Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 230 Pacifying Ryukyu Satsuma

The ship carrying the Ryukyu nobles will never reach the shore.

Three Chinese army transport ships slowly headed south from the west coast of Ryukyu main island.In the evening of the same day, a fire suddenly broke out at the same time on the sea between Ie Island and Mina Island on the west coast of Ryukyu.Then it sank amid cries of help from all the killed royals and nobles.

before the incident.The members of the Ryukyu royal family on board suddenly found that all the Chinese crew members had disappeared.Three ships suddenly lost all their crews in the dark of night.This caused great panic among the crowd.Not long.The fire started on the lowest level of the three ships.Quickly swallowed the entire ship.

Zeng Xiren, Ryukyu director of the security department of Zhonghua Company, stood with his hips on a beach on the south coast of Ijiang Island ten miles away.He looked at the faint flames in the distance.He sternly said to the dozens of agents of the Ministry of Security who surrounded him: "Quick. Row the small boats to investigate immediately. All the small boats responsible for the search mission are ready to go. Pay attention. Wait a moment. If you encounter survivors, you will be killed. "

On the coast of Sesoko Island, five miles east of the burning ship.The sailors of the burning ship rowing more than a dozen lifeboats boarded the three-masted warship of Fan Tao, the deputy commander of the navy.The captain of the special battalion detachment disguised as a sailor reported to Fan Tao: "All the ships are on fire. All the firelighters have been arranged. The fire will soon burn the entire ship."

Fan Tao nodded.He ordered in a low voice: "All ships are ready. When the flames on the sea are no longer visible, quickly deploy a long snake formation and set off. Thoroughly search all the water surfaces between the three islands of Ie Island, Mina Island, and Sesoko Island .Do not let any suspicious objects go."

soon.Twenty Chinese company navy ships.More than a dozen small boats of agents of the Ministry of Security began a dragnet-style search of the waters between the three islands.

The ruling elites of the Ryukyu Kingdom were completely unprepared for these Ming maritime merchants who came to rescue them.Just one night.There was a huge void in the upper ruling class of the Ryukyu Kingdom.Chen Zhongji followed Yin Feng's plan in advance.Everything has already been arranged.While eliminating most of the ruling class of the Ryukyu Kingdom.He sent Xie Yuanshui and his troops, who had been fighting side by side with the Chinese Army, to the front line.

The day after the Shimadzu army returned the prisoners.Chen Zhongji used the excuse that the Shimadzu family did not surrender the King of Ryukyu.After a day of rest.The fire attack on Nakijin Castle resumed.Xie Yuanshui's Ryukyu Royal Guard was sent to attack the commanding heights in the south of the city.But at the last moment.The artillery fire covered by the Chinese Army stopped.The follow-up Chinese army reinforcements also stopped at the foot of the mountain.result.Almost all of Xie Yuanshui and his 200 subordinates, who had weak backup, died in battle on the hill in the south of the city.

Just two days ago.Chen Zhongji tentatively contacted Xie Yuanshui.Put forward the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to let the Chinese take power in the Ryukyu country.But Xie Yuanshui, known as a loyal minister, did not agree.His family was forced to move to Ryukyu Island by Ming Chengzu.Now he already considers himself a Ryukyu native.He never thought of betraying the Ryukyu King.

Chen Zhongji sighed.I had to watch Xie Yuanshui on the road of no return.

This act of treachery was to him.is very unacceptable.If it wasn't for his loyalty and gratitude to Yin Feng.He almost retreated.that day.He announced that the ships of the Ryukyu royal family and nobles were attacked by Japanese pirates in the waters south of Ie Island.All were killed by the Japanese pirates Shimadzu's family.

Yan Siqi finally realized that something was wrong.Personnel from the Military Intelligence Department and the Company's Security Department suddenly appeared in his defense line in the morning.Search everywhere for the liaison personnel stationed by the Ryukyu Army.In the name of Japanese pirate spies and spies, a large number of Ryukyu people were captured.

at the same time.The Chinese Army in Shuri and Naha also began to clean up their garrisons.

Yan Siqi was on the day when the operation to exterminate the Ryukyu ruling class began.It was discovered that Chen Zhongji, Zhang Hai and others were mobilizing troops to deploy; the Chinese Army camp surrounded the Ryukyu Army camp.It just happened to sandwich the Ryukyu Army between Nakijin Castle and the Chinese Army camp.in a few days.He heard that the Ryukyu nobles were attacked by Japanese pirates at sea.All drowned news; needless to say.Zhu Nu Shui Huaying is also on the list of the dead.

The original generals of the Ryukyu Royal Guard have all sank to the bottom of the sea with three transport ships.The elite of the guards died after Xie Yuanshui died in battle.There is no competent commander anymore.And learned that the ruler of the country disappeared overnight.They were completely overwhelmed with shock.In the case of leaderless dragons.The defense of cities such as Shuri, Naha, and Urasoe were completely under the control of the Chinese Army.These places were originally under the control of the Chinese Army.Now the Chinese Army has armed all the thousands of Chinese descendants in Kume Village.With them as the main force, a new royal guard was formed.Taking advantage of most of the noble class and lords died in the sea.There is an opportunity for a power vacuum across the island.The Chinese troops came forward to control most of the Ryukyu Island.

Yan Siqi watched the situation in Ryukyu change dramatically.Can't help but gasp: All these actions are actually to wipe out the upper Ryukyu ruling class with the help of the Japanese.It's just that the last step was done by the Chinese army.His suspicions were quickly confirmed; one night.Zhu Nu Shui Huaying actually appeared in his barracks alive.It turns out that Shuihuaying was born by the sea.Good at water; the plan to exterminate all Ryukyu nobles is in the process of being implemented.Everyone ignored her existence.As a result, she escaped by swimming.

Yan Siqi looked at the helpless and frightened girl.At a loss.People from the Military Intelligence Department, Military Supervision Department, and Company Security Department have already come to the door.Yin Feng has the strictest control over the military discipline of the student army.The Supervising Army of the Student Army is directly dispatched by the Supervising Military Department of the Guards.The strict military discipline and regulations of the Chinese Army make it difficult for anyone to bend the law for personal gain; an unidentified Ryukyu woman entered Yan Siqi's room in the middle of the night.This was enough for MI to send personnel to investigate.The agents of the Ministry of Military Intelligence quickly determined the identity of the woman.Zeng Xiren and Chen Zhongji were notified immediately.

Actually.Shui Huaying was still vague about what happened that night; because at that time, neither Zeng Xiren's security agent nor Fan Tao's sailors.All flags with the Maru cross pattern of the Japanese pirate Shimadzu family.but.Yan Siqi knew in his heart: the navy of the Shimadzu family had been wiped out.It is impossible to still have the power to attack the ships of the Chinese Army along the northern coast of Ryukyu Island.

He stood at the door to block the agents of the Ministry of Military Intelligence and the Ministry of Security.Although not armed.But his face was full of blackness.He first said to his brothers in the guard: "Go away. It's none of your business." Then he said coldly to the agents who surrounded him with torches: "Go and call Ji Zai. I want to talk to him say."

Zeng Xiren squeezed over from behind the crowd.He looked Yan Siqi up and down.Handed him a document coldly: "Let's have a look. An order written by the owner of the ship himself. Authorize Ji Zai to handle everything on Ryukyu Island."

Yan Siqi shook his head: "I know. I just want to say a few words to Chen Zhongji."

Zeng Xiren sighed: "You and Ji Zai are both the captain's protégé. Everyone knows that. I won't say anything more. The girl in the house. You have to hand it over."

Yan Siqi said coldly: "After handing it over."

"You have nothing to do with this. Brother Zhenquan. This is the captain's big business. You really want to fight against the captain."

Yan Siqi closed his eyes.Gritting his teeth: "I have never been unfaithful to the captain. I just suspect that you are acting without authorization. Damage the reputation of the captain's benevolence."

Chen Zhongji suddenly came to the Yuntiangang barracks.He came to Yan Siqi's residence alone.With a look of shame on his face.First, all the people who surrounded Yan Siqi's house were removed.Then he walked to Yan Siqi's door.Pat him on the shoulder.Said heavily: "Zhenquan. The owner of the ship doesn't know about it. Even if he does. We have to take responsibility. Do you understand?"

Yan Siqi shook his head in pain: "Why. Why did you do this."

Chen Zhongji smiled wryly and nodded: "Go to the ship owner and ask. I am only following the order. But I believe the ship owner is right to do so. Ryukyu Island is now the territory of our Chinese company. Taiwan Island will never be affected again. There's a threat from the north. Maybe. That's why the captain did it."

Yan Siqi sighed: "Then, this woman..."

Chen Zhongji waved his hand: "Forget it. Take her to Satsuma Kagoshima. Plead with the owner of the ship. Maybe... remember. Until the matter is resolved, this girl is not allowed to contact anyone. Understand."

five days later.Nakijin Castle was once again engulfed by fire.Kawayama Yuki's 800 remaining Shimadzu troops surrendered.The Ryukyu Regiment of the Chinese Army under Chen Zhongji executed Yuki Kawayama on Unten Port Beach: because the Shimadzu Army was before the fall of Nakijin Castle.Killed King Shang Ning, the ruler of Ryukyu Zhongshan Kingdom.

Except for the young eldest son Shangfeng who is firmly controlled by the Chinese on Ryukyu Island.No member of the Shang family is still alive.


Kagoshima in the south of Kyushu Island, Japan.Inside Shimadzu Home Town Tsurumaru Castle.Yan Siqi faced Yin Feng.He continued to vent his thoughts: "...Now people on the Ryukyu Island are in a state of panic. There are Ryukyu people everywhere against my Chinese company people. Why do you want to do this. Mr. Captain. As long as we control the ports and trade of Ryukyu. The Hong Kong garrison is monitoring. The Ryukyu people will be obedient and obedient..."

"How do you know that they will be obedient?" Yin Feng asked back: "The royal family of the Ryukyu Kingdom is between China and Japan. It has always been at the opposite ends of the head. It has two legs. Our Chinese company's army is just a private company under the merchants of the Ming Dynasty Armed. The Ryukyu royal family has always regarded the imperial court as orthodox. They will not bow to us at all. Once the threat of Japanese pirates is resolved, they will try to drive us away. Moreover. As long as the Ryukyu tribute arrives, the court will file a complaint. Our Taiwanese and Chinese companies will be punished by the court. Get into countless troubles."

Yan Siqi is not a simple impulsive man.But he has a little less overall concept than Chen Zhongji.And still at a relatively innocent age.Yin Feng's words made him calm down immediately.He looked down and sighed.

Yin Feng shook his head secretly: In fact, the time was set for the poisonous plan to exterminate the Ryukyu nobles.He is also very hesitant.This behavior is not in line with his nature.In fact, it was Lin Xiao and Zeng Rui who first proposed it.But in the end Yin Feng decided to do it.Chen Zhongji, who knows how to work around it best, was chosen to execute it.He took a sip of tea and said with a wry smile, "How is that girl?"

"She. It seems that she doesn't know the truth of the matter yet. But she has already begun to doubt." Yan Siqi said with her head bowed.

"Shang's royal family has only one son left. I decided to let him be the nominal king. In the future, I will pay tribute to the court and ask for canonization and other matters. I will let my father-in-law Zeng Yue handle it. All the officials of the royal family are Chinese and overseas Chinese. The imperial court will choose reliable people from the local Chinese to serve. Therefore, within a period of time, the imperial court will not know that the Ryukyu Kingdom is over. We are the ones who actually control the Ryukyu Kingdom.” Yin Feng paused.Looking at Yan Siqi seriously: "My lady's personal maid, Rui'er, has been taken in by me as a righteous sister. I plan to follow my wife's last wish and marry Rui'er to you. That Ryukyu girl. You can figure it out."

Yan Siqi walked out of Yin Feng's residence foolishly.Slowly walked back to the student army camp.

According to the regulations of the Chinese Army.Women are not allowed to exist in the barracks.so.Shui Huaying was arranged to live in a servant's residence in Tsurumaru Castle.It was guarded by two of Yan Siqi's personal subordinates.

Yan Siqi hesitated for a long time at the gate of the barracks.Lingered for a long time.He is not an orphan rescued by Yin Feng like Chen Zhongji.Obey Yin Feng completely and unconditionally.Yan Siqi was the earliest admirer of Yin Feng.Later, by chance, he became Yin Feng's subordinate.He still retains his simple integrity and loyalty to this day.Let him start to deal with a girl like Shui Huaying.That was a bit of a challenge.Yin Feng had already noticed this from Yan Siqi's expression.After he left.Can't help but sighed.

Zeng Rui, the supervisor of the Military Supervision Department, suddenly appeared.He said carelessly: "Brother-in-law. A man can't be shy when doing things. This Yan Zhenquan is too useless. Let the security department take action."

Yin Feng was also hesitating in his heart: after all, his background as a traverser.Made him aware of the darkness of politics; but his experience as a reporter.Let his sense of justice flood.When facing the only survivor of the plan to exterminate the Ryukyu nobles, Zhu Nvhuaying.Like Yan Siqi, Yin Feng was caught in the battle between heaven and man.

Zeng Rui saw that Yin Feng's expression was uncertain.I know he is still hesitating.He smiled faintly and said, "Brother-in-law, this is the territory of the Japanese pirates. If Shui Huaying falls into the hands of the Japanese pirates, it will be very bad for us."

When it comes to Japanese pirates.Yin Feng's spirit was lifted: "Yes. We must eradicate the roots. We deal with the Ryukyu people. In fact, it is to completely cut off the Japanese pirates' greed for Ryukyu. Okay. You can do it."

Watching Zeng Rui walk out of the yard quickly.Yin Feng sighed.

Not many people know the details of the Ryukyu incident.Zeng Rui is one of them.Zeng Rui was very happy.He felt that he saw a big change in Yin Feng: Captain Yin was changing from a simple hero who only relied on popularity to maintain his status.Transform into a lord who understands where the darkness of politics lies.

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