Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 210 Fighting Satsuma

The outpost of the Chinese army is a sentry team of the third battalion of Zhao Tie's first regiment.They opened fire first outside the port town.Immediately afterwards.The Chinese Army, which was waiting in battle, responded immediately.

The dense rain of shells and bullets roared for about 10 minutes.Of the three hundred Shimadzu samurai who launched the suicide charge, only one survived - Yamada Zhengzheng was in a bad mood.Turn around in time to escape the fire net.The rest of the Shimadzu family samurai all fell on the road outside the port.And Yin Feng's side.Only two Chinese gunners accidentally dropped iron shells because they were moving shells.Broken toe.They are the only two Chinese wounded in this battle.

At the corner of the harbor, Yamada Masao's vision suddenly opened up.Suddenly, it was discovered that the hulls of three huge warships on the sea were densely covered with blastholes.at the same time.On both sides of the road suddenly stood up a group of soldiers with black helmets and armor holding iron cannons.

Yamada Masao belonged to the samurai class.However, the most work he did in the Shimadzu family was to go south to the Nanman territory to do business.so.He knew what the gunboats of the Dutch and Portuguese looked like.Also know the war between the Chinese company and the Spaniards.The flag with Chinese characters on a blue background fluttering on the warship has already explained the identity of the enemy.

While he was flashing red light at the countless muzzles on the opposite side.A Yuyue fell to the ground in a roadside ditch.Then Yamada Masa hid in the ditch with his head in his arms.Dodged a rain of cannonballs and musket bullets.When the gunfire stopped.The ditch where he lived was already stained red by the blood flowing down from the road.

Yamada stayed in blood until night.Taking advantage of the dark night and high winds, he escaped from this Shura field.None of the three hundred warriors he brought with him survived.

Early the next morning.Yin Feng led the main fleet from the sea to Kagoshima City; the troops commanded by Zhao Tie included: 2000 infantry from the Hurricane Regiment (including the team directly under Zhao Tie's regiment headquarters).Five hundred native auxiliary soldiers.Yan Siqi's boy scouts consisted of 100 people.The second and third sentry teams of the Artillery Battalion have a total of 300 people.Carries ten field guns.From Shanchuan Port by land, pass the narrow Yingwa Street by the sea (God knows why there is such a name "Yingwa Road".) Go north.Bing Feng also pointed directly at Kagoshima Castle.

Before the expedition.Yin Feng emphasized in front of the generals: "... this battle. Take Kagoshima Castle as the ultimate goal. Before arriving at Kagoshima Castle, all troops must follow a principle: quickly. After arriving at Kagoshima Castle. It must be based on the principle of sticking to the front line and waiting for the rear team..."

Zhao Tie is full of ambition to be like in Manila.The troops from the headquarters were the first to break into Kagoshima Castle.

His troops carried five 6-pounder field guns and five 5-pounder field guns.There is also a sky bomber that fires explosive bombs.All were carried in cannon carts pulled by donkeys.

The pre-war intelligence work of the Chinese Army did a good job.Lu Ruohan, a Portuguese missionary, found a map of the Satsuma domain from the materials of the Japanese Society of Jesuits.After departing from Taiwan.All the generals above the sentry team have memorized this map.Yin Feng wanted to find a map of Japan in the materials of the Ming Dynasty.It's a pity that the Ming Dynasty locked the country for a long time.It is estimated that it is difficult to find even the whole map of Japan in the entire Ming Dynasty.Not to mention the detailed geographical map of mountains and rivers and the distribution map of Japan's military forces and cities.Relying on the information of the Ming Dynasty military to send troops to Japan is tantamount to walking blind at night.It is still a single-plank bridge.Fortunately, the gods gave him the Japanese master Lu Ruohan.The Japanese Society of Jesus was once the largest Catholic group in the Far East.Has a lot of detailed Japanese information.The map provided by Lu Ruohan is very detailed.It indicates departure from Shanchuan Port.It is about 110 miles from Kagoshima Castle by land.Zhao Tie believes that the Chinese Army has the strategic advantage of surprise attacks.His troops marched at forced march speed.It is completely possible to kill Kagoshima Castle within a day and a half.

but.He had just set off from Shanchuan Port this morning.Only walked more than ten miles.It was deflated in front of a small castle.

his guide.A Fujian sea merchant told him.The small castle in front of him was called Ibusuki.

This is the residence of Ibusuki Kiyozaemon Tadamasa.The 66-year-old veteran of the Shimadzu family.He is a subordinate of Yamada Yunobu, a senior minister of the Shimadzu family and the lord of Hyuga Takajo.then.When Toyotomi Hideyoshi marched into Kyushu.He participated in the defense of Gaocheng.After Kaesong retreated to Duyu County.Persevere.Later, he followed Shimadzu Yoshihiro to rush to the Tokugawa army in the battle of Sekigahara.In the end, there were less than 1500 of the [-] people in Yoshihiro Shimadzu's department.He was able to return to Kyushu with Yoshihiro alive.

This is a seasoned veteran.Although he has already retired and returned to his own city to provide for the elderly.But I didn't stop practicing martial arts for a day.Many of his retainers, samurai and bodyguards lived in Chiran Town.Yesterday, I followed Yamada Masaru to attack Yamakawa Port.Although I got a report that Shanchuan Port was invaded by the enemy at night.Ibusuki Tadamasa didn't take this matter to heart.Thinking that Yamada Masaru would solve the problem with a single battle.

No one expected it.In the wee hours of the morning.The blood-stained and embarrassed Yamada Masao suddenly knocked on the gate of Ibusuki Castle.

Get the guard's report. The 66-year-old veteran Ibusuki Tadamasa jumped up from his couch.Come to the outer room.I saw the distressed Yamada Masaru.Yamada Masa is a family member belonging to Yamada Yunobu.Although Ibusuki Tadamasa looked down on this guy who was far more capable in business than in combat.But still maintain due courtesy.After the two parties greeted each other.Ibusuki Tadamasa frowned unobtrusively and asked: "Yamada-kun. What kind of enemy is the opponent? Have you figured it out yet?"

"It's from the Ming Dynasty. It can't be completely from the Ming Dynasty; they are from the China United Company."

Ibusuki Tadamasa was expressionless: "What. It was the Daming sea merchants who defeated the Ganla people and occupied Manila. How is it possible. How could you be defeated by them. Are there many people from them?"

Yamada Masa took the tea from the guard.He drank it all in one gulp.Then nodded and said: "A lot. There are hundreds of warships. There are more than 1000 people who have landed now. Mr. Zhongzheng. Hurry up and send someone to report to the Lord of Tsurumaru Castle. They should come here soon. .”


A loud noise like rolling thunder suddenly came from the west.

The two stood up suddenly at the same time.Ibusuki Tadamasa exclaimed in a low voice: "Cannon." Big iron cannon, stone fire arrow, big tube, country collapse, Buddha wolf machine, etc.

And Masato Yamada exclaimed: "It's over. It's the Chinese company's army that has arrived."

Zhao Tie set up ten cannons under Ibusuki City. .The 1400 fusiliers of the first and third battalions formed a dense formation on the narrow coastal plain.Under the cover of repeated artillery bombardment.Slowly approach Ibusuki Castle with a width of 100 people.

The marching speed of the Chinese army is indeed not slow.The speed of deploying the team is also very fast.This is all thanks to years of hard training.Zhao Tie thought it only took one blow.Should be able to take down this little castle.

result.The artillerymen did break down the gates of Ibusuki Castle.Intensive flintlock shooting wiped out the few resisters at the top of the city.The narrow moat was simply a decoration.The infantry of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the Chinese Army rushed into the city first.

Zhao Tie rubbed his eyes vigorously.Looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief; his soldiers who rushed into the city were actually driven out of the city by Japanese warriors.

and.The Shimadzu samurai threw a black ball from the gate.There was a burst of smoke after the sound of an explosion.Unprepared, the Chinese army crowded at the gate of Ibusuki Household City fell to the ground.

Zhao Tie almost bit off his tongue: "Damn it. Do Japanese pirates have grenades too?"

Yan Siqi, the leader of the Boy Scouts standing aside, said: "It's not a grenade. The explosive power of this thing is much smaller than our grenade, and the smoke from the gunpowder is much smaller. Ah. All our people were driven out. Oh. Japanese pirates charge gone."

The explosives thrown by the Satsuma warriors are the so-called "cannon fire arrows" that Japan learned from the invading army of the Yuan Dynasty.It is a spherical incendiary bomb filled with black gunpowder and iron filings and lead pellets with a plain fired earthenware.It was widely used throughout the Warring States Period and Zhifeng Period.For example in naval battles.Surround the enemy ships with light warships such as small haya boats.Throwing cannonballs and burning them down is a common way of fighting.Later, such incendiary bombs were fired with bows, iron cannons, and cannons.There are also types of flowers that hurt people or set fire to city buildings.

The samurai in Ibusuki not only used hand-to-hand combat to repel the soldiers from the first battalion of the first regiment who rushed into the city.Also launched a charge to the Chinese Army's front.certainly.This is a suicide charge.Under the shooting of more than 1000 flintlock muskets.Dozens of Satsuma warriors who rushed out of the city were hopelessly shot dead.but.Their death-defying charge diverted the firepower of the Chinese Army.The defenders in Ibusuki City took the opportunity to block the gate with wooden boards and other sundries.

Huang Lue, the commander of the first battalion, came to Zhao Tie with a pale face.Hengshou saluted: "Commander Zhao. More than 50 of our brothers died. More than 100 of them died. There are more than ten brothers who may have fallen into the hands of Japanese pirates."

"You're really embarrassing Captain Cyclonus. How many pirates and dwarfs are there in the city?" Zhao Tie asked angrily.

"There are about 200 Japanese pirate warriors in the city. They are crazy. They are coming straight at our bayonets. The Japanese swords can cut off the barrels of our flintlock guns. We are in close combat. There is no way to suppress the small Japanese pirates. Devil." Huang Lue used to be the captain of the first regiment.His team used to follow the school army during the surprise attack on Fort Santiago in the Philippines.The second army stormed the castle.His biggest characteristic is honesty.What he said made Zhao Tie frown constantly.

"Organize a second attack immediately. Take advantage of our army's firepower. Make use of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses. Do you understand?"

Huang Lue raised his hands in salute: "Yes." He didn't say much.Turn around and leave.Zhao Tie shook his head.He said softly: "This old Huang is good at everything. He just lacks wit when fighting..." In a blink of an eye, he saw Yan Siqi giggling beside him.He said angrily, "Brother Zhenquan. The problem with you is that you are too clever. Alright. Take your troops and local soldiers to bypass this fortress. Head north quickly..."

Yan Siqi jumped up: "Yes!"

"Wait a minute." Zhao Tie stopped him: "Do you know what to pay attention to during the march?"

Yan Siqi stood upright and said, "Advance quickly. Don't get entangled with the enemy."

"Okay. Let's go. I'll take down this small town. Then I can join you."


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