Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 204 Fighting Satsuma

When the Shimadzu army hid their flags and left, the defenders of the Chinese company also took a big breath. It took only ten minutes from the Shimadzu army's general attack to the Shimadzu army's retreat, and everyone in the Shangguan Walled City All of them seemed to be fished out of the water, sweating profusely. When the ceasefire conch sounded, some soldiers sat down on the ground as if they were exhausted.

The old pirate Zhang Hai was in charge of commanding the gunners on the wall, and this battle was rather unlucky; first, his forehead was scratched by the gunners of the iron gunners of the Shimadzu Army. When he was in the army, he stood up to observe the situation, but was hit on the right shoulder and almost fell off the city wall.

A total of ten people were killed in the shop, and more than [-] people were injured, most of whom were hit by the flintlock muskets of the Japanese iron gunners.

Both Chen Zhongji and Yan Siqi came to surround Zhang Hai on the south wall, and a few guard soldiers who temporarily came to serve as military doctors were bandaging him and washing the wound with shochu - this is the first aid technique for firearm injuries taught by Yin Feng.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry about the battle below, leave it to us," said Yan Siqi and Zhang Hai, who were both pirates.

Zhang Hai grinned: "Oh, be gentle, that's fine, I have to take a break too, it's my own fault, I underestimated the enemy and neglected, I didn't expect the Japanese army's charge to be so resolute, it took us four rounds of shotgun bombardment to stop it They; if it weren't for these grenades, they would have been able to attack the wall,"

Chen Zhongji nodded: "Yes, I also underestimated the enemy a little bit. In the Battle of Penghu, the imperial army basically collapsed after only two rounds of shotgun bombardment and continuous musket fire. The Japanese musketeers are really powerful. The firepower is completely suppressed. If we didn't have grenades, they would definitely be able to launch an ant attack and compete with us in manpower consumption. We have no chance of winning. Fortunately, we finally destroyed their cannons."

He turned around and asked Yan Siqi: "Brother Zhenquan, how many grenades do we have?"

Yan Siqi shook his head: "Brother Tianzi is still counting the consumption of ammunition,...we didn't bring many grenades..."

The defenders of the Chinese company's trading hall spent a total of 4 grenades in the ten-minute fierce battle, which was nearly half of the total grenade storage in the trading hall. If the Shimadzu army launched another such general attack, the grenade would be Run out.

Although the grenades of the Chinese Army are filled with black powder, and the killing radius of the iron and fragments inside is only two or three meters, they can't stop the large number. The shotgun damage from the gunholes at the bottom of the high wall basically didn't work. Only the grenades were still very effective in dense crowds, so the people from the Chinese company threw grenades down like money. As a result, the Shimadzu army gathered in the crowd. Most of the soldiers under the wall were killed or injured in the grenade explosion.

Ijiin Hisamoto was extremely distressed by the heavy casualties of his direct troops. In this battle, more than half of his most powerful gunners (spearmen) were killed and injured, with a total of 300 people killed and more than 300 injured; more than a dozen of his iron gunners were also killed. More than 580 people were killed and more than 500 people were injured; plus the front-line Hiratabe cannon fodder soldiers were directly covered by two rounds of shotgun bombardment, the Shimadzu Army killed more than [-] people and injured nearly [-] people in this battle.

The Shimadzu Army did not expect that the Chinese firearms would be so sharp, and there were strange explosive firearms such as grenades, and the heavy firearms on their own side were destroyed by man-made fires before they were useful, lacking the protection of heavy firearms The Shimadzu army was too dense, and the casualties exceeded [-]% in just ten minutes, which was far beyond their expectations. Therefore, Ijuin Hisumoto returned to the camp, with deep ditches and high fortifications, unable to hold on, and sent people to Shuri went to ask for help.

This also made Chen Zhongji and others take a long breath.

Kawayama Kudaka, who occupied Shuri, was still busy searching for the wealth of the Ryukyu Kingdom, and there were only a few hundred people on hand, so he could not send reinforcements. Therefore, the Shimadzu army's attack on the Chinese business hall stopped, and the two sides entered into a constant battle. A strange time of war and discord.

However, Ijuin Kyumoto started to do it not long after. He called Hirata Masamune and his subordinates to discuss it. Everyone felt that storming the trading house was a bad idea. The Chinese company's army had to be drawn out of the wall of the trading house for a decisive battle. Just like the defenders of Nakijin Castle and Zheng Jiong's troops, deal with them in the field.

On the tenth day after the failure of the general attack, the Shimadzu Army began to burn, kill and loot everywhere, causing fireworks and screams in the entire Naha area all day long, and the main force of the Shimadzu Army, 900 iron gunners, They have been waiting outside the range of the cannon at the south gate of the commercial hall.

The Ryukyu people fleeing from all over the world gathered around the trading house all day long, and the sound of wailing, groaning, and crying enveloped the trading house day and night.

The Ryukyu refugees who came from the shop also cried and wailed with the compatriots outside. They knelt down beside Chen Zhongji and others countless times, begging them to lend a helping hand to rescue their relatives and friends. Chen Zhongji requested.

Ryukyu prince Shangfeng hid in his guest room and shivered at first, then he was suppressed by Chinese firearms, and then he suddenly became an extreme patriot and a prince who loved the people, and he strongly asked Chen Zhongji to send someone to recover Shuri and release Refugees from all around entered the embassy.

Under the pressure of public opinion and favor inside and outside the business hall, Chen Zhongji lived like a year. He wanted to let some refugees in, but when he saw tens of thousands of refugees mourning outside the business hall, his scalp became numb. These refugees were obviously Shimadzu The army deliberately drove them here, and the food and grass in the trading house were not enough for these refugees to eat for a few days. However, allowing these refugees to cry and cry outside the trading house all day long was simply mental torture for all the guards of the trading house.


Yin Feng's ship Flying Wolf is in the middle of the huge fleet, with a tall hull, numerous sails, and numerous gun ports and muzzles all over the body, it seems to be showing off its might.

The Flying Tiger and the Flying Leopard took the lead in front of the fleet, and a large number of three-masted Fuchuan-type warships were on guard around the fleet.

In this era, it is very troublesome for a large fleet to go out collectively. There is no means of communication to communicate with each other, and you can only judge the position of your own ship by visual identification, so you have to stop at night, but Yin Feng ordered the entire army to work day and night. At night, a large number of lanterns and torches were used as signals to guide the way. Although the wind was downwind, the entire fleet still traveled very slowly. After departure on May 37 in the 1609th year of Wanli (700), eleven days later, the The team arrived at Miyako Island in the Ryukyu Kingdom, more than [-] miles away from the north of Taiwan.

The Flying Tiger brought the second and third fleets to approach Miyako Island first. The captain of the Flying Tiger was Fan Tao, the former commander of the second fleet. Now he is the deputy commander of the navy, replacing Ye Hua who went to Europe. .

The Ryukyu people on Miyako Island had just surrendered to the Japanese pirate Shimadzu Army, and they hadn’t gotten used to the change of their roles yet, but the Chinese ships of this brigade appeared again. Moreover, the huge ship Feihu was as majestic as a castle on the sea, and suddenly The idea of ​​resisting the leader of Miyako Island disappeared, and the people of the whole island of Miyako Island, including those on the affiliated Shimoji Island, Raijian Island, Ikema Island, Ogami Island, etc., surrendered to the Chinese immediately up.

In a certain harbor on Miyako Island, soldiers from the first team of the Sailor Musketeers of the Flying Tiger are driving a group of Miyako Islanders to build a temporary warehouse. Those poor islanders.

"Don't be lazy, work quickly, damn, my house was burned by your people, if you don't kill you, it's kindness of the captain, according to my opinion, you guys have to go to the sea to feed the fish, The captain of the Sailor Musketeers was supervising, cursing: "Hurry up, brothers, watch closely..."

"Brother, these people are not Japanese pirates who burned down your house. They are from the Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom, and they are the vassals of my Ming Dynasty," a steady voice came from behind, and the sailors were refreshed and gathered together. look up.

It was Yin Feng who spoke, and the captain quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Master Captain, I... aren't these people Japanese pirates?"

Yin Feng smiled wryly: "We haven't reached the border of the Japanese pirates yet. This is Miyako Island of the Ryukyu Kingdom. It just surrendered to the Japanese pirates just now. Be polite to these people and try to work as fast as possible. The wind will change as soon as it changes. We have to hurry up..." As he spoke, Yin Feng bowed his head thoughtfully and walked away, and Lin Yue and other personal guards hurriedly followed.

The captain of the sailor musketeers stood at attention and saluted, and then shouted to the musketeers who were also standing at attention: "Why are you standing still, did you hear what the captain said, work quickly, listen, these islanders surrendered to the Japanese pirates, and The pirates are almost there, don't be too polite..."

The entire army stopped at Miyako Island out of helplessness. When the entire fleet of nearly 200 ships of various types arrived at Miyako Island, nearly one-fifth of the ships had already left the brigade and dispersed on the way. Therefore, Yin Feng had no choice but to order to rest and reorganize the fleet at Miyako Island, and at the same time make Miyako Island a logistics transfer station for the Chinese company's army.

Although Miyako Island is a limestone island with coral reefs, the terrain on the island is relatively flat. Half of the main island of Miyako Island is arable land, so most of the residents are engaged in farming or fishing for a living. With a population of several thousand, it is considered a large island. Tens of thousands of horses can find a place to live here.

Miyako Island is located in the southwest of the Ryukyu Islands and east of the Sakishima Islands. It is the main island of the Miyako Islands. Miyako Island is 606 miles away from Okinawa Main Island, 266 miles away from Ishigaki Island of the Yaeyama Islands, and about 760 miles away from the northern part of Taiwan. Li, just in the middle of the journey from Taiwan to Ryukyu Island.

On the second day after the large force arrived at Miyako Island, the quasi-clipping ship Haihun happened to pass by Miyako Island on its way back to Taiwan from Naha Port in Ryukyu, and joined Yin Feng's brigade.

Captain Huang of the Sea Soul reported the situation of Naha to Yin Feng. At the same time, the chief officer on Miyako Island also confessed a lot of Shimadzu Army's movements during the interrogation by the Ministry of Military Intelligence. The last pre-war meeting was held on his ship Hiryu.

All the officers above the head of the regiment already knew that the target of this battle was the Satsuma Domain of Japan, but when Yin Feng pointed out bluntly: "The destination of our army's expedition this time is the Satsuma Domain of Kyushu Island, Japan..." The old general Chen Di and some clerks who were born as children still exclaimed.

You must know that in the era of Emperor Hongwu and Emperor Yongle, who were powerful and powerful at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming army was unable to attack the Japanese mainland. It took hundreds of years before the Yuan Dynasty ancestor Kublai Khan’s army attacked the Japanese mainland twice.

Yin Feng ignored the noise of those scholars, and said to himself: "Our army's purpose in this battle is firstly to recover Ryukyu, and secondly to defeat and severely damage the Satsuma Domain."

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