. They are unwilling to surrender to the Japanese pirates. I can recruit them here to help you defend the city.  … "The girl talked eloquently.Not at all because of facing the weird liberator from the kingdom of heaven.And show some timidity and panic.

Naha Zhunu Shui Huaying learned Chinese from the Chinese who came to Ryukyu to do business.Her family is also the descendant of the local aristocrats in Naha.So the family is rich.Chinese teachers were also invited to teach the traditional Chinese Four Books.Therefore, her Chinese is no worse than that of the generals of the Chinese company present.Perhaps his cultivation of traditional Chinese culture is higher than that of all the Chinese present.

Chen Zhongji asked: "So, how many people are under Miss Shui. We need people now. The more the better."

"That day. When I was captured by Japanese pirates. The guards around me were dispersed. Many people were killed. I don't know how many people are still alive. However, the news that I am here has been entrusted to the local people. They know He will definitely come to me after the news.”


A loud bang rolled across the sky.This is the 36-pound gun with the largest caliber on the gate tower of the South Gate.

A special battalion soldier rushed over.Standing at attention and saluting: "Treasurer Chen, everyone. The Japanese army is arrayed at the south gate. The attack on the city has begun."

Chen Zhongji clasped his fists at Shui Huaying and said, "Military affairs are urgent. Let's defend against the enemy first. After defeating the Japanese pirates, we will find a way to rescue your parents."

Chen Zhongji was directing a group of Ryukyu migrant workers to carry sandbags to block the gate downstairs.Suddenly Xie Yuanshui, captain of the guard of Zheng Jiong, the third Ryukyu officer, grabbed him: "Master Chen, what should I do with my people? Let my people also fight on the city wall."

After Xie Yuanshui escaped from Yaliangza Sencheng.The castle opened its doors and surrendered to the Shimadzu army.However, the Shimadzu Army did not have too many troops to garrison separately.So only a dozen warriors were sent to take over the castle.This group of people ran amok and plundered the treasures in the castle.He also kills people to stand up.As a result, most of the Ryukyu surrendered troops dispersed.More than a dozen people defected to Xie Yuanshui.Therefore, he now has more than 40 Ryukyu Royal Guard soldiers.

Chen Zhongji thought about it: This group of Ryukyu soldiers don't know how to fight with firearms at all.Going to the city is also adding to the chaos.He had no choice but to comfort Xie Yuanshui: "There are enough people in the city now. But there are too few people in the store who can fight. In case the Japanese pirates break through the city wall, we still have to defend in the inn, warehouse, lobby, etc. Resolutely resist to the end Also, General Xie, please guard the inn. Protect your highness. If Japanese pirates break into the shop, you will have to rely on your people."

Xie Yuanshui is not an idiot.It could be heard that Chen Zhongji was declining his request.Had to return to the inn resentfully.

Although the Shimadzu Army assembled in Naha City, 4 miles away.But he never launched an attack.Chen Zhongji, Yan Siqi and others were confused for a while.

Until noon.A lot of people came from the direction of the triple city.Pulling forward and pushing the two cannons towards the south gate.

Chen Zhongji saw the cannon in the telescope.He couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although the wall of the Chinese business house is one foot thick.It is built with masonry structure.It is simply incomparable with the thick megalithic city wall buildings such as Michong Castle and Yaliangza Mori Castle.It turned out that Yin Feng and Chen Zhongji decided to build such a fortress wall in Taiwan.It is completely taking advantage of the Japanese pirates' lack of heavy siege weapons.It was not intended to rely on the temporary high walls built by the trading hall to resist the bombardment of heavy artillery.

At this moment, Chen Zhongji thought; he should have seized Wuliangzuo Sencheng long ago.Move all the personnel and materials into Yaliangza Mori Castle and stand by for help.Then there is no need to worry about the attacks of all kinds of artillery in the world at that time.

He has been to Yaraza Mori Castle many times.I have seen how strong this castle is.In fact, these castles in Naha Port were considered very strong megalithic fortresses all over the world at that time.Not even until 1945.The castles in Naha also withstood indiscriminate bombing by the U.S. Navy and Air Force.It has been preserved until later generations.

These two cannons were pushed by the Shimadzu Army with all their might.One was dismantled from the original Ryukyu garrison fort in Sanchong Castle; the other was the only cannon on Huashan Jiugao's flagship.And this cannon is not native to Japan either.It was during the Korean War.A Ming cannon captured by Yoshihiro Shimadzu in Sacheon, southern Korea.

万历26年(公元1598年)八月。明军分兵对日军在朝鲜南部的四处据点同时攻击。其中中路作战目标就是岛津义弘把守的泗川。九月二十日。明军董一元部进攻晋州。日军不战而退。丢下牛马器械走向昆阳、泗川。明军只斩7级。解救被掳400余人。占领晋州。继续追击。十月初一。中路日军尽归泗川之新筑日式堡垒。新堡垒三面临江。一面受冲。日军以1万余人固守。明朝联军集中全部2. 9万余人。于十月初二日。发起进攻。以炮火轰开了敌城门。但正当诸军欲进城之际。游击彭信古营中火药失火。一时之间。全军大乱。争先逃跑。日军乘机出城追杀。明军大败。死者七千余人。丢弃军粮两千余石。器械狼藉遍地。其中就有这门现在出现在中华商馆外的大炮。

Chen Zhongji didn't know that this cannon came from the Ming court army.The range is no more than 500 meters.The shells fired less than a mile away.He immediately ordered all the artillery on the tower to fire.Thunderbolt rockets are no longer stingy to use.

immediately.A 36-pound gun and three 3-pound bronze cannons fired simultaneously.Thunderbolt rockets are in units of ten.Fire was fired at the Shimadzu Army artillery from the gate tower of the South Gate.

The artillery of the Shimadzu Army is still 1 mile away.There is no way to shoot the Chinese business hall.Therefore, he fell into an embarrassing situation where he could only be beaten but could not fight back.

The shells continued to roar.Sand and stones flew around the crowd.Nearby houses collapsed.The artillerymen of the Zijin Army of the Archipelago pushed and pulled the cannon desperately.Unfortunately, these two cannons are not equipped with corresponding sports cars.The homemade cannons of the Ming army also had no earpieces.There is no way to pull.The bare gun barrel is difficult to handle.

Thunderbolt rockets have a maximum range of 2 to 3 miles.However, it is difficult for the rockets of this era to be accurate after flying a few hundred meters.Therefore, the thunderbolt rockets fired by the Chinese exploded up and down around the artillerymen of the Shimadzu Army.Many Shimadzu soldiers who were carrying cannons were injured.But it couldn't stop the artillerymen of Shimadzu Army from pushing the cannons to the Chinese Commercial Hall desperately.

at the same time.Deputy General Yijuin saw that his artillery attracted the firepower of the opponent's cannons and rockets.Taking this opportunity, he immediately launched a charge against the wall of the merchant house.

His 2500 soldiers were divided into three companies.They rushed towards the Zhonghua Commercial Hall one by one.There is no harassment from cannons and rockets.They rushed within 300 steps of the south wall of the business hall.

The Chinese small field guns fired.At the top of the south gate and the turrets in the southeast and southwest, 5 field cannons fired iron bullets at the same time.Bloody ditches were created in the attacking Shimadzu army's formation.The ranks of the Shimadzu Army are relatively dense.So under fire.Each shell can kill more than ten people.at the same time.Yan Siqi mobilized field artillery from other directions in the museum.Concentrate near the embrasures under the high wall.Loaded with shotgun.Stand by.

Both the cannons on the wall and the field guns fired only two rounds.The Shimadzu army had rushed under the city wall.

"Boom boom boom boom."

Six field guns fired consecutively.Hundreds of kilograms of iron sand and iron beads were pumped out from the blast holes under the high wall.

The smoke filled the air.The soldiers of the Shimadzu Army who had just approached within 10 steps of the wall of the Shangguanzhai fell to the ground wailing in large numbers.Hisashi Ijuin, who was in charge of the formation, jumped up.Shouted loudly: "This is the time. Rush forward."

At this time.The 1000 iron gunners of the Shimadzu Army have already set up a solid formation 80 steps away from the shop.The shots of the Chinese musketeers on the wall were suppressed with intensive iron cannon fire.According to the experience of Yijuin Jiuyuan on the Korean battlefield.The cannons of the Ming army had long intervals between firing.It takes a long time to clean the barrel and load the ammunition.After the Chinese shotgun bombardment just now.It takes at least four or five minutes to re-launch.therefore.He forced Hirata Zenmune's remnants to attack on the front line.The shotgun just now killed and wounded the Hiratabe cannon fodder soldiers on the front line.

Then.His second line of elite gunners struck out.Under the cover of the iron gunner, prepare to take the ladder to attack the city.

However.The artillery of the Chinese company and the artillery of the Ming army.It's totally two different things.The two are fundamentally different eras.The well-trained artillerymen of the Chinese company quickly pushed away the fired field artillery using the convenient and fast artillery cart.Pushed up the field gun loaded with ammunition and ready to go.Approaching the embrasure.Immediately ignite and launch.at the same time.Gunners and ammunitionists immediately surrounded the fired sports car.Get ready for the next launch.

"Boom boom boom boom."

The five field guns fired half a minute after the first round of shotgun shells had passed.The gunmen from the Ijuin Hisamoto Department just rushed towards the cannon.The iron curtain composed of iron sand and iron shrouded the Shimadzu army in the light of blood and gunpowder.

"Boom." "Boom. Boom."

Throwing black, smoking iron balls from the city wall.After landing, it exploded without exception.The samurai of the Shimadzu Army who were slightly injured and barely stood up were blown to the ground one by one.

The dense gunpowder smoke after the shot was fired was impacted by the explosion of the grenade.Quickly spread out a little.A hell-like scene appeared: almost none of the hundreds of Shimadzu soldiers rushing to the front could stand.It goes without saying that blood flowed into rivers.Many injured people are desperately crawling towards their own formation.There was a scream on the side.

1 minute later.Another round of shell bombardment began.This time even those iron gunners standing 80 steps away were also affected.Crash fell down.The Chinese cannons are directly loaded with quantitatively assembled propellant cloth bags.Gunners are well trained.So the interval between launches is only 1 minute.

same moment.The Chinese guarding on the top of the wall leaned behind the wall.No need to show your head at all.Just light the fuze of the grenade in your hand.Then just throw it over the wall.The successive explosions completely frightened the Shimadzu Army, who had never heard of grenades and explosive firearms.It also killed many of the most brave and fearless warrior leaders.At this time.The first and second line Shimadzu Army assault teams were within 100 steps of the Zhonghua Shangguan Walled Wall.Command has been completely lost.It's a mess.

Ijiin Hisumoto was taken aback.My heart hurts like a cut.Sitting back on his chair.His face was pale.

When the gun team and shield knife team of the last team surpassed the iron gunner front.The offensive formation of the entire Shimadzu army has been completely chaotic.

the other side.Chen Zhongji found that using cannons to prevent the opponent's artillery from approaching the wall had little effect.He ordered the few dozens of Thunderbolt rockets filled with oil to be brought up.After a salvo.The surroundings of the hundreds of artillerymen of the Shimadzu Army suddenly became a sea of ​​flames.

The direction of Miejo City was originally a part of Naha Port City.Now those wooden houses are quickly on fire.The soaring flames surrounded the two cannons and the gunners.moment.An earth-shattering explosion occurred; the Aliang gunpowder carried by the artillery of the Shimadzu Army was ignited and exploded by the surrounding fire.Even Chen Zhongji, who was 400 meters away, could feel the shock wave of the explosion.

When the two cannons have just reached the distance where their power can be exerted.Surrounded by relentless fire.Then, together with more than a hundred Shimadzu soldiers around him, they disappeared in a sudden burst of fire and gunpowder smoke.

Yijiin Jiuyuan yelled in the front line: "Withdraw troops. Retreat. Retreat quickly."

The Shimadzu Army gunmen of the last team were blown up and down under the wall of the Shangguan Walled by the rain of grenades.Can't hit the wall at all.Seeing that another shot was about to be fired from the embrasure under the wall.Yijiin Jiuyuan anxiously issued an order to retreat.

Yan Siqi commanded six small field guns to fire a volley.See off those Shimadzu troops who turned around and ran wildly.Once again, more than a hundred Shimadzu soldiers were knocked to the ground.

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