Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 211 Fighting Satsuma

"My lord, the enemy has a lot of stone and fire arrows. We can't rush out." Ibusuki Tadamasa's bodyguard was covered in blood.Kneeling down on one knee, he told him: "They have a lot of self-fired iron cannons. We..."

Ibusuki Tadamasa waved his hand and said, "Don't charge any more. They have already surrounded us. Now we have to defend to the end. I hope that the direction of Tsurumaru Castle can hear the sound of our artillery."

Big Iron Cannon, Stone Fire Arrow, Big Tube, Guobeng, Buddha Wolf Machine, etc.They were all Japanese names for cannons at that time.The fourth year of Tianzheng (1576). Two artillery pieces dedicated to Zonglin Otomo after the arrival of Portuguese merchant ships.The Japanese call it "the collapse of the country".It is a Portuguese-style Franc machine gun.

Ibusuki Tadamasa's samurai no longer attacked outside the city.Just stay in the city and stick to it.

Huang Lue mobilized the artillery battalion to attack the gate of Ibusuki City again.At the same time, 300 soldiers from the first battalion were organized to form 6 people in front and horizontal rows.A column of 50 rows deep.Each platoon of fighters kept rushing forward.After throwing the grenade, raise the gun on the spot and aim ahead.The comrades in the back row overtook them and rushed forward.Throw the grenade again.Then squat down and aim the gun.Repeatedly.Move forward little by little.Keep the fire suppressed.Hongtianpao also spoke at this time.After the dull "puff" sound.The huge iron ball hits Ibusuki Tadamasa's residence in a parabola.An earth-shattering explosion was sent out in the city.

While the city was bombed into chaos by bombardment.The soldiers of the first battalion rushed into Ibusuki City again.

Asia in this era.The Chinese United Company Armed Forces were the first armies to have their muskets fitted with flintlocks and bayonets.The infantry of the Chinese Army has become a pure firearms.Although they also pay attention to fighting stabs.But after all, hand-to-hand combat has been placed in a relatively relatively such position.and.It started from the period of the Jiajing Great Japanese Pirates.The Chinese army has always felt very difficult in close combat against Japanese pirates.Even famous generals such as Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou.I also have to admit that the individual combat effectiveness of Japanese pirates is relatively strong.The Chinese Army is not afraid of hand-to-hand combat.But the Chinese company had rarely encountered such a strong and stubborn opponent as the Shimadzu family of the Satsuma domain before.It was really uncomfortable for a while.

They can only rely on their own firepower advantage.Make your way with the cannon.Cover enemies behind the gate with grenades.Finally broke into Ibusuki Tadamasa's residence again.

Ibusuki Tadamasa personally led the team.More than a dozen of his guards bravely rushed to the gate of the city, braving the rain of bullets.Followed by more than 100 warriors under him.

Huang Lue wanted to maximize his own firepower advantage.The order "rapid fire for all" was issued.

The invention of flintlock muskets and paper-wrapped ammunition has enabled the Chinese army to achieve world-class musket shooting speed.And in the corresponding tactics.There is also a "rapid fire method" that is rarely used.That is, after biting through the ammunition wrapping paper.After being poured into the barrel, the regular shooting procedure of tamping the ammunition with the cleaning rod is omitted.There is no longer a need for precise aiming.Roughly point in the direction of the enemy and directly pull the trigger to shoot.Such rapid fire is employed in extreme situations.Yin Feng had tried it before.found when using this method.A skilled flintlock can fire at a maximum rate of 5 rounds per minute.Some people can even hit the limit speed of 1 rounds in 7 minute.

However, such a shooting method cannot maintain the firing frequency for a long time.A soldier's physical strength is too much.The second is to continuously fire ammunition for a long time.A flintlock barrel would not stand it.The possibility of bombing will increase.

"Bah bah bah..."

Chinese soldiers crowded at the gate.Quickly stand in a three-row salvo formation.All are reloading and pulling triggers at top speed.Rapid fire affects the range and accuracy of bullets.But now the enemy has rushed more than ten steps away.There is no time to think about the exact problem.Every soldier of the [-]st Battalion is loading ammunition mechanically and nervously.end gun.Pull the trigger.Then reload the ammo.End the gun and pull the trigger. ...

Gunpowder smoke filled the surroundings of the soldiers of the first battalion.But they have completely turned a blind eye to the surrounding situation.Just keep shooting, shooting, shooting...

outside the city.The bombardment cannons are also constantly firing.every half minute.There will be an earth-shattering explosion in Ibusuki Castle.

Each soldier probably fired more than fifteen times in a row.The guns of Chinese soldiers have already exploded.Huang Lue could only vaguely see his own people on the left and right.Things a foot away are already caught in the smoke.Can't see anything.

"Cease fire. Cease fire. Cease fire." Huang Lue jumped around in the queue.Constantly kicking and beating his own soldiers.Force them to stop shooting.

The sound of shooting gradually ceased.But everyone still dare not relax.Although the surrounding area is full of choking gunpowder smoke.Can't see anything.However, the soldiers of the Chinese Army still held their guns and were ready to shoot.No matter where it is, there is a little bit of noise.It will cause a series of shots.

Huang slightly widened his eyes.Standing at the forefront of the queue, staring at the smoke and fog vigilantly.Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder hard behind him.He tightened his fingers.The flintlock pistol fired with a bang.As a result, the brothers around him "bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang" ejaculated indiscriminately.

"Stop shooting." A deep voice sounded behind Huang Lue.Zhao Tie, the official head of the first regiment.

Huang Lue turned his head resentfully and said, "Hey. It's the head of the team. Why did you come to the front line..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Send someone to find out the situation."

At this time.A gust of wind from the sea blew away the gunpowder smoke that filled the surroundings.Everyone watched silently as the smoke dissipated.They saw the corpses of hundreds of Shimadzu samurai lying in front of them.From Honmaru, where Tadamasa Ibusuki lives, to the gate.The [-]-meter radius was full of Ibusuki Tadamasa's subordinates who died under the rain of bullets.

The soldiers of the Chinese Army took a breath together.Someone sat down on the ground.Someone leaned on a gun and gasped.

"Damn. They're all lunatics. Just like this, they often shoot at each other. They're all lunatics." Huang Lue took a few steps forward.Kick the corpse of a Japanese pirate warrior closest to you with your feet.Spit out a mouthful of phlegm: "They are all desperate guys. They clearly know that there is no life. They still have to rush..."

At the climax of the battle just now.The Ibusuki samurai who rushed forward were only a few steps away from Huang Lue.

"This kind of enemy is our real opponent. Be careful, big guys. Search around. Don't let a single person go. If you encounter resistance, you will be killed on the spot." Zhao Tie issued an order.With a livid face, he looked at the scene where the corpses were strewn all over the field.It feels like this battle will be very difficult.

Under the cover of dense bullet rain.Ibusuki Tadamasa was protected by his loyal subordinates and hid at the end of the charge.But at the last moment, all the subordinates around him fell down.He also took several bullets in a row.die in the end.In the original historical time and space.Veteran Ibusuki Tadamasa has another 16 years to live.He didn't die until he was 83 years old.Now.His life was disrupted by Yin Feng, a big butterfly.It's over early.

Ibusuki fell at noon.The soldiers of Zhao Tie's first regiment found out after cleaning the battlefield.They failed to capture a single prisoner.All 280 warriors in the city were killed.

Yamada Masa escaped again.When Ibusuki Tadamasa led the charge for the last time.He escaped outside the city through the backyard sewer.Run to the north in the direction of Kagoshima Castle.

Behind him, the sound of gunshots and cannons in Ibusuki City gradually subsided.On the coastal mountain road, Masao Yamada saw the shadow of sails covering the sky and the sun in the distance.The main force of the Chinese army is heading north along the west coast of Kagoshima Bay.at the same time.In front of Masao Yamada.There is already a team of Chinese companies marching northward at a fast pace.

Yamada Masa hid in the bushes in the mountains.Can't help but feel very discouraged.The way to report to Tsurumaru Castle in the north has been cut off by the Chinese.

On the Flying Tiger.Lu Ruohan, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, was introducing the geographical situation of Satsuma to Yin Feng in front of the map: "There is only this area. The plain between the Kotu River and the Inari River is suitable for large armies to fight."

Veteran Chen Di standing at the bow looks at Sakurajima in the northern part of Kagoshima Bay.He shook his head and sighed, "I didn't expect this to be the hometown of Japanese pirates. The scenery is not bad."

Yin Feng raised his head and smiled and said, "Both Kaiwenyue and Yingjima are volcanoes that may erupt at any time. When a big eruption occurs, it will shake the world. That is truly spectacular."

Yang Dacheng, deputy head of the first regiment, hurried over from the direction of the stern.Raising his hands in salute, he said, "Report to the commander. The head of the Yiwu blunderbuss asks to see you."

Yin Feng was a little curious: "What, Lao Yang. What happened?"

Among the Yiwu bird gun soldiers who surrendered to Yin Feng after the Battle of Penghu.About 200 people participated in the battle of Satsuma.They form an independent company.It's called Yiwu Sentinels.

Yang Dacheng said a little distressed: "Master, the artillery battalion was assigned to me to command. I asked the Yiwu Sentinel to help defend the artillery battalion. After the war started, they stayed in the artillery camp. But they are unwilling. They have to follow the brigade to the front line .”

"Their whistle chief is Luo Quanxiu. He seems to be a veteran who participated in the Imjin Korean War. Hmm. Let him come over. See what he has to say." Yin Feng picked up the binoculars.Standing on the bow.Overlooking the long coastline to the west.There has been black smoke rising in many places.It proves that the front of the Chinese army's land troops has moved northward quickly.

Yan Siqi didn't want to keep setting fires along the way.But the road between the mountains and the sea is very narrow.It is inevitable to pass through some villages.Along the way, many village communities of the Satsuma clan kept jumping out to resist or provoke.Yan Siqi led the boy scouts of the headquarters to the forefront.Let those Taiwanese indigenous fighters from villages such as Alishan and Huweilong be responsible for eradicating the Japanese villages along the way.

This kind of marching speed can't be fast.Until night falls.Yan Siqi's vanguard did not reach a place 30 miles north of Ibusuki City.And because of the tailwind.Plus the current push at high tide.Yin Feng's fleet moved very quickly.In the early morning of the next day, it appeared at the mouth of the Inari River.

At this time, only some places in the south of the entire Satsuma domain knew about the Chinese attack.

Kagoshima Castle built a small fort at the mouth of the Inari River.There is a cannon.It is the "National Beng" cannon seized by Shimadzu Yoshihiro from Otomo Zonglin decades ago.Also called "broken arhat tube".It is a large Portuguese-style Franc machine gun.The range is no more than 200 meters.

And the entire Satsuma domain.Except for the Ming Dynasty cannons carried by Kawayama Kugao who went to Ryukyu.There is only Tsurumaru Castle. .There is also a cannon sent by the Portuguese in Shimadzu Home City.

That is.In front of Yin Feng's fleet.Satsuma domain throughout the territory of the domain.Only two cannons are available.

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