Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 221 After the Great Victory

Japanese expert Lu Ruohan accompanied Yin Feng to stand above the Otemon Gate of Tsurumaru Castle.Looking at the Japanese people coming and going inside the city gate.On the bank of Jiatuchuan River.A large group of local people are being driven to carry various materials to the city hills.They were supervised by Dutch fortification engineers among the foreign mercenaries.A fortress is being built on the city hill.

Inside Tsurumaru Castle.Yiwu bird gun soldiers are supervising thousands of Japanese people as porters.Transport all valuables in Tsurumaru Castle to Kagoshima Port.It is ready to be loaded on the transport ship of Zhonghua Company and shipped back to Taiwan.The century-old savings of the Shimadzu family were almost emptied.In addition to all kinds of armor, gold and silver treasures.There are more than [-] Japanese swords of all kinds, which are considered a windfall.You must know that Japanese swords were very popular in China during the Ming Dynasty.A good Japanese sword is worth thousands of taels of silver.Most of the Japanese swords collected by the Shimadzu family are high-quality goods.

In the direction of the castle town that has been burned to the ground.A large group of local people were driven by the Chinese army sticks.Roads are being built.This is a coastal road from Yamakawa Port to Kagoshima.Yin Feng intends to closely link Kagoshima and Shanchuan Port.Once the Japanese army launches anti-terrorism.The Chinese Army needs to retreat quickly from Tsurumaru Castle.This road will allow the brigade to maneuver quickly from Kagoshima to Yamakawa Port.

Yin Feng said with emotion: "Look at these Japanese people. They are still able to endure hardships. They eat rice balls with rice grains twice a day. There is no oil or water. They can only eat half full. There is only a very low salary. They are still diligent and diligent. If this kind of thing happened in Taiwan or Fujian, some of us Chinese people would have risen up and rebelled long ago. What a good people."

Lu Ruohan listened.Sweat on the forehead.

Yin Feng didn't look back.He smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Lu, you might say: I am abusing these Japanese people."

Lu Ruohan quickly shook his head: "Lord Qianhu. Oh, Lord Captain. I don't mean that. I just think that you treat the locals like this. It doesn't seem to be good for your rule."

Yin Feng smiled: "You're wrong, Mr. Lu. If I didn't treat them like this, these Japanese people would be in a state of panic. At least I let them work for rewards. Those Japanese daimyos confiscated peasants for work. They bring their own food. And I don’t want to rule the southern Kyushu. After all, this is the land of Japan. If it is occupied for a long time, it will anger the Tokugawa shogunate; after all, our Chinese United Company has not fully confronted the whole of Japan. Strength. In the sea we have command of the sea. But after all we do not have the ability to blockade the entire Japanese coastline. I am now waiting for the reaction of Tokugawa Ieyasu and the shogunate. If they want to negotiate. Then talk to them. If they want to go to war. We will go ;Of course. Before leaving, all the valuable things in South Kyushu must be emptied. You have to leave a deep memory for the shogunate."

Lu Ruohan was at a loss: "Leave a deep memory."

"The Japanese are a nation that worships the strong. They are absolutely docile in front of the strong. Therefore, once the Tokugawa shogunate intends to completely break with us. Our three giant ships will leave them with some memorial...Of course. I don't I hope so. After all, I came to Satsuma. I just wanted revenge on the Shimazu family of Satsuma. Most of this goal has been achieved."

Yin Feng said.Picking up the binoculars and looking at Sakurajima opposite Kagoshima Port: "There are volcanoes everywhere here. Sulfur reserves are abundant. No wonder Shimadzu's gunpowder is the best in Japan. On the final peace agreement. I would like to add one: If the Shimadzu family has no money to compensate for property losses in Taiwan, let them dig sulfur mines for us every year."

Lu Ruohan thought to himself: You will almost evacuate the wealth accumulated by the Shimadzu family over the years.How can they have any money?

There is another condition of the peace talks initially drawn up by Yin Feng that is more popular with the majority of Chinese soldiers; that is, the Shimadzu family should provide a large number of women to pay off debts.Actually.Banners have been erected at the port of Kagoshima.It began to recruit laborers and women willing to go to Taiwan from local ordinary people.

In the legend of the people of Satsuma.Taiwan is utterly rich and full of gold and silver.Although few Japanese people can read.But Zeng Rui, who was temporarily assigned to take charge of the matter, hired a group of Kagoshima businessmen, peddlers, and ronin.Let them go around to recruit the peasants of Satsuma.therefore.Farmers from all over Southern Kyushu came to sign up enthusiastically.

in a short time.The Chinese Army Labor Recruitment Office at Kagoshima Port was overcrowded.

Japanese farmers are also the same pragmatists as Chinese farmers.They saw that although the Chinese army was fierce, they were not cruel; after breaking through the city, they killed those warriors who were stubborn.Ordinary people only need to submit obediently.The Chinese army will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.certainly.Occasionally killing a few people by mistake is inevitable.This is comparable to the resistance of the Japanese army on the Korean peninsula.Indiscriminate and wanton massacres are much better.

thus.Japanese farmers from southern Kyushu came to the port of Kagoshima one after another to apply.Including a large number of Japanese women.

Zeng Rui organizes recruitment these days.I was so busy that I hit the back of my head with my feet.Days and nights of sleep deprivation.

A typhoon has passed through Kyushu Island these days.Kagoshima is also raining heavily.However, nearly a thousand poor Japanese farmers came to apply.Lin Shuisheng, the chief bosun of the Flying Leopard, who was in charge of recruiting on-site security, was drenched all over.Walk into the port of the former Shimadzu house.The current Chinese Army Port Management Office.Said loudly: "Gentlemen, I'm not going to work. The weather is too much to bear. I'd rather go back to the ship and work."

There are several people in the house who are working at their desks.One of them was the sixth son of the Zeng family.Zeng Rui, director of the old battalion supervisory military department.The other two were temporarily transferred from Yin Feng's old battalion headquarters to assist in their work.It was Chen Dong, the clerk, and Chen Dagao-Yu Zigao, the intern staff of the staff department.

"Brother Shui, you've worked hard." Zeng Rui smiled and stood up to serve Lin Shuisheng tea.Sailor Lin quickly stood at attention and saluted.Respectfully took the tea.Zeng Rui said: "The owner of the ship has an order. The first batch of returning ships will be loaded with 5000 Japanese laborers and women. Now there are more than 1000 short. You have to work hard." Zeng Rui was infected by Yin Feng's approachable personality.And never proud of his relationship with Yin Feng.Although my job is stern and selfless.But it has a good reputation in the Chinese army.

Chen Dong immediately complained: "Liu Master Zeng. These Japanese people have no surnames but only first names. Hachiro, Saburo, Daping, Xiaoping. There are too many people with the same name. It is really difficult to manage."

Zeng Rui nodded and said: "Yes. I'm also thinking about this issue. How about this. We will number all these Japanese people. Number one, number two. When the time comes, we will call numbers to identify people. This should be convenient. a little……"

At this moment, there was a commotion from the dock area.A sailor came in through the door with a smile on his face: "Report to the Superintendent. The women are here."

A large group of women in rags gathered on the rainy pier.It looked messy.

Zeng Rui, Chen Dong, Yu Zigao, Lin Shuisheng and others looked at the group of people dumbfounded.They looked at each other speechlessly.It took a long time.Zeng Rui grabbed a Japanese man who was standing in front of him and kept bowing.He said angrily: "Kawakami Imamoto. Are you kidding me? What are you doing with these old women, aunts and aunts. I want young women who are not married."

The Japanese general manager of the Chinese company standing on one side translated Zeng Rui's words angrily.That Kawakami Imamoto is a big businessman in Kagoshima.He is also the royal merchant of the Shimadzu family.A retainer of the Kawakami family branch of the Shimadzu family.Although he is only in his 30s.But I have been to various parts of Nanyang many times with the Zhu Yin ship.

Kawakami nodded and answered in blunt Chinese: "You misunderstood. These women are not very old. Although they had men. But their men are dead..."

Zeng Rui's forehead was full of black lines: "What. You found me hundreds of widows."

There is no concept of chastity in Japan these days.Historically, it would have to wait until Zhu Shunshui, a survivor of the Ming Dynasty, popularized Neo Confucianism in Japan.Only chastity is said.

but.The Chinese present could not accept it.Yu Zigao jumped up and cursed: "This is fooling us. Could it be that this Satsuma clan can't find an unmarried woman? Besides, these women are too ugly."

Zeng Rui suddenly remembered some anecdotes about Samo that Yin Feng had said.He said with a look of displeasure: "Look. These people and women are just dressed too old-fashioned. It seems that there are a few young ones. However, fooling our Chinese army like this. This is still unbearable. Come on. Get the whole family of Mr. Kawakami Take them to the boat. Send them back to Taipei Coal Mine to do hard work..."

Kawakami Konmoto was discouraged.Kneeling down and kowtowing again and again, he said, "My lord, don't get angry. Give me five days. I will definitely find you a young woman."

Zeng Rui is so sweaty: Why do I need so many women?He said with a straight face: "Among these women, those who are over 20 years old. You take them all back to me. You can go back wherever you come from. Next time, if I find out that there are women over [-] years old. Or they are ugly. I'll send you to the gold mines of Borneo to work as coolies."

In the Satsuma Domain territory.The samurai are because of the blood of the Hayato clan (Takayama clan. The Hyuga people in Miyazaki County, Kyushu are direct descendants of the Hayato clan).The Samoyed is quite excitable.This temperament.It happened to be used by the young warrior training system of Satsuma.The fighting power of the Satsuma clan did not decline in the slightest until the Meiji period.The youth training system generally begins with seven or eight-year-old Satsuma warriors.Saskatchewan usually has 24 at this time.Wife of five years old (sick marriage system).And can have multiple wives and concubines.These samurai have been training with force every day in their own homes since they were young.Those bravest and most upright teenagers.It is regarded as a symbol of the hometown to boast.

Because Samoans generally marry early.So these widows look old.and.The Japanese people who do not want to leave Satsuma are not too willing to marry their women overseas.Want to keep and marry the samurai.and.

When Zeng Rui was worried about not being able to find a beautiful young Japanese woman.Chen Zhongji, who is far away in Ryukyu, is in an arduous battle.

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