Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 229 Pacifying Ryukyu Satsuma

Yin Feng said to Yan Siqi kindly: "The royal family of the Shang family has usurped the throne in the first place, and now it's a worthy death for them to accompany the previous kings..."

Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom used to be the three kingdoms, and Shannan, Zhongshan, and Shanbei fought against each other. Shannan's Sashiki Senshi Sho Hashi secretly formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Dali Senshi Wang Yingzi and Wang Yingzu, waiting for an opportunity to overthrow the Zhongshan King Wuning. In 1406 AD, Shang saw the time was ripe. Hachi, who led an army in Satsuki to attack Wuning, the king of Zhongshan, supported his father Shang Sishao and entered Urasoe Castle, ascended the throne as King of Zhongshan, and created the first Shang Dynasty. In 1416 AD, Shanbei King Pananzhi broke the alliance with Shannan King Ta Luhai, sent troops to crusade, and unified Ryukyu.

The Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom has been a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty since Shang Bazhi, and every king has to be canonized by the Ming Dynasty to obtain the legal right to rule. In 1469, the powerful minister Jinmaru launched a coup and ascended the throne of Zhongshan King, in order to cover himself. The fact of the throne, as well as the recognition and canonization of the Ming Dynasty, Jinmaru pretended to be the son of the Shang family (Shang Yuan), and claimed to be the orthodox continuation of the first Shang dynasty, so the dynasty he established was called the second Shang dynasty in history.

The first Shang dynasty lasted 1406 years from Shang Sishao's accession to the throne in 1469 to Jinmaru's seizure of the throne in 63. There were seven kings, and the seventh king, Shang De, was a tyrannical and stupid king. Excellence, contentment and remonstrance, "behavior is indulgent, rewards and punishments are selfish, and ministers are afraid of his prestige and dare not speak out.

In the era of King Shangde, the only person who dared to speak out about his faults to Shangde was Jinmaru. Jinmaru was an important minister in Shang Taijiu's era. He was born in a commoner, but he was quite brave. On the side of Chengyusuo, he is deeply trusted, and all government affairs, big or small, are discussed with him before implementation. After Shang Taijiu died of illness, Kanemaru continued to assist the Shang family. Around 1469 AD, he lived in seclusion in his own territory. Like many tyrannical kings, Shangde advocated martial arts and was violent and warlike. In 1466 AD, King Shangde personally conquered Qijie Island (Xijie Island). Shangde led 2000 troops and used 50 A number of military ships went on an expedition. On April 22 of the following year, Shangde died of illness at the age of 29.

Shangyuan (Kinmaru) was born in a commoner in Shoujian Village, Yizena Island. This person was born in the 13th year of Ming Yongle (AD 1415) in a farmer's family in Moromi, Yizena Island. His nickname was Jinwan, Songjin, and Sidejin. In this year, Jinmaru and his family came to Yimingzhen, the head of the island, and then transferred to Morocai. Forced to make a living, Jinmaru defected to Shuri Castle as a slave. Fortunately, Jinmaru met a nobleman who changed his life- --Shang Taijiu, the prince of Yue, was appreciated by Shang Taijiu, and was soon recommended to Zhongshan King Shang Sida as a red-headed scholar to serve Zhongshan King. At this time, Jinmaru was only 24 years old. Seven years later, Shang Taijiu promoted him to be the side official of Yuwucheng, in charge of Ryukyu's finances. A penniless commoner received such an exceptional promotion, which can be described as favored and generous. Shang Taijiu also called Jin Wan to discuss important political affairs. The tacit understanding between the monarch and his ministers created a prosperous age in which the people were well served and the treasury was enriched.

However, since the death of Shang Taijiu in 1460 AD, Kanemaru's official career has become bumpy. At the age of 54, the frustrated Kanamaru became an official and lived in seclusion in the inner territory. Its political life is just waiting for the right time.

In 1469 AD, the tyrannical Shangde finally died after the triumphant expedition. According to the usual practice, the Judiciary summoned a group of ministers and announced the decision to support the crown prince. He made great use of his political skills to stir up the dissatisfaction among the ministers, won the sympathy of Mao Xingwen, the old minister Anli, and others, and plotted a coup d'etat. , it is not a country of one person." The crowd mobilized the abolished sons to set up golden pills to satisfy the wishes of heaven and man.

Before the words were finished, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty agreed, and the riot broke out immediately. The royal family and the princess and the sons fled in a hurry and fled to Zhenyu City. Decided to cut the weeds and root out the roots, and sent troops to chase after him.

King Shangde's only son was killed by the officials, and he turned to support Jinmaru as king. The first Shang Dynasty came to the end of Shangde's generation. Watch the first Shang Dynasty kings, Shang Sishao and his son struggled to start a business, and the later kings, Although there is no relic of the ancestors, but he has never committed violence to the people. Most of the tyrannical deeds in the history of Shangde's dynasty may be written by Kanemaru and others in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Immediately after the destruction of the royal family, the officials went to the Uchima Goten in Kirika Tegari Village, Nishiharama, and urged Kanemaru to become king, but Kanemaru seemed to be ignorant, crying bitterly, reprimanding the officials for their infidelity and injustice. It is required to establish a famous royal family as the king (up to now, the royal family has been almost killed, how can there be a famous royal family?), and then avoided living on the beach. I had no choice but to look up to the sky and sigh that I took off the dragon clothes and went to Shuri to take the throne and Zhongshan established the foundation of the king's lineage." After some fabrications, Kanemaru finally came to Ryukyu. This year was 1470 AD, Kanemaru was 55 years old, Kanemaru Having won the throne, he immediately won people's hearts and restored the benevolent government of Shang Bazhi's era. For a while, politics returned to Qingming. The old officials who were dissatisfied with Shangde's tyranny in the previous dynasty were like fish in water, and they became officials one after another. However, Jinmaru's ascension to the throne is not legal. aspects of the reaction.

In the seventh year of Chenghua (that is, the year following Jinmaru's accession to the throne), Jinmaru sent envoys to the court to report the news of Shangde's death, claiming to be his son Shangyuan (in fact, he was more than 20 years older than Shangde), and asked to be crowned king of Zhongshan.

The vassal tribute system of the Ming Dynasty became more and more a symbolic ceremony in the later period. In fact, all the Ming Dynasty in the vassal state did not understand at all. He dispatched Hukedu to Shi Zhongqiu Hong and Xingrensi Xingren Han Wen to go to Ryukyu to perform the canonization ceremony. In the eighth year of Chenghua, the canonization envoy arrived in the Ryukyu Kingdom to offer sacrifices to the former king Shangde and canonize the new king.

The second Shang Dynasty, which followed, lasted 1609 years from the first generation Shangyuan (Kinmaru) to this year (139), and also experienced seven generations of kings.

Yan Siqi has lived in the sea since he was a child, and has experienced the dangers of life. Among the things and people he has experienced, the most special one is Yin Feng. Hearing this, his expression changed, and he sighed: "Captain, I have been with you for five years, you For me to learn to read and write, let me learn various tactical skills, and teach me the general trend of the world, just like a father and brother... In my heart, you have always been a hero of benevolence and righteousness, but... the King of Ryukyu is very important to me and the China United Company In other words, there is no crime, and I have already learned a lesson when I was trapped in the Japanese army, why do I have to put them to death, and why do all those nobles have to be killed, "

Yin Feng smiled wryly,...he had a letter written by Chen Zhongji in his hand, which described in detail the fate of the Ryukyu royal family:

Ten days before Yan Siqi returned to Kagoshima, Chen Zhongji mobilized thousands of Ryukyu people to manufacture 10 trebuchets, and then transformed the combat parts of the bombardment bombs and fuel-fueled Thunderbolt rockets into shells for trebuchets.

At the same time, Chen Zhongji arranged all the student troops brought by Yan Siqi to Yuntian Port, saying that he was responsible for intercepting the Shimadzu Army who might break out to the coast.

After almost mobilizing the oil and gunpowder from all Ryukyu Islands, Chen Zhongji ordered the entire army to bombard Nakijin City day and night with 50 cannons of various types and 30 trebuchets.

The temporarily built outer fortifications of the Japanese city were quickly enveloped in fire. The Chinese Army and the Ryukyu Royal Guard took the opportunity to launch an attack, and jointly captured the Japanese pirate fortress in the south of Nakijin Castle, cutting off the Shimadzu Army's water source.

The roar of the cannon blocked the city gate and the top of the city; the catapults threw huge fireballs into the city one after another, and they attacked without distinction for three days and nights. On the third night, Shimadzu Army Kawayama Yuki Department The last gunpowder magazine was ignited, making a deafening noise, and a huge fireball rose in the center of the city. The soldiers of the Chinese Army and the Ryukyu Army who participated in the siege were all startled by the sudden burst of light in the darkness.

Shimadzu's army was finally overwhelmed, and an envoy sent by Kawayama Yuki asked for negotiations.

Chen Zhongji met the envoy and made a request: return all the captured Ryukyu royal family and nobles including King Shangning, and then negotiate.

In the early morning, according to Chen Zhongji's request, Huashan Yuki sent Ijuin Hisumoto to escort Princess Shangning, Wang Shu and various nobles out of the city. Almost all the Ryukyu ruling class except the king were released.

Xie Yuanshui, captain of the former Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom's third officer Zheng Jiong's guard, and now Captain Wang Jiawei led 200 elite Ryukyu royal guards to respond, and brought nearly 800 members of the royal family and nobles to Yuntian Port.

Chen Zhongji told Xie Yuanshui in advance: "The land passage from Nakiren City to the south is full of people and craftsmen who support the front line. Our military food and ammunition passages also come from the south. After the nobles are out of danger, please take them to the north. Let's go, cross our army's line and board the ship at Yuntian Port, and our Chinese company will send them back to Shuri by ship,"

Xie Yuanshui did not doubt that he was there, and brought almost all the elites of more than 800 Ryukyu ruling classes to Yuntian Port and boarded the ship.

Yan Siqi led the student army to cooperate with the Sailor Musketeers to guard the outer defense line of Yuntian Port. While receiving the rescued Ryukyu prisoners, he looked around the crowd. Soon, under the morning sun, he saw Naha who came to accompany the princess on board Local wishing girl Shui Huaying, this beautiful witch he rescued from the Japanese pirate camp with his own hands.

The girl was dressed in solemn black, looked at him with a smile, and walked past Yan Siqi.

Chen Zhongji appeared behind Yan Siqi at some point, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Brother Zhenquan, did you fall in love with this witch?"

Yan Siqi scratched his head, and quickly denied: "There is no such thing. When we go back, we must not mention this matter to the captain's girl Rui'er."

Chen Zhongji sighed, without making a sound, watching the ragged and haggard members of the Ryukyu royal family and nobles at all levels board the boat.

Shui Huaying also accompanied the princess on the boat, and said loudly to Yan Siqi on the side of the boat: "General Xiaoyan, I'm leaving first, I'll wait for your triumphant return at Shuri Castle."

She shouted without embarrassment, causing a group of military cadets around Yan Siqi to boo, Yan Siqi blushed and waved his hand.

The three merchant ships of the Chinese company, carrying almost half of the members of the entire Ryukyu ruling class, slowly weighed anchor and left the port, heading south.

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