Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 215 The Battle of Kagoshima Castle

The castle tower of Tsurumaru Castle, the main city of the Satsuma Shimadzu family, ignited a raging fire, and the flames enveloped the buildings above the second floor of the castle tower in a short time. At the same time, other buildings in Honmaru were also on fire. )’s watch tower also caught fire.

This is the "gift" that Yin Feng asked Li Kuiqi to give Shimadzu Tadahiro.

The earlier Tsurumaru Castle was built by the Ichirai family in the second year of Kuanyuan (1244) in Japan. The city is located on a mountain with an elevation of 1337 meters. Using the strong natural terrain of the castle, in the second year of Yanyuan (1462) in Japan during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, under the order of Shimadzu Sadahisa, the fifth generation guardian of the Fang Shimadzu family in the Northern Dynasty, the eldest son Shimadzu Raihisa (ancestor of the Kawagami clan) Started to attack the Ichirai family belonging to the Southern Dynasty. After two months of fierce fighting, Laijiu withdrew his troops. Tsurumaru Castle was captured by Shimadzu Riku in the third year of Japan's Kansho (1529), and the Ichirai family finally perished. Japanese Astronomy In the eighth year (15) June [-]th, Shimadzu Mihisa formed an alliance with Shimadzu Echizen Mamoru and Shinnahita Shou Zhongmiao, and Shimadzu also guarded Tsurumaru Castle to rebel and guard. Later, Shimadzu Takahisa and No.[-] guardian Together with his father Zhongliang, Tsurumaru Castle was captured and surrendered.

Before the construction of Tsurumaru Castle, the main city of the Shimadzu family was the inner city (now Tailong Town, Kagoshima City). Although it is called a "castle", it is actually just a mansion dug with a moat, and its defense is extremely strong. Lack, in 1600 (the 5th year of Qingchang), after the defeat of the Battle of Sekigahara, Shimadzu Tadahiro moved his main city out of the inner city, and built a new main city at the foot of the city mountain, named Tsurumaru Castle, which was built with the city mountain behind Pingshan City, with Jiatuchuan in front and Chengshan in the back, is well-defended. Jiatuchuan in the Warring States period came along the east foot of the city (the river of Jiatuchuan in the Sengoku period of Japan still flowed through the east of Chengshan, and Jiatuchuan has been diverted 600 years later. Flowing through from the west of the castle mountain), most of the Kajiya town and the castle town on the right bank of the Kotsu River are on the south bank, so the Kotsu River, which is only tens of meters wide, has become a natural barrier to the east of Tsurumaru Castle.

Li Kuiqi's surprise attack team led the way by the Fujian businessman who had business dealings with the Satsuma Domain. After nightfall, they set off, headed north along the Inari River, and turned west at the foot of Shiroyama. 200 surprise attack team members drove five carts along the way. Quickly and aggressively, all the Satsuma people who escaped along the way would be dealt with and silenced on the spot without any politeness.

In the middle of the night, the group finally came to the other side of the Koto River near Tsurumaru Castle. The Shimadzu army on the other side was tightly defended. Rows of torches were lit along the outer trench of the castle, and there were patrolling samurai Ashgaru everywhere.

The tall castle tower of Tsurumaru Castle was not considered magnificent in Japan at that time, and there was nothing special about it. At that time, the core of the Japanese castle was called "Honmaru". This is where the castle tower and other daimyo's daily residences are located. It is "Ninomaru", and so on. The third level is "Sannomaru". Tsurumaru Castle is a castle with only two levels. The castle tower is 800 meters away from the place where Li Kuiqi and others arrived.

At that time, apart from heavy artillery, no weapon could hit so far.

However, the Chinese company army under Yin Feng had the unique long-range weapon in the world at that time-the thunderbolt rocket.

The rocket car with 20 rocket slide gauges was made temporarily when the army left Taipei, and it was basically a one-time use guy.

Li Kuiqi personally led more than 20 people, unloaded the donkeys, and pushed the rocket car as close as possible to the bank of the Jiatu River with human power.

The fuse was lit before the patrolling soldiers of the Shimadzu Army on the other side discovered it.

"Swish, swish..." With the rapid flow of flames on the fuse, twenty Thunderbolt rockets filled with gunpowder and oil were ignited and launched one by one.

Bright flames pierced the dark night sky one after another, and twenty flames went straight to Tsurumaru Castle. Half of the rockets changed direction during the flight and landed inside and outside Tsurumaru Castle. The rest of the rockets hit the castle tower. And the watchtower, after the explosion, the fire quickly ignited.

The Shimazu family samurai on the other side were stunned by the unheard of rocket attack and were completely at a loss.

The rocket car was ignited by twenty violent tail flames, and it ignited a big fire, like a torch. It was very bright near the river bank. Li Kuiqi and others were greedily watching those rockets falling into Tsurumaru City one by one. , suddenly found that he had been completely exposed by the fire ignited by the rocket car.

Li Kuiqi didn't bother to hide his figure anymore, he jumped up from the grass and shouted: "Brothers, run," he turned around and ran away. The Shimadzu family samurai, who was stupefied by the rocket, noticed the movement on the other side and woke up. Come here, dozens of archers hurriedly shot their arrows.

The Jiatu River is only a few tens of meters wide. Although some Japanese samurai's longbows had a range of several hundred meters at that time, the arrows of the Shimadzu family's samurai archers were only a few hundred meters long. The strength of the ground finally escaped into the darkness when the opponent's arrow landed.

The fire at the castle tower can be seen from more than ten miles away from Kagoshima City. The surprise attack team was a great success, and everyone retreated excitedly. On the way, Li Kuiqi set up an ambush with the cannon and rainstorm gun he carried with him, and chased him across the river. The Shimadzu family samurai once again expressed their welcome.

The samurai of the Shimadzu family fell under the intensive bombardment of shells and bullets, and had to stop their pursuit.

At dawn, Li Kuiqi returned to the Chinese Army camp amidst the cheers of the crowd.

The only regret is that Tadahiro Shimadzu escaped the fire. He spent the night supervising the preparations of his troops inside and outside the city, so the fire suddenly ignited in the castle tower and killed several of his concubines; The veteran Xinna Zhongyuan was unfortunately killed in the fire because he was ordered to garrison the city.

"Damn, hate, the sea merchants are too deceitful,"

On the morning of the [-]th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, there was a light rain before dawn, and the fire burning in the castle tower was extinguished in the rain. Shimadzu Tadatoshi angrily hacked at the ruins of the castle tower with only one floor left.

Shinna Fujimoto hurried over from Tianyuan Bridge, looked at the still smoking ruins of the castle tower and knelt down, crying loudly, and then knelt down in front of Shimadzu Zhongheng: "My lord, let's fight, let me fight!" As your vanguard, I want to take the head of Yin Feng, the leader of the sea merchants, and avenge my grandfather,"

Shimadzu Tadahiro offered his sword with both hands: "Fujigen-kun, you are now the head of the Shinna family, take my sword, bring your troops, and prepare to attack,"

"Kokubun Maizuru City Gikuden sent people here,"

The knight with the Shimadzu Kamaru Cross flag on his back came quickly and dismounted in front of Shimadzu Tadahiro.

The person who came was the messenger of Shimadzu Yoshihisa, and he brought the news of the reclusive Shimadzu Yoshihisa: Saruto Motomitsu, a servant serving Yoshihisa, brought 100 warriors directly under Shimadzu Yoshihisa to come to support, and said: must Defeat the Chinese maritime merchants, but don't destroy the relationship with the Chinese maritime merchants.

Neither Yoshihisa Shimadzu nor Yoshihiro Shimadzu disapproved of Tadahiro Shimadzu's attack on Taiwan and Ryukyu, but the good tradition of the Shimadzu family is to be consistent with the outside world: although there are many internal conflicts, they can always work together to put aside their differences and deal with the common enemy of the family.

Soon, Yoshihiro Shimadzu, who lived in seclusion in Kajimu, also sent support troops, and his message was similar to that of Yoshihisa.

Shimadzu Tadahiro felt that his two parents were vaguely accusing him of instigating the war with the Chinese company, but there was nothing to explain the matter so far, the most important thing was to defeat the enemy in front of him, and these hateful The enemy just burned down his lair, which is unbearable, and these Chinese must be defeated no matter what.

However, the support troops sent by Shimadzu Yoshihiro were 100 iron gunners and 100 gunners. The leader was Shigetsu Togo, a kendo master who created the self-display style (also known as the show-style style), the bow of Shimadzu Yoshihiro. The companion, Shimadzu Tadahiro's swordsmanship coach, and two Satsuma warriors including Kawakami Shirobei and Kubo Shichibei, members of the so-called "Five Spears of Xiaohui".

During the Battle of Sekigahara, when the Western Army was defeated, the Satsuma soldiers were extremely fierce. They gathered in one place and launched a frontal assault on the Tokugawa Army of the Eastern Army. They cut a road diagonally in front of the Tokugawa Army. This formation broke through from the front. At that time, Shimadzu Army's vanguard became famous in the first battle. Kawakami Ukyo Ryo, Kawakami Shirobei, Kubo Shichibei, and Oshikawa Liubei were called "Xiaohui's Five Guns".

Now, except for Kawayama Hisakao and other generals who hang alone overseas on Ryukyu Island, the existing famous generals of the Shimadzu family have gathered under Tsurumaru Castle. Ask to fight with the belief that you must win.

Therefore, early in the morning of this day, the Shimadzu Army Battalion began to cross the Kotogawa River one after another, and deployed on the plain between Shiroyama and Kagoshima Harbor.

And Yin Feng's side is also dispatching troops to prepare for a big battle.

Among the generals on Yin Feng's side, apart from Li Kuiqi from the Artillery Battalion, Yang Tiansheng from the First Regiment Superviser, and Yan Siqi from Zhao Tie's South Route Army who was a hero in another time and space along the coast of China, there was basically no one in the original historical time and space. Once left in the annals of history.

And Yin Feng himself is a person who should not appear, leading the originally unknown untouchables Danhu, Chinese pirates, fishermen, and farmers to appear under Kagoshima Castle, facing the Satsuma army, which is known as the strongest in Japan.

His army is mainly composed of flintlock gunners and arquebus gunners, and the spearmen and shield swordmen are mainly members of the sailor musketeers and Yiwu bird musketeers, accounting for less than one-tenth of the total force.

In contrast, the main force of the Satsuma Shimadzu army was still samurai. Although there were a large number of iron gunners in the Japanese army at this time, the ashigaru, which consisted of iron artillery and long spear teams, did not become a decisive arm. Long-range weapons were used, and in the final situation, the close combat with swords and guns in the hands of samurai was still used to determine the outcome. It cannot be erased at the end of the era. On the one hand, firearms that require scientific knowledge are widely used, and on the other hand, the art of war based on spells and astrology is still valued. An elite warrior who uses soldiers and weapons and is well versed in the rituals and allusive conventions of war.

It goes without saying that the daimyos of the Heian period were eager to organize large-scale iron artillery teams. In the daimyo army of the Keicho period at that time, the proportion of iron artillery was overwhelmingly higher than that of bows and long spears. Senior samurai also carried iron artillery. Even so, it cannot be considered that the improvement of the political status of the ashigaru class is directly proportional to its military importance, just as there are almost no cases where the iron cannon ashigaru is awarded a military merit certificate.

The so-called "people of the world" in Japan take the separation of soldiers and peasants as their ambition, which determines that they will strictly prohibit the participation of the people in the military. Prepared to mobilize the farmers and soldiers, but in fact these systems did not work,

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