Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 212 Fighting Satsuma

During the July period of the 37th year of Wanli (1609 AD. Japan's Qingchang 14th year).The fleet of the Chinese United Company appeared in Kagoshima Bay.And then go deep into the beach not far from the city street.Arrange in single file battle formation.Stand by.

In ancient Japan.Kagoshima was known as the land of bear attacks and the land of Hayato in ancient times.The Hayato tribe living here turned back against the Yamato court.Instead, it fell again.Since then, with the emergence of the large estate Shimadzu.As the lord of the Kamakura shogunate here, the Shimadzu clan continued to expand its power.Gradually dominated this place and actively developed trade with the southern islands.Shimadzu continued to expand its sphere of influence.Yoshimune Tadahisa (later Shimadzu Tadahisa), who served as the undersecretary of Shimadzuso, entered the Izumi area in 1185, and then became the guardian of the three kingdoms of Satsuma, Okuma, and Hyuga.

The early days of the Kamakura shogunate.Shimadzu and his family live in Kamakura.Generally considered. In 1341, Shimadzu Sadahisa moved into Higashifuku City, Kagoshima County, which marked the beginning of Shimadzu's emigration to Kagoshima.thereafter.The Shimadzu clan built Shimizu Castle in 1387 (the fourth year of the Japanese calendar).Shimadzu Takahisa built an inner city near Shimizu Castle and moved in in 1550 (the 19th year of Astronomy).The area near this mountain is called "Uemachi" because of the concentration of samurai gifts.The area from the Inarigawa estuary and Namerikawa to the coast embankment (because willows were planted. It was later called Yanagi-cho) is mainly the residence of the common people and is called "Shitamachi".

Although the inner city is known as the "city".But in essence, it is just a mansion with a moat dug.Defense is extremely lacking. In 1600 (the fifth year of Qingchang), after the defeat in the Battle of Sekigahara.Migration issues were brought to the table.

To the end of the Muromachi shogunate.Shimadzu's power grew rapidly.However, just as he was trying to unify Kyushu, he was defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi's army (1587).The completion of Tsurumaru Castle is said to be in 1603 (the third year of Qingcho).It has a tall archery tower and a castle tower. (The original historical time and space. Tsurumaru Castle was destroyed by fire in 1696 and rebuilt. However, the reconstructed Tsurumaru Castle has no arrow towers and castle towers. It is just a simple mansion structure.) The buildings at that time were mainly concentrated in Uemachi.But in recent years, there have been row upon row of samurai grants and houses on the right bank of Jiatu River.A castle town was formed.The residences of high-ranking samurai are distributed along Qianshibachang Street.The lower samurai lived near Kajiya Town.

During the Warring States Period, the Jiatu River came along the eastern foot of the city.Pass through the royal house and enter the sea near Junkuan excavation.It was turned into a port together with the mouth of the Inari River.This allowed Kagoshima's overseas trade to flourish.

The Shimadzu family was committed to developing trade with the Ming government, Korea, and southern countries.Kagoshima, Akune, and Yamakawabotsu played an important role as trading ports at that time.It is because of the open door policy.Iron cannon and Christianity were first introduced here.

In the past few years, the days of the Shimadzu family have been getting worse day by day.Shimadzu participated in the Battle of Bunroku, Keicho and Sekigahara.A large amount of military expenditure was paid.Countless manpower and material resources were lost.Difficult to fill.address this serious crisis.It is also one of the basic reasons why Satsuma invaded Ryukyu.

Yin Feng looked at the small fort at the mouth of the Inari River on the Feihu.He asked Colonel Kutley beside him coldly, "How is it? Has the envoy been sent there?"

The head of Yin Feng’s old battalion’s operations department was Colonel Coutere as temporary: “Emissaries have been dispatched. They are a Portuguese missionary and a Chinese missionary from the church in Taiwan. The Fujian businessman who did business with the Shimadzu’s family Luo Monsieur also went with them."

At this time.The lookout on top of the mainmast sent a semaphore signal.Lin Yue said word by word: "The lookout reported. The envoy has already landed. More than ten people from the other party have left the fort."

Yin Feng nodded.He ordered loudly: "The messenger. Send out the flag. Prepare to land and fight."

Chen Di was looking around with Yin Feng's binoculars fondly.Hearing this, he was surprised.Turning around, he said, "Captain Yin. Don't wait for the result of the negotiation."

Yin Feng said coldly: "No need to wait. There will be no results; negotiate with the Shimadzu family. The best way is to use weapons to negotiate."

He ordered.All fighters are in action.The first to prepare for landing was a team of 1000 sailors and muskets on ten brigantes.The three giant ships of the Hibiki and ten three-masted Fuchuan-type gunboats were approaching the coastline of Kagoshima Castle in front of them.

This fleet is the largest battle fleet ever to appear in Kagoshima Bay (the area from Kotogawa to Inarigawa is also called Jinjiang Bay).Except for three huge gunboats.Twenty three-masted Fuchuan and more than 50 two-masted Fuchuan.There are other auxiliary vessels.Densely distributed in the sea to the east of Kagoshima Castle.The queue of sailboats stretches all the way to Sakurajima. (Sakurajima in this era is still a veritable volcanic island. Historically, it was not until 1950 that the lava erupted from the Sakurajima volcano connected the island to the land. Sakurajima became a peninsula).

The Shimadzu family's port pursuit was stunned by the scene in front of him for a moment.It took me a long time to remember that I should report to the lord of Tsurumaru Castle.but.At this time, Shimadzu Tadahiro, who lived in Tsurumaru Castle at the foot of Shiroyama, had already seen the sailing fleet on the sea from the castle tower.

Three Chinese envoys were sent to Tsurumaru Castle by the port administration.However, the Chinese company's landing operation did not wait for any results of the negotiations.It has been fully developed.

For the approach of three giant ships.The samurai at the fortress at the mouth of the Inari River were indeed courageous.Fired first.The problem is that the "Kokobeng" cannon of the Shimadzu Army only has a range of 200 meters.The three giant ships of Feizi are still 500 meters away.The shell missed without any suspense.But the sound of the cannon gave the Chinese army a reason to fire.

Yin Feng ordered all the artillery units to open fire.The Conch blew the signal to fire.In a split second.The roar of cannons continued.Thousands of shells are like a shower.Shoot at the Inarigawa Fort.Li Kuiqi's artillery battalion used five bombardment cannons.He broke into a place 100 meters away from the fort and opened fire.Immediately, the fort and surrounding areas were filled with thick smoke.The flames shot up into the sky.The only cannon of the Inarigawa Fort resisted for a while.That is, be dumbed down.follow closely.Shells from the fleet bombarded the docklands.Hit a Shimadzu Army ammunition depot.Causes 3 big explosions in a row.Ten minutes later.The Inarigawa simple fort and the Kagoshima dock area were all destroyed by Yin Feng's fleet.There was fire and smoke everywhere.The air is filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder.The Satsuma garrison scattered and fled.There was not a single moving figure along the coastline.

then.The three giant ships of Feizi led the artillery force to turn to the northeast.The ten fukans behind the artillery formation began to rush towards the Kagoshima beach.Stranded directly on the shallows.Then countless ant-like figures climbed the net bag on the side of the boat and descended to the surface of the sea.Dozens of centipede boats --- Chinese copycat versions of Portuguese hand-rowed speedboats.Then start beach landing.On the centipede boat were three Frang machine guns.There are thirty oars on the left and right.The sailor musketeers charged on the beach, chanting.

Immediately afterwards.The troops carried on the three giant ships of the Feizi also began to prepare for landing.


same moment.Masao Yamada is walking along the mountain road on the north shore of Lake Ikeda.Advance rapidly towards Qingshui City.Lake Ikeda is the largest lake in Kyushu.It is a caldera lake with a water depth of 265 meters and a circumference of 19 kilometers formed by the sinking of Ikeda Volcano due to the eruption of Kaimundake.at this time.There are various flowers blooming on the lakeside.The azure lake water and brightly colored flowers compete with each other.but.Yamada Masa was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery.He was in a hurry to report to Tsurumaru Castle.

Also at the same time.It is 30 miles south of the mouth of the Kotogawa River in Kagoshima Castle.The troops led by Zhao Tie, Yan Siqi and others are marching in a hurry.The edge of the mountains west of the coastline.Teams of Taiwanese aboriginal auxiliary soldiers were scattered in the surrounding areas of the mountain to accompany Zhao Tie's troops.Cover Zhao Tie's left flank.


When the Flying Wolf and other artillery teams circled back to the mouth of the Inari River.Fired guns in the direction of Tsurumaru Castle to cover when the troops came ashore.The landing of the Chinese company's army entered a climax.

A converted merchant ship sails past the starboard side of the Flying Tiger.The soldiers who were about to land on the ship saw Yin Feng standing at the bow.He raised his gun and cheered loudly: "Captain Yin Wansheng. Wansheng."

"The commander will win. The Chinese army will win." The sailors on the Flying Tiger agreed in unison.

This ship carried more than 200 nominal black bird gun soldiers.They will go ashore as the first infantry unit to land.So they pay tribute to Yin Feng.

The night before the landing battle.The leader of the Yiwu bird gun soldiers.Luo Quanxiu, head of the Yiwu sentry team, came to meet Yin Feng.This 40-year-old Zhejiang soldier is wearing Western-style plate armor produced in Taiwan.Holding his helmet in his hand.Kneeling on one knee to salute: "Greetings, Mr. Qianhu."

Several leaders of the Yiwu soldiers had served as the commander-in-chief of the imperial court.He likes to call Yin Feng by the official title bestowed on him by the Ming court.This is unique in the entire Chinese army.

"Brother Luo. Why are you doing this great gift?" Yin Feng hurriedly stepped forward to help the veteran who participated in the Imchen Korean War.

"Master, please arrange for our Yiwu soldiers to take the lead. Among our Yiwu soldiers, 50 participated in the Battle of Sizhou. 20 fought in the Battle of Ulsan. About half of the rest. My father and brother participated I fought in the Korean War. My father and elder brother all died under the city of Sacheon in North Korea....We Yiwu soldiers and Shi Manzi had a deep blood feud. I will never be able to avenge my deep hatred with Shi Manzi in my life. Heaven has eyes. Let me meet you, Captain Yin. You are the only one in the world who can lead us to kill the Japanese pirates. No matter what. We Yiwu soldiers must not let go of this revenge Opportunity."

Yin Feng couldn't help sighing when he heard the words; who said that there were no real soldiers in the whole country in the late Ming Dynasty.These Yiwu bird gun soldiers in front of them are.

Imjin during the Korean War.The Ming Dynasty sent 10,000+ troops before and after.To be honest, except for the early battles such as the capture of Pyongyang, the Ming infantry fought well.In the later period of the war, the army of the Ming Dynasty was lacklustre.Except for a few thousand Liaodong cavalry and thousands of "Qi's Army" Zhejiang soldiers who are based in Zhejiang performed well.The rest of the Army units fared poorly.It is far inferior to the Ming army and navy.

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