Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 214 Fighting Satsuma

The long Sengoku period in Japan.Satsuma and other places guarded by the Shimadzu family.It is rarely directly invaded by the enemy.As a powerful vassal in the southwest.The Shimadzu family has been fighting continuously since the Yoshihiro four brothers unified Southern Kyushu.It's just that the Shimadzu family is attacking everywhere to fight for hegemony in Kyushu.

But now this is the first direct attack from the Chinese army that the Satsuma Shimadzu family has encountered.

Among the so-called "true Japanese" who invaded mainland China during the "Jiajing Great Japanese Bandits".Most were Japanese cannon fodder recruited by coastal Chinese pirate gangs.Summer is also involved.The main personnel of the Satsuma Samurai Corps present here have all participated in the battles with the regular army of the Ming Dynasty on the Korean battlefield.The military force of the Chinese army is not highly evaluated. The reputation of "Shimanzi" is not in vain.The army of the Ming Dynasty had a very high evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the Shimadzu army.Therefore, Shimadzu Tadahiro was not worried about what the landing Chinese army would do from the bottom of his heart.

"...The ones who came to Kagoshima this time are not the Ming Emperor's army. They are the private soldiers of the Taiwanese maritime merchants. The leader is called Captain Yin by them. Most likely he is the first-class hero of Captain Wufeng. What do you think about this? Opinion. Should we stick around and wait for help or go out to the city for a decisive battle." Shimadzu Tadahiro looked around.His eyes were full of excitement.Although he served as the head of the family.But he has never been able to gain the prestige he deserves in the family samurai regiment.The reason is that the martial arts of his father's four brothers, Shimadzu Yoshihisa and Yoshihiro, are too good.Fame is too loud.His position as patriarch is often suspected of sitting on his hands.so.In terms of his personal emotional tendency.He really wanted to consolidate his position as Patriarch with the prestige of defeating the Chinese in World War I.

Tadashi Shimadzu was still the first to speak unceremoniously: "I think it is impossible to go to war. One thing is that our Satsuma country is currently empty of troops. Even if those rural soldiers are mobilized. In a few days, we can only gather troops with a total strength of no more than 3000. ; and the number of enemies. Now we can see that the number of people who have landed has exceeded 3000. Second, the enemy has come from afar. The weapons used are all big iron cannons. Most of the supplies needed have to be transported from Taiwan. We Just stick to Tsurumaru Castle. Wait until Ryukyu Huashan Kudaka's army returns. Or reinforcements from surrounding areas come. Defeating the enemy is naturally easy."

As soon as this statement came out.He got the approval of retainers such as Kawayama Kume and Ewa Jiuhu.Shimadzu Tadahei's face darkened.No rebuttal has been made yet.Veteran Shinna Tadamoto suddenly shouted in a loud voice that didn't match his age: "Reinforcement. Where are the reinforcements? Is it Ito Yukei from Hyuga Prefecture or Takahashi Motono from Nobeoka Castle."

The two people mentioned by the old man are both powerful families who are at odds with the Shimadzu family.It is the object of defense of the Shimadzu family.When everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.The old man Xinna coughed a few times and continued: "The Shimadzu family is surrounded by enemies. Kato Kiyomasa of Kumamoto and other Kyushu daimyos were all jealous earlier that we were able to conquer Ryukyu Taiwan. Once they heard that we were attacked by Taiwanese Chinese, they must all be waiting. Look at our Satsuma jokes. They're coming to support us. And they'll come when we've lost both sides with the Chinese."

Shimadzu Tadahito bowed his head gratefully to Shinna Tadamoto.Put away the fan in your hand.The superior person said loudly: "Xinna-kun is right. The Shimadzu family has to fight now. So what about the lack of troops. Our Satsuma army has faced enemies several times or ten times larger than ours many times. Yes. We have failed a few times."

Yamada Yuei, Kawakami Hisuro and other close branches of the Shimadzu family stood up to support Shimadzu Tadahiro: "Kizakihara defeated the Hyuga Ito Army. Otokawa defeated the Otomo Zonglin Army, and Okitazui defeated the Ryuzo Temple Army. Tojigawa ambushed Tosa Changzong's army and Sacheon defeated the Ming army in a joint battle. We all win more with less. It is no exception to deal with these Chinese sea merchants now. My lord, let's go to battle."

The old man Xinna also said: "The lord is going to fight. The old grandson Gento is willing to be your vanguard."

The young Xin Nayuan Teng bent down and knelt down: "I am willing to die for my lord."

Tadashi Shimadzu still sees this scene.Still not giving up: "My lord, the envoys of the Chinese maritime merchants have arrived in the city. Why don't you see me for a while. There is no news about the Yihong Hall of the Restoration House in Kajimu. We still wait..."

Shimadzu Yoshihiro interrupted him impatiently: "Father is the number one general of my Shimadzu family. He will never retreat in the city and dare not fight. These sea merchants are just lowly merchants in Ming Dynasty. There is no need for me to meet their envoys." He turned to his guards and said, "Hamibei. You go to meet the envoys of the maritime merchants. Send them back. Tell them: My Shimadzu family will fight against the sea merchants on the battlefield. They negotiate."


The expeditionary forces of the China United Company are landing one after another.The number of people on the coast of Kagoshima has reached more than 5000.The three giant ships of the Hibiki are cruising in Kagoshima Bay.From time to time, a few shots were fired on the land.Actions to threaten the Shimadzu Army.

Yin Feng had just landed at the mouth of the Inari River in a small boat.Walk up to the fort.There are thousands of sighs in my heart.Thousands of years of Chinese history.I am probably the first Chinese to land in Japan with an army.The track of this history.It has truly been changed by myself.

"My lord, our artillery battalion has already landed. All five of the Thunderbolt Cannons have landed."

The young artillery battalion commander Li Kuiqi crossed his left hand and chest.Saluting like a rite: "Master, the field artillery position has begun to be set up. By the order of Deputy Commander Yang Dacheng. The assault team of our artillery battalion has been formed. Please order."

"Report." A barefoot sailor musketeer galloped over.He knelt on one knee outside the wall of Yin Feng's black guards.

"What's the matter?" Yin Feng beckoned the sailor to come over.He asked cordially, "Is it Brother Danmin from Yazhou? How is the situation ahead?"

The sailor blushed.Excitedly said: "Back to the owner. I am the Dan family in Haikou. My name is Lin Shuisheng. The brothers of our Fifth Battle Fleet have arrived at a place one mile away from Shimanziju City. There is no enemy resistance. However, foreigners The messenger has returned."

"Oh. Let them come over."

Yin Feng wondered whether the envoy could complete the mission.No hope at all.And indeed it is.The Shimadzu family didn't even accept the messenger's letter.Drive people back directly.He also said that he would negotiate with the Chinese company on the battlefield.

Yin Feng glanced at the old general Chen Di with a sneer: "How about it. Old General Chen."

Chen Di was also very annoyed at the arrogance of the Shimadzu family: "The Japanese pirates are Japanese pirates after all. They don't even make sense at all."

"If you want to be reasonable, they won't be Japanese pirates." Yin Feng said lightly.Hands folded to express gratitude to the Jesuit missionaries who acted as emissaries.Then he said to Li Kuiqi: "Okay. Take me to see your raid team."

Around five o'clock in the afternoon.On the beach of the Inari River.Countless Chinese are hurrying to move weapons and ammunition to the shore.

The other side of the beach.Five carts pulled by ten donkeys.Three 3-pound field guns were placed respectively.A 6-barreled rainstorm gun - a Chinese style organ gun.Another large vehicle is equipped with a Chinese specialty -50-tube rocket launcher.

100 gunners and rocketmen with broadswords behind their backs. 100 sailor musketeers serving as escorts.A total of 200 Raiders are ready to go.Li Kuiqi stood at the front with his head held high.Look ahead.Yin Feng stood in front of him.Nodding with satisfaction: "Good job. You assembled the guy so quickly. Your task is to lure the enemy. Be careful not to get entangled with the enemy. Come back immediately after giving the gift. The Japanese pirates burned so many houses in our Taiwan and Hong Kong. We also Tat for tat. Go."

The mouth of the Inari River where Yin Feng's main force landed now.The straight-line distance from Shimadzu Furnishing City Tsurumaru Castle is only 3 miles.The north is hilly and mountainous.On the other side is the beach in the port area of ​​Kagoshima.The north bank of the estuary.It is the landing point of the Jesuit missionary Francisco Javier who introduced Catholicism to Japan when he first arrived in Japan.

From Tsurumaru Castle to Inari River.Basically plain terrain.It is indeed a good place to fight.

So Yin Feng didn't dare to neglect.The forward Sailor Musketeers have been asked to set up a security position 500 steps away from the landing site.


The main force of infantry.The 4 battalions of the first regiment Yang Dacheng had 2000 people.The 4 battalions of the 2500th battalion of the second regiment Med are forming a team by the river beach.Desperately move all kinds of weapons, equipment and ammunition to the shore.

After nightfall.Torches were lit all over the Chinese camp.The figure flickered.Looks very busy.The Satsuma Shimadzu family has decided to go out to the city tomorrow for a field battle.The entire Tsurumaru Castle, 1500 meters away from the Chinese camp, and the samurai residences and castle towns outside the city were also brightly lit and moving.There are many swords and guns.Also busy preparing for battle.

The port area north of the mouth of the Jiatuchuan River.The sailors of the Chinese army and the sneak attack reconnaissance team of the Shimadzu samurai continued to clash at night.Small-scale hand-to-hand combat continued on empty beaches and in the grass of the plains.

The Shimadzu samurai who are familiar with the terrain and have good melee skills made the Chinese Sailor Musketeers suffer from the beginning.

In order to ensure the safety of the left wing of the landing bridgehead.Yin Feng had to dispatch 150 special battalion fighters from Luo Aquan.Let them rush into the dark.Proceed to the mouth of Jiatu River.

The entire first half of the night on the beach plain between the Kotuk River and the Inari River.There were dozens of skirmishes in the dark between the Chinese and Japanese armies.

There are five wooden bridges on Jiatu River.From the upper reaches are "Yujiang Bridge", "Xinshang Bridge", "Xitian Bridge", "Gaoli Bridge", and "Wuzhi Bridge".Xinna Tadahisa and his grand-nephew Xinna Fujiwara presided over this night's sneak attack and disturbance battle inside the Royal Gate of Nishida Bridge.

At first the flames of musket fire continued to appear on the plain ahead.That's the Chinese shooting guns at night.As a result, the muzzle flames made them the target of Shimadzu's archers.

gradually.The flames diminished.Disappeared.There were more faint screams and the sound of swords clashing.Then.There are constantly retreating squads of Shimadzu samurai appearing on the other side of the bridge.Help each other back to the other side of the bridge.

The two Xinna family warriors, one big and one small, looked at each other.I feel unbelievable.Could it be that the brave Shimadzu samurai failed in the hand-to-hand combat at night?

"What's going on?" Xinna Zhongjiu held back a warrior of the family.He asked sternly, "Why did you come back in such a state of embarrassment?"

The samurai held the door.Exposing the wound on his back; the short crossbow arrows have been stuck in his back.

"what is this."

"A kind of crossbow that fires continuously. It is silent. It fires more than ten bolts at a time. And the opponent is also a master of night combat..." The wounded man took a breath and said, "They were able to lurk behind us without making any sound. We are defenseless..."

"take a look."

Shinna Fujiwara suddenly opened his mouth wide.Pointing to the north and yelling: "It's on fire. Tsurumaru is on fire."

The warriors at the imperial gate of Xitian Bridge turned their heads and looked north.At the same time, he took a deep breath.

The tall castle tower of Tsurumaru Castle caught fire.

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