Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 220 After the Great Victory

Due to his own negligence, the Haihun was severely damaged. Mai Dahai blushed because of this, and lowered his head in shame: "This, this, the Haihun arrived at the port the night before yesterday. It was windy, so there was no guard outside the port, and the enemy slipped in,"

"Then didn't the coastal guard posts be deployed? Why are the enemy's broken ships sneaking into the mountains and rivers in the wind and waves, underestimating the enemy, underestimating the enemy, you think the Japanese pirates have no warships that can compete with us, so you underestimate the enemy," Yin Feng said to Haihun The damage to the Sea Soul is very heartbreaking; this quasi-clipping ship is his painstaking effort, and it has cost countless money and manpower. In fact, due to the high quality requirements, the Sea Soul has been reworked several times. The construction quality of the clipper ship is not sure. After the completion of the Haihun, Yin Feng has not started the construction of the second quasi clipper ship.

Yin Feng calmed down for a while, feeling that his attitude was a bit out of control, he shook his head and sighed: "Okay, this is the end, after you go back, report the details to Zeng Ruijian's military department, and who is the enemy who came to sneak attack ,"

"According to the results of the interrogation by our Japanese officer, it is part of the Murakami Navy,"

"What, where did the Murakami sailors come from?" Yin Feng was taken aback: "Murakami sailors, are there still Murakami sailors? The Japanese pirates' sailors have disintegrated, and the Murakami gang has become Mori Terumoto Are the subordinates of the other daimyos already coming to support the Shimadzu family?"

Yin Feng cast his eyes on Luo Aquan, and Luo Aquan, who was in charge of the battlefield reconnaissance, immediately replied: "No movement from the famous people in Kyushu, our people have not found that there is a Japanese pirate army in the northern part of Kyushu,"

"Okay, Aquan, quickly send all your special battalion brothers out to closely monitor Kitakyushu Daimyo's every move, bring those locals who are willing to cooperate with us, and pay attention to safety,"

Yin Feng turned his head and looked at the restless navy officers. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Most of you are brothers who have followed me since Yazhou. I have led you to fight so many victories. I have also experienced fleeing under the city of Manila, and I don’t want to say anything more. I am also responsible for Mai Dahai’s dereliction of duty; I have always emphasized that our navy is invincible in the Japanese sea, but we all forget how cunning the Japanese pirates are. , what are you going to do?"

Mai Dahai thought for a while and said, "As a result of our interrogation, the attackers were partners in the navy of Shimanzi's family in the Satsuma domain. They were all pirates traveling between our country and the Japanese kingdom. Their base was in Changzhou. In the west of Honshu Island, if we dispatch the main force of the navy to destroy their base, we will definitely be able to deter the enemy,"

Yin Feng's mind trembled: "Changzhou, Changzhou Fan,"

During the Meiji Restoration, the "Sacho Alliance" that opposed the rule of the shogunate was well-known in the era before Yin Feng crossed over. The largest pirate king in history, Murakami Suijun, disintegrated after Toyotomi Hideyoshi promulgated the "Pirate Prohibition Order". Most of them defected to Kobayakawa Takakage's subordinates. As the head of the Mori Clan's sailor group, Mori Motoki was stripped of his land after the Battle of Sekigahara, and moved to a remote place called Hagi in Changzhou. The leader of the Murakami Navy, Murakami Takeshi , Jingqin was awarded the salary of Zhoufang Dashima County and moved there.

These naval forces and Japanese pirates from Satsuma and other places in Kyushu have frequently attacked the coastal areas of mainland China for more than a hundred years. Now because of the reduction of Maori Yuanhui's land and harvest, Changzhou's people are few and barren, and their strength is not enough. With the reduction of retainers, many of the subordinate people also fled. Without the financial support of the main family, the Murakami navy had to go back to the old business, and wanted to go to the coast of mainland China to do some cost-free business to improve their lives.

Several of the sailors who were captured by the Chinese army knew a little Chinese, and they were "real Japanese" who had been to the coast of Fujian and Guangdong. This torture method is very good), Mai Dahai and others figured out the ins and outs of this group of people.

It turned out that the mixing of the Murakami Navy and the Satsuma Navy was purely coincidental. When the Chinese Army occupied Shanchuan Port that day, several Satsuma Navy ships cruising on the east coast of Kagoshima Bay sneaked away. Met with a group of Murakami sailors, the Satsuma people persuaded the Murakami sailors to attack Yamamura Port together, but the Japanese pirates' weapons ships and scout ships lacked firearms, and they all relied on manpower to fight. Seize the ship, the result of the sneak attack can be imagined.

Yin Feng asked: "Are these people planning to go to the coast of our Ming Dynasty? Very well, leave a few sailors and needle masters who know how to sail. They are familiar with all the sea routes in Japan, and keep them to guide us in the future. The rest can be dealt with casually, by the way, what news did the Sea Soul bring?"

"The army led by Ji Zai of Ryukyu Island has fought smoothly and has basically recovered the southern area of ​​Ryukyu Island. The leader of the Japanese pirates, Huashan Jiugao, took the captive Ryukyu King Shang Ning and others to the north of Nakijin Castle and built a mountain city. , seems to be planning to fight for a long time, and the second batch of fleets has arrived at Naha Port, Ryukyu, and they will arrive here in a few days. There are a few Western ships coming with them, saying that they are going to Nagasaki to file a complaint..." Mai Dahai said faintly As he said, he was the leader of the Danmin sailor faction who was most loyal to Yin Feng in the navy, so he was still regretting his mistake: "Captain, the actions against the Changzhou Fan..."

Yin Feng patted him on the shoulder, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the attack on the Changzhou clan depends on the situation, and we will talk about it after the Nagasaki complaint begins..."


Ten days later, with the strong south wind, the second batch of ships arrived at Shanchuan Port on the Satsuma Peninsula. Hundreds of ships of various types entered the port mightily. Suddenly, Shanchuan Port could not accommodate so many ships, so half of them had to be allocated. The ship continued north and berthed at the port of Kagoshima.

This time the fleet mainly transported logistics supplies, a large amount of food and ammunition, and dozens of heavy armored knights from the cavalry regiment. The cheering Chinese army officers and soldiers drove a large number of local Japanese laborers to the port, and seized the time to unload the goods. .

These days, the Chinese army swept the entire Satsuma Peninsula, consolidated the military rule in the peninsula, and set up a series of defensive positions in the northern part of the Satsuma Peninsula. The people who wiped out the people in Satsuma were mainly carried out by Mai De's second regiment and Taiwan native soldiers. , Med’s legionaries have been stationed in various parts of Taiwan for many years to quell the rebellion and harassment of Taiwan’s indigenous people. For this kind of battle to quell the local situation in Satsuma, it can be said that they are familiar and handy. Moreover, during the Warring States Period, Japan practiced a complete separation of soldiers and peasants. Peasants only care about cultivating the land to support their families, and have no right to participate in politics. The samurai class has the power to kill them. In this era of constant wars, the masters on the peasants' heads are changed like lanterns, and they have long been used to it. The influence of nationalism. Therefore, as long as the Chinese army kills the leader of the warriors in a certain area, the ordinary people will be very obedient and surrender. The Japanese people express their obedience to everything the Chinese army does. The generals of the Chinese army below De Yinfeng were too embarrassed to bully them.

At the beginning, Mai De personally led the team to capture the residences of the Shimadzu family warriors, but soon discovered that once the leading warriors were killed, the ordinary Japanese soldiers and common people would immediately show good obedience. The "people's war" scene encountered in Taiwan, where the indigenous village community is all soldiers, is much easier for the people of the Satsuma Peninsula to deal with.

So Luo Aquan and his sharpshooters were invited to carry out Yin Feng's so-called "beheading operation".

This is usually the case: hundreds of people from the Chinese Army surrounded a certain small samurai's manor, launched some feints, and then asked the captives or the officer to call out the owner of the samurai, and then Luo Aquan's The sharpshooters deal with it; or find out where the leader is in the melee, and then let the sharpshooters solve the problem. Generally, as long as the leader is finished, the resistance in this place will end; sometimes the peasants who surrendered to the Chinese army will lead the way and sneak attack The hideouts of those warriors, remove the leaders of these warriors first, and the rest will disperse like birds and beasts.

In Kajiki Castle in Osumi Shira County, several generations of the Shimadzu family heads were sad and anxious all day long. The rescue messengers sent to various daimyos and the Tokugawa shogunate have been out for 20 days, but except for the daimyos in northern Kyushu who have responded When the shogunate went there, there was no gesture. Nobeoka Castle, Takahashi, and the fertile Ito family even tended to take advantage of the fire to rob. Only the Kato family of the Kumamoto domain sent an envoy to report that they would send troops to help. Obviously, everyone Waiting for the reaction of the shogunate.

These days, wandering monks, ape musicians, and peddlers have all gone to Kagoshima Castle in the Satsuma Domain. These people are actually ninjas and spies sent by various Ming Dynasty to inquire about news.

The names of the Chinese Army and the Taiwanese maritime merchants have spread throughout Kyushu. The Satsuma Shimadzu Army, known as the strongest infantry in Japan, killed more than 2000 people in just one battle. Most of the elite Satsuma Samurai were killed and injured. It never happened during Toyotomi Hideyoshi's "Kyushu Expedition".

How powerful is the Chinese United Company that can beat the Satsuma samurai so badly?

At this moment, another major event shocked the Tokugawa shogunate and all the famous names in Japan.

Nagasaki Mashoyuki received a petition jointly submitted to the Tokugawa shogunate by businessmen from the Ming Dynasty of China, the Dutch East India Company, Portugal, Britain, Siam and other countries; it sued the Satsuma Shimadzu family and the Sendai Date family for massacring businessmen from various countries in Taiwan for no reason and burning them down. There are countless goods and goods shipped to Japan from various countries.

The Tokugawa shogunate has not completely controlled the whole of Japan at this stage, and the Toyotomi family in Osaka Castle is still ready to move; Tokugawa Ieyasu needs overseas commodity trade to provide him with funds, and foreigners need to sell him cannons. Therefore, Tokugawa Ieyasu is now It is absolutely impossible to cut off exchanges with overseas countries, and the matter also involves the maritime merchants of the Ming Dynasty. This matter may cause political conflicts between Ieyasu Tokugawa and the Ming Dynasty, although Ieyasu Tokugawa does not think that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty will Stand up for businessmen and fishermen, but the incident in Taiwan will affect the enthusiasm of Chinese businessmen to come to Japan for trade, there is no doubt about it,

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