Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 228 Overcoming the Ninja

The general attack of the Kyushu Allied Forces ended anticlimactically.All the big names and generals in the coalition army came to the formation one after another.Come to see General Itakura Shigemasa.In fact, they came to find out how to go next.Under the influence of traditional Japanese culture.The samurai were unwilling to go without a fight; it's just that the Japanese bushido of this era is not as perverted as the later generations.No one wants to die pointlessly in a hopeless battle.In the hearts of warriors.Fight to the death with your opponents in hand-to-hand combat.Killed with guns and artillery with opponents who were invisible.It's totally two different things.

but.The Chinese Army did not hold its ground.Instead, he took the initiative.

The first battalion of the first regiment mobilized Yu Zigao's troops.Concentrated 800 people rushed down from the city hill under the cover of artillery fire.Charged with a bayonet and rushed into the position of Terasawa Kentaka's headquarters at the foot of the mountain in one fell swoop.The Tangjin soldiers who were retreating suddenly collapsed.They even disrupted the troops of Kuroda Tadyuki, Ogasawara Tadama, Matsudaira Shigenao and others who were behind them.At this time.The Taiwanese native soldiers ambushing in Sanchongyue Mountain rushed out of the mountain.A heavy blow was given to the Karatsu Fan soldiers, Kuroda Tadayuki and other soldiers and horses from behind.Around two o'clock in the afternoon.The right-wing troops of the Kyushu coalition completely collapsed.

At the same time that Huang Lue's first regiment and first battalion launched a bayonet charge.The foreign mercenaries and Yiwu bird gun soldiers guarding the fortress at the mouth of the river also drove out of the fortress.Under the cover of fort fire.Arranged in neat rows.A volley of muskets fired at the left wing of the Kyushu Allied Forces.walk slowly.Oppress the positions of the Japanese troops.Andre, the commander of the cavalry regiment, led 60 cavalry across the estuary.Diagonally rushing towards the chaotic left-wing troops of the Kyushu Allied Forces.

This is the first heavy armored cavalry to appear on Japanese territory.Although only 60 rides.But the heavy cavalry, whose men and horses were wrapped in plate armor, was like a moving hammer.In one fell swoop, the left wing position of the Kyushu Allied Forces in chaos was smashed open.Rush through the bow and arrow shoots carried out by the Japanese in a hurry.Crashed into the middle of the Kurume soldiers who were preparing to retreat.Poor ashigaru who only had bamboo armor, many of them were crushed and trampled to death by Arabian war horses wrapped in iron armor.The heavy cavalry turned around and returned to the bank of the river mouth.They left corpses all the way behind them.This is the surprise attack of the heavy cavalry.The left wing of the Kyushu Allied Forces was rushed to pieces.The scorching firepower of the Chinese military wall in the past two days has already made the morale of the Japanese very low.The fleeing Kurume soldiers disrupted the remnants of the Ogura clan behind them who would not be able to retreat in the future.

When the student army led by Yan Siqi rushed to the north bank of the Inari River.The soldiers stationed here have already started to line up in front of the position.The Central Front of the Chinese Army is also preparing to attack.

The head of Crane Maru Castle.Yin Feng watched the battle on the front line with a telescope.He kept laughing and giggling: "Look. This is what a strong Japanese army is. No one dared to look back. They all ran away. It is Satsuma's Shi Manzi who has the backbone...."

Lin Yue and Magaro's personal guards were on the verge of a formidable enemy.Hundreds of people stood in a circle behind Yin Feng.Yin Feng was surrounded by three layers inside and outside.

This was done because Yin Feng had just been accidentally assassinated.

All the Japanese have been cleared out of Tsurumaru Castle long ago.but.A Japanese assassin who sneaked into Tsurumaru Castle at some point.The sailors of the third fleet who pretended to be loading and unloading ammunition for the Chinese Army.Sneak into the ruins of the castle tower secretly.He fired a shot at Yin Feng who was standing at the top of the city 300 paces away.The bullet landed on the city wall a few feet behind Yin Feng.Hit a little spark.

The assassin used the Shimadzu family's self-fired iron cannon.But he is not a professional iron gunner.Don't know the performance of the gun.Any smoothbore flintlock in the world at the time.Attempt to shoot and kill at this extreme distance.Basically shooting the moon.Meaningless.

The near-miss assassination did not hinder Yin Feng's good mood.He continued to happily watch the rout of the Japanese army from the top of the city.The sailors of the third fleet, which was loading and unloading goods in the city, organized themselves.A thorough search was carried out on the ruins of the castle tower.

Chen Di beside him didn't understand Yin Feng very much: when Yin Feng was conquering the natives of the island in Taiwan.Killing without reason is strictly prohibited, and ordinary indigenous people are required to be treated kindly.And since Yin Feng came to Kyushu Island.Seems to have completely changed his personality.Very cruel to the Japanese; and.Yin Feng ordered the Chinese army to wantonly plunder people and property.There is no such thing as a teacher of the benevolent or a teacher of the king.

Chen Di reminded Yin Feng: "Captain Yin. The sailors have caught the assassin."

Missionary Lu Ruohan squeezed into the defensive circle of the guards.Wiping the sweat from his brow, he said, "The assassin has been caught. He's a ninja.  …"

"Ninja." Yin Feng became interested when he heard it.Quickly asked: "Send a ninja to assassinate me. But this is too unprofessional. It's so stupid to want to hit me at such a distance."

Lu Ruohan smiled and said: "The sailors checked the assassin. He carried a lot of weapons for melee assault. It may be because our defenses here are too strict. He had to make such a move...He has arrow patterns on his body Chapter mark. It should be the successor of Iga Ryu Hattori Hanzo... There are also iron cannon masters among ninjas. Fortunately, this one is not."

Warring States Period.Famous figures such as Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi have all been assassinated by iron cannons.Now.Yin Feng was also fortunate to encounter it once.

The term ninja was officially used in the Edo period in Japan.But the history of ninja goes back much farther.It is said that Prince Shotoku was the first to send a "ninja" to complete a mission in Japan.at that time.Ninjas are commonly known as shinobi.At the same time, different eras and regions also have their own unique titles for ninjas: for example, in the Asuka era, they are called "shinobi".It was called "Scout" in the Nara period.There are many names for the Warring States Period.Among them, the most widely spread is "chaotic waves".Named by Takeda Shingen.The Edo period used the same "ninja" as today.

The Edo period was the period when the name ninja was officially established.It was also the beginning of a period of peace in Japan under the rule of the Tokugawa family.This caused the ninjas to lose their stage of activity.The effect is getting smaller and smaller.Finally, it faded out of people's sight.Many ninjutsu have thus been lost.The last record about ninja activities.It was the "Shimabara Rebellion" in 1637.Ninjas participated in this battle as subordinates of the shogunate.

Ninja work.It is mainly to carry out various espionage activities such as secret strategy, sabotage, assassination, collection of enemy frontline intelligence, and disruption of enemy support bases for the lord.A ninja must remain anonymous while alive.In company with darkness.Not even a single word can be left behind.In order to avoid future revelations.therefore.There are very few historical records about ninjas.Only a few ninjutsu secret books record a ninja beside Prince Shotoku.The origin of the ninja has also become a historical puzzle.

Later, there were countless ninjutsu genres in various parts of Japan.But get to the bottom of it.The origin of ninjutsu can be traced back to Iga (northwest of Mie Prefecture) and Koga (south of Shiga Prefecture).The two are of the same origin.Many relatives.But if the employers (lords) of each other are in a hostile relationship.They had to fight against each other.Even brothers fight against each other.

Lu Ruohan said: "I heard some ninja legends from the shogun. When they lurk, they just pretend to be several people to carry out activities. Generally, they are occupations with high mobility: one is a monk. That is, an ordinary monk; two It is the nihilistic monk. That is, the monk who wears a garden-shaped bamboo hat on his head, wears a cassock, and plays a flute for alms; the third is Yamabushi. That is, a monk practicing in the mountains; the fourth is laying down his master. Similar to Chinese street performers; There is also the so-called Chang Zhi Xing. These are ordinary people who are usually seen. But this requirement requires a certain dialect. The sixth is merchants and peddlers. Specialized in small business merchants; the last one is ape musicians. artist."

Yin Feng nodded: "Interesting. Although these people sound mysterious, they should still have some abilities. At least he can lurk among our sailors. He can speak fluent Chinese. He has not been discovered by us for so long. Okay. .Leave this alive. It may be useful in the future. It is said that this ninja skill was first spread to Japan in the Tang Dynasty of our country. But now I am the whole country of the Ming Dynasty. It is very difficult to find talents with this kind of latent assassination skills... ..."

Lu Ruohan was muttering in his heart: Is this ship owner trying to assassinate someone?But he dared not ask this question.I had to bury it in my heart.

Chen Di was secretly surprised.But he didn't make a sound.

Yin Feng looked at the battlefield again.It was discovered that the central headquarters of the Kyushu Allied Forces in Japan began to shrink.Moved out of the stubborn posture.Hastily ordered: "Lin Yue. Give the order; all troops stop chasing. Return to the main formation. Tight defense."

Chen Di frowned and said: "The soldiers and horses of the Japanese bandits are still in formation. There is no chaos; besides, the Japanese soldiers and horses have not lost much. It is true that they cannot be chased anymore. Captain. Why did the Japanese behave so ruthlessly in this battle? Fighting spirit."

The signal rockets that issued the order rose into the sky one after another and exploded.Yin Feng smiled and said: "Actually, people in Japan gloated over the failure of the Satsuma Domain. The Tokugawa shogunate wanted the Shimadzu family to suffer. Hehe. Intrigue and intrigue. This is the same in Japan."


When night falls.The Chinese and Japanese armies held positions ten miles apart from each other.No more battles.The Kyushu Allied Forces of Japan finally stabilized the situation in the front.But the collapse of the left and right wings forced them to retreat all the way to the south of Kajimu to camp.The remaining soldiers and horses in the coalition army are less than 3.Not many of the rest died on the battlefield.Most of those who disappeared were under the leadership of the daimyo or lord of the domain.Already slipped away.A small daimyo with a salary of tens of thousands of stones like Higo's Renyoshi City Lord Sagara Laifa.It's almost gone.Only the troops belonging to the Kumamoto Domain and the Karatsu Domain remained in Satsuma.

Yan Siqi did not get the combat mission.Dejectedly, he returned to Tsurumaru Castle.He wandered around outside the side hall of Shimadzu's house where Yin Feng lived for a long time.Always look inside the house.After Yin Feng had a meeting with Zhao Tie, Mai De and other generals.Send them out in person.At a glance, he saw Yan Siqi wandering outside the door in a state of anxiety.

Yin Feng's mind turned.I smiled wryly.He greeted loudly: "Zhenquan. What are you doing? Can you find me if you need anything?"

Yan Siqi's body shook.Turning to look at Yin Feng.With a grimace.


The two masters and apprentices sat face to face on Japanese tatami mats.Yin Feng pulled a small coffee table.Pour tea for Yan Siqi.

"How is the Ryukyu Island?" Yin Feng had already guessed the reason for Yan Siqi's depression.He calmly spoke first: "Shang's royal family has already settled it."

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