Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 219 After the Great Victory

The Shimadzu family was known to run on the battlefield.Often use the horse back to kill the pursuer by surprise.now.Satsuma Samurai really suffered the heaviest blow ever.The "fishing and hunting" and the front and arrow array are all out of play.Shimadzu Tadahiro after crossing the Jiatu River.He ordered his men to burn down the wooden bridge on Jiatu River before the Chinese army.but.He didn't expect the small river tens of meters wide to stop the Chinese army.

and.At this moment, the direction of Yingwa Street in the south is already full of fireworks.There was a faint sound of gunfire; the Chinese Army South Route Army was already approaching Jiatu River.

Shimadzu Tadane walked north through the castle town for a short time.It turned out that he couldn't even go back to Tsurumaru Castle.

For the decisive battle on the Kagoshima Plain.The Tsurumaru castle guards were all emptied.Only 50 foot light iron gunners were left to guard the entire Tsurumaru Castle.At the moment of fierce battle between the two armies.Luo Aquan led 150 special battalion soldiers to climb the mountain from the east foot.Cross the Seongsan Ridge.Attacked Tsurumaru Castle from behind.Take this empty city in one fell swoop.On the Otemon (main gate) a Chinese flag with a blue background was erected.

Shimadzu Tadahiro and Shimadzu Tadasada and his son, who escaped from the battlefield, met at the base of Tsurumaru Castle.Counted the manpower.There are only more than 100 retainers and warriors in total.

They had no choice but to bypass Tsurumaru Castle.Run north across the city.I plan to go to Hyuga, Daou and other places to gather people.Counterattack again.Shimadzu Tadahisa's father, Shimadzu Yoshihisa, gave up Jujo.He led more than a dozen of his men to Kajimu in Osumi Shira County.Yoshihiro Shimadzu's retreat.Hastily discuss countermeasures.


From the direction of the mountains of the Satsuma Peninsula.Under the leadership of Yan Siqi, Taiwanese native soldiers who are good at fighting in mountains went all the way north.Boy Scouts used firearms to open up the Shimadzu family's branch towns.The Shimadzu family soon lost almost all of their base on the Satsuma peninsula.Shimadzu Tadahiro's Fushimi House was also occupied by the pursued Maid's troops.Yang Dacheng and Luo Quanxiu led the Third Battalion of the First Regiment, the Yiwu Bird Gunners, and foreign mercenaries to sweep the surrounding area of ​​Hewan City.Yin Feng generously assigned the castle town to foreign mercenaries.

Andre was very happy.On the night of the great victory in Kagoshima, he led people across the Kototsu River and entered the castle town.Kagoshima Castle suddenly burst into flames everywhere.Soldiers of the Chinese Army who were searching for remnant enemies in the samurai residential area of ​​Kajiya also contributed to the flames.The residences of those samurai who were stubbornly resisting were not polite and burned down.

The foreign mercenaries were busy most of the night.The harvest is not at all satisfying.Instead, Zhao Tie's troops came all the way from the southern part of the peninsula.Many branches of the Shimadzu family's retainers were broken.A lot of loot was obtained.

Don't look at the fact that the Shimadzu family has ruled the Satsuma Peninsula for 300 years.But.Not just the people under the jurisdiction of the Shimadzu family.At that time, ordinary people in Japan were very poor.Except for a few businessmen.The peasant class has absolutely no savings to speak of.In addition to some high-quality Japanese swords and armor in the homes of middle and lower samurai.It is also very poor.The living conditions of their families were not at all comparable to those of ordinary urban residents in China at the same time.

Only high-ranking samurai were wealthy.But they all live in their own home city or in their master's home city.The few merchants in Kagoshima Castle were members of the samurai class.This is not a commercial free port like Sakai City.Foreign trade was under the direct control of the Shimadzu family.It is an important economic income of the Satsuma domain.therefore.Foreign mercenaries rarely loot the castle town.This annoyed the mercenaries who were fighting for money.In a fit of anger, the castle town was burned down.Because Japanese urban buildings are mainly wooden buildings.The fire spread to the entire Kagoshima city.The samurai residential area also suffered.

Due to heavy casualties in the Battle of Kagoshima.The sailor musketeers who participated in the attack on the Gaji House in the samurai residential area also set fire to it.

Yin Feng has already entered Crane Maru City.That night, he rested at Shimadzu Tadahiro's other residence next to the castle tower.Lin Yue hurried to report that Kagoshima City was on fire.He just replied lazily: "Tell Yang Dacheng and Luo Quanxiu. Enough is enough. Leave some places for your troops to live in."

The troops of Mai De's second regiment and Yan Siqi's troops pursued Shimadzu Zhongheng and Shimadzu Yoshihisa overnight.Finally, we stopped at the junction of Satsuma, Hyuga, and Osumi.And set up a temporary camp outside the capital at the junction of the three states.A number of guard posts were set up around Mount Kirishima.The novice from the special battalion was sent around to inquire about the situation.

The tenth day after the Kagoshima victory.The spies sent by Luo Aquan came back.

"Where is Tadahiro Shimadzu?" Yin Feng asked the spy in Honmaru of Tsurumaru Castle.

"According to the captured Satsuma feudal official, he also went to Kajimu. He joined the two generations of Shimadzu family heads. We sneaked under Kajiki Castle. We asked some people. Local farmers saw that he only brought more than 100 Some people enter the city." The spy was with a guide.Fujian businessman Li Dayou went deep into Kajimu's house together.Now the southern Kyushu area is completely anarchic.No one paid any attention to these two people who dressed up as local people.The civil servant who was captured was Yamada Zheng.The guy was unlucky enough to be alone when Shimadzu Tadatoshi escaped.Running alone again.As a result, he was captured by Taiwanese native soldiers at the northern foot of Chengshan Mountain.

Yin Feng is thinking about what to do next; the typhoon season in Japan has arrived.If the Chinese army stays in Satsuma and does not leave.At least until October when the north wind blows before returning to Taiwan.He raised his eyes to see that it was his subordinate; Yan Siqi was lying at the door basking in the sun without any elegance at all.Mai De, Yang Dacheng, and Luo Aquan sat on the tea table as a stool.What are you discussing.

Chen Di on the other side stood up uncomfortably.Stretch your legs.He is getting older.Very unaccustomed to living on Japanese-style tatami mats; the damn place doesn't even have a chair to sit on.Chen Di has suffered a lot these days.I can't eat well and sleep well.

Although the Chinese army defeated the enemy.But the whole army was not very happy.Because the main members of the Shimadzu family, who were directly responsible for the attack on Taiwan, all fled.and.The whole army encountered the problem of acclimatization at the same time.The biggest trouble is the problem of food and grass.Although Yin Feng pays great attention to logistics.But thousands of miles across the sea to fight.This grain road is affected by sea waves.It is completely uncertain.Fortunately, when Tanegashima was occupied that day.The large amount of gunpowder prepared by the Shimadzu Army for the Ryukyu battle on Tanegashima became the munitions of Yin Feng's army.There is also a large amount of food prepared by the Satsuma clan for the Ryukyu troops to solve the problem of part of the Chinese army's munitions and supplies.

But food shortages have always been a problem.The number of Chinese soldiers is nearly [-].During the battle, the appetite was heavy; there was no news of the second fleet that should have arrived long ago.In order to save the food reserves on board the Chinese Army.Yin Feng ordered the landing troops to search for food locally as much as possible.During the capture of Yamakawa Port and the capture of Ibusuki and other branches of the Satsuma Clan.The Chinese army received a large amount of Shimadzu army food that was supposed to be shipped to Ryukyu; when it occupied Tsurumaru Castle.A large number of Shimadzu military supplies were also seized.

The problem is the Chinese soldiers who are used to eating rice, sweet potatoes, corn and dried fish.I am very unaccustomed to Japanese-style military rations.

at that moment.The Japanese do not have the habit of eating three meals a day.It was not introduced until the Edo period.In the Warring States Period, two meals a day were more common.

Warring States Period.Ordinary miscellaneous soldiers ate coarse grains such as wheat, millet, barnyard barnyardgrass, and taro; the food of warriors was better.They can eat vegetable rice cooked with brown rice and vegetables.If you are lucky, you can also eat white rice; finally.It is also the most luxurious military ration.That's what only daimyo or senior samurai are eligible to eat.It generally includes white rice, vegetables, fish, shellfish, chicken, etc.

Military rations of the Sengoku period in Japan.Generally, various coarse grains are used.Can be stored for a long time.But if it is left for a long time, it will agglomerate and become dry and hard.Soak in water before use.Soak it until soft.Synthesize rotten porridge.It will taste a little bit when you add salt.

At that time, a Japanese ashigaru’s daily ration was: 1 liter of water, 4.5 pieces of various coarse grains, 1 spoon of salt, and 2 spoons of miso.

Miso is a condiment.Made from fermented soybeans (soya beans).Mainly mushy.is a seasoning.It is also used as a soup base.Japanese-style miso originated in China or western Thailand.It is very similar to bean paste, soybean paste, fermented soybeans, etc., which are made from beans through mold propagation.It is said.It was introduced to Japan by the monk Jianzhen in the Tang Dynasty.There is also a theory that it spread to Japan through the Korean Peninsula.It is said that the longevity of the Japanese is related to regular consumption of miso.pity.This thing can't stand hunger.

"Damn it. Are all these Japanese slaves monks? They are always vegetarians. There is no oil or water at all." The young Li Kuiqi was still growing up.It's easy to get hungry.At this moment, he walked into the yard cursing.He came in with a group of naval officers.The group was led by Mai Dahai.Seems to be arguing about something.

Yin Feng raised his head: "What's the matter. Is there any news about the second batch of ships?"

Mai Dahai and others stood at attention and saluted.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Then Mai Dahai stepped forward and said, "Shanchuan Port has been attacked..."

Yin Feng jumped up.Standing up and rubbing his sore legs: "Damn it. What's going on. Is there any navy in Japan that can attack our Chinese warships? What's the loss?"

Mai Hai stood at attention.He raised his head and said solemnly: "Return to the commander. There is no loss of ships in the port. It's just that the Haihun, which just came back from Ryukyu, was attacked by a gang. It was attacked by fire."

Yin Feng jumped up: "What. The Sea Soul was attacked. How did it happen? Who is the other party?"

"We captured the three Japanese pirate ships and the thieves on board. We burned the other ten ships. Most of the upper sails and masts of the Sea Soul were burned..."

Yin Feng was really annoyed.He didn't even care that Mai Dahai was his brother-in-law.He rushed forward and grabbed him and said coldly, "What's going on with you. Why did such a thing happen under your nose."

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